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Today's Cat Worships Husband story:

When leaving, DH always comes over and gives DS and then me kisses on top of the head, and then the kitty meows for hers, but only ever gets petting instead. Today after he kissed us, I asked, "What about kitty?"

"She's not in her spot. Where is she?" he asked.

At this she came sprinting out from behind the rocking chair--she's pretty athletic for 12 years old and um, substantially sized--rubbed against his legs, and darted over to her usual spot. She sat up tall like a dog so he could reach to pet her.


She so, so, so wants to be his dog. But he doesn't like dogs any better than cats. Poor kitty.

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Field peas? Like purple-hulls?



The field pea is a type of pea of the species Pisum sativum, sometimes called P. sativum subsp. arvense (L.) Asch. Also known as dun (grey-brown) pea, Kapucijner pea, or Austrian winter pea, field peas are one of the oldest domesticated crops, cultivated for at least 7,000 years. They are now grown in many countries for both human consumption and stockfeed. There are several cultivars and colors including blue, dun (brown), maple and white. The field pea should not be confused with the Cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) which is sometimes called the "field pea" in warmer climates.

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Today's Cat Worships Husband story:

When leaving, DH always comes over and gives DS and then me kisses on top of the head, and then the kitty meows for hers, but only ever gets petting instead. Today after he kissed us, I asked, "What about kitty?"

"She's not in her spot. Where is she?" he asked.

At this she came sprinting out from behind the rocking chair--she's pretty athletic for 12 years old and um, substantially sized--rubbed against his legs, and darted over to her usual spot. She sat up tall like a dog so he could reach to pet her.


She so, so, so wants to be his dog. But he doesn't like dogs any better than cats. Poor kitty.

Yesterday we read a story in DS's reading book about a bear who was raised by the family dog and thought he was a dog. It was a cute story.
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Purple hull is also a variety of cowpea popular where I live. 


ETA: I like them served with a little bit of bacon served with cornbread and late-season fried okra. But they are something of an acquired taste.

Edited by Critterfixer
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You know, luuknam, I think I can buy those peas as a winter cover crop. If I buy some, you'll have to tell me what to do with them if I harvest some.



You mail them to me, obviously. 




Or, use Google translate on this:




Or, you can just use them like you would use pinto beans or lentils or w/e. Personally, I use the canned ones with onion and bacon and sugar beet syrup, with pickles and apple sauce on the side. 

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Good Morning!


I didn't get to sleep until 5 am.   :blink:   I slept until 9:30ish and had to check news because I dreamt that someone had died.


We plowed through homeschool.  It's Friday, people!!


I still need to do science experiments with a kid who hates science experiments as much (or more!) than I do.   :glare:

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KISS grammar explains them as nouns used to answer adverb questions--when, how long, how far, how much, where.

Kind of a simple one:


Wednesday, I thought it was Thursday.


When did I think it was Thursday? Wednesday. Now, technically, that might be a prepositional phrase missing the preposition (on). KISS would call Wednesday, a Noun used as an Adverb, answering  "when I was all mixed up about the days."


Here's another.

The cat looked two feet long.


Here, KISS would call the noun "feet" an Noun used as an adverb. It would answer "to what extent the cat looks long."

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KISS grammar explains them as nouns used to answer adverb questions--when, how long, how far, how much, where.

Kind of a simple one:


Wednesday, I thought it was Thursday.


When did I think it was Thursday? Wednesday. Now, technically, that might be a prepositional phrase missing the preposition (on). KISS would call Wednesday, a Noun used as an Adverb, answering  "when I was all mixed up about the days."


Here's another.

The cat looked two feet long.


Here, KISS would call the noun "feet" an Noun used as an adverb. It would answer "to what extent the cat looks long."


I think that's kinda unnecessary.  It's like saying, "hey normally this word is a noun, but it's fulfilling an adverb function in this sentence."  Why not just say "hey, in this sentence it's an adverb."  Actually I think both examples are omitting words - the first one a preposition (as you said), and the second one maybe "like" or "as if" which could be prepositions or could be conjunctions of some kind if you added "he was."  (Not a grammar scholar, nor do I play one on TV.  JMHO).


Can we just have brownies for lunch?




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This afternoon I have told the boys they may have free-writing for an hour on their stories, and after that, we will make popcorn and watch A Cat In Paris (in French, with English subtitles).

You'd think I'd painted my face green and purchased the latest broomstick from Wicked West Merchandise Inc.

Thirteen. I'm telling you!

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I think that's kinda unnecessary.  It's like saying, "hey normally this word is a noun, but it's fulfilling an adverb function in this sentence."  Why not just say "hey, in this sentence it's an adverb."  Actually I think both examples are omitting words - the first one a preposition (as you said), and the second one maybe "like" or "as if" which could be prepositions or could be conjunctions of some kind if you added "he was."  (Not a grammar scholar, nor do I play one on TV.  JMHO).


I'm not a grammarian either. But basically, by labeling such things as NuA, that's what he's saying. Noun-used as an adverb. 

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I've managed to make most of my kids cry or mad already this morning and I just remembered that there is a field trip we signed up for that we will apparently not be going to today.


I'm going to try Junie's Long Division Method and see if it helps things move along here without the weeping and gnashing of teeth.



:grouphug:  :grouphug:

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Cookies! There are 398 cookies and we have to divide them among the 5 people at the table. How many does each person get and how many are left over to give to dad?



How many do you give to the doctor to bribe him after the 5 people at the table pig out on all of those cookies?

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I'm hoping for a good (or at least tolerable) afternoon!


Did you get to sleep in?


Yes.  But since I didn't get to sleep until late (I got all off on my meds and didn't even take my bedtime meds until I got up at 1:30 am to take them) so I ended up with only six hours of sleep.  Which isn't super bad on a scale of bad sleep but it's not optimal. 

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Do cats ever give anything but dirty looks? lol





Apparently, my cat didn't get the memo.  Or she's the Anti-Cat.  She's sweet, loving, comes when she's called, tries to play gently (and simmers down when reminded, "Gentle, kitty, gentle), doesn't jump on the kitchen counters because I told her not to...


Do you think that she might be CIA plant? :blink:

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Those stupidheads.  You want I should have a chat wit dem? female-gangster-smiley-emoticon.gif

Nah...it's all good. :laugh:


ETA: Happily edited another chapter this morning, and I should have this round of editing done by the end of next week. Perfect for setting it aside, enjoying NaNo and researching agents to besiege--uh, query--through November, December, January, February, March, April, and so on and so forth.

I plan to be persistent. 

Edited by Critterfixer
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Apparently, my cat didn't get the memo. Or she's the Anti-Cat. She's sweet, loving, comes when she's called, tries to play gently (and simmers down when reminded, "Gentle, kitty, gentle), doesn't jump on the kitchen counters because I told her not to...


Do you think that she might be CIA plant? :blink:

That's not a cat. I think it is a CIA plant. And not a very good one at that. So, it's probably KGB. Make sure you don't divulge national secrets around her.
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