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DS discovered it is possible to overdose on Stampy videos. But it's only temporary.


Okay, shhhhhhh, don't tell anyone - I don't do audio books.


I had one of those kids follow-along books when I was younger. The kind that beeped at you when you had to turn the page, and you had to turn the cassette over halfway through. Remember those? The one I had was like when I was five or something, and it was the last audiobook to which I ever listened. It was cute, though. It was about a mouse sho was trying to solve a mystery about an egg or something iirc, and at the end she squeaked, "The mystery is solved! The mystery is solved!"


I've never known anybody else ever who knows what book I am talking about. LOL




I had a series of book on records called Magic Media stories. I've repurchased some of those stories. I always had the opening songs memorized, and have often dazzled my kids (both personal and school) with my recitations. :D I had half of the Fairy Princess memorized, including voices.

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Oh, but I love FS!


Really lame Booya from my phone. Because it must be lame, I'm leaving off the h.


Oh, what a missed opportunity.


Just imagine Frank Sinatra singing, "It had to boo-yah"  instead of "It had to be you..."


Sorry.  My sense of humor gets kind of weird sometimes...  ;)

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Oh, what a missed opportunity.


Just imagine Frank Sinatra singing, "It had to boo-yah" instead of "It had to be you..."


Sorry. My sense of humor gets kind of weird sometimes... ;)

You are absolutely correct. I am lame. And tired. And completely missed that opportunity.


But I shan't take credit for your idea, so I shall leave my post as is.

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Grrr.  I have been working and working on the layout of this stupid newsletter.  I have the margins, font and layout figured out.  But the pictures which look beautiful on my computer come out looking so dark that you can't really see the people when I print it. 


I hate that. :cursing:


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There's a Whole30 one and a fitness tracker one and I think I was helpful on both. It's nice to be helpful around here. I'm fairly useless considering the contents and my personal experience in the area of homeschooling. I also started one about Plan To Eat and boy did it pay off!

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You are absolutely correct. I am lame. And tired. And completely missed that opportunity.


But I shan't take credit for your idea, so I shall leave my post as is.




No worries.  Everyone has days when they're lame and tired.


Maybe I'm just hopped up on too many pain meds.  :)

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There's a Whole30 one and a fitness tracker one and I think I was helpful on both. It's nice to be helpful around here. I'm fairly useless considering the contents and my personal experience in the area of homeschooling. I also started one about Plan To Eat and boy did it pay off!


I thought about posting your Plan to Eat title on the forum game thread, but then I saw that you started it, and I didn't want to make a pregnant lady cry.  :hat:

(Plan To Eat, Let's be friends! - Yes!  I plan to eat, and Yes! I want to be friends.)


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I don't even go anywhere else on this forum anymore. That's not to say that I don't think you're all nuts, but you're polite, not-scary nuts in ITT.

The hive game rocks. I've been reading every homeschool related post that had caught my attention for about 3 years and I believe it's greatly benefited me. I've also made a home in the exercise thread which has been awesome.


Le Booya! #noh

Edited by Slache
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I keep forgetting there are other threads.


I'll be back in a little while...


I wish I could forget the other threads.  (facepalm)

I used to be really active in the hive game. Now I just come here. I do wonder if any of you think I'm mean because I'm so sarcastic.


I don't think you are mean.  I'm Mrs. Sarcastic, though I try to tone it down for the general public, which is a major effort.

I don't even go anywhere else on this forum anymore. That's not to say that I don't think you're all nuts, but you're polite, not-scary nuts in ITT.

And we have trained you to play nicely, too.   :lol:  :leaving:

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