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Little ds has fever, too, of course. :(


I am exhausted. I had to make a chart of temps, times and medication given so I could keep track.


Krissi, I bet it didn't look that bad, and critter is right if it tastes good that is all that matters.


Jean, I'm glad you got a nap.


Tex, I am happy your socks came before your trip. When do you leave? I hope you have safe travel and good weather.


Ima eat some soup and go to bed.



More bunny slippers...





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I bet it's not that bad. Want to post a picture?


I don't know how! But it did taste good! And we had icecream. And she got Shopkins and an AG book and clothes for her AG doll, so it's all good. She is really a sweet one, that girl of mine.
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I taught hula today. Instead of two classes, though, we just kept working on *one dance* for both classes (two 45-minute classes). I taught a couple of new steps, and we practiced those and the ones they've already learned, then we worked on that *one dance.*


Part of the challenge in teaching is not only that they are beginners, even the ones who have been dancing for three years, but that I have to undo what they learned before, instead of teaching from scratch. it's the undoing that is the most difficult.


Anyway. I was tired, but we got through. Mostly I watched and corrected and commented, rather than dancing every.single.thing, so there's that.


Oh, and I'm not letting them face the mirror. They were depending on it too much, watching themselves and not where they were supposed to be looking (e.g., following their hands), and not watching the dancer in front of them and on their right (it's important to pay attention to the other dancers). One of the dancers who missed the first four weeks of the class rolls her eyes at me when I correct her, but she keeps trying, bless her heart.


That is all.

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It has been quite the day. Freezing and starving all day. Me, that is. Also stressed out and biting off many heads and then stressing out over having bitten off so many heads. It gets to be a mess.


I forgot to send a check with dd to pay for her voice lessons. Argh.


The fruit flies are back.


I had to decorate a cake as well, though mine was just in a 9x13 pan with white frosting. I ended up putting a green frosting clover on it, for a St. Patrick's theme. Yes, this was for the Old Lady birthday party at the nursing home and St. Patrick's Day was the most brilliant idea I could come up with. Ugh.


One of the old ladies asked me what umbrella school we use because her daughter wants to homeschool. It took me 10 minutes to remember the name.


Dd17 had her audition for Shrek The Musical. She got a call-back for the part of Princess Fiona. (This is what she sang for the audition https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=xzVMwo8BC88 )


Then an hour drive to pick up ds from the university, and a long wait once there because the fire alarm went off in the dorm and ds didn't have much time to pack. Also, my phone decided I would not be allowed to make any phone calls. Stupid thing.


So we finally get home to find that dh was a hero and bought ice cream. :)

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Oh and tonight at the belt test I met our new neighbors.  I was pretty sure that I saw the man across the room and later when he was standing next to me, I introduced myself and my husband.  He and his wife were very polite and friendly.  I didn't tell him that the neighbors have all been speculating that he's Russian mafia! 

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An early Good Morning! because I can't sleep.



Also, I have hypersensitivity to noise.  Specifically the noise of any of these other people in my house.  Am I the only one who thinks that they are all JUST SO LOUD??? I burrowed away in the furthest possible corner of the house behind closed doors while dh cooked dinner tonight (well, last night since it's 1am now), just to get away from it.  And even with earplugs, I was wishing I had my noise reduction headphones on too. Is it just me and my perimenopausal pms-ing causing this?  Or my tiny house with too many people and mostly wood flooring?  Or are they all (including dh) just genetically predisposed to SCREAM EVERYTHING EVEN IN NORMAL CONVERSATION WHILE CONTAINED WITHIN A 400 SQUARE-FOOT SPACE?? 


Whatever the case, that, plus dh's blaring of Imagine Dragons from the Bose, truly pushed me to brink of sanity tonight.  I nearly jumped out of the bedroom window barefooted to flee, in a desperate last gasp for the sweet sound of nothing but snow silently falling against a starry evening sky.  I didn't, because barefoot and snowing and night-time, but I wanted to.   :svengo:


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Dawn, hope your girls are feeling better today, or that you get to the walk in clinic to see if meds would help.


Susan, :grouphug:   Hope your Saturday plans include staying warm!  And congrats to your dd - that's fantastic!!


Jean, congrats to your ds!  I would be so proud too!


Quackersh, You are not crazy for wanting to escape the noise.  You are only too nice for not training them more stringently to be quiet indoors. 


Ellie, glad the class is moving forward, if slowly.


Krissi, yay for birthday celebration success!


Good Morning all!

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Good morning!


I slept badly, very badly. Little ds was up at 2 a.m. with a temp 103.5. We got it down around 4 a.m. They are all resting now.


A lady from church passed away, and I was planning on going to the funeral home this afternoon. But I don't know. I don't feel bad or feverish, but I don't want to carry germs around.


Also, I need to go to the cemetery and clean up a bit there. My step-uncle passed yesterday, so I need to mark the spot for the grave diggers and pick up old flowers, flags and stuff.


:grouphug: quackersh I hope you finally got some rest.

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My internet problems have now caused me to not be able to access this site from my computer. It's a u verse issue.


This is a crisis!  Get your dh on this right away.  Do we need to chop down a tree that's blocking your clear view of the southern sky?  What is wrong with the internet in Texas???!!!


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Why in Sam Hill are you organizing meals and doing laundry for people? For future reference, you are not obligated to moderate the hunger pangs or dirty clothes crises of other families. (Uh, they should be waiting on your family hand and foot, which includes the massaging of your hands and feet.)


Do we need to have the Elephant Ninja Brigaide use the power of persuasion here? We can be very, very persuasive.





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Quackers, I don't know if I have a hyper-sensitivity to noise, but it does drive me insane. And my kids don't know what quiet means. They talk so loud all the time.

Dawn, ((hugs))

Tex, you're making me tired just thinking about all the things you have to do! Good luck! You can do it!

I didn't tell him that the neighbors have all been speculating that he's Russian mafia!

That sounds like something I would do. Brings a little excitement into my otherwise mundane life.


Susan, boo on the fruit flies, yay for the cake and Princess Fiona!


Ellie, you are a good and patient teacher!

Edited by KrissiK
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I need to go grocery shopping and take the kids to the library book sale. Dd7 finished Phonics Pathways this week and I said I would take her to the sale to pick out a book. It just dawned on me that I won't be needing PP any longer. It was the first homeschooling "curriculum" I ever bought, and has been the longest used - I think I started using it with ds20 15 years ago.


A "Sprouts" grocery store has opened near us and everyone is talking about it. I may check it out - it is right on the way to Aldi.


Dh and ds11 have gone on a Boy Scout backpacking trip, so I can't go anywhere until dd gets back from her callbacks. In the meantime I could start working on FAFSA, or print out orchestra parts, or mop the kitchen floor, or make co-op lesson plans, or sit around and drink coffee.

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Good Morning.


I am hypersensitive to noise, too.  I really started noticing it after I was diagnosed with RA.  I don't handle noise well and I can't multi-task as well as I used to.  

The dc have been (somewhat) trained to leave me alone when I'm cooking.  They often ask me things like "How do you spell spaghetti?"  and I'll tell them something like "Don't ask me how to spell spaghetti when I'm cooking chicken!"  Other times I have told them that when I'm cooking, "My name is not Mom.  My name is the Grumpy Chef."  They've written a song about me.   :lol:

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:grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:  for everyone.


Excellent summary, Your Majesty.  I concur.


Dawn, I think we may have to have an ITT Moratorium on Death, Sickness, and Botheration on your behalf so you can have a chance to breathe.


Susan is the ITT Planner in Chief.  I second her motion.



I am overwhelmed by what I have to do so I sit here doing nothing.


Glad I'm not the only one.



I am hypersensitive to noise, too.  I really started noticing it after I was diagnosed with RA.  I don't handle noise well and I can't multi-task as well as I used to.  


Odd.  I became hypersensitive to noise while pregnant.  Note, however, that the root of my problems with carrying to term was an autoimmune reaction to pregnancy (After seeing my labs done right after my second miscarriage, the RE who treated me said, "Wow.  I've never actually seen NK levels this high before.)  IVIG infusions exacerbated the sensitivity to sound.  I also have more difficultly handling situations in which I am bombarded with sensation which has resulted in a lowered ability to multi-task.


Most interesting...


(This thread is an endless supply of intellectual stimulation, entertainment, and loving support.  I :001_wub:  this place!)

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Why in Sam Hill are you organizing meals and doing laundry for people? For future reference, you are not obligated to moderate the hunger pangs or dirty clothes crises of other families. (Uh, they should be waiting on your family hand and foot, which includes the massaging of your hands and feet.)


Do we need to have the Elephant Ninja Brigaide use the power of persuasion here? We can be very, very persuasive.







I will keep y'all on call.



Edited by texasmama
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I walked down to dh and dd's 5k.  I got there just in time to see their backs as they ran by.  The people who ran the race did not mark the course correctly so well over half of the participants got off course.  There were runners going everywhere.  But it was a fun race and a fun chili cook-off afterwards.  I voted for Jason's chili, whoever he is. 

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Odd.  I became hypersensitive to noise while pregnant.  Note, however, that the root of my problems with carrying to term was an autoimmune reaction to pregnancy (After seeing my labs done right after my second miscarriage, the RE who treated me said, "Wow.  I've never actually seen NK levels this high before.)  IVIG infusions exacerbated the sensitivity to sound.  I also have more difficultly handling situations in which I am bombarded with sensation which has resulted in a lowered ability to multi-task.


Most interesting...


(This thread is an endless supply of intellectual stimulation, entertainment, and loving support.  I :001_wub:  this place!)


I am wondering what would be wrong with me in that case. I like a lot of things about myself but I cannot stand loud noises--my mom can't either--and we are very jumpy. Too much input, like at the bowling alley or casinos, makes us jittery. However this can be cured by alcohol, which obviously isn't an option during pregnancy.


But whenever I do labs or anything like that they tell me I am absolutely perfect, though I have read on the Internet that my thyroid levels are "high" but not pathologically so.


Quite frankly, it is hard to work up the desire to get them lowered when at 38 I can eat whatever I want and remain slim. I know I should care but I know way too many people who feel lethargic and tired and I can't work up the motivation to do something about my "problem".


Could that make me jumpy and hyperactive, though? 

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Also, today DD6 is having a sleepover. The mom went through the "gun / older brother" list with me. Why yes, we do have a pubescent boy in our home. He's around kids all the time and he loves kids, and I guess we'd never know if there were any issues with him, although I know that DD6 once tried to throw soft little Christmas snowball decorations at his crotch as a target because she is a fool and he was like "That is not okay, that is private and you shouldn't be trying to hit it." Well, he was around when I was answering these questions so I couldn't really tell her anything and it was more awkward than I would have liked.


We did assure them that the older kids do not babysit anyone else's kids unless that person hires them directly and pays them... all kids are under our supervision. But uh yeah, there are boys and men at our house.


The lesson is, be prepared for the discussion and be prepared for the answers you might get, like "yes"! I had to go into the garage to have a more frank conversation about the fact that we talk with the kids about respect for one's body, respecting your fear and paying attention to when you feel uncomfortable.


Maybe she was more prepared than I was. Most of my daughter's friends have older brothers so we don't think of it that way.

Edited by Tsuga
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Seems like she might have asked to talk with you privately before she started going through the list?


We were on the phone and it was a last-minute thing. I commend her for going through it and don't mind but yeah, e-mail would have been easier, LOL. I don't want my step-son to be exposed to the whole question of whether or not he is a pedophile. I won't say "no way that's impossible" because I know that's how everyone feels, but the fact is I do feel that way about him. We will still have the kids sleep down near our bedroom, as always.

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FAFSA is done and submitted, though I have to mail in my signature because it wouldn't let me sign electronically for some reason. Botheration.


The gallon of honey I bought from the co-op is a solid mass. I am going to strongly suggest that they replace it. More botheration.



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The cake turned out absolutely hideous. I do a terrible job with colors. The pink.... It looks like those pink nylon nighties from the 70's. And I thought I had black food coloring for the body, but I didn't so I kept adding blue to the not very pretty purple I used on the wings and it didn't get dark blue, it just got uglier. So I had to use this gel frosting for the body. And now, the body is this glossy black and the wings are ugly pink and dull purple. This is why I do not like to frost cakes!


I'm glad it turned out tasting good, though! It probably didn't look as bad as you think. Dd16 said she wished she lived closer so she could have decorated it for you. Then she thought it might be a good business go in to...

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I am back.  I dropped dd off at the Y for volunteer stint #1.  Then I went to the grocery store to get ingredients for "make your own pizzas".  I met ds there and then brought him home.  We are at that stage where the kids are so busy with so many different things but still need me to drive them and to cheer them on.  So i keep running out of time to do the necessary stuff.  Though the necessary stuff is as boring as sin (Is sin boring?) and I don't mind having excuses to put it off. 

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I am back.  I dropped dd off at the Y for volunteer stint #1.  Then I went to the grocery store to get ingredients for "make your own pizzas".  I met ds there and then brought him home.  We are at that stage where the kids are so busy with so many different things but still need me to drive them and to cheer them on.  So i keep running out of time to do the necessary stuff.  Though the necessary stuff is as boring as sin (Is sin boring?) and I don't mind having excuses to put it off. 


Man, this reminds me we haven't made pizza in a while. Dd16 was telling me this the other day - that we need to make pizza.

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I am plowing my way through two baked potatoes, because starved. Spent all morning tending sick kitties and sick doggies at work, including my old hound, who is feeling good despite looking like a hamster with both cheek pouches full. Long story, but I'm having a tough time getting a diagnosis on his lymph node issues. He is a good old dog--stands still and gives me the sad eyes, but he lets me poke wherever I want.

Sounds bother me at a certain level, but I seem to hear things that are at very low levels. Like snow falling. Most constant sound I can ignore.I do not block them out, but I deal with it. Some sounds I have never been able to get used to. One of those sounds is the sudden bark of a dog at close quarters. I actually jump with surprise. Every now and again I've had a dog that figures out how to time their bark to make me jump. :laugh: It's the frequency more than the volume.

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I am back.  I dropped dd off at the Y for volunteer stint #1.  Then I went to the grocery store to get ingredients for "make your own pizzas".  I met ds there and then brought him home.  We are at that stage where the kids are so busy with so many different things but still need me to drive them and to cheer them on.  So i keep running out of time to do the necessary stuff.  Though the necessary stuff is as boring as sin (Is sin boring?) and I don't mind having excuses to put it off. 


I'd say "no."  If sin were boring, it wouldn't be so darn tempting!


ETA:  It's a "Tempted by Sin" BOOYA!



Edited by JoJosMom
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