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We welcomed Bailey the white rabbit home today.  As soon as we got  home, the eccentric rabbit lady who had not responded to me, e-mailed to say that we could come out to look at rabbits on Friday.  Now what do I do?  How do I break the news to her?  I want the eccentric rabbit lady to still like us because she rabbitsits for us. 


Tell her that you rescued it from a horrible-for-bunnies situation.

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Holy heck what a day and the rest of the week won't be much better.  Got a phone call at 755am from work saying person A was in a lot of pain, can I come in.  I tell them to call my former boss to do so, I live 20 minutes away and was just getting out of the shower.  SO they do.  She goes in, person in pain goes to ER.  In the meantime I get my female children off to school, go to my fitness class, then drive 40 minutes away to get acupuncture and run a couple errands.  Zoom back to work, have a telephone meeting about our accreditation.  We were under the impression we had until March to get our ducks in a row before their visit to evaluate us.  No! I find out today we have to be ready for JANUARY!  We close for the last week of Dec and first week of January.  THat means I have until Dec 22nd to complete everything that needs to be done, whip my staff into shape etc all before we close for holidays.  EEK!  To make matters worse staff A that had gone to ER had not been in contact, so I had no clue if they were showing up to shift.  They were not.  So it was me, a staff that is too young to leave alone with kids, a practicum student I am supervising and 23 kids.  Where I went all 23 kids and 2 tag along staff had to go.  Which meant no potty breaks for me.  Turns out staff A had kidney stones and was being transferred to the hospital in the city for treatment.  Off to my dance classes I go.


Because staff A is in the ER, I have to go in tomorrow morning to open the daycare.  That means being at work at 730am with my 2 female children in tow.  Get my girls to school.  Then office hours at work, I have a meeting with my practicum student and her teacher in the afternoon.  Plus working once again with children in tow.  Hopefully staff C that was away yesterday due to illness will be back tomorrow.

Friday in addition to everything else, I have a directors meeting, with my former boss, and the directors of the other 2 locations of our programs.  All while still supervising my own program.  And did I mention that all that stuff I thought I had months to complete I have to have done in the next 3 weeks!


I might have to take up drinking to get through December.  Also somewhere in all this mess I am supposed to have time to homeschool ds13, deal with ds18s mental health struggles again etc. 


Now it is 1020ish pm, laundry is going, I need to wash dishes still, I have barely stopped moving since I woke up and I am beat.  Think I am going to do a load of dishes and then go read in bed for a bit.

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Good Morning!


It's Thursday, in case ya'll weren't sure. December 1st!!


I won't have a vehicle available until late tonight, so I'll have to do all my running around tonight after dh gets home from work. In the mean time, we will have school. I think we have just this week and next and then we are off.


(((Brandy))) Elephant Ninja Brigaid is at the ready!



Edited by Susan in TN
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Good Morning!!!!


It is another day. Same stuff. More Coffee!


Wow, Brandy! You can do it!


In other news, no headache this morning. Yay! I started out with an elevated head, but I didn't end up that way. But I woke several times a with my teeth clenched so tight. I think waking up and moving my jaws helped.


Everyone have a beautiful day!

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I am about to embark upon an epic adventure. I will rearrange the living room with the help of an almost-6 year old in order to make room for the Christmas tree. :D



DH cleared out our loft so we can put the tree in that front bay window upstairs this year, leaving the electric keyboard set up on the landing for DD12 to use.  Our "spare bedroom" is even more of a black hole now, but it's really nice having the loft so livable again.  We will likely have niblings over to spend the night some during Christmas break, so now we have another upstairs room with clear floor space for the air mattresses and sleeping bags.

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The girls clearly got to bed too late last night.  I awoke them with some light humor (have you studied for your eye exam today?).  No appreciation (though I did get some wider-open eyes).

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Fine, I'll let you out, cat.  (Just as DD12 comes down the stairs to feed the pets.)


SNUB.  Are you kidding?  It's COLD outside, and I want fresh food!



The weather reports claimed our temps got to 38 degrees F last night, so I had to run outside to check when I remembered.  Yup, frost on the grass further back in the yard!  In the winter our yard always gets a few degrees colder than the weather reports say.  Anytime the reports claim it got below 40 degrees F I go check for frost.  Yay!

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It's still November. I haven't decorated anything, either. I still have Thanksgiving decorations up. Except the pumpkins. I threw those into the compost bin. I'm hoping the seeds will sprout and I'll have more pumpkins next year.



DD12 wanted to keep her Halloween pumpkin forever.  We informed her that pumpkins do rot, so that would not be possible.  We could extract the seeds, though, before tossing the pumpkins into the back yard.  Two of the seeds were already sprouting, so DD12 planted them in a pot of potting soil.  One shoot has come up and is happily growing in its pot by the window.  DD12 goes over to coo and talk encouragingly to it every day.

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Tomorrow night is my favorite holiday event...The Electric Farm Equipment Christmas Parade. Years and years ago our town had a traditional Christmas Parade on a Saturday morning. Then, one year, probably 15-20 years ago they decided not to because of funding and lack of interest. So, a bunch of farmers got together and decorated their tractors and spray rigs with lights and had a parade. It's grown from then, but it still has a bunch of tractors and spray rigs and trailers and stuff. Everything is all lit up. It's at night, of course, and we bundle up and bring hot chocolate. It's very small town but very fun.



Those are the best kind!

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Brandy--love your bullet journal pages! I have a car maintenance tracker one too!  


And, I just updated my rx cost page in my bullet journal. :)



My household credit card's balance is higher than I expected, but I have been making a bunch of purchases of diabetic supplies.  I need to go through and tot those up to see how much this whole business is nickel-and-diming away.

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It's a bound hardcoverbook



Then I am even more impressed!  If I were to try that level of gathering and organization I would have to go the binder route, so I could slip pages as needed into more logical locations within.


Hmm, what did I do with that old Office In A Bag?....

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Good Morning!


Yay for a headache free Dawn!


Brandy, you have got this!


Yesterday was December payday activities so I was awoken this morning by a call from my bank wanting to verify all of my transactions from yesterday because they thought my card was stolen. I guess I went a little crazy with the Christmas shopping.:lol: The good news is that I am done shopping except for 2 stocking stuffers.

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Remember how we never got a dinning room table and we're waiting for our tax return? What if I got a plain table and six of these?





And didn't tell Matt until it was too late to return them.



You know how kids can bounce off the walls at times?



These will have them bouncing off the ceiling, too.   :laugh:

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:lol: Just 6!


If I like it I'll get one for the office chair. I love the idea.



Some people really like those chairs -- DH's aunt certainly does for her office chair and a sewing chair.  I have seen them used as school desk chairs (in a brick & mortar school) with mixed success.  Yes, they helped the kids stay a little more alert, especially the shorter ones whose feet didn't reach the floor.

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We welcomed Bailey the white rabbit home today.  As soon as we got  home, the eccentric rabbit lady who had not responded to me, e-mailed to say that we could come out to look at rabbits on Friday.  Now what do I do?  How do I break the news to her?  I want the eccentric rabbit lady to still like us because she rabbitsits for us. 



Tell her you had a sudden notice of another bunny who needed a home stat, and so you have taken it in.

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That's a cutie-bun. We have fire. In the fireplace. It's cold outside. I'm still NaNo-ing. I got 104,000 because 103,969 was not pretty. And I've got two buddies really close to getting their 50K, so I'm sending encouragements. I wish they ran NaNo like Camp NaNo. I loved my cabin this summer, and it was nice to always have one or more buddies who were up for a word sprint. It was easier to keep up with.



I think I need to start camping in the summers.  I'm getting tired of waiting for the one month out of the year, only to have things start to sabotage it.  When do they start camp again?

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I kind of think the verb chants in CAP French are silly. I try not to giggle when I sing them. Guess what the boy was just singing in his room? Parler, je parle, tu parles, il parle, elle parle; Parler, nous parlons, vous parlez, ils parlent, elles parlent.

I stand impressed.



What is CAP again, please?  DD15 wants to study French in her high school years (not this year), and now her music teacher has suggested she learn a French song to sing.

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Dd13 finished her NaNoWriMo novel! 5000 words :D She is so proud of herself she can hardly stand it - it's so adorable! Hopefully I will get a chance to read it tomorrow. I think this weekend we will celebrate this along with her 14th birthday.



Great job to your DD, and happy birthday to her, too!  That's awesome, and I'm impressed!  Woohoo!  Applause applause applause!!!!


:hurray:  :hurray:  :hurray:  :party:  :party:

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Holy heck what a day and the rest of the week won't be much better.  Got a phone call at 755am from work saying person A was in a lot of pain, can I come in.  I tell them to call my former boss to do so, I live 20 minutes away and was just getting out of the shower.  SO they do.  She goes in, person in pain goes to ER.  In the meantime I get my female children off to school, go to my fitness class, then drive 40 minutes away to get acupuncture and run a couple errands.  Zoom back to work, have a telephone meeting about our accreditation.  We were under the impression we had until March to get our ducks in a row before their visit to evaluate us.  No! I find out today we have to be ready for JANUARY!  We close for the last week of Dec and first week of January.  THat means I have until Dec 22nd to complete everything that needs to be done, whip my staff into shape etc all before we close for holidays.  EEK!  To make matters worse staff A that had gone to ER had not been in contact, so I had no clue if they were showing up to shift.  They were not.  So it was me, a staff that is too young to leave alone with kids, a practicum student I am supervising and 23 kids.  Where I went all 23 kids and 2 tag along staff had to go.  Which meant no potty breaks for me.  Turns out staff A had kidney stones and was being transferred to the hospital in the city for treatment.  Off to my dance classes I go.


Because staff A is in the ER, I have to go in tomorrow morning to open the daycare.  That means being at work at 730am with my 2 female children in tow.  Get my girls to school.  Then office hours at work, I have a meeting with my practicum student and her teacher in the afternoon.  Plus working once again with children in tow.  Hopefully staff C that was away yesterday due to illness will be back tomorrow.


Friday in addition to everything else, I have a directors meeting, with my former boss, and the directors of the other 2 locations of our programs.  All while still supervising my own program.  And did I mention that all that stuff I thought I had months to complete I have to have done in the next 3 weeks!


I might have to take up drinking to get through December.  Also somewhere in all this mess I am supposed to have time to homeschool ds13, deal with ds18s mental health struggles again etc. 


Now it is 1020ish pm, laundry is going, I need to wash dishes still, I have barely stopped moving since I woke up and I am beat.  Think I am going to do a load of dishes and then go read in bed for a bit.



:grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:

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Good Morning!!!!


It is another day. Same stuff. More Coffee!


Wow, Brandy! You can do it!


In other news, no headache this morning. Yay! I started out with an elevated head, but I didn't end up that way. But I woke several times a with my teeth clenched so tight. I think waking up and moving my jaws helped.


Everyone have a beautiful day!



:grouphug:  :grouphug:

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DD12 wanted to keep her Halloween pumpkin forever. We informed her that pumpkins do rot, so that would not be possible. We could extract the seeds, though, before tossing the pumpkins into the back yard. Two of the seeds were already sprouting, so DD12 planted them in a pot of potting soil. One shoot has come up and is happily growing in its pot by the window. DD12 goes over to coo and talk encouragingly to it every day.

Oh my goodness, then this is the book for your dd. https://www.amazon.com/Sophies-Squash-Pat-Zietlow-Miller/dp/0307978966. Not only is it one of the most charming books we've read in a while, it will suit your situation perfectly. I love this book! Edited by KrissiK
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Oh my goodness, then this is the book for your dd. https://www.amazon.com/Sophies-Squash-Pat-Zietlow-Miller/dp/0307978966. Not only is it one of the most charming books we've read in a while, it will suit your situation perfectly. I love this book!



What is the title of the book, please?  The link says it can't find it.

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My ears are now getting into the act that my gut started yesterday.  I can't get sick now.  The girls have appointments this week and next and a music recital (their first) Saturday.


I want tea.

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Captain Mal spilled hot cocoa all over his legs. He's okay. I think it scared him more than anything, but it was fairly hot. Poor kiddo.


Weapon X picked a beautiful tree last night. It's much bigger than last year's though, and now I need more lights. I guess I should pantz and go to the store.


I'm going to finish my coffee first.


Sent from my HTCD160LVW using Tapatalk

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Captain Mal spilled hot cocoa all over his legs. He's okay. I think it scared him more than anything, but it was fairly hot. Poor kiddo.


Weapon X picked a beautiful tree last night. It's much bigger than last year's though, and now I need more lights. I guess I should pantz and go to the store.


I'm going to finish my coffee first.


Sent from my HTCD160LVW using Tapatalk



:grouphug:  :grouphug:


Poor guy.  Cocoa hot cocoa spills are bummers in more ways than most spills!



It's a time-for-holiday-mishaps booya(h)!

Edited by AMJ
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I have ketchupped.


Jean, your new grandbunnie is adorable.


I tried to have a bullet journal 2 years ago, but it drove me crazy.


((Captain Mal)) Hot cocoa spills are the worst. My kids never approached a cup of hot cocoa the same way again after that first spill. I hope he's ok.


AMJ, it sucks that you are going to have to drive farther for y'alls eye appointments.

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I have ketchupped.


Jean, your new grandbunnie is adorable.


I tried to have a bullet journal 2 years ago, but it drove me crazy.


((Captain Mal)) Hot cocoa spills are the worst. My kids never approached a cup of hot cocoa the same way again after that first spill. I hope he's ok.


AMJ, it sucks that you are going to have to drive farther for y'alls eye appointments.



Thank you, but it's not that much farther.  It's just a little troublesome turning left across the busy street to get in their driveway.  Leaving, however, is no problem, and it will leave us lined up beautifully for stopping at Michael's on the way home for more yarn.

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Good news! My middle child just got his first job. I was surprised because when they asked him what his greatest weakness was he replied "I get aggravated with people easily'' and this is in fast food. :lol:



Hooray for him!  A job like that will help him learn how to deal with people, while keeping interactions fairly short and manageable.  I once knew a waitress who did NOT like people and did not have good social skills.  She was the best waitress ever because she was so conscientious about making sure she was polite and attentive.  All of us who worked with her developed a LOT of respect for her, and learned from her some very good ways to vent our frustrations out of sight and earshot of the customers while disappearing only for a couple of seconds.  She was a favorite among the customers, too.

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I think I need to start camping in the summers.  I'm getting tired of waiting for the one month out of the year, only to have things start to sabotage it.  When do they start camp again?


I want to say April.



What is CAP again, please?  DD15 wants to study French in her high school years (not this year), and now her music teacher has suggested she learn a French song to sing.


Classical Academic Press. We are doing Primer A because the boys want French, but I don't want anything tough this year. We'll do B if it comes out in time, or do some MP French next year. I'm saving Breaking the Barrier French for High School.

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Yes, April is camp. Or it was last year. I love camp because you can set your own word goals, and editing totally counts.

I'm back home after taking MIL to an eye recheck. We missed painting this morning, but we will paint at home today. I have a fire started and we might do a very little decorating for Christmas. We opted to feed animals outside this year and to skip the tree. Because young cat.

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What is the title of the book, please? The link says it can't find it.

Seriously? Fafsa on not working links! The book is called "Sophie's Squash" by Pat Zietlow Miller. It's about a girl and her parents who go to a farmer's market and get a butternut squash. Sophie draws a face on it and calls it Bernice. I really just love the book. The humor is so sweet and the illustrations are interesting and the ending is just precious and appropriate.
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