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Oh, so that's a deal breaker for you? 😂

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I slept for one. I can’t remember my dream either. I think that it was something about JJM saying that she was coming to visit me....



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I didn't get very far. :o  The short person got a babysitting job tonight and needs a ride.


(BTW, have I mentioned that it's also the week of her birthday present deliverY?  She's going to see Needtobreathe on Friday and Rend Collective on Saturday.  And I get to drive to those, too (Big City and Not So Big City, respectively)

Edited by JoJosMom
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We went to Disney World when we had 3 kids -- ages 4, 2, and 6 months.


My parents were wintering near Orlando.  A day at Disney was our Christmas present.  (And their excuse to get us to stay with them for a week.)


IMO, our kids were too young.  We all enjoyed it -- a lot -- but the kids' only memories are in photographs and videos.



I went to Disney when I was 10/11.  I remember very, very little about it.

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We went to Disney World when we had 3 kids -- ages 4, 2, and 6 months.


My parents were wintering near Orlando. A day at Disney was our Christmas present. (And their excuse to get us to stay with them for a week.)


IMO, our kids were too young. We all enjoyed it -- a lot -- but the kids' only memories are in photographs and videos.



I went to Disney when I was 10/11. I remember very, very little about it.

I was thinking like 4-8.
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I bought snowboots and snowshoes today. Snowboots because my previous pair wore out. Target didn't have the same snowboots I used to buy anymore, even though they had them for a number of years... (they last only two years on me before they wear out, but, they only cost me $20-$30... because I fit into a kids' size 6, and Celery had the same snowboots a couple of years as well). The snowboots Target has this year just don't fit right (too wide or something). I now got Columbia snowboots... still kids, but $60. I hope they'll last longer. I've never snowshoed, and we don't have snow yet (and, as far as I'm concerned, I'm not in any rush to get snow). They're mostly emergency preparedness, since we moved to an area that gets more snow (the south side of WNY gets more snow than the north side). Though I do think it'd be fun to go snowshoeing... sporadically. I actually wanted to last winter (and you can rent them at certain places), but the kids didn't have the right kind of shoes (as in, their shoes came off too easily, and you can't snowshoe if you keep slipping out of your shoes, or so I've been told). 

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This child of mine has spent the last 30 minutes watching "How It's Made" videos. Wanna know what got it all started? 

Batteries. She spent the first 15-20 minutes watching videos of how alkaline batteries are made. 


"Mom, you've got to watch this. This is just so very interesting." 


Now we're on to jelly beans and jawbreakers. 

She gets it from me and my dad. We've always loved this kind of stuff. I remember my favorite episode on Sesame Street being the crayon factory. 



That reminds me, we're reading a book called "Weird & Wacky Inventions", and it shows you a picture of something, and then gives you 4 things it could possibly be, and you have to guess what it actually is. Some people filed patents for some pretty odd things. 

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Lacking baseball action tonight, we are now at the bottom of the third in the series of DVDs. The Dodgers just got their field in Brooklyn and we built Fenway Park in Boston.

I'm feeling the need to stretch, but I think we have to wait until the seventh to do that, right?

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We only have gnats. DW bought a fly swatter. The holes are way too big for gnats. She wrapped plastic wrap around it. It's still not working all that well. That said, I don't hate gnats anywhere near as much as I hate flies. 

Edited by luuknam
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Lacking baseball action tonight, we are now at the bottom of the third in the series of DVDs. The Dodgers just got their field in Brooklyn and we built Fenway Park in Boston.

I'm feeling the need to stretch, but I think we have to wait until the seventh to do that, right?


Did you watch the game last night?  So fun!!

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I have a theory that so few of us have Disney memories because it's such a chaotic nightmare that we cope by blocking it out.   :laugh:

I've never been, so I can't say. But I understand that it's quite a wonderful place to visit. Just wouldn't be my kind of thing.

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I looked for the fly things you hang from the ceiling while I was at the grocery store yesterday, but didn't see any. :( I'm pretty sure that in the distant past (when we still lived in TX) we bought that fly paper at Home Depot once. Now, if only I had a reason to go to Home Depot...



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I am so angry. I could let loose a string of words to make a gansta rapper blush.


SO we got a new eye dr bc the old one was always ridiculously late and always seemed super rushed. Love the new one! So nice, specializes in kids, etc. best part? SHE GIVES MY CHILDREN THE BLEEPITY BLAKIN CORRECT BLANKY BLANKIN EYE PRESCRIPTIONS!!!


Yes, my old dr gave dd6 the opposite eye prescription. She is not super nearsighted in one eye, she is super far-sighted in one eye and after a year of wearing glasses for the opposite she has amblyopia. Her brain is literally like, “what eye? Haven’t got a signal from lefty for ages!†So she may have to wear an eyepatch for a while, she’s got tracking issues, and NO FREAKIN WONDER the poor kid can’t read.


ENB is too good for that...person.



I'm glad you have a better eye doc now.  Are they picking up the cost for treating the results of the other doc's mistake?

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I didn't get very far. :o  The short person got a babysitting job tonight and needs a ride.


(BTW, have I mentioned that it's also the week of her birthday present deliverY?  She's going to see Needtobreathe on Friday and Rend Collective on Saturday.  And I get to drive to those, too (Big City and Not So Big City, respectively)




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I will say that learning more about the history of a sport tends to make me more interested in it. The last real vacation I took (well over fourteen years ago) was to Toronto, and I was there to see the Stanley Cup. Not the one that sits there, but the old rings from the old teams I'd read about and had stories to recall. Really neat stuff.

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I watched until I had to go to sleep. I used to be able to stay up until whatever hour for some things (baseball okay, and hockey) but I become a pumpkin after nine anymore.


I guess we have discovered a benefit of insomnia.  :)  Ds17 and I watched every minute.

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You know you live in the South when a morning sees you out the door in a long sleeve shirt and jeans, and by three you are in a tank top and hunting for your shorts.



Yes, but what a glorious temp, to have even a little while in a flannel shirt and/or long jeans!

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NaNoWriMo can't come soon enough. I'm going to gnaw my fingernails to the quick because I don't have editing to do. Imma go play with my long synopsis now and try not to go too crazy.



Didn't you find some sentences to fix?

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Oh, and I facetimed with my mom for a while yesterday (or the day before... losing track of the days here, lol). She's got a black eye because some elementary school kids shot an acorn at her with a catapult as she bicycled past, and then ran off giggling. Not cool at all. 

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Wait.  I'm supposed to cook?



DD16 cooked the salmon tonight.  She said she put the last of the A1 on it.  No, she put the last of the KC Masterpiece Honey Teriyaki marinade on it.  She wanted to stretch it with honey, but couldn't find any honey.  I showed her -- it's in the tea cabinet, right where it always is.



It was tasty, though.  We reheated some leftover rice and pulled out some bagged salad.


I'm trying to remember if I even cooked at all this week.  I might not have; I've been busy.

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I have a theory that so few of us have Disney memories because it's such a chaotic nightmare that we cope by blocking it out. :laugh:


I do remember driving from MA to FL with my family in an RV to camp at the Wilderness campground at Disney, though. Oh, that was sooooo much fun. Not.

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I've actually thought about writing when I'm up in the middle of the night, but I'm kind of afraid of what I would read in the morning.

According to some famous writer (I forget who) you never have to rewrite anything you got up in the middle of the night to write.

I don't think that's entirely accurate, however, having edited a good deal of my early morning rambles. However, I will say that it's like Hemingway's "write drunk, edit sober" thing. Some pretty great ideas come at really odd times during a writer's "day".

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I would not be fit for a vacation to Disney--either place. Last year we asked the boys if they still wanted to do the local theme park for their back-to-school treat, and they said, "Heck, no." So apparently, it's hereditary. We went to the river up north with kayaks and canoe, boated, floated, saw no one at all, and I wrote a poem about it.

I've passed on my weirdness, so I guess my work here on earth is done. :laugh:




No, it's not!  You are not yet published and bringing in our squillions yet.   :toetap05:  :toetap05:  :toetap05:



Sorry, but you have to stick around a while longer.

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(((luuknam's mom)))


That's terrible!



You know what, right after that, I was cleaning out my inbox, and came across an email from Twitter with moments of the week or some such (I don't even really use Twitter, but w/e), and there was some article about teens (in Michigan, so completely unrelated) dropping rocks (up to 20lbs) from an overpass, and killing the dad of a little kid when one of the rocks fell on his car (he was actually the passenger). Other rocks had hit cars too, but hadn't hurt anyone. The teens are charged with second degree murder, to be tried as adults. Anyway, that was really weird, reading that right after talking to my mom. On the one hand, so glad that all she got was a black eye (they hit her just above the eye), but otoh, what on earth is wrong with people?! and so sad for that guy's fiancée and their kid.


Btw, my mom did mention it to the neighbor police officer who was on duty, so he could keep an eye out. 

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I didn't make dinner.  Youngest and Oldest fell asleep.  Husband is on an airplane.  Middles made themselves sandwiches.  My mouth is too sore to eat.



:grouphug:  :grouphug:

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I have a theory that so few of us have Disney memories because it's such a chaotic nightmare that we cope by blocking it out.   :laugh:



I went to Disneyland when I was 7, my brother was 9, and my sister was 2.  Grandma & Grandpa came along with us.  Dsis got sick so Mom spent the entire trip in the hotel room cooped up with a sick toddler and Mom's MIL.  I vaguely remember teacups spinning and some strange microscope place and ride where we went up towards a giant eye looking down at us.  For years I wouldn't look in a microscope because I knew the little critters you look at climb up the scope and get in your eye.


Dad says every time the parade passed by they had to run after me because I'd just fall right in line and follow Goofy.   :laugh:

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luuknam, I saw that in the news, too.  I haven't decided if those boys are that mean or that stupid.


I remember when I was coming home from college one summer, as I got closer to home I noticed that no one was driving in the left lane.  *shrug* I just thought that it was quirky Pennsylvania drivers.  It turns out that there had been a string of rocks being thrown through windshields on this particular stretch of highway.  I don't remember that anyone died, but there were several injuries and quite a few broken windshields.  When they finally caught the guy it was a high schooler or recent graduate who was a left handed pitcher.  This was how he was able to throw the rocks across the highway with such force.  

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Oh, and I facetimed with my mom for a while yesterday (or the day before... losing track of the days here, lol). She's got a black eye because some elementary school kids shot an acorn at her with a catapult as she bicycled past, and then ran off giggling. Not cool at all. 



:cursing:  :cursing:  :cursing:


:grouphug:  :grouphug:

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