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That's a sad life for the kids. ... "children should be seen and not heard"...


 Because I can resell them in a year,


My eyes sometimes skip around when I read, and imagine my surprise to read this in that order...

Edited by Renai
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I ventured out into the chat forum and was chewed up and spit out by one particularly nasty poster. I am very dazed by the experience. It shocked me at the way my child was directly/indirectly attacked. This forum is my first foray into social media. Except for this thread, I don't understand the appeal.

Don't swim in the sea!!

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I took two of the dc to the pediatrician for their well check-ups. They did the usual exam and added a new test -- a hearing screening.


Neither one of them passed. :(


These are my two littlest. They have Noonan Syndrome and hearing loss is apparently common with this disorder. :(



ETA: I agree with Jean - better to catch it early.

Edited by ikslo
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Breakfast at my school is ridiculous. (caution: vent coming up)


It used to be a part of an elementary school, and then moved to a remodeled other school. It seems, though, that the kids in this school (1/2 special needs, 1/2 typical peers) get only whatever leftovers the original school cafeteria manager wants to send us. This amounts to dry toast with some fruit and milk, once or twice a week. Out of a 4 day week. Dry toast. And the fruit. Let me tell you about the fruit. We sometimes get those little bags of chopped apples. More than once, the bags have been expired. We've received black bananas. Black. They weren't even good for banana bread. I told one of the teachers I work with (I'm a floater) today how ridiculous it was. She asked what they were supposed to be getting. I told her the menu is on the district site. She had no idea we were supposed to be getting the same things. I told her that if there is a food truck bringing food, it needs to be bringing what the rest of the PreK students in the district are getting. Not someone's leftovers. It's crazy. :cursing:



I'd be calling people. That's ridunculous!

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So, is the superstition about sleeping with a spoon under the pillow and with your pajamas inside out just a New Mexico thing? I won't say what it's for yet, just want to know if anyone has heard of this.

New Mexico peeps are cray cray. That's what I got from your post.
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I meant to comment on this earlier. I might be this woman depending on your definition of play, church, etc. even the word "before" (15 minutes before or right up to the second it starts?). I've never been one to allow a lot of chaos inside - even outside, crazy loud yelling ought to have a good reason or be restrained. I am for running and playing outside. I am against running inside unless it's a gym. I also believe in encouraging, modeling, expecting self-control early on, not because they have to be perfect, but because they need to start learning appropriate behavior. Clothes may naturally get dirty playing outside, but children should not be completely careless about it either. Initiating conversations with adults is no problem. But when my children were young I would have been close by in case they needed correction - perhaps were unintentionally disrespectful.

My mantra: "Is this appropriate behavior?" :)

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I went shopping yesterday and actually found pantz that fit. So I bought 4 pairs. They were on sale.


I also found the same turtleneck sweater that I got last year in black, and so I snagged a few extra colors. It's been my favorite ever since I bought it.

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So, is the superstition about sleeping with a spoon under the pillow and with your pajamas inside out just a New Mexico thing? I won't say what it's for yet, just want to know if anyone has heard of this.


I have never heard of either of these superstitions.  (I've lived on the East Coast all of my life.)

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So, is the superstition about sleeping with a spoon under the pillow and with your pajamas inside out just a New Mexico thing? I won't say what it's for yet, just want to know if anyone has heard of this.

I cheated and googled it. I have never heard that. I guess in South Texas we figure it's hopeless no matter what we do.


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What is the spoon kept under the pillow for? 

Hot chocolate sounds good.

My neck hurts.

My very macho, tough-guy, sword-carrying, big-talking, fire-breathing, major-magician protagonist is hiding out in his closet of an office because he's scared of middle-school human children. Smart man.

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My very macho, tough-guy, sword-carrying, big-talking, fire-breathing, major-magician protagonist is hiding out in his closet of an office because he's scared of middle-school human children. Smart man.

One of my very favorite comics is of a lady walking through he11, whistling a tune and one demon says to the other, "we'll never get to her. She used to be a junior high teacher!"
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I haven't Googled. What did you find? (I'm on my phone and lazy)

I guess it's supposed to make it snow or something.

I ventured out into the chat forum and was chewed up and spit out by one particularly nasty poster. I am very dazed by the experience. It shocked me at the way my child was directly/indirectly attacked. This forum is my first foray into social media. Except for this thread, I don't understand the appeal.

FWIW, joining the Army at 17 saved me from myself. I had graduated early and was in community college, but boredom, burnout, and family issues were leading me down a dark path. The Army changed that and gave me something positive to work toward. And waiting a year would have been disastrous.
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What is the spoon kept under the pillow for?

Hot chocolate sounds good.

My neck hurts.

My very macho, tough-guy, sword-carrying, big-talking, fire-breathing, major-magician protagonist is hiding out in his closet of an office because he's scared of middle-school human children. Smart man.

Sven, rub Critter's neck!

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I took two of the dc to the pediatrician for their well check-ups.  They did the usual exam and added a new test -- a hearing screening.


Neither one of them passed.   :(


These are my two littlest.  They have Noonan Syndrome and hearing loss is apparently common with this disorder.   :(


I am sorry, Junie.   :grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:

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I ventured out into the chat forum and was chewed up and spit out by one particularly nasty poster. I am very dazed by the experience. It shocked me at the way my child was directly/indirectly attacked. This forum is my first foray into social media. Except for this thread, I don't understand the appeal.


Some people are socially impaired.  I have a whole lotta  :thumbdown:  for the lack of civility I see on the boards sometimes.  We come from a variety of experiences and points of view, but that's no reason to be rude.

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Slache, I am guessing the lady's viewpoint will soften when she has a couple of kids. It's easy to have strong, dogmatic opinions about children and child rearing before you have any of your own.


(At our former church, I used to cry nearly every week on the 1/2 hour drive home because someone was always complaining about one or another of my kids - usually ds12, who we didn't know at the time about his processing issues, and just the fact that he wasn't always easy to handle. But the nursery/preschool class teachers would always complain because he climbed on the bookshelf, or he threw a block, or he didn't sit down to eat his cracker, or he spilled Tommy's water... There was always something, and it became really hard to face week after week. I loved everything else about the church except that.)

Edited by Susan in TN
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Family came and went.  I had timing issues with the turkey yet again.  Several years ago, I started too late and lunch was delayed when I had 30 guests. Then I began too early for a few years and the turkey would be a bit dry.  This year I got a breast.  Suggested cook time on the wrapper was 35 min.  I knew it should be at least 1.5h.  It ended up being 2.5h.  At least I had a lot of munchies to tide us over.    We are now feasting on leftovers.  I may do Thanksgiving round 2 on Thursday, but I think I may paint our bathroom instead as dh will be home from work.


Dd's baptism went well.  


A guy at church behaved in an offending way towards my dh. I'm all  :huh:  and  :svengo: at how some people interact with the world.  Charity, especially in regards to our relationships with others, was the theme for Sunday's addresses.  I was kinda  :smilielol5:  :thumbup1:  on the topic. I find it interesting that our opportunity to practice Christian behavior so often comes with people we think should have it together better than they do.



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I'm posting half blind.  Which is better than driving half blind like I was for the past hour.  I did not hit anyone's person or dog or the police car that dd said was in front of me.  In my defense, I really did not know that the drops that SIL put in my eyes were the dilating kind until I walked out to the car again.  And then I had to drive to pick ds up at work.  I kept alternating between wearing my shades which helped with the glare but made seeing everything else difficult and wearing just my normal glasses which made the glare bad but helped me to see everything else around me. Once I got to his work, he took over driving and drove us home. 

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I gave dd the CLE placement tests tonight to gauge where she was mid-year.  What we're using for math and grammar/usage/mechanics is not sticking for her.  I am going to switch her other to CLE LA and Math. I think she needs the spiral review.  


Is anyone else making a mid-year move?  Has anyone used CLE LA? We've used the math with ds, but we've never used the LA before.

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I gave dd the CLE placement tests tonight to gauge where she was mid-year. What we're using for math and grammar/usage/mechanics is not sticking for her. I am going to switch her other to CLE LA and Math. I think she needs the spiral review.


Is anyone else making a mid-year move? Has anyone used CLE LA? We've used the math with ds, but we've never used the LA before.

I'm using CLE Language Arts and math for my two youngest and it they are doing very well. I wish I had known about it for my older ones. I think it would have been good for them, too.
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