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At the risk of sounding like a scarecrow, I'm not sure I have 46 items to wear in my closet. No. I have 25, including my hunting vest, one down coat, my toga, and my shoes.

However, I have two paper-boxes full of notebooks and all of those are full of characterization information, and the boxes also live in my closet. :blush:

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I have been sorting and organizing third grade read aloud books. (One of my favorite things to do) I was able to order most of them used, and I am pleased with the condition of them except for one. Most of the time, the books are in good shape, and sometimes they look brand new. Every now and then there will be a torn page or a cover roughed up, but generally not bad at all. However, I received one today that was in horrendous condition. It has every problem you can think of: torn, wrinkled, pages missing and even mold. And it was listed in very good condition. I am going to email them, and tell them they should be ashamed to sell used book in that shape. :D


I need coffee. But it is too late. I should go to bed early. There is still too much to do.

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At the risk of sounding like a scarecrow, I'm not sure I have 46 items to wear in my closet. No. I have 25, including my hunting vest, one down coat, my toga, and my shoes.

However, I have two paper-boxes full of notebooks and all of those are full of characterization information, and the boxes also live in my closet. :blush:


I knew that dd14 had too many clothes.  Since she has so many younger sisters, I purposely over-buy for her.  She gets a huge variety of clothes.  Some of course will get stained or torn or worn out.


So far it has worked out that I need to buy almost nothing for dd6.  Even with all of the clothing mishaps along the way, dd6 still has plenty of clothes.

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Dawn, that reminds me that it's about my favorite time of year - time to choose and find "end of the school year" gift books for my kids. Since dd18 is graduating, she will get the motherload. :D It will include a complete hc set of Harry Potter, and probably a couple of devotional-type books (Valley of Vision, Spurgeon, etc). I'll try to find an enjoyable book or two for ds21 also. I'll have to print out my color-coded list so I don't forget what I've already gotten them.

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Grow little plant-life, grow!

And I also liberally applied snail-bait so I can say, "die little snails! Die". Last spring I planted a sweet little basil plant one afternoon and went out the next morning and it had disappeared. I looked hard and found a little stub with the roots on it. The £€*^&$ snails had eaten the whole thing.
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So, Critter, I may have asked you this before, but my elderly (16 years old)outdoor kitty has some sizable tumors near her back-end. Seems to be right above her joint. The one is getting quite large, maybe an inch in diameter. I haven't looked too closely, but the fur is all off it. She doesn't seem to be in pain. She can walk, she eats, she meows, she enjoys being petted..... I don't know what to do. My plan is just to keep an eye on her and when it seems she's in pain, or her quality of life is diminishing then I will take her to the vet and have her put down. Does this seem like a reasonable plan? She's a good kitty, but she's very old and those tumors don't seem to be bothering her any.

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So, Critter, I may have asked you this before, but my elderly (16 years old)outdoor kitty has some sizable tumors near her back-end. Seems to be right above her joint. The one is getting quite large, maybe an inch in diameter. I haven't looked too closely, but the fur is all off it. She doesn't seem to be in pain. She can walk, she eats, she meows, she enjoys being petted..... I don't know what to do. My plan is just to keep an eye on her and when it seems she's in pain, or her quality of life is diminishing then I will take her to the vet and have her put down. Does this seem like a reasonable plan? She's a good kitty, but she's very old and those tumors don't seem to be bothering her any. 


I would probably see if a fine needle aspirate could tell you what those tumors are. This is a pretty non-invasive test--a needle in the tumor and some material taken out of it and put on a slide--and sometimes these can be diagnostic of certain kinds of tumors. The size bothers me--as does a fast rate of growth. If you need to take a tumor off on a leg, you want to take it off while it is small to get the best closure of the skin. But before you take something like that off, or decide to leave it alone, it is usually a good idea to try to find out what you are dealing with. 

I always like to know what I can know, and sometimes intervening is needed, sometimes it's better to leave well enough alone. But I'm all about knowing what can be determined to make informed decisions.

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I would probably see if a fine needle aspirate could tell you what those tumors are. This is a pretty non-invasive test--a needle in the tumor and some material taken out of it and put on a slide--and sometimes these can be diagnostic of certain kinds of tumors. The size bothers me--as does a fast rate of growth. If you need to take a tumor off on a leg, you want to take it off while it is small to get the best closure of the skin. But before you take something like that off, or decide to leave it alone, it is usually a good idea to try to find out what you are dealing with.

I always like to know what I can know, and sometimes intervening is needed, sometimes it's better to leave well enough alone. But I'm all about knowing what can be determined to make informed decisions.

Thanks! She's had smallish tumors for quite a while, but this bigger one kind of just popped up rather quickly!
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Why does the day refuse to start without me? The rooster crowed--so the sun can come up. The kitten rattled the doorknob, so the boys know when to get up. There is no reason I should have to crawl out of my warm bed and move...the day can go on without me! 

However, I am up.


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I woke with a headache and sinus congestion. I would love to wake up feeling good just once. Just one time.


My hands are so sore. They get so dry in the winter, like cracked and such. I woke in the night and had to slather lotion on them. And it burned like fire. Then it got better.


I feel like all I do is complain. I don't wanna. Can I have I redo on my life? Just the last 5 years? The only thing I would do differently is be a little more selfish. Not for my sake but for my family. I would refuse guardianship and power of attorney of others, and realize I don't have to save everyone.


Wow! I really got on a roll there.


Good morning! Coffee!


:party: yay! for acceptable and good tax returns! :party:

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Because I'm procrastinating .....  here's an educational post....


So, I think my 13yo and 11yo will both be doing Algebra 1 next year.  And I like Derek Owens (13yo is using DO pre-algebra this year).  But I don't want them using the same text/program.  So, only one of them can use DO (probably 13yo).  So, what to use with 11yo.  I have a Foerster Alg. 1 on hand.  I could possibly teach him myself, but I think he likes being a little more independent and I like the accountability of someone else's schedule, which problems to assign, and videos.  So, I was looking at Math Without Borders.  I watched 2 minutes of a youtube sample.  Man, is it dry and slow.  My 11yo moves at the speed of light and I'm not sure he has the stomach for it.  I'll probably finish watching the sample before I rule it out entirely, but it's not looking promising so far.  Additionally, my 11yo (will be 7th next year) could take two years to do Algebra, but I don't want to go into the the first year of it half-a$$ing it just because we know we could take the 2nd year, kwim?  If I thought there was something out there that would be better for my 13yo, I would consider it, but I don't know what that would be.  (11yo ds is fairly mathy; 13yo dd is not at all.)  Any thoughts?

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Because I'm procrastinating .....  here's an educational post....


So, I think my 13yo and 11yo will both be doing Algebra 1 next year.  And I like Derek Owens (13yo is using DO pre-algebra this year).  But I don't want them using the same text/program.  So, only one of them can use DO (probably 13yo).  So, what to use with 11yo.  I have a Foerster Alg. 1 on hand.  I could possibly teach him myself, but I think he likes being a little more independent and I like the accountability of someone else's schedule, which problems to assign, and videos.  So, I was looking at Math Without Borders.  I watched 2 minutes of a youtube sample.  Man, is it dry and slow.  My 11yo moves at the speed of light and I'm not sure he has the stomach for it.  I'll probably finish watching the sample before I rule it out entirely, but it's not looking promising so far.  Additionally, my 11yo (will be 7th next year) could take two years to do Algebra, but I don't want to go into the the first year of it half-a$$ing it just because we know we could take the 2nd year, kwim?  If I thought there was something out there that would be better for my 13yo, I would consider it, but I don't know what that would be.  (11yo ds is fairly mathy; 13yo dd is not at all.)  Any thoughts?


AOPS for a mathy kid?  Says the person who has never used it.  And I have no idea if there are any online programs that teach using AOPS.  I just taught ds using Jacobs and am now teaching dd using Jacobs.  I'm a Jacobs girl.  Oh - Jann in TX uses Jacobs, I think!  Or maybe something else.  But she's good nonetheless. 

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