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Well, college girl just called and she is not bringing boyfriend until tomorrow so you have time to clean up the place. Lol I am disappointed. I was all ready to vet him. I even washed my hair! One of the questions I planned to ask was his impression of homeschooling. It will be like an intense job interview. I'm open to questions I should ask. :D


Have him fill out this application. You'll have to change or delete some questions to match your own beliefs: http://www.freemaninstitute.com/dateapp.htm

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Happy Good Morning New Year, ITT!


It is 1:56pm here on the East Coast.  I am eating breakfast.  That was the nicest sleep-in I've ever had.  Dh and Ds8 have whatever cold I'm recovering from, so after partying until 1am last night (with all children up until 11:30 and three making it until 12:30) WE HAVE CRASHED.  


But it's nice.    Dh fed kids waffles while I slept, and now while he's sleeping I'm supervised an all-house clean up.  




AND TONIGHT IS SHERLOCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

:party:  :party:  :party:  :party:  :party:  :party:  :party:  :party:  :party:  :party:

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Y'all are so funny! :lol:


I stalked him on FB and had her grill him about something I saw.  So far, he passes.  I will go into "stealth therapist mode" when he visits and flip the switch to "gut mode", as well.  By the time he leaves, I will know more about him than he knows about himself without him ever having said a word. 



Edited by texasmama
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Ask him about his mom. Did she make dinner every night? What kind of housekeeper was she? Was she a good cook? (Or "is" she, I should say. Not implying she's dead, here.) That should give you a baseline for his sub-conscious expectations regarding a wife.

I am VERY interested in his family/childhood/etc.  Such relevant stuff there.

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My teens are both employed and making good money today.  Ds called to say that they wanted him to stay 3 1/2 hours later today  at work.  And dd is babysitting all day.  I just dropped her off.  She starting to get employed by rich(er) people.  We were early so we drove around.  We found some nice parks to visit again on another time.  We like to go to public parks in rich areas - very nice and rarely used.  They also tend to have very nice views. 

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FYI, for those who suspect I might be overdoing this, dude is her second boyfriend.  She talked and considered marriage with the first one, as well.  Girlfriend is not playing around.  I've got to keep my eyes on my fries for the sake of any future grandchildren. :gnorsi:

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I am VERY interested in his family/childhood/etc. Such relevant stuff there.

I think a lot of conflict in marriage comes from subconscious expectations. Most people don't even realize they expect something from their spouse and get mad because they aren't getting it. My children are being raised to expect that "normal family life" is a certain way. It's ingrained in them, part of who they are. Dh and I had extremely similar upbringings and I think that's why we have such a harmonious marriage. Our expectations about how life is to be lived are the same.
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Y'all are so funny! :lol:


I stalked him on FB and had her grill him about something I saw. So far, he passes. I will go into "stealth therapist mode" when he visits and flip the switch to "gut mode", as well. By the time he leaves, I will know more about him than he knows about himself without him ever having said a word. :hat:


Weird thing about me: I am really into empowering young (and old) ladies to take care of themselves and not need daddy to look out for them, etc. However, I give mamas a pass in the "looking out for young ladies who are daughters" category because of previous experience being a young lady. :laugh:


Early into this thing, I sensed he was serious (like "looking for a wife" serious) so I told her to let him know that her mother is smart, mean, and owns guns*. :leaving: I was not even really kidding.


*I've never shot anyone (not even an animal) and don't intend to start now. He just needs to know right upfront what he is dealing with. If he still wants to proceed, then he might be worthy of my daughter. I have to meet him in person to truly evaluate him. And he WILL be evaluated in every sense of the word to the best of my educated and experienced therapist ability. I will know if he is insincere, lying, or buttering me up.


**I might have a few residual issues from being a young lady myself. :leaving:

I always tell young men that I used to work in a high-security juvenile male prison and know how to take down those bigger than me. Since everyone is bigger than me, it is important they know this upfront.

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I did the same thing with my new years plans.

What were we thinking???


I wonder if there is a way to look at only our own content from this thread.  That would narrow it down.  It would still be a job but not as long and hard.


I have searched my documents on the computer, my email folder, and the other site I post homeschool stuff on - NOTHING.  It is here.  I even recall posting it.  I don't know how far back though.

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What were we thinking???


I wonder if there is a way to look at only our own content from this thread. That would narrow it down. It would still be a job but not as long and hard.


I have searched my documents on the computer, my email folder, and the other site I post homeschool stuff on - NOTHING. It is here. I even recall posting it. I don't know how far back though.

We were fools. Utter fools.

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What were we thinking???


I wonder if there is a way to look at only our own content from this thread.  That would narrow it down.  It would still be a job but not as long and hard.


I have searched my documents on the computer, my email folder, and the other site I post homeschool stuff on - NOTHING.  It is here.  I even recall posting it.  I don't know how far back though.


Ahem.  What is this?  I don't remember your inviting your ITT friends to your other homeschool site.  :toetap05:   :lol:


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Happy Good Morning New Year, ITT!


It is 1:56pm here on the East Coast.  I am eating breakfast.  That was the nicest sleep-in I've ever had.  Dh and Ds8 have whatever cold I'm recovering from, so after partying until 1am last night (with all children up until 11:30 and three making it until 12:30) WE HAVE CRASHED.  


But it's nice.    Dh fed kids waffles while I slept, and now while he's sleeping I'm supervised an all-house clean up.  




AND TONIGHT IS SHERLOCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

:party:  :party:  :party:  :party:  :party:  :party:  :party:  :party:  :party:  :party:



OMG I am so mad.  Family already scheduled to watch the walking dead season 6 starting at 10.  So Sherlock will have to be watched on rerun.  Grrr

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What are their priorities!  :svengo:


I could watch Sherlock on another tv and join them late, but have decided against this.  Because family time.  The boys aren't into Sherlock, and I kind of like it that way.  It's 90 minutes of me time.  :)

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Wow, you are good. :coolgleamA:


Thanks!  Jean just bossed me, but you provide actual help.  You are my new favorite. :laugh:


Tex, on the geometry question, have you considered Derek Owens?  We'll be attempting AoPS, but Derek Owens is the back-up.  DD is doing the self-paced Physical Science this year, and I have been impressed.

I have.  Also, WTMA.  So many options.


One hurdle at a time.  Still working on getting the child to finish his placement evaluation for the AoPS Intro to Algebra class.


Ahem.  What is this?  I don't remember your inviting your ITT friends to your other homeschool site.  :toetap05:   :lol:


Well, it's actually not a homeschooling site so there's that.  We just have a fair number of homeschoolers so that stuff gets posted.  (I've been there for ten years, and it's really small.)

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Wow, you are good. :coolgleamA:


Thanks!  Jean just bossed me, but you provide actual help.  You are my new favorite. :laugh:




Yes, so I have been told. I'm actually not that great though. In the search box under This Topic, type your user name and a few key words. Took about 5 minutes.

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I'm really not normally a Debbie Downer, but after this Christmas break, you guys probably wonder. lol  
Seriously, though, I want a do-over on this break.  

So, y'all know that dd was sick before Christmas, then I was sick on Christmas day, then Wednesday dd started running a fever again.
I took her to the dr on Thursday morning to make sure it wasn't an ear infection. We ruled out strep and ear infections and chalked it up to a viral infection. With ibuprofen, she went from a 105* fever to 99* and was fine the rest of the day so we decided to go ahead and down to my mom's to do a quick late-Christmas get together. By 5:00 that night, though, she was again running a high fever, but was now complaining of her back hurting and complained when she went to the bathroom. So, we took her to the emergency clinic to get checked out again. 

By the end of that visit, we were sent to the ER! Dd was severely dehydrated and had a very bad UTI according to the dip test urinalysis. We took her to the ER and got in within 5 minutes. I have never seen the ER so cleared out. Definitely a blessing. The ER doctor did some more tests and said that DD has a really bad kidney infection. 

They had to stick her 4 times to get a good IV. :crying: Her other 3 veins blew because she was so dehydrated. Watching them poke and prod and having her bloodcurdling screams fill the room was probably one of the worst experiences of my life. 

We spent about 5 hours at the ER, getting fluids and antibiotics. We left with a prescription for more antibiotics, told to push more fluids, and have to have a followup with our normal physician later this week. 

We got home a little before midnight, but I don't think I slept more than 3 hours. This mommy is wiped out emotionally and physically. I have huge respect for parents whose children have to go through this daily. I don't know how they do it. It's incredibly draining. 

ETA: Boo-on IVs and sick babies-ya.

Edited by Southern Ivy
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