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Yet another cardinal hit the window on the front porch. I do not know why they are so prone to this. To get to these windows they have to fly under the porch and then hit a window that has cats sitting behind it. I think they are bird suicides.

We have the latest victim sitting on the mantle above the fireplace. Hopefully the warmth and dark of the bird box will help him recover.


ETA: It did. About 30 minutes and he was ready to go. Probably has one horrible headache.


ETA2: The kitten is giving herself a bath on top of the devil mattress. I think she has conquered her fear. :p

Edited by Critterfixer
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Church was awesome. Wishing y'all a day full of love! :001_wub:


Mary, your dd sounds delightful and terrifying, and I hope you can pop over to a hardware store ASAP to get some fasteners!

I need to talk to DH about doing that. It has never been an issue in the last few years, but all of a sudden...!!! 


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:grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:  for critter and Captain.


Yay for the Falcons!  Good show!


Yay for Tex and her amazing restraint!  (I assume a mass slaughter of JV refs in Texas would have made the national news.)


Yay for Jean and her persistent stepping!


Yay for getting to church! 


Mary:  I second the "Bolt those suckers to the wall."


I still miss Slash.  But I'm praying for strength for her anyway.


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Yep. It sounds just like my carpal tunnel. Mine has gone up to the shoulder, and is painful. Writing for long periods of time will do me in (and I like paper and pen!). I had to get special accommodations for a teaching test to allow me to use the computer to type essay responses instead of writing them down.


Anyway, what Prairie said, although I hadn't heard about the turmeric. I'll have to look into that.


:grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:

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I have been so tense lately. Every once in a while I'd get sharp pains in my shoulder blade. I woke this morning with pain from the neck all through the shoulder blades on the left side.


:grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:


Did we already talk about chiropractors? or about chiros who are also physical therapists? I recovered from a major rotater cuff issue because of a PT/chiro.


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Morning, Everyone!


Three cheers for the Falcons! We're proud of our honorary ITT Team. Perhaps we can have the honorary ITT Marching Band play for them.


So here's a question for you all. If your child was in co-op/tutorial classes, is it a reasonable expectation that you would be notified in some way that your child will be given a 30 minute placement test during class hours for a different class that you may or may not be signing them up for next year?

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I wear my New Balance shoes every day.  But not in the house.  We are an Asian family.  We take our shoes off.  I do have some specially comfortable nice shoes that I can stand for a couple of hours on Sunday mornings.  I have Crocs too but I can only stand to wear them for very short time periods.  My feet need nothing on them or else very good support. 


We are a beach family, so we take shoes off in the house. :D But when my plantar fascitis was in full raging, painful swing, I wore the freaking shoes faithfully. Now I can go barefooted in the house.

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Morning, Everyone!


Three cheers for the Falcons! We're proud of our honorary ITT Team. Perhaps we can have the honorary ITT Marching Band play for them.


So here's a question for you all. If your child was in co-op/tutorial classes, is it a reasonable expectation that you would be notified in some way that your child will be given a 30 minute placement test during class hours for a different class that you may or may not be signing them up for next year?


Duct tape.  That woman needs duct taping.

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So here's a question for you all. If your child was in co-op/tutorial classes, is it a reasonable expectation that you would be notified in some way that your child will be given a 30 minute placement test during class hours for a different class that you may or may not be signing them up for next year?


Yes, absolutely a reasonable expectation. What is wrong with people??

Edited by Ellie
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Morning, Everyone!


Three cheers for the Falcons! We're proud of our honorary ITT Team. Perhaps we can have the honorary ITT Marching Band play for them.


So here's a question for you all. If your child was in co-op/tutorial classes, is it a reasonable expectation that you would be notified in some way that your child will be given a 30 minute placement test during class hours for a different class that you may or may not be signing them up for next year?


I agree I should be notified - not just notified, but actually asked if I want my child to take the placement test.  And I don't think that it should be given during an unrelated class time that I have presumably paid something for.  It should be after classes are over. 


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I keep seeing "I miss Slache" - what's going on? 



Also, FEMA just came banging on our door. They're checking to see if we have any damage from the flood - the flood that happened back in December! Nothing like checking on people in a timely manner.  :001_rolleyes:


She, evidently, gave up the board for Lent.


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I keep seeing "I miss Slache" - what's going on? 



Also, FEMA just came banging on our door. They're checking to see if we have any damage from the flood - the flood that happened back in December! Nothing like checking on people in a timely manner.  :001_rolleyes:



She, evidently, gave up the board for Lent.




I think it's more, "working on self-control by not posting during Lent."  I don't think it's that she is giving US up. 


Even though it does kinda feel like that, because I have all the wisdom and maturity of a six-year-old, apparently.

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I think it's more, "working on self-control by not posting during Lent."  I don't think it's that she is giving US up. 


Even though it does kinda feel like that, because I have all the wisdom and maturity of a six-year-old, apparently.

Yeah, I didn't take "gave up the board" as giving us up. I figured it was a self-control, "I'm letting this be a time suck, so I need to give it up" type thing. 

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I agree I should be notified - not just notified, but actually asked if I want my child to take the placement test. And I don't think that it should be given during an unrelated class time that I have presumably paid something for. It should be after classes are over.


Yes - my thoughts exactly. As a teacher, these families have placed their children in my care to teach them my subject - my job is to serve these families in this way and I am accountable to them. I don't think it is a wise use of time to give a test for some other teacher's potential class.


As a parent, I don't think taking a placement test is a huge deal but honestly, I know my kids will be better served by spending class time on their class subject. Teachers have so little time with them each week, I hate for it to be wasted on something that will be essentially meaningless to them.


It would be easy enough to set up a room with placement exams and have kids either sign up for an exam time, or just have the area supervised for the day and have kids come in when they have time.


The director sent out a nice email to everyone explaining the importance of this subject matter and that while the class is highly recommended, it is optional and parents will be notified in a week or two of the class level recommended for their child. No mention at all of the test. I don't understand why the director cannot simply be forthright.


I replied to her email that parents need to be notified of the placement test that will be given on Tuesday. I don't expect anything to come of it.

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Dh and two oldest sons went to see Pride and Prejudice plus Zombies this afternoon.  Only 17yo has read Pride and Prejudice, so I don't think dh and other ds appreciated it as much as he did.  17yo ds said he liked it.  Should I be proud or disgusted?  He said the opening line was "It is a universally accepted truth that a zombie in possession of brains wants more brains...." or something like that.  :zombiechase:

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Perhaps we should come up with a good name for the ITT baby while she's gone.


I think Ichabod would be suitable. Ichabod Ted Tanner.


(Mwah Ha Haaaaaaaaa! We have the power!!)


Isaac Trent Thomas


Ike Trevor Theodore


Isaiah Trey Timothy


Ian Todd Taylor


Ivan Tyler Tobias


Ishmael Troy Titus




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We are a no shoes in the house family too---but I have house shoes. Do you have house shoes, Jean?


I do not have house shoes.  I have a difficult time just getting on socks.  My kids are very skilled at putting my socks on for me.  And often my feet are swollen, so on Stay-puft-marshmallow days it is difficult to put shoes on.  My NB tennis shoes work better than some shoes because I can loosen the laces when I need to. 

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I have just finished planning the next 6 weeks of school.  I am very proud of DD, but I will say that a side trip to Boise in mid-March for Mathcounts is going to mess up my schedule.   :nopity: However, DH and I discussed it and said, "Dam* the budget! Full vacation ahead!"  So, we're going to leave on Thursday after Latin and not come home until the next Wednesday.  And we are going to show our Little Miss Smartypants a darn fun time.  So there, Schedule and Budget!  pirate.gif


Sounds like a plan!

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Can't you cook in your jammies? 



Mr. Ellie wouldn't care, but it just isn't right. :-)


We finished eating and I cleaned the kitchen. And then I watched "Sleepless in Seattle," my Feb. 14 movie. I might have dosed off a couple of times. Mr. Ellie is feverishly working in the garage, building a cabinet for our TV and stuff. What a guy.

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Sent Today, 05:00 PM

8MJHLkS.jpg  Dd's project from last week.  That is Rusty bunny checking it out. 


My body has quit from exhaustion today.  It does that from time to time.  It's actually been longer than normal since the last time my body went on strike.  I was stressing a bit about not getting to everything on my to-do list but then I thought - to heck with it.  It's not like the world will fall apart if I don't get to the yard work or even the taxes. 


Dh and I are also talking about going on a little day trip tomorrow.  I was stressing about that too.  It's not so easy for me to pick and go even for the day but I think it will be fun.  Hopefully my body will be able to do it. 


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No Valentine's celebration here. We have about 3 inches of snow, and public school is cancelled tomorrow.


I cleaned the ceiling fan in my bedroom. Then I had to wash the comforter because of all the dust. Since I had cleaned my closet I was able to get the sewing machine out and do some mending. So now that is all done. It had been so long some of the things were too small. So no mending needed. It went straight into the grease rag bag for the garage. I have to declutter the laundry room cabinet and the bathroom closet then I will be done. :hurray:


I made a cake for everyone for Valentine's day. :wub:


I am looking for a new mattress for our bed. It is old, and I can't wait to get rid of it. Does anyone have a recommendation?


Our order from MP is coming tomorrow. I just ordered Friday. I am suprised it is coming so quickly. I hope the UPS can come tomorrow. I still need to order from Rod and Staff, Rainbow Resource, and Amazon. I have to get our read aloud list together and try to find them used.


I hope everyone had a lovely Valentine's day. I know my life is so much more......well more because of my ITT Family. :wub: :grouphug:

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Some people are not taking this thread seriously! Did everyone go out for Valentine's Day? Where are you? :)

We went out yesterday. 

My mom kept the kiddo and we went to finally see Mocking Jay, Pt 2 (it was at a discount theater so we only spent $6 all together! NICE!), ate a late lunch at Abuelo's, then went to Maggie Moo's (similar to Cold Stone - the line at CS was way too long). 

We haven't been out in awhile, so it was long overdue and very relaxing. 

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Good morning. 

We've been off to a fun start this morning. 



Hey Mom! I got my Bubble Guppies bubbles.


How did you get those?! 


Oh, I'm just a bery dood climber. I stand on my tippy toes and REEEEEEEACHED to da top a da bookshelf. Den used my fingers and got it. I am a bery, bery dood climber.



Good heavens - this bookshelf is not attached to the wall, it has tons of books and junk on it, and stuff on the very top. 

This child has no fear with heights and she terrifies me! 





ETA: It's a scared because my child is fearless BOOYA!


Simultaneously impressed at the tininess and delicate touch of your darling, and also, jealous of anyone whose child did not attempt to climb to the ceiling at 6 months old.


As for me... okay. My paperwork is mostly in. We are buying a house if all goes well. We are buying WELL under what we are pre-approved for (scarily enough) but still it is terrifying. Housing payments will go up by about $700/month from our ridiculously, absurdly low rent (we pay less right now than our neighbor's daughter, and they are in sliding-scale income-based charity housing). We got an amazing deal on rent and an amazing, amazing deal on this house.


It is a long story, but let me please ask you: if you send good thoughts, or vibes, or prayers, please pray/vibe/think for the family who sold us this house. It was meant to have been kept with their family, but someone passed away tragically and suddenly and they sold it. All their things are still in it. Well, not all, but a lot. It has been emotionally difficult for me because they had so much in common with us so I don't feel unmitigated joy at buying this home. The things that are in the home in some cases are the very same things that were passed down in my family, same albums, same books, same trunks... and they are leaving it. Can't deal with taking it out. Can't toss it, can't keep it.


We promised as a condition of purchase to keep it all and we most certainly will keep it all safe.


But I know you ladies have some good karma stored up. Please send them your thoughts for peace in their hearts. Their loss was great.

Edited by Tsuga
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 Did everyone go out for Valentine's Day? Where are you? :)


Heck no! Going out to crowded restaurants and lots of traffic and waiting is not my idea of fun. I told dh to forget the hype and I cooked at home. I also told him to not buy me chocolate or flowers since he gets these things throughout the year. (dd16 said, yeah, when he's trying to make up for something he's done wrong...). I wasn't in the mood for it, I guess.

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Simultaneously impressed at the tininess and delicate touch of your darling, and also, jealous of anyone whose child did not attempt to climb to the ceiling at 6 months old.


I remember when my sister was 2 and we found her hanging from the middle of the fireplace mantle. We had built-in bookshelves on either side of the fireplace. So, we assume she climbed up and shimmied across. We only found her because we kept hearing this little voice saying "Help? Help? Mommy help?" 


We have found dd in odd places. She's just never climbed these bookshelves before. I'm betting, she climbed on top of the love seat, stood on her tippy toes and leaned far enough to get it. Either way, I'm glad she's still in 1 piece.

A few years ago, I sold a toy box like the one pictured because she would climb to the top of it. It was located near a window and she would sit on the top shelf. She got up there very easily, but in my mind, all I could see was her lying outside the window impaled with broken glass. 





Heck no! Going out to crowded restaurants and lots of traffic and waiting is not my idea of fun. I told dh to forget the hype and I cooked at home. I also told him to not buy me chocolate or flowers since he gets these things throughout the year. (dd16 said, yeah, when he's trying to make up for something he's done wrong...). I wasn't in the mood for it, I guess.


That's why we went out for a matinee and early lunch yesterday. It wasn't busy at all (except for Cold Stone). I hate dealing with the crowds. 

We decided that instead of gifts or flowers that we would get a Roku. Nothing says love like technology, right? 

It should be here by Wednesday. 

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