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Random post to meet the educational requirement of this thread. :)


This is actually how my brain works. Scary, isn't it?


Maybe I just need to make sure I'm not hyper-focusing on one thing (like buying a car). Although, hyper-focusing on cleaning the house would not be a bad thing. I often think of hyper-focusing on cleaning the house. It doesn't get past thinking though.


See? I did it again.

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This is actually how my brain works. Scary, isn't it?


Maybe I just need to make sure I'm not hyper-focusing on one thing (like buying a car). Although, hyper-focusing on cleaning the house would not be a bad thing. I often think of hyper-focusing on cleaning the house. It doesn't get past thinking though.


See? I did it again.


My brain works the same way.  And my house is the same way, too. 

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What part of toyota do you not understand?


I thought you worked far? Something about needing a new car soon.


I'm having a fabulous hair day today. I did yesterday but I never left the house. I got checked out by an old guy at red lobster. Still got it. Sort of.


I can get behind the booya hooyah. Very good.

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What part of toyota do you not understand?


I thought you worked far? Something about needing a new car soon.


I'm having a fabulous hair day today. I did yesterday but I never left the house. I got checked out by an old guy at red lobster. Still got it. Sort of.


I can get behind the booya hooyah. Very good.


Not many Toyota options.


I work near, go to church far. Transmission gets wonky on the highway and downshifts. Rear lights don't work (not a fuse, and not bulbs), and one night ALL the lights went out as I was driving down the highway. At night. Pitch black, and a long way down if I crash past the rails. It was scary. So, no night driving (headlights came back on)


I always get hit on by old guys. I have no idea why I don't attract some honey-dipped honey dip every once in a while. I don't know what to think of that.

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Home. Week away after extended family crisis. Ds's Christmas package arrived a few hours after we left. I sent a friend by to pick it up but it had been stolen off of our porch already. Merry freakin' Christmas.

Sorry. I'm glad you're home. Go to bed. You'll feel better tomorrow.

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It's because their owners love them so. I think I'm being argumentative because I'm willing to spend more on a car. I could find you an amazing toyota for $9,000 and it would be far superior to what you're looking at. I don't have student loans.


Yep. Student loans. I'm paying one off, which is putting a dent in how much I'll spend on a car. A couple are coming due, and others will come due in the next few months. Plus, I've never financed a car and will look every which way to not start (especially since I'll be paying the student loans). Thus, cash for a car.


I go back and forth about buying just for me, or buying something dh can drive (he can't drive a stick). But, he's known for a while that he would need another car. Did he ever save money during the past couple of years so he'd have something down when his car goes caput? No. But, I did. It's been like this ever since we were married. It annoys me. No, it pisses me off.

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Home. Week away after extended family crisis. Ds's Christmas package arrived a few hours after we left. I sent a friend by to pick it up but it had been stolen off of our porch already. Merry freakin' Christmas.

That's terrible! I'm sorry that happened.  :grouphug:

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Yep. Student loans. I'm paying one off, which is putting a dent in how much I'll spend on a car. A couple are coming due, and others will come due in the next few months. Plus, I've never financed a car and will look every which way to not start (especially since I'll be paying the student loans). Thus, cash for a car.


I go back and forth about buying just for me, or buying something dh can drive (he can't drive a stick). But, he's known for a while that he would need another car. Did he ever save money during the past couple of years so he'd have something down when his car goes caput? No. But, I did. It's been like this ever since we were married. It annoys me. No, it pisses me off.


I should add: I need to also consider how much to keep in savings. Dh's lean months are here (construction work), and I need to make sure we have enough for rent any given month.

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Good Morning!  Sorry I'm late to breakfast.  Hope everyone has a restful Sunday.  I'm home from church with 10yo ds recovering from a tummy-thing. 


And I'm starting to think about jumping back into the routine tomorrow.  I want and need the routine, but would <partly> like for it to be a bit different.  But I don't have the mojo to do "different" right now and besides we'll only do a couple more weeks before we break again for Christmas, so what's the point of doing something different just to break again?  I think I need to play more music but I haven't quite caught up with technology changes.  CDs are so easy, except for the unreliability of cd players.  <Insert continued rambling and excuse making>

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Morning, everyone! It's frosty white outside (the closest we Central Californians get to snow) and I'm enjoying my coffee with peppermint mocha creamer. Lynn, I agree, we need routine in this house,too. The kids were already bored yesterday. By last night they were getting extremely silly (which drives me crazy) and were fighting with each other too much. So, for the last hour of the day they were separated from each other. At least I got some peace. And I agree with you regarding CDs. I have some lovely Christmas CDs. Old technology! Although in my day, we had records. And that's how you could tell if a certain rock group was of the devil because you play it backward and there were evil messages embedded in the music.

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Good morning, everyone!


Catch up posts:


:grouphug: , Renai.  Sophomore slump is real; in regular school, that's a time where they lose a lot of kids. School is getting hard and they're neurologically defective.  I understand the biology behind it, but have never parenting through it, so just :grouphug:  for you and your Dancer.


No Toyotas for sale, because those of us with old, paid-for ones cling mightily to them.


I never get hit on.  But my animals love me.  (For my personality and startling good looks, not because I feed them.  I'm sure of it.)


:grouphug: prairiewindmomma.  That stinks.


Slash, can you take a nap today?


Now that we can no longer identify the demons by playing records backwards, what do I listen to? :confused1:


It is 14 degrees outside.  I really am dreading my two hour ordeal.  Remember how I said I love winter?  Well, winter chores is why I look forward to spring.

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Home. Week away after extended family crisis. Ds's Christmas package arrived a few hours after we left. I sent a friend by to pick it up but it had been stolen off of our porch already. Merry freakin' Christmas.

I'm so sorry.   :grouphug:


There have has been a plethora of educational posts this evening.


Am I on the wrong thread?


#ITT  #nothingandeverything

FTFU. :hat:   (Got that from Ellie.)

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