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Yeah.  When the kids were really young (like toddlers or preschoolers) we were at the park and this woman came up to me and said "What are they?" while pointing to my kids.  I knew she meant ethnicity but I was a bit snarky when I said "Human".  


That's usually my answer too. When I was pregnant with #2 and people would ask what I was having, I'd say "A baby."

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Good Morning! 


When you wake up, y'all need to unpack your bags and clean the trash out of Susan's stealth jet-copter.  I hope you brushed your teeth when you got home last night.


I was out of likes and then I wasn't.  So, although I'm caught up on our party pages, I don't feel that I've liked them properly.  Consider them liked.   


No one picked me up. Jean had texted me asking when I was arriving, and alas, no jet. She was up waiting, guys. How disappointing. She said to tell ya'll it was a lousy pilot...

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OK, so 15 minutes of cleaning ended.  I always give them the choice of a 2nd round to earn more candy.  So, some of us did 30 minutes of cleaning.


This is what was accomplished:


cleaning up lunch leftovers

cleaning the "craft table" -- including scrubbing off Model Magic residue;

dusting (as high as dd7 could reach)

sweeping the downstairs

sorting socks (a.k.a. the sock game)

putting clothes on hangers to be put away later

sorting summer pajamas that somehow were still lying around

putting away blankets/towels

re-shelving books

cleaning trash out of ds15's room

taking out the recycling

washing MORE laundry

putting away puzzles

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Today I have to print out my Thanksgiving Dinner document which contains the dinner menu, recipies, grocery list, daily food prep and household tasks, and the Thankgiving Day Schedule of Cooking.


It is a wonder to behold.

I have to prepare my document, too. I have the menu ready. I have to do my shopping this weekend, so I need to get my shopping list ready. And my timeline. Yes, I have a time-line for Thanksgiving morning, since we sit down at 1:00. I have been mocked and ridiculed for my timeline, but if I didn't have something to tell me what to do and when it would never get done. I can't juggle all that in my mind.
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Do you recommend the 15 minute cleaning? I've heard good things.


I've also heard of families that do breakfast, then Bible, then chores, then school. I like that.


Yes!  We just started doing this recently, but it has saved my house from being a complete disaster.

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I am considering eating a slice of French silk pie before we attend family Thanksgiving because our hosts run notoriously behind and I am worried the turkey won't be out until 3. Holiday timelines are awesome when you have a house full of guests!


Do you guys snack pre- Thanksgiving or do you fast/eat lightly so you are good and hungry?

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I am considering eating a slice of French silk pie before we attend family Thanksgiving because our hosts run notoriously behind and I am worried the turkey won't be out until 3. Holiday timelines are awesome when you have a house full of guests!


Do you guys snack pre- Thanksgiving or do you fast/eat lightly so you are good and hungry?


If there is peanut butter fudge, I will snack.

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I'm. Sorry. I'm existed and on my phone. I can't articulate an answers right now. It's good. I'll get a recipe for you later.



I have the same thing everyday for breakfast and lunch and always but the same pants, socks, underway, and all non food products. I even do once a month cooking.



You're just adorable when you're drugged and on your phone.  



Thank you.



Ok, I'm seriously contemplating how pretty the living room would be if I painted it a soft pink so I should turn in.





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I'm falling asleep. A Beka history is sooooo boring! I need to make some coffee!


Yes, to Abeka history being boring.  I had an 11th grade Abeka history textbook lying around.  I put it on the discard pile a few months ago.  Because it is so boring.  However, ds15 (my history lover) saw it and said, "Can I have that?"  He was truly excited.

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So did y'all psychically hear the blood curdling brain scream that emitted from Aldi upon the discovery that my Thanksgiving Grocery List was not in my purse? Now I am grumpy and refuse to put away the groceries until I have more coffee. At least I remembered the Cheez Whiz.



Edited by Susan in TN
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So did y'all psychically hear the blood curdling brain scream that emitted from Aldi upon the discovery that my Thanksgiving Grocery List was not in my purse? Now I am grumpy and refuse to put away the groceries until I have more coffee. At least I remembered the Cheez Whiz.


I wondered what that sound was...

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I don't know whether to insult you ( :svengo: overachiever!), congratulate your family ( :gnorsi: ) or beg for an invitation ( :drool5: )!



And BOOYAH! dedicated to Susan, Junie, Heather and everyone else with a mega-list of preparations for Thanksgiving!


Come on down! I'll even dust the living room for you!

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I ran out of meatloaf so I filled my nifty white ceramic coated no stick frying pan (which I love) with a thin layer of oil and just fried a bunch of chicken cutlets, then melted like 6 kinds of cheese onto them with a touch of sage and... that was it. Chicken tastes kind of OK if you bury it in cheese.


To balance things we had kale.   ...and mashed potatoes...

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My fibro comes with a broken internal thermostat. This frosty morning I took ds18 to work and dropped him off. I was freezing when I got home. I went back to bed with yoga pants, fuzzy socks, fuzzy sweater plus extra blankets piled high. I was able to get back to sleep. I'm awake now but I'm still on the cold side. This can work the other way as well.

Sing it, sista. Sometimes I even have to have dh lay with me so I can steal some of his body heat:-)
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I have to prepare my document, too. I have the menu ready. I have to do my shopping this weekend, so I need to get my shopping list ready. And my timeline. Yes, I have a time-line for Thanksgiving morning, since we sit down at 1:00. I have been mocked and ridiculed for my timeline, but if I didn't have something to tell me what to do and when it would never get done. I can't juggle all that in my mind.

A timeline is necessary. No one should mock you. It just shows their ignorance, lol.


We need to pitch in to get Slache a, "we're having a pony" shirt. That was hilarious.

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I am considering eating a slice of French silk pie before we attend family Thanksgiving because our hosts run notoriously behind and I am worried the turkey won't be out until 3. Holiday timelines are awesome when you have a house full of guests!


Do you guys snack pre- Thanksgiving or do you fast/eat lightly so you are good and hungry?

We have people at 4 for cocktails and hors d'ourves. Dinner is at 6. I break before dessert too. Everyone usually heads out around 10-11p. I try to keep the snacks a little lighter, and could probably do without myself, but when in Rome.

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BTW, if anyone has spare prayers for patience, I could really use them.


DD is really, really 13.  :huh:


(She is currently completely beside herself over The Great Gatsby and the fact that the narrator seemed to condone adultery and it's the worst book ever and it's not relevant to anything because it's just so horrible and...)

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BTW, if anyone has spare prayers for patience, I could really use them.


DD is really, really 13. :huh:


(She is currently completely beside herself over The Great Gatsby and the fact that the narrator seemed to condone adultery and it's the worst book ever and it's not relevant to anything because it's just so horrible and...)

A boy in high school called me his Daisy. I think that was my favorite compliment ever.

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BTW, if anyone has spare prayers for patience, I could really use them.


DD is really, really 13.  :huh:


(She is currently completely beside herself over The Great Gatsby and the fact that the narrator seemed to condone adultery and it's the worst book ever and it's not relevant to anything because it's just so horrible and...)


I'm with your DD on this one.  I let my ds15 (then 14) read The Curious Case of Benjamin Button and Bernice Bobs Her Hair instead.

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I don't know. I learned about primary sources, biased sources, fact checking, and so on when I was in high school. Does nobody teach this anymore? Is it not on a standardized test, so it got dropped? Does nobody care? What's the deal?


Anti-intellectualism sells because it's quick, easy, and gratifying. Like a Big Mac. Maybe that's all it is.


IDK. I learned those things in seventh grade (a class called "Reading," which was separate from "English"), and I don't believe it was covered very much during the next five years of school. Rod and Staff's English series teaches it somewhat; IDK about other publishers.

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The misspelled title of the Kittehs!! thread is driving me crazy. :willy_nilly:


Am I spending too much time on this thread when I start believing kittehs is really spelled with an h?


No, dear, not at all. Nothing to worry about whatsoever. Just let the kittehs purr in your ear a little longer and you'll be fine, just fine.

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I use eMealz. When I do it, it works well and I would absolutely recommend it. I don't always follow it, but that is my own issue and no reflection on any service I use lol. I have never tried Plan to Eat.


I've used Fresh 20 before. I've never heard of Plan to Eat.

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