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I can't find the spiral notebook in which I painstakingly wrote out all the information I needed for the children's high school educations. :huh:


Oh dear.



I have several tabs open on what is required of an AP syllabus. If I write my own, it has to be done by the first week in January. Go me for trying to get something together at the halfway mark of dd16's 10th grade year. Not.

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Croup is no fun. I hope she feels better soon. You need to rest to, so you don't get sick. 


We used to do the small gifts in bigger boxes a lot when we were younger. We wrapped a package of batteries like that for my dad. I think he had boxes to unwrap by the time we were done. 


I decided to waste a whole of gift wrap on this gift. It's a couple of pieces of jewelry, so I wrapped the jewelry, put it back in the envelope it came in and wrapped the envelope. Stuck the envelope in a small box and wrapped it. Did this a couple more times. I don't remember. I lost count. Now, she has a gift as large as the one my mom sent Gymnast. :D

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This portfolio is so stupid.  Basically I did the whole practicum complete with the same paper work the actual practicum students did.  the only difference was I did not have a supervising teacher and I paid $97 less than the other students.  It is nearly done.  Only 10 activity plans left to go.  Those are annoying but basically easy.  I liked it better when I got to argue  discuss educational methodology and philosophy.  I got 100% in that course.  It was being on the hive for the old discussions, only this time I was the smartest one on the conversation rather than feeling like the stupidest like I did on the hive.  I miss those old days, I felt stupid and inadequate but I learned so much, apparently enough to get 100% on the course focused on the historical background of early childhood education and educational methodology. (we spoke at length about montessori, reggio, waldorf etc- since the focus was on preschools).

This portfolio is just boring me to tears.  But it must be finished.  I hate cleaning and all I want to do is ditch the paper work and clean.  THat is how much it is annoying me.  Maybe the lack of coffee for the last 2 days has something to do with that.  Time to brew a cup and see if it helps.

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Oh dear.



I have several tabs open on what is required of an AP syllabus. If I write my own, it has to be done by the first week in January. Go me for trying to get something together at the halfway mark of dd16's 10th grade year. Not.

Reading this sentence makes me tired.  I have come to see how lacking the Biology class is, 

Not good.  (Obi Wan)



It will turn up.  Right after you are 90% finished re-creating it. 

I found it!   :laugh:

Edited by texasmama
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I have decided.


Christmas dinner will either be this, or this.  






I'm heavily leaning toward the latter.  While the scent of beef braising for hours on end as mushrooms sauté in bacon grease is unquestionably a heavenly one, Curbside Pick-Up is tough to beat.  

Edited by Lotsoflittleducklings
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I have decided.


Christmas dinner will either be this, or this.  






I'm heavily leaning toward the latter.  While the scent of beef braising for hours on end as mushrooms sauté in bacon grease is unquestionably a heavenly one, Curbside Pick-Up is tough to beat.  

Go for the latter.  I fully support this.  Looks delicious.

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Was it hiding in the gift bags?



No, but the framed diploma was.  And some stuff that needed to go to the Goodwill about ten years ago.


I had a vague idea of where it was, which was in a large and heavy misc. pile of stuff in the homeschool area.   When I went through and separated out that stuff, I found it.  When I lose it again, remind me it's on the shelf with Sister Wendy's book and under little dd's completed work shelf.  Y'all are my brain. :hat:  :lol:

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I also ran out of hangers so I went through the closet and found stuff I never wear to get rid of so I could steal the hangers.  I need to go to the Goodwill for a drop off, yo.


Why would I buy a horizontally striped pink sweater?

Because you were not drinking coffee that day and so your judgement of what is fashionable was not yet activated?

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I have decided.


Christmas dinner will either be this, or this.



I'm heavily leaning toward the latter. While the scent of beef braising for hours on end as mushrooms sauté in bacon grease is unquestionably a heavenly one, Curbside Pick-Up is tough to beat.

The steak Diane looks divine! I love mushrooms!

Edited by KrissiK
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Well,I went to church. It was a lovely Christmas service. Now I'm snuggled up in sweats watching Derek Carr throw an interception that puts the Packers into scoring position! I am not happy!

The Packers scored! I'm really not happy now.


Oh, and points for quoting myself!

Edited by KrissiK
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I am a generally crappy housekeeper.  Laundry is the only thing I'm really good at. That's why I post about dusting the mantel.  It's such a rare occasion I don't recall when I last did it. :leaving:


Me too.  I like laundry better than any other house keeping chore.  Unfortunately, that does not mean that I ever get it all done, lol.  :D :svengo:


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I've done nothing. I went to church and stopped by target solely to discover that they're out of magnatiles after looking for them for almost 20 minutes. I went back and forth between isle f3 and a worker twice before he was willing to walk with me just so that he could inform me that magna off brand is the same thing. It's not. He said they would connect with our magnatiles. They won't. I bought Resses.

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Here, y'all can help me. I'm having a very, very bad case of Christmas humbugs. Christmas is not a holiday I really enjoy, and not for any particular reason, other than the increased traffic in town and the stress that seems to just hover around everyone I see. I'm planning on avoiding town all of next week (except tomorrow, because I simply must get to the library before the holidays). I'm so humbugged that I can't even summon the energy needed to go get my decorations from the garage to do up the fireplace. We are not having a tree this year. 

What are some good home remedies for humbugs?

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I needed an ice cream break.  Yes it is freezing outside, winter weather has truly hit my part of the world.  But I needed ice cream and french vanilla coffee creamer.  So dd16 and I just drove over to the convenience store.  I got an ice cream for me, chips for all the kids, creamer for me, chips for me, bounty bars for me and a lotto scratch ticket (have not bought one of those in a long time).  That's what happens when I have to go and get snack foods while stressed, I over indulge.  On the plus side, the ice cream was yummy and the chips I got had ringalos in it and they make a satisfying crunch when I bite them which is helping lower my stress.  Time to get back to writing the portfolio (serves me right to be stressed, I had a month to do the damn thing, but I have been a bit busy and kept putting it off).

Also I ordered a new printer.  Old faithful here lasted for 10 years but is now dead.  Amazon prime says I will have the new one before xmas...I think it is lying

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Here, y'all can help me. I'm having a very, very bad case of Christmas humbugs. Christmas is not a holiday I really enjoy, and not for any particular reason, other than the increased traffic in town and the stress that seems to just hover around everyone I see. I'm planning on avoiding town all of next week (except tomorrow, because I simply must get to the library before the holidays). I'm so humbugged that I can't even summon the energy needed to go get my decorations from the garage to do up the fireplace. We are not having a tree this year. 

What are some good home remedies for humbugs?

I have not dug the decorations out of my basement for the last 4 years. This year I finally bought a new tree but it is still in the box unopened.  We don't do xmas here so it always seems like too much hassle to decorate.  But we will put this stupid tree up either tonight or tomorrow and I will take it down boxing day.


*here meaning in my house, we go to my folks for xmas haha, realized it sounded like we don't celebrate at all, we do, just not at home haha

Edited by swellmomma
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Here, y'all can help me. I'm having a very, very bad case of Christmas humbugs. Christmas is not a holiday I really enjoy, and not for any particular reason, other than the increased traffic in town and the stress that seems to just hover around everyone I see. I'm planning on avoiding town all of next week (except tomorrow, because I simply must get to the library before the holidays). I'm so humbugged that I can't even summon the energy needed to go get my decorations from the garage to do up the fireplace. We are not having a tree this year.

What are some good home remedies for humbugs?

Alcohol, eggnog, Christmas music.

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Y'all...I think we gave my daughter a possessed toy. 
This stupid remote control dog has been sitting in the corner all day. It was dead quiet in the house and then it just suddenly started wagging it's tail and talking. I about peed my pants.  :lol: 

The remote is where I can see it and no one is touching it. 

We turned it off. If it moves/talks again, it's going back to the store. I don't do possessed. Nope. Nope. Nope. 

Edited by Southern Ivy
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Here, y'all can help me. I'm having a very, very bad case of Christmas humbugs. Christmas is not a holiday I really enjoy, and not for any particular reason, other than the increased traffic in town and the stress that seems to just hover around everyone I see. I'm planning on avoiding town all of next week (except tomorrow, because I simply must get to the library before the holidays). I'm so humbugged that I can't even summon the energy needed to go get my decorations from the garage to do up the fireplace. We are not having a tree this year.

What are some good home remedies for humbugs?

I don't care about decor so I have dh get the stuff out of the attic and then the kids put it up. I do nothing. Whatever the kids do is good enough. Edited by texasmama
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Y'all...I think we gave my daughter a possessed toy.

This stupid remote control dog has been sitting in the corner all day. It was dead quiet in the house and then it just suddenly started wagging it's tail and talking. I about peed my pants. :lol:


The remote is where I can see it and no one is touching it.


We turned it off. If it moves/talks again, it's going back to the store. I don't do possessed. Nope. Nope. Nope.

You suggested I purchase an agent of Satan for my daughter? I'm never taking your advice in the future.

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Maybe it's on demon mode. I mean...demo mode.


No, no demon/demo mode on the dog. The wand has one, but not the dog. 

Maybe it's the magic in the wand...


You suggested I purchase an agent of Satan for my daughter? I'm never taking your advice in the future.

Shhh!! Don't say such things. My advice is stellar. 

You weren't supposed to know I was secretly recruiting to build an army of demon dogs. 

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Y'all...I think we gave my daughter a possessed toy. 

This stupid remote control dog has been sitting in the corner all day. It was dead quiet in the house and then it just suddenly started wagging it's tail and talking. I about peed my pants.  :lol: 


The remote is where I can see it and no one is touching it. 


We turned it off. If it moves/talks again, it's going back to the store. I don't do possessed. Nope. Nope. Nope. 

When ds17 was a baby he had this battery operated bear that when you pushed the tummy it said "can you and I be friends ha ha ha" next time you pushed it a heartbeat sound came out.  It was really cute.  Until it wasn't.  One night at like 3 am I hear this deep demonic voice slowly saying "can you and I be friend HA HA HA" (the cute way the hahaha was like a giggle, the deep way was slow with pauses so it sounded evil).  Then the heart beat sound then back to asking to be friends.  It took a few minutes to find it under the sofa.  We got the batteries out of it and then I tossed it in the condo dumpster just to be sure.  Freaked the heck out of us.  I still can hear it clear as day in my memory, that deep voice waking me up from sleep asking if we could be friend.  Oh hell no, we can most certainly NOT be friends.

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No, but the framed diploma was.  And some stuff that needed to go to the Goodwill about ten years ago.


I had a vague idea of where it was, which was in a large and heavy misc. pile of stuff in the homeschool area.   When I went through and separated out that stuff, I found it.  When I lose it again, remind me it's on the shelf with Sister Wendy's book and under little dd's completed work shelf.  Y'all are my brain. :hat:  :lol:


I :001_wub:  Sister Wendy.

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Well,I went to church. It was a lovely Christmas service. Now I'm snuggled up in sweats watching Derek Carr throw an interception that puts the Packers into scoring position! I am not happy!


Go, Pack, go!!


Now stop posting about this, Krissi!  We're recording it for later!



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No, but the framed diploma was. And some stuff that needed to go to the Goodwill about ten years ago.


I had a vague idea of where it was, which was in a large and heavy misc. pile of stuff in the homeschool area. When I went through and separated out that stuff, I found it. When I lose it again, remind me it's on the shelf with Sister Wendy's book and under little dd's completed work shelf. Y'all are my brain. :hat: :lol:

It's under your bed.


Or was that someone else?

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Here, y'all can help me. I'm having a very, very bad case of Christmas humbugs. Christmas is not a holiday I really enjoy, and not for any particular reason, other than the increased traffic in town and the stress that seems to just hover around everyone I see. I'm planning on avoiding town all of next week (except tomorrow, because I simply must get to the library before the holidays). I'm so humbugged that I can't even summon the energy needed to go get my decorations from the garage to do up the fireplace. We are not having a tree this year. 

What are some good home remedies for humbugs?


Chocolate.  Duh.


And duct tape for the offenders.  (Duct tape.  It's always the answer.)

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Please ignore this panicky fit I am having. It will last for another 36 hours.


(I cannot figure out how we will fit everything into the van. And then I remembered that we also need to bring pillows and sleeping bags.)




This booya is dedicated to my family, who are going the extra mile to keep me sane.



The Christmas Variety Booyah:

Deck the halls with booya, hooyah!


This the season to be Booyah!

Falalalala! All alfalfa!


Fah lah lah lah Booyah!


"Booyah bells, Booyah bells,

Booyah all the way!

Oh what fun it is to Booyah

in a one horse open Booo-yah!"


Booya Bells! Booya Bells!

Booya all the way!

Oh, what fun it is to Booya

On a night just like today!


Booyah bells, Booyah bells,

Booyah all the way!

Oh what fun it is to Booyah,

or booya Slashe's way!


Booya bells, booya bells,

Ringing in my head.

Oh, what fun it is

To write

A silly song like this!


Booya bells!

Booya bells!

Ringing in my head!

I really need to get to editing

Because if I get fired I'll be dead!


Likety bells

likety bells

likety all the way!!!!


We wish you a Merry Booya(h)!

We wish you a Merry Booya(h)!

We wish you a Merry Booya(h) and a Happy Booya!

Edited by Susan in TN
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