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Boss, who used to be the Quality Assurance director for a well renowned regional hospital and is now the director of credentialing for our entire system told me "Just tell your doctor that you need an advocate to help you navigate these specialists. They eat that stuff up he'll love it."


So I call my doctor and tell him that. "Well I don't know what you expect me to do. See the specialists [who are ignoring you or just telling you never to drive again and take this pill.]" 




He's gonna see me this evening but it sounds like it's going to be a hostile visit.

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I was planning to be at work early today, but then Gymnast decided to have a blow out 10 minutes before time to leave. I had to stick her in the shower. I texted, letting the school know I was late and why. At 7:30, I get a text from my assistant that he still wasn't feeling well, so wasn't going in. 1) I told him yesterday to put in for a sub to stay home today, 2) he's the one that's always at the school at 7:30 to meet the kids in the morning. I walk in at 7:47 (3 minutes before time to pick up the kids). Principal is the one meeting the kids and she's pretty pissed (had to cancel a meeting). She's fussing at me, even after I tell her what happened and why I was late. She's also upset with the assistant, but she'll deal with that later. I texted a warning to him.


So, again, I was by myself with the worst class in history, and everyone was having a bad day. I swear, if these weren't kids I was dealing with, I would have walked out of this job a long time ago.


I'm glad I took my meds.

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Have any of you done Professor Grant Horner's Bible Reading System?



Eta: It's 10 chapters a day:


  • The Gospels (89 day cycle)
  • The Pentateuch (187 day cycle)
  • Romans-Colossians + Hebrews (78 day cycle)
  • The rest of the NT epistles + Revelation (65 day cycle)
  • Job, Ecclesiastes, Song of Solomon (62 day cycle)
  • Psalms (150 day cycle)
  • Proverbs (31 day cycle)
  • The OT historical books (249 day cycle)
  • The OT Prophets (250 day cycle)
  • Acts (28 day cycle)
Edited by Slache
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Have any of you done Professor Grant Horner's Bible Reading System?



Eta: It's 10 chapters a day:


  • The Gospels (89 day cycle)
  • The Pentateuch (187 day cycle)
  • Romans-Colossians + Hebrews (78 day cycle)
  • The rest of the NT epistles + Revelation (65 day cycle)
  • Job, Ecclesiastes, Song of Solomon (62 day cycle)
  • Psalms (150 day cycle)
  • Proverbs (31 day cycle)
  • The OT historical books (249 day cycle)
  • The OT Prophets (250 day cycle)
  • Acts (28 day cycle)



:leaving: (Quietly slinking away with a bad case of 90-Day Failure Shame)

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:leaving: (Quietly slinking away with a bad case of 90-Day Failure Shame)

That was really, really hard! And I have less kids than you. Matt supported me while I sat in bed reading every night while he dealt with the kids. My back required a lot of rest at the time so it all worked out well for me. I think only 3 of us finished it.

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Yes, we should've added him to a credit card account. I didn't know. I read about it on the forum a couple of weeks ago.


My nephew is selling the truck as a private party. He is not a dealer or a lender, just a good nephew. ;)

Well, better late than never! It doesn't take long. :)

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Boss, who used to be the Quality Assurance director for a well renowned regional hospital and is now the director of credentialing for our entire system told me "Just tell your doctor that you need an advocate to help you navigate these specialists. They eat that stuff up he'll love it."


So I call my doctor and tell him that. "Well I don't know what you expect me to do. See the specialists [who are ignoring you or just telling you never to drive again and take this pill.]"




He's gonna see me this evening but it sounds like it's going to be a hostile visit.

This is why we need self driving cars.

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:grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:   For my ITT friends.


I felt so crummy that I went without my trazodone last night and took only 9 mg of melatonin.  I had trouble falling asleep (about 1 am or after) and was awake at 5 am.  Moved to ds12's room at 6:30 and went back to sleep for an hour a half or so about 8 am.  I took tylenol for the pressing, dull headache that has been present for two days.  I was trying to avoid this but gave in.


Going to the chiro later today.


  :grouphug:  :grouphug:  And hugs to YOU   :grouphug: :grouphug:

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I was planning to be at work early today, but then Gymnast decided to have a blow out 10 minutes before time to leave. I had to stick her in the shower. I texted, letting the school know I was late and why. At 7:30, I get a text from my assistant that he still wasn't feeling well, so wasn't going in. 1) I told him yesterday to put in for a sub to stay home today, 2) he's the one that's always at the school at 7:30 to meet the kids in the morning. I walk in at 7:47 (3 minutes before time to pick up the kids). Principal is the one meeting the kids and she's pretty pissed (had to cancel a meeting). She's fussing at me, even after I tell her what happened and why I was late. She's also upset with the assistant, but she'll deal with that later. I texted a warning to him.


So, again, I was by myself with the worst class in history, and everyone was having a bad day. I swear, if these weren't kids I was dealing with, I would have walked out of this job a long time ago.


I'm glad I took my meds.

My principal in grade school ALWAYS greeted the arrivals and always did the intercom in the lobby dismissing us/ calling bus numbers. Connected with the kids, noticed who was out. And not because he had to because of staffing or something. He never would have scheduled a meeting during drop off/ arrivals. So poopoo on her!


Also same principal who wheeled me in a wheelchair down the hall to the nurse's office in third grade when I passed out in the lunch line and hit my head on the cash register. Then called my mom later from his house after dinner to check on me.

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My principal in grade school ALWAYS greeted the arrivals and always did the intercom in the lobby dismissing us/ calling bus numbers. Connected with the kids, noticed who was out. And not because he had to because of staffing or something. He never would have scheduled a meeting during drop off/ arrivals. So poopoo on her!


Also same principal who wheeled me in a wheelchair down the hall to the nurse's office in third grade when I passed out in the lunch line and hit my head on the cash register. Then called my mom later from his house after dinner to check on me.

The principal at DS's school does this. Every time I pick him up from school or go to a game or something she is always out and about, talking to kids, talking to parents. She's awesome. But you don't want to mess with her, I understand.
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Jealous of those with Christmas decorations already up! Our stuff is in the attic, and there's a bat in my belfry attic, I discovered to my horror yesterday. I'm hoping it's taken care of tomorrow. Meanwhile my advent plan to use Christmas books as bedtime stories is a no-go.


:grouphug:  to all who need them, and to all a good night.

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Doc took an EKG which he said was abnormal. Referred me for bloodwork tomorrow, MRI soon, new neurologist, new cardiologist. And says don't drive.


In Connecticut "don't drive" basically means "don't work"... that's... not gonna work. :(

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Doc took an EKG which he said was abnormal. Referred me for bloodwork tomorrow, MRI soon, new neurologist, new cardiologist. And says don't drive.


In Connecticut "don't drive" basically means "don't work"... that's... not gonna work. :(


Not driving sucks.  But being told to work at home is good.  So is being checked out some more with new specialists (even though I really do know how hard that is.)

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(((Jean :hurray: Jean)))   --- because I don't know if going back to bed was a good thing or a sign of a rough day....


Quackersh, going back to bed is a normal thing if I can swing it.  I have to drive ds to work and get dh out the door to his work before I am really awake so I go back to bed for a couple of hours afterward.


Today was actually a good day.  I've had a really tough time for about a week.  I wasn't sure if it was just "really bad fibro" (as opposed to normally bad fibro) or if I had the flu.  There is a downside to feeling like you have the flu 24/7 / 365 days a year.  I finally figured out that it must be the flu when my family started to drop like flies around me.  Today I'm back to normally bad fibro and boy am I glad! 

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Doc took an EKG which he said was abnormal. Referred me for bloodwork tomorrow, MRI soon, new neurologist, new cardiologist. And says don't drive.


In Connecticut "don't drive" basically means "don't work"... that's... not gonna work. :(

I know you are not happy with the whole no drive thing, but I am super glad you saw your doc.

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My principal in grade school ALWAYS greeted the arrivals and always did the intercom in the lobby dismissing us/ calling bus numbers. Connected with the kids, noticed who was out. And not because he had to because of staffing or something. He never would have scheduled a meeting during drop off/ arrivals. So poopoo on her!


Also same principal who wheeled me in a wheelchair down the hall to the nurse's office in third grade when I passed out in the lunch line and hit my head on the cash register. Then called my mom later from his house after dinner to check on me.


She usually is in the lobby greeting the kids, so her needing to meet with a parent during that time isn't a normal thing. Meeting the prek kids though, means she's not in the lobby, but stuck in the library.


But, if that tonto assistant had called for a sub last night like I told him to, the situation never would have happened. Thankfully, he called this afternoon. The secretary said he sounded terrible, so probably won't be in tomorrow either. I told her I'd be there. Hopefully he calls for a sub. At least I know I need to be there early.

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Jealous of those with Christmas decorations already up! Our stuff is in the attic, and there's a bat in my belfry attic, I discovered to my horror yesterday. I'm hoping it's taken care of tomorrow. Meanwhile my advent plan to use Christmas books as bedtime stories is a no-go.


:grouphug:  to all who need them, and to all a good night.


Our Christmas lights have been up since last December. January 6th (Three Kings Day) was the last day we had them on. We didn't turn the lights on again until last night. They all work, except the ones that were on the pine tree, because that line got chopped up by a weed eater. We'll replace those lights this weekend though.

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Not driving sucks.  But being told to work at home is good.  So is being checked out some more with new specialists (even though I really do know how hard that is.)


My employer (the org) is notorious for not allowing people to work from home, so.. unless I want to kick off my art business in record time it's going to get very interesting paying the mortgage soon.

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Also when it comes to neurologists in Connecticut "6 months of no driving to prove you're fine" seems to be the standard. It's basically impossible not to lose one's job in that interval.

Then you can sue for wrongful termination and get us a van with some of your winnings. It's a win-win.

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Quackersh, going back to bed is a normal thing if I can swing it.  I have to drive ds to work and get dh out the door to his work before I am really awake so I go back to bed for a couple of hours afterward.


Today was actually a good day.  I've had a really tough time for about a week.  I wasn't sure if it was just "really bad fibro" (as opposed to normally bad fibro) or if I had the flu.  There is a downside to feeling like you have the flu 24/7 / 365 days a year.  I finally figured out that it must be the flu when my family started to drop like flies around me.  Today I'm back to normally bad fibro and boy am I glad! 


Imma so happy.   :hurray:

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Dh was told by his boss today that "corporate" is putting the major squeeze on headcount. Again. Seems to happen about every 6 months now. Dh's department will probably stick around just about until the end, so that's something. Seems we need to be making an exit plan, though. Bah. Humbug.



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Dh was told by his boss today that "corporate" is putting the major squeeze on headcount. Again. Seems to happen about every 6 months now. Dh's department will probably stick around just about until the end, so that's something. Seems we need to be making an exit plan, though. Bah. Humbug.




I'm sorry, Susan. 



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