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okay folks I am back to play for another month-ish then into term 2 for me.  All my courses for term 1 are done now, just have to hand in a portfolio next week for advance credit on this term's practicum.  Still working like crazy, but as of the 18th I am on 2 weeks break from work too.  I can not wait.  So glad to be able to have time to hang out again

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okay folks I am back to play for another month-ish then into term 2 for me. All my courses for term 1 are done now, just have to hand in a portfolio next week for advance credit on this term's practicum. Still working like crazy, but as of the 18th I am on 2 weeks break from work too. I can not wait. So glad to be able to have time to hang out again

Hi! Welcome back! We have a few newbs. Renai graduated, I'm still prego, only one genderless baby though. I think Renai's graduation is the most exciting thing to happen while you were gone...

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Hi! Welcome back! We have a few newbs. Renai graduated, I'm still prego, only one genderless baby though. I think Renai's graduation is the most exciting thing to happen while you were gone...

Congrats to Renai on graduating!  I can not wait until spring when I get to graduate from one of my programs, only 1 course and 1 working practicum left in that one.  


Also happy to hear you are still prego :)  


The most exciting thing that happened to me while I was gone was success in one of my courses.  I nearly dropped the course due to 1 assignment that had me freaked out.  teacher let me know it was the hardest assignment in all of the human services department and I got a 90% on it, only docked 3 points for sound quality and angle of camera (had to video tape myself doing a 30 minute counselling session, then do a full word for word transcription and report).  I thought that course was going to ruin my GPA but I finished the term with a 4.0 like my other ones.


ds12's lawsuit will finally be done in the next week or so, the settlement has been approved, it goes before the judge in a few years.  I get a small amount to compensate for all the mileage getting him to dr's after the accident, the rest goes into trust for him.  It is meant to cover any future medical expenses or other needs he may have in the future, but mostly it is his college fund.  If he gets a degree he can get a good job with benefits that will allow him to afford the custom orthotics etc they said he will likely need.  


exdh and his wife were denied the adoption, in fact from what I heard from exdh he was told by cps he was an unfit father (they were trying to adopt from the foster care system), due to his lack of involvement in the kids lives and failure to step up when I needed help with oldest, they are not allowed to get new kids.  He is fighting them on it, but he is making sure to play nice right now.  The kids have started cancelling visits with him, had to meet with a shrink that was handling the adoption to discuss their relationship with their dad etc.  He can never try to upset the status quo now (not that he likely would have, though he has threatened it) because they already deemed him unfit, and after the whole investigation fiasco several years ago they deemed me fine.  So that was a bonus.  (That part of this post will be deleted just because I don't know if he ever spies on what I am saying online).  Kids have started asking me why he is such a control freak etc.


DD16 came out to her dad during their last visit.  It was something she has been scared to do every since coming out to me. It went better than expected, especially since the wife was so supportive.  (Dd identifies as pansexual).


Hmm, what else? I think that pretty much covers the last 10 days.  Toss in a couple flu viruses going through the house, a crap load of stuff at work, all 3 olders quitting cadets, ds12 getting kicked from ju jitsu, so both girls out too (sensei got all bent out of shape taking offence to something that was not even my fault).  I don't mind losing 2 activities a week to drive them to, they still have dance, art, basketball etc, life is never quiet. There I think that is basically everything since I last had time to check in.





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Congrats to Renai on graduating! I can not wait until spring when I get to graduate from one of my programs, only 1 course and 1 working practicum left in that one.


Also happy to hear you are still prego :)


The most exciting thing that happened to me while I was gone was success in one of my courses. I nearly dropped the course due to 1 assignment that had me freaked out. teacher let me know it was the hardest assignment in all of the human services department and I got a 90% on it, only docked 3 points for sound quality and angle of camera (had to video tape myself doing a 30 minute counselling session, then do a full word for word transcription and report). I thought that course was going to ruin my GPA but I finished the term with a 4.0 like my other ones.


ds12's lawsuit will finally be done in the next week or so, the settlement has been approved, it goes before the judge in a few years. I get a small amount to compensate for all the mileage getting him to dr's after the accident, the rest goes into trust for him. It is meant to cover any future medical expenses or other needs he may have in the future, but mostly it is his college fund. If he gets a degree he can get a good job with benefits that will allow him to afford the custom orthotics etc they said he will likely need.


exdh and his wife were denied the adoption, in fact from what I heard from exdh he was told by cps he was an unfit father (they were trying to adopt from the foster care system), due to his lack of involvement in the kids lives and failure to step up when I needed help with oldest, they are not allowed to get new kids. He is fighting them on it, but he is making sure to play nice right now. The kids have started cancelling visits with him, had to meet with a shrink that was handling the adoption to discuss their relationship with their dad etc. He can never try to upset the status quo now (not that he likely would have, though he has threatened it) because they already deemed him unfit, and after the whole investigation fiasco several years ago they deemed me fine. So that was a bonus. (That part of this post will be deleted just because I don't know if he ever spies on what I am saying online). Kids have started asking me why he is such a control freak etc.


DD16 came out to her dad during their last visit. It was something she has been scared to do every since coming out to me. It went better than expected, especially since the wife was so supportive. (Dd identifies as pansexual).


Hmm, what else? I think that pretty much covers the last 10 days. Toss in a couple flu viruses going through the house, a crap load of stuff at work, all 3 olders quitting cadets, ds12 getting kicked from ju jitsu, so both girls out too (sensei got all bent out of shape taking offence to something that was not even my fault). I don't mind losing 2 activities a week to drive them to, they still have dance, art, basketball etc, life is never quiet. There I think that is basically everything since I last had time to check in.


I'm so glad about your daughter. I read the original thread and felt so bad about it. Feeling that your parents love is conditional is just painful.



Keep chugging along. You'll graduate eventually. ;)

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Happy Wednesday! And happy birthday to Lynn's ds14!!


And happy birth day to Renai's niece! Hope baby and mom are doing well.


Good to see you again, Brandy! Hope you can get a bit of rest these next couple of weeks.


Guess where I get to go this morning? Yep, the dentist. Dd9 has a cavity.

Edited by Susan in TN
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Hello all!


The field trip went well. We went to Louisville to see Christmas lights display at a big downtown hotel. It is really beautiful. We also went to a history museum which I had free tickets for.


The start of my day included a flat tire, but thankfully dh had taken a vacation day to go on field trip.


Happy birthday, Lynn's ds. :party:


Brandy, I am glad you are getting a break. Way to go on the GPA. WOO HOO.


I hope everyone has a great day.

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I'm not being difficult! I'm just asking because I want to know.

The last time I used it was help my PMS symptoms, but that was 12 years ago, and it delayed my period by almost a week.  I didn't even use that much.  I'm sure people have different sensitivities.  

Edited by texasmama
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It's raining so much that you're flooding and you don't like it?




Someone is raining on your parade, you wish they would float away because they make you want to gag?


Original intent:  Option 1


Or you are in a bad mood and want to float away on a sailboat to a beautiful tropical island and you are angry because you can't. 


But Option 3 works, as well.

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Okay, my kid cracks me up.  She's taking a Playing with Poetry class through Brave Writer.  She has struggled a bit with Japanese poetry and really, really did not bond with Tanka.  Here's her second Tanka:


I can’t write tanka,

It’s just much too strict to write.

Yep, this is haiku.

Except that now it isn’t,

So now I have succeeded.






ETA:  Oh, look!  I posted something educational!  Done!

Edited by JoJosMom
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My mom sent the kids a book. This means she's sorry or she's pissed. I won't know until I call to say thank you. She still doesn't know about the baby unless she's figured it out through a friends Facebook or something.


As per usual SIL texted a list of baby names she finds acceptable and then told me the names we have picked out don't sound good. She's so pleasant.

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We had quite the storm last night.  I woke up at 3 am because the wind gusts were so strong that they were rattling the house.  Fortunately the kids slept through that.  But shortly after 6 am there was a clap of thunder right over our house.  I immediately had kids and  a dog in my bed with me!  It rained really hard then but no more thunder or lightning.

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Token educational post....

History test question: what is the name of George Washigton's home?

My child's answer : Mt. Vermin


Token eye roll about my kids.... The best thing that happened at the visit to Gramdma's yesterday was hearing the neighbor's horse pass gas as he ran about the pen. They are still talking and laughing about it. (Sigh)

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We had quite the storm last night. I woke up at 3 am because the wind gusts were so strong that they were rattling the house. Fortunately the kids slept through that. But shortly after 6 am there was a clap of thunder right over our house. I immediately had kids and a dog in my bed with me! It rained really hard then but no more thunder or lightning.

At least it was at 6:00am and not midnight. My kids totally freak out when they wake up to a thunder storm. They have a hard time falling back to sleep!
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We had quite the storm last night.  I woke up at 3 am because the wind gusts were so strong that they were rattling the house.  Fortunately the kids slept through that.  But shortly after 6 am there was a clap of thunder right over our house.  I immediately had kids and  a dog in my bed with me!  It rained really hard then but no more thunder or lightning.


Oh, boy.  That's headed our way now.  Happy, happy, joy, joy. :glare:


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Token educational post....

History test question: what is the name of George Washigton's home?

My child's answer : Mt. Vermin


Token eye roll about my kids.... The best thing that happened at the visit to Gramdma's yesterday was hearing the neighbor's horse pass gas as he ran about the pen. They are still talking and laughing about it. (Sigh)


:lol: :lol:  The Fjord is always good for a laugh this way.  When I turn her out, she runs and bucks and TOOTS like a freight train! 

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If SIL has anything negative to say about little Molly Grace, I'd suggest she say it my face. boxing.gif

That was her least favorite. It's the kid's favorite though. Why do all these people think they have a say in this anyway? It's my kid. She can go make her own. You should hear the things MIL says. "That sounds like a black name." If I mention anything remotely hispanic sounding she has a fit. "You can't name my granddaughter that!" Um, yes I can. She wants us to name her middle name Marie after her. I have half a mind to make her name Maria just to piss her off.

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That was her least favorite. It's the kid's favorite though. Why do all these people think they have a say in this anyway? It's my kid. She can go make her own. You should hear the things MIL says. "That sounds like a black name." If I mention anything remotely hispanic sounding she has a fit. "You can't name my granddaughter that!" Um, yes I can. She wants us to name her middle name Marie after her. I have half a mind to make her name Maria just to piss her off.


Hey, now!  Hold on there a minute, little missy!  You aren't including ME in "all these people" are you?  Because that would be WRONG.









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Went to the orthodontist and got the snooty girl. :huh:


Now comes the part when I need help and advice.  The 4th-6th graders at church are doing a Bible Drop Off event tonight, and little dd wants to go.  The permission slip said that they are going to put Bibles on people's doorsteps in the neighborhoods, ring the doorbells and run.   :huh:   It seems an odd event for young kids.  My two issues are that I don't let my dd ride in a car with a random adult driving and also what sort of people are these that they are going to leave Bibles for?  What if they are cranky and come out with a shotgun?  That is far-fetched, and this is a nice little small town with a lot of older people, but I want to know if they are ding dong ditching Bibles at random strangers' houses.  I think these are reasonable questions.  However, I called the contact person and left a message but then I was talking to my little supervisee when she called back.  So I just don't know.  What does the ITT say about ding dong ditching Bibles?

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Happy bday Lynn's ds and Jean's dd!!! 


Hugs all around to those who need them.  


Coming up for air before I plow on through this day.  It's not bad busy.  Just too busy, on too little sleep for many night in a row.  Last night may have totaled four hours, and that involved multiple interruptions and child joining us who is great at sleep-kicking.


But I grabbed a pizza and a chick parm calzone on the way home from Bible school, so we are set for dinner before we rush out to evening activities.  And tomorrow is the start of Christmas vacation! (Well, we will do catch-up... but that's all.)   :thumbup:










Edited by Lotsoflittleducklings
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I would not send my child to that activity for a few reasons:

1. random driving adult

2. unknown nature of who might answer the door

3. no meaningful interaction with who might be actually open to receiving scripture--iow, what is the actual missionary opportunity here?

4. casual treatment of the scriptures--my kids have been trained to treat scriptures respectfully--not left in the elements, not thrown onto the floor of their bedroom, not besmeared with kid gunk--this activity seems to be contrary to respectful treatment of the scriptures.  Placing them into the hands of someone who acts willing to receive them (regardless of what they do with them afterwards) is very different than a bible left on a doorstep.

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