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For the first time since when?


Around two months. That's not to say we've done nothing in that time, but nothing with a plan or any real organization.


I've got materials here and some in the mail and she's been reading me her books (with some assistance) and writing letters to Santa and various Disney characters. And we've been using the Cuisenaire rods to figure out anything math related that she comes across/asks about.

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I am currently low on faith in humanity and will do something to fix that because it is a bad place to be.*


*Not related to college girl's boyfriend. He seems to be a good lad.

Yesterday I was extremely sick. I couldn't keep anything down, I was really weak, headache, just the whole 9 yards. Matt came home and cleaned up, made dinner, played with the kids and never complained. Then he made me breakfast this morning in case I was too sick to do it myself.


Also, he's been late coming home because SN Cambodian friend has a thing at work he's terrified about and honestly shouldn't have to do, so Matt's helping him prepare for it. Other people are helping too.

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Yesterday I was extremely sick. I couldn't keep anything down, I was really weak, headache, just the whole 9 yards. Matt came home and cleaned up, made dinner, played with the kids and never complained. Then he made me breakfast this morning in case I was too sick to do it myself.


Also, he's been late coming home because SN Cambodian friend has a thing at work he's terrified about and honestly shouldn't have to do, so Matt's helping him prepare for it. Other people are helping too.

This is nice.  It helps.

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Around two months. That's not to say we've done nothing in that time, but nothing with a plan or any real organization.


I've got materials here and some in the mail and she's been reading me her books (with some assistance) and writing letters to Santa and various Disney characters. And we've been using the Cuisenaire rods to figure out anything math related that she comes across/asks about.


It sounds like you're doing great!

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Around two months. That's not to say we've done nothing in that time, but nothing with a plan or any real organization.


I've got materials here and some in the mail and she's been reading me her books (with some assistance) and writing letters to Santa and various Disney characters. And we've been using the Cuisenaire rods to figure out anything math related that she comes across/asks about.

Do you think maybe you should put her back in school until you can take the time to really teach her? Don't forget about education unboxed.


And quite frankly Mark, you spend a lot of time putting down this site and now the owner of this site who has spent a heck of a lot of time and money to make all of this available to you. And maybe you weren't able to pick up on it while you were reading, but she is absolutely brilliant. I am not a SWB suck up and I don't think she's perfect, but if you don't appreciate what she's done then maybe you shouldn't be here.

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And quite frankly Mark, you spend a lot of time putting down this site and now the owner of this site who has spent a heck of a lot of time and money to make all of this available to you. And maybe you weren't able to pick up on it while you were reading, but she is absolutely brilliant. I am not a SWB suck up and I don't think she's perfect, but if you don't appreciate what she's done then maybe you shouldn't be here.



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Not even gonna catch up. Not even. Just, hello, party people.

Hi honey! We've been talking curriculum. :confused: Nothing to really tell. College girl met a college boy, Susan did the crazy musical Christmas thang, Dawn has been sick the entire time you were gone... I think that's it.

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If I can stomach it I'll make a laundry list later. There's no conspiracy to program children against religion in public schools, I'll just start there.





I didn't get that from the version I read. I'm pretty pro-Public-School and extremely secular and I did not get that vibe at all. I'll be sad if it's been revised for the worse.


I got my copy in what, 2006? 2007 mayyyybe? Basically before knew my daughter and who she was and thought that homeschooling could work for us.


I thought it was the best homeschooling book I'd read thus far, aside possibly from a book that referenced grade-by-grade level expectations (Homeschooling Year by Year), which was super useful pre-Common Core.

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I mean... in theory. Actually I ended up farming it out because for a variety of reasons, most of them having to do with personality, homeschooling was not a good choice for us. Oh, well. I still use it as a reference for learning stages and after schooling.

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Please do not let me post on the Narcissism and Theology thread.  Nothing good will come of it, particularly in my current condition.


I literally opened it up and looked up from my phone and thought the exact same words. Let's stay off there together.

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I literally opened it up and looked up from my phone and thought the exact same words. Let's stay off there together.

We will make a pact.












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I heart SWB with the heat of a million suns.  I want to be her when I grow up.  


I would share your ambition, but my abilities are sadly deficient.  So deficient, in fact, that even I must acknowledge the fact.


But we can share the girl crush.  :001_wub:

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Well, then, let me hijack again...


I started my diet on Monday (Trim Healthy Mama). What I wouldn't give for an unfilled, chocolate long john right now. I can just taste it.

I had a protein shake and a spinach salad for lunch. And then a cookie for dessert. Why do I always have to wreck it? At least I had only 1 cookie and not 3. Edited by KrissiK
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Do you think maybe you should put her back in school until you can take the time to really teach her? Don't forget about education unboxed.


And quite frankly Mark, you spend a lot of time putting down this site and now the owner of this site who has spent a heck of a lot of time and money to make all of this available to you. And maybe you weren't able to pick up on it while you were reading, but she is absolutely brilliant. I am not a SWB suck up and I don't think she's perfect, but if you don't appreciate what she's done then maybe you shouldn't be here.


I'm here for the homeschooling Slache. The site happens to be paid for with the proceeds from a book I found inconsistent with many questionable passages. Sorry that you're offended. 


I think she's being taught just fine, Slache. I haven't had a formal program going on because for a couple months we had some serious medical drama and other issues going on, then the holidays. Pardon me, but you're being snarky because I criticized something that you're taking personally. I won't hold it against you, but I won't lose sleep over it either.


The very first thing you did when I got to this forum was private message me so that you could instruct me in how to act properly and what I was allowed and not allowed to criticize here. Sorry to say, I think maybe you ought to spend less time being a busy body.


And JoJosMom, if you agree that we should confine our honesty to boundary lines which encircle the host of this site, well, I think that's kind of anti-intellectual, don't you?


Tsuga - I focused in on one or two chapters specifically that I found... pretty weird. Much of the rest of the book that talks about educational strategies seemed fine to me, but then there were pages and pages of, frankly, agenda-laden stuff that seemed pretty lacking and sort of out of place.

Edited by MarkW
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I had a protein shake and a spinach salad for lunch. And then a cookie for dessert. Why do I always have to wreck it? At least I had only 1 cookie and not 3.

You didn't ruin it. Have you seen the meme that says having a cookie, deciding you ruined your diet and eating more is like dropping your cell phone, deciding it's ruined and stomping on it until it shatters. 1 cookie is OK.


I'm here for the homeschooling Slache. The site happens to be paid for with the proceeds from a book I found inconsistent with many questionable passages. Sorry that you're offended. 


I think she's being taught just fine, Slache. I haven't had a formal program going on because for a couple months we had some serious medical drama and other issues going on, then the holidays. Pardon me, but you're being snarky because I criticized something that you're taking personally. I won't hold it against you, but I won't lose sleep over it either.


The very first thing you did when I got to this forum was private message me so that you could instruct me in how to act properly and what I was allowed and not allowed to criticize here. Sorry to say, I think maybe you ought to spend less time being a busy body.


And JoJosMom, if you agree that we should confine our honesty to boundary lines which encircle the host of this site, well, I think that's kind of anti-intellectual, don't you?


Tsuga - I focused in on one or two chapters specifically that I found... pretty weird. Much of the rest of the book that talks about educational strategies seemed fine to me, but then there were pages and pages of, frankly, agenda-laden stuff that seemed pretty lacking and sort of out of place.

I'm not offended, you were just rude.


I wasn't being snarky. You've commented over and over again that you can't seem to get school done. That's probably not a good thing.


I'm not a busy body. People here can be downright nasty, though not often and not in this thread. I was showing a kindness.

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I may not have couched my opinion in lots of lacey language, but I don't think I was rude. I was truthful.


You are being snarky. I have said that I'd like to be more formal than we're being but have also said I don't feel any sense of emergency. It's been about 14 weeks. I don't think she's going to become a delinquent over not having a written curriculum in that time.


You instructed me in how to behave and I've since heard the opposite from others, so, while I'm not picking any sides what I'm saying is that I think PMing people "rules" of your own has more to do with being a busy body than being kind.


I'll admit that I could have been more polite about the book, but if you're going to set yourself up to instruct people in the advancement of academics, I think you'd better be rigorous (and prepared for criticism when you're not.) To be fair I wasn't very specific but I also wasn't looking to start a huge fight over individual quotes from the text. I think anybody thinking that public education somehow excises the fact that historical politicians and leaders were men and women of faith... is maybe looking for a fight to pick. My curriculum in public school as a child certainly addressed the fact that this or that figure held these or those beliefs. The "Fallacies" chapter to me seemed like an attempt to pick a fight where there isn't one and it felt disingenuous to me.

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I may not have couched my opinion in lots of lacey language, but I don't think I was rude. I was truthful.


You are being snarky. I have said that I'd like to be more formal than we're being but have also said I don't feel any sense of emergency. It's been about 14 weeks. I don't think she's going to become a delinquent over not having a written curriculum in that time.


You instructed me in how to behave and I've since heard the opposite from others, so, while I'm not picking any sides what I'm saying is that I think PMing people "rules" of your own has more to do with being a busy body than being kind.


I'll admit that I could have been more polite about the book, but if you're going to set yourself up to instruct people in the advancement of academics, I think you'd better be rigorous (and prepared for criticism when you're not.) To be fair I wasn't very specific but I also wasn't looking to start a huge fight over individual quotes from the text. I think anybody thinking that public education somehow excises the fact that historical politicians and leaders were men and women of faith... is maybe looking for a fight to pick. My curriculum in public school as a child certainly addressed the fact that this or that figure held these or those beliefs. The "Fallacies" chapter to me seemed like an attempt to pick a fight where there isn't one and it felt disingenuous to me.


I apologize if I seem snarky.


Again, I never told you what you can and cannot do. I see newbies here get attacked, get their feelings hurt and leave. I didn't want that to happen to you. You had just pulled your kid out of school and were probably terrified. I was trying to be kind.

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Tsuga - I focused in on one or two chapters specifically that I found... pretty weird. Much of the rest of the book that talks about educational strategies seemed fine to me, but then there were pages and pages of, frankly, agenda-laden stuff that seemed pretty lacking and sort of out of place.


I read it cover to cover. That said, this was one of the earlier editions. Agenda? Nah. I felt she described the homeschooling landscape pretty well. I think it's important to read it as descriptive, not prescriptive. But again, I don't know which edition you are reading and I do know that she has made substantial edits.




I think anybody thinking that public education somehow excises the fact that historical politicians and leaders were men and women of faith...


This is interesting. I don't really want to pay for another edition--I don't believe that classical education and the overall structure could have changed that much--but I'm curious. Feel free to PM me as I'm interested to know what has been updated in this regard.


But also... there is a difference between consistency and correctness, as you know. Do you believe she is inconsistent, or incorrect?  I didn't get inconsistency from the edition I have. Naturally we disagree on some points, but overall I found it very useful. I appreciate her laying out her motivations. I think a bare spine without theory behind it would not make sense.

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I'm outta likes, of course.


Loved the kitten video, totally adorable.:)


It has been cold here lately...not too bad today, 46 was the high. We may get snow on Sunday. I hope it does. I like snow if I don't have to drive in it.


I have 3 tickets for tonight's powerball lottery. Maybe I will win, and we can go on our Hawaiian vacation/reunion.

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I read it cover to cover. That said, this was one of the earlier editions. Agenda? Nah. I felt she described the homeschooling landscape pretty well. I think it's important to read it as descriptive, not prescriptive. But again, I don't know which edition you are reading and I do know that she has made substantial edits.



This is interesting. I don't really want to pay for another edition--I don't believe that classical education and the overall structure could have changed that much--but I'm curious. Feel free to PM me as I'm interested to know what has been updated in this regard.


But also... there is a difference between consistency and correctness, as you know. Do you believe she is inconsistent, or incorrect?  I didn't get inconsistency from the edition I have. Naturally we disagree on some points, but overall I found it very useful. I appreciate her laying out her motivations. I think a bare spine without theory behind it would not make sense.


I think it's inconsistent to be rigorous about academic and educational theory but then get a bit wobbly when your pet issues are being discussed, especially when you're the one on the soapbox.


I did not read it from cover to cover, but I did read some early chapters on theory that seemed fairly sound (I didn't agree with all of it, but it seemed earnest and honest)... and then I saw the "Fallacies" bit in the TOC and that put my hackles up because it was just pontificating and not well supported.


So, I think if it was couched in something like "look, as the author, I'm human, and here are my personal feelings and perhaps, biases" but it's not framed like that at all. It's framed as if the public school system is "afraid" to address religious topics and it kind of just comes off as self-aggrandizement.


So yeah, up a few posts I was definitely more flip than necessary. I should have been specific in my criticism. So I'm sorry for that.


But a polite, Donna Reed culture of never challenging anybody's biases is not healthy for education in general and on a forum that ostensibly exists for that purpose it's distressing.

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Slache, I was wondering when you are expecting to move to Indiana? And what part, northern, central or southern? I am in the southern part. I hope you don't mind me asking. I would love to meet y'all. I keep wanting to ask Lynn to meet me at Panera sometime since I have always wanted to eat there, and she seems to like it.:)


Eta: not that Lynn lives close or anything, just a thought I have had.

Edited by Openhearted
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I have bought a bag of caramels. And root beer to have with the pizza. 

I've had one of those afternoons where everything just seemed to get under my skin and bite. And really, they were very small things. Piddling, trifling nonsense, but I just couldn't seem to ignore them. All better now! :001_smile:


Pizza and movie night coming up!

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Slache, I was wondering when you are expecting to move to Indiana? And what part, northern, central or southern? I am in the southern part. I hope you don't mind me asking. I would love to meet y'all. I keep wanting to ask Lynn to meet me at Panera sometime since I have always wanted to eat there, and she seems to like it. :)


Eta: not that Lynn lives close or anything, just a thought I have had.


When our debt's paid off. Our minimum payments when we came out here were >$700/month and we just couldn't do that. We're over halfway there and I'm thinking 2-3 years. I don't know for sure. I want to live an hour to an hour and a half from Cincinnati which is where Matt's mom and dad live. I don't want to live there because I believe something in the air or water gives everybody cancer. Everyone I could name over 50 has had cancer and all our dogs (dog groomer, roughly 4,000 regular customers) died of cancer. I've never seen that before. I don't understand it. Miscarriages too. I've probably known about 10 times more miscarriages than live births. Seriously.


So probably between Cinci and Indianapolis.

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I have bought a bag of caramels. And root beer to have with the pizza.

I've had one of those afternoons where everything just seemed to get under my skin and bite. And really, they were very small things. Piddling, trifling nonsense, but I just couldn't seem to ignore them. All better now! :001_smile:


Pizza and movie night coming up!

I'm glad your day has improved.


How is kitty with the cataract or eye problem?

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I just got so confused and wondered why you were saying that about me. HAHA 


And I know we've talked about it, but it still throws me when I see Mary and John, since for me that is me and DH. 

I was PM'ed by someone who is named Mary and her brother's name is John. when I told her we were considering Molly she got super exited because her brother has been calling her Molly forever. :)

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I had a protein shake and a spinach salad for lunch. And then a cookie for dessert. Why do I always have to wreck it? At least I had only 1 cookie and not 3.

 1 is always better than 3....unless we're talking diamonds or something


I heart SWB with the heat of a million suns.  I want to be her when I grow up.  

ME TOO! But, I admit to being sorely deficient in far too many areas. 

I just got her Well Educated Mind. I can't wait to dive in. 



Dd was hungry at speech today and as we left said "I would just like to go to the restaurant - dat restaurant wif all da pizzas. We needs to go now." 

So, I really wish I had this tank tonight, because it's appropriate since we are indeed going to "dat restaurant wif all da pizzas". 

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I was PM'ed by someone who is named Mary and her brother's name is John. when I told her we were considering Molly she got super exited because her brother has been calling her Molly forever. :)

Well, to make matters more confusing, John's sister is Mary as well. So, there are two of us, and she's unmarried. So, same last name too. At Christmas, I'm called "John's Mary". haha


My mom's name is Debbie and her brothers call her Molly or Mollie Ollie. 

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Slache, I was wondering when you are expecting to move to Indiana? And what part, northern, central or southern? I am in the southern part. I hope you don't mind me asking. I would love to meet y'all. I keep wanting to ask Lynn to meet me at Panera sometime since I have always wanted to eat there, and she seems to like it. :)


Eta: not that Lynn lives close or anything, just a thought I have had.

I thought you were moving to Texas, Slache. Did that change? Or am I making stuff up again?

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When our debt's paid off. Our minimum payments when we came out here were >$700/month and we just couldn't do that. We're over halfway there and I'm thinking 2-3 years. I don't know for sure. I want to live an hour to an hour and a half from Cincinnati which is where Matt's mom and dad live. I don't want to live there because I believe something in the air or water gives everybody cancer. Everyone I could name over 50 has had cancer and all our dogs (dog groomer, roughly 4,000 regular customers) died of cancer. I've never seen that before. I don't understand it. Miscarriages too. I've probably known about 10 times more miscarriages than live births. Seriously.


So probably between Cinci and Indianapolis.

I plan on being here at that time.;) Bloomington is a nice size town in that area.


I'm in the very southern part about 20 miles from the Ohio river. We can plan a get together/play date in a few years.:D

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I was PM'ed by someone who is named Mary and her brother's name is John. when I told her we were considering definitely naming our baby girl Molly because some weird stranger on the ITT said we had to she got super excited because her brother has been calling her Molly forever. :)


There.  That's better.





A great Big MOLLY BOOYA!!!

Edited by JoJosMom
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Dd13 totally amazed me this afternoon.


She gave dd9 and dd7 a 2 1/2 hour violin lesson!  She taught them how to properly hold the instrument, how to bow correctly (they're still squeaky, though), and she taught them all four strings.  She said that I could quiz them -- they know them in any order!



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And here I thought it was only for music videos and SWB lectures!  doh.gif






(Would you believe I forgot to order this until just today?? doh.gifdoh.gifdoh.gif)

I was somewhat disappointed at Christmas. My sister-in-law got me the old edition, which I'm sure is just as good. I just wanted the newest edition. 

Not her fault, though. Dh didn't relay all the pertinent information. 

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I thought you were moving to Texas, Slache. Did that change? Or am I making stuff up again?

Only if Matt's company does. IND is our end destination.


I plan on being here at that time. ;) Bloomington is a nice size town in that area.


I'm in the very southern part about 20 miles from the Ohio river. We can plan a get together/play date in a few years. :D

Definitely. :)

Edited by Slache
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