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I put Christmas stuff on my mantelpiece. That does it for Christmas decorating as far as I'm concerned. All I want to do is nap this morning. I wanted to paint, but ended up helping the boys so much with their stuff that painting for me didn't happen. Grrr.

I'm in one of those moods this morning, the kind of mood where the prickles show.

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Managed to get to work this am only a couple minutes late, more so due to the accident on the highway that held me up (looked like a body bag on side of road, very sad).  Parents were very understanding.

Kids off to school, my female children have been dropped off.  

Now cracking out the office work I need to get done.  Wrote up the midterm evaluation on the practicum student, need to meet with her at 3 to discuss it and then with her instructor at 4pm.  Did up the sign in/sign out sheets for the entire month of December.  Now sipping my coffee getting ready to print photos for our album and get my staff of filing done.  Still to also do today, drive over to our storage shed, put away a bunch of crap(I mean prop boxes) and pick up our xmas decor and tree, also new prop boxes.  Set up tree and dramatic play center.  Write up the new rotation of staff doing supervision outside vs in snack room.  Do more computer entries for our accred files, do up the agenda for next week's staff meeting so the staff can have a chance to read and add to it before the meeting. And keep adding to my to do list for the coming weeks.


Oh and IF I have time left create a new policy outlining lock down procedures for EVERY room we utilize in the blasted school (so our main room, snack room, gym, training room, home ec room etc.  Once it is written I have to submit it to licensing for approval and then create a handout for parents alerting them to the new policy update.  That very well may all be happening next week instead.  Have enough to accomplish today.


The plus side of all this is my paycheque will have some great hours on it right before we close for 2 weeks. 


I am sure my male children are still sleeping.  ds13 is pleased as punch that his homeschooling this week is pretty much delight directed, I am simply not home in the day and burnt out at night.  ds18 has to finish all the audio recordings and discussion posts in his college class today and study for his exam tomorrow.  Due to his depression he was a month behind in every subject.  Over the last 10 days he has been working hard on his college class, once he writes the exam tomorrow he is only 5 days behind rather than a month.  By end of weekend he should be back on track in that course and working on his massive assignments due by the last day.  And Monday he can jump back into his normal course work and perhaps actually return to the school he is registered in(has not been since October due to his mental illness flaring up). 


I can not wait for xmas break, 2 weeks of no work, no extracurrics, no formal school, just 2 weeks of relaxation and housework (and fun projects I wanna do).  And lots and lots of sleep!

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Hooray for him!  A job like that will help him learn how to deal with people, while keeping interactions fairly short and manageable.  I once knew a waitress who did NOT like people and did not have good social skills.  She was the best waitress ever because she was so conscientious about making sure she was polite and attentive.  All of us who worked with her developed a LOT of respect for her, and learned from her some very good ways to vent our frustrations out of sight and earshot of the customers while disappearing only for a couple of seconds.  She was a favorite among the customers, too.


Yes - I'm not social, but I really liked working in retail and even more as a bank teller - interactions were short and almost script - like.  


We've been starting school later and later every morning. I am so unmotivated. I just want to organize my house and my life. I don't want to do school!




The struggle is real. I'm ready for Christmas break, but I just need to soldier on.



And Amen!

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I have groceried, put away, gone to the orthodontist, and the library, did a bit of school with youngest.  Need to finish with two others.  Also, waiting on septic tank guy to get here.  Then, I would love a nap.  Maybe, we'll see.  Then going to the university orchestra concert tonight with youngest.  Can't Wait!!!  Beethoven's 7th Symphony (which I listened to in the car and LOVED   :001_tt1: ) and another piece I should look up while I'm waiting around.....

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I bought more lights and some groceries. Weapon X informed me that it's not a Christmas tree unless there's a star on top, so I had to get one of those too.


Now I need to bring in the groceries, finish lighting the tree, clean the house, and try to fit a math lesson in somewhere. I'll probably need more coffee.


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I think that Bailey Bunny is allergic to something in the house.  She keeps sneezing.  I don't think she is sick.  She's showing no nasal discharge etc.  We got a coupon for a free vet visit from the shelter.  I have to call around to see if the rare vets that actually treat rabbits will take the coupon.  Then I have to decide if it is worth stressing her all out to actually take her to a vet. 

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Change of plans.  Staff away today from my side, also away from college side.  Need to give up my office work and go work on that side.  And pick up milk on my way over there.  So much for getting my office work done.  Might be doing it tonight after work while dd17 is at dance class.Never a dull moment.  And to think I posted in the bored thread that I feel bored often even with lots on my plate.  I apparently jinxed myself and the universe is getting the last laugh.

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Late start. I'm so sore. School is half done, but John wanted to play so we'll finish before lunch. I'm considering putting A Child's Garden of Verses down and picking it up next year. When did you read it? After 12 hours of panties washed with the right detergent I'm feeling better.

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Nana, DD, and I will be headed to the Big City in about an hour and a half. We're going to watch the Nutcracker tonight and shop tomorrow. :party:

I am so envious! I wanted to take my girls to the Nutcracker this year, but it just doesn't look like it's going to work out. We were listening to a CD of the music the other day and the girls were all "ballet-ing" around. My youngest said she was the mermaid. I really think I need to take them to see the real thing. lol!
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Conjunction Junction

What's your function

Hookin' up words and phrases and clauses...


Nope - not that one.  The one where I took the conjunctions listed in MCT and put them to that song from the Sound of Music.  Because "when you know the notes to sing"  you can sing conjunctions. 

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I put Christmas stuff on my mantelpiece. That does it for Christmas decorating as far as I'm concerned. All I want to do is nap this morning. I wanted to paint, but ended up helping the boys so much with their stuff that painting for me didn't happen. Grrr.

I'm in one of those moods this morning, the kind of mood where the prickles show.



:grouphug:  :grouphug:


Sounds like ample decorating to me. 


Your boys are quite lucky.  

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Got baby snuggles and my old kids gave me lots of hugs. Npw get to sit on my butt doing nothing. Took the nonsleepers next door to the play program the 2nd year students put on for their practicum. I am actually instructed to watch but be invisible unless one of my kids is in danger. Worka for me. The students have to do everything.

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Nana, DD, and I will be headed to the Big City in about an hour and a half. We're going to watch the Nutcracker tonight and shop tomorrow. :party:

I get to watch the nutcracker on the 10th. Not the real one but even better becuase my dd17 and her drance group are dancing the tarentella in it. She is so excited.

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AMJ, I forgot to ask. How did the low-carb Thanksgiving go? Did you find a pumpkin pie recipe that worked?



Thanksgiving went okay.  I heard that one SIL's mother was making apple pie so I bowed out of making the no-sugar-added one someone here gave me the recipe to.  I had pumpkin pie, but it wasn't altered in any way.  Hosting SIL had made one, plus her eldest daughter (who works at La Madeleine) brought home boxes of pastries AND a pumpkin pie that were past their selling time (were going to get tossed).  I had some (small slices) of each pie over the course of 2 days.  With real whipped cream (no sugar added to that).


Everything went okay, but I found it beastly difficult to write down everything I ate, so I didn't.  I also didn't check my glucose levels as often because it was rather crazy much of the time.  Since getting back my glucose levels have been higher, so I'm trying to eat a lot better to get them to come back down.  I have discovered that if I make sure to get my Uncle Sam's cereal several times a week (it tastes like cardboard unless you add milk/almond milk and some good berries) my glucose levels even out and don't peak or trough as much, so I am back to that.  Our hotel had oatmeal on offer at every breakfast, but it just didn't do the trick as well as my boxed cardboard.


I have reached the "getting tired of the hassle" stage and also the "resenting the finger pricking" stage.  I have discovered that if I let my fingers have a break for about 20-30 minutes after pricking everything closes up fine, but if I don't, especially if I crochet or launder, I get blood on things I didn't want to stain.  This is hampering my time in which to make stuff for the homemade family gift exchange.  Luckily DD15, thrilled at how her rather interesting cookies went over during Thanksgiving week, is planning on making more yummy treats for family presents.  Yay!


The SIL's mother who made the apple pie thought it was utterly hilarious how she peeled too many apples and ended up making two pies.  This same lady also made a THIRD stuffing, knowing that I was making two, because it's HER stuffing and her daughter (my SIL who never mentioned this before) prefers it.  Had I known she was going to make stuffing I would have only brought the cornbread stuffing and skipped the bread stuffing.


As it is we had massive amounts of leftovers, even after everyone came back to hosting SIL's house to eat more Thanksgiving foods the next day.  DH and I have decided we will still have ample leftovers if we cut our usual recipes in half next time.  I hope we remember.


I was amazed at how hosting SIL's house handled such a crowd so well -- it was amazing.  22 people and no one stepping on anyone else or feeling crammed into a corner.  Noise level ALWAYS at a tolerable level, even with all of the usual loud people there.  Nice, big kitchen with perimeter counters for some really great traffic routing for the buffet.  SIL & BIL did a bang-up job, and I made sure to tell them so.  The difference between their house and other SIL's house in regards to acoustics and noise control really got me to thinking, and I've since learned a lot about how noise works in residences.  In addition to just having a well-designed house (good room layout, certain architectural details actually assisting with noise control) hosting SIL's style of decorating actually helps to absorb or dissipate sound waves, too.  I am going to start emulating more of her decorative strategies.  

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I just called the police non-emergency line again on combative illegal (because of being non-permitted by the city) solicitors.  And I locked my usually unlocked door. 



Good for you!

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Nope - not that one.  The one where I took the conjunctions listed in MCT and put them to that song from the Sound of Music.  Because "when you know the notes to sing"  you can sing conjunctions. 



Okay, now we need your lyrics!

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AMJ -- that is so interesting about the decorations. What kind of decorating did she use? Inquiring, headaching minds want to know. ;)

We hang prayer rugs we got in the Middle East on the walls going up our stairs. It muffles the elephants that run up and down them. We also have a large tapestry hanging in the living room.

Edited by Schadenfreude
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Okay, now we need your lyrics!

LOL - I literally sang them to him right out of MCT:


and, but, or, nor, for, so, yet


(when you know the notes to sing)


if, as, since, when, be-e-cause


(you can sing most an-y-thing)



I should figure out a way to add in additional subordinating conjuctions, but I'm not sure I'm that motivated.


Speaking of which, has there been a new version of the presidents song yet?

The one we know ends:


Who will be the next President?

Right now it's Obama.



I figured someone has probably come up with a new ending to fit in Trump.  I'm just too lazy right now to look.

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AMJ -- that is so interesting about the decorations.  What kind of decorating did she use?  Inquiring, headaching minds want to know. ;)



The carpeting was rather tattered when they moved in so they replaced it with a very thick, plush, cut-pile carpeting that really is cushy to the feet and hides dirt well (variegated brown colors).  It turns out that carpet or large rugs in general absorb more than solid-surface flooring (big surprise there), and cut-pile absorbs even more than loop-pile carpeting.


The windows in the public spaces happen to each be receded into their own individual niches in the walls instead of being big, uninterrupted banks of glass.  Even the transom windows above the main windows have their own separate niches.  The main windows are still quite tall, though, and can still reflect a lot of sound, but SIL has put wood or fake-wood blinds in each of those windows (southern exposure, so need to control the light at times), and has some fabric curtain panels at the end of each run of windows, too, to frame things.  The large slats of the blinds break up the otherwise flat surface of the window and scatter sound waves a bit more, and the curtain panels help absorb more.


She chose deep, cushy sofas for the family room, with lots of pillows and cushions to sink into (so fine for napping!).  Upholstered furniture absorbs sound, especially when it is fabric instead of smooth leather.


Positioning things around the room in non-perpendicular ways and non-parallel ways also helps to reduce the reflecting of sound waves, and in doing so reduces the reverberation and echoing that can happen.  The slanted ceiling they have in the family room also helps in this way.


She does have shelves and a chifforobe along one wall in the family room, but the chifforobe is deeper and is flanked by shallow, open shelving, which again causes nooks and crannies that help scatter and disperse sound waves instead of focusing them.


Their fireplace surround has a rougher surface than other SIL's does.  Rougher surfaces scatter and break up sound waves more, while smoother surfaces will reflect and bounce the sound waves around more.


SIL breaks up large expanses of walls by hanging pictures in groupings, which again breaks up a reflective surface and decreases the reverb and echo.


SIL also favors decorative displays that incorporate ribbons, cloth, branchy things, flowers, and globular items.  These help absorb or disperse sound waves, too.  Globular things especially help to reflect sound waves in so many different directions the resulting waves are weaker and more easily absorbed.


While hosting SIL does keep things generally picked up and tidy (you have to, with 8 people living there) she doesn't fuss much about a bit of visual clutter, either.  In contrast, my other SIL is so focused on banishing even a hint of clutter her decor choices expose quite a lot of large, reflective surfaces in her very loud house, making it even louder.




I'm beginning to think that an upholstered headboard could be a very nice thing.  I'm also quite happy to discover than bookcases full of books are wonderful at absorbing sound waves, too.  No wonder libraries can seem peaceful among the stacks, even when people are talking!

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We hang prayer rugs we got in the Middle East on the walls going up our stairs. It muffles the elephants that run up and down them. We also have a large tapestry hanging in the living room.



Yes!  Textiles work wonderfully at sound absorption, especially when hung on walls.  If you can put a little gap between them and the wall they work even better, such as canvases on wood frames with hollow backs.  Fill those gaps with acoustic tile material and it gets better still, though now it starts to get costly.  But any textiles with a bit of depth to them, like rugs or quilts, are going to help.

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LOL - I literally sang them to him right out of MCT:


and, but, or, nor, for, so, yet


(when you know the notes to sing)


if, as, since, when, be-e-cause


(you can sing most an-y-thing)



I should figure out a way to add in additional subordinating conjuctions, but I'm not sure I'm that motivated.


Speaking of which, has there been a new version of the presidents song yet?

The one we know ends:


Who will be the next President?

Right now it's Obama.



I figured someone has probably come up with a new ending to fit in Trump.  I'm just too lazy right now to look.



What is the tune of the Presidents song?  I'm not familiar with that one.

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Critter, about Breaking the Barrier -- do you have any experience with this?  How did you learn about it?  Right now it is looking VERY enticing to me, and I'm dithering over being cautious (only ordering one year's level to start with) or frugal (ordering the 3-year bundle).  I'm also considering it for DD12's Spanish she says she wants to learn....

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Aw my lazy time is over, back to regular work.  Making snack (steamed broccoli/cauliflower/carrots with cheese), and trying to squeeze some office stuff in.

Also I told dd17 yes when she asked if she can bring a puppy home.  2 months old, teacup poodle/chihuahua/shitzu cross.  Being given for free by a classmate.  I am an idiot.At least it will stay little.  I learned with our current dog and past ones, while big dogs are good home security I do not like them.  Little dogs I really like.  So adding a 2nd small dog to the family is not so bad.  Though I guess I need to get some puppy food and other supplies. And haul the crate out.  

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Critter, about Breaking the Barrier -- do you have any experience with this?  How did you learn about it?  Right now it is looking VERY enticing to me, and I'm dithering over being cautious (only ordering one year's level to start with) or frugal (ordering the 3-year bundle).  I'm also considering it for DD12's Spanish she says she wants to learn....


Not a thing. It just looks about right for high school to me. 

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Not a thing. It just looks about right for high school to me. 



Okay, thanks!  I will ponder a bit.  (And then likely order it, just so DD15 can start perusing it before next year.)

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