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I totally get that. But no one, except people like us, care. If there is an Other, I do write it in. Because that's just the kind of person I am. That, and since I was always to white to be black and grew up with an identity crisis, I may as well create identity crises with my children as well. No?  :lol:


Just kidding. Kind of. I tell them to embrace all aspects of who they are. Which is much. (My oldest has Irish/Scottish roots. She loves that. She says she sees where she gets the hair - besides from my influence.)


There are more and more people like us every day. I did a talk on this exact topic (literally, this exact subject: race on school and government forms) and it was standing-room only. And now in my field there are more and more people advocating for better questions.


Keep up the fight. Someday someone will read it. I always read it. :)


(This is why I can't leave my fecking public sector job, damnit. Because I care. As much as I don't want to care I can't help caring. UGH.)

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  • Slache


  • Susan in TN


  • Jean in Newcastle


  • KrissiK


Good Morning! 


When you wake up, y'all need to unpack your bags and clean the trash out of Susan's stealth jet-copter.  I hope you brushed your teeth when you got home last night.


I was out of likes and then I wasn't.  So, although I'm caught up on our party pages, I don't feel that I've liked them properly.  Consider them liked.   

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Good morning!!!!


There was a loud, boom and our house shook around 10:50 last night. I didn't know what to think. Earthquake? No, earthquakes don't go boom. Ds20's fire radio went wild. There were several 911 calls and members of the fire department heard it too. So now I knew I wasn't going crazy.:D So it turns out they think it was a meteor entering the atmosphere and breaking up. There are no reports of damage or injury according to the local news. But wow, it was loud. I have never experienced anything like that.

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Earthquakes do go boom actually. It's not very common, but it does happen. If it was an earthquake they would have figured it out though.


Yes, how are the sick kids?


I can't sleep on my tummy anymore. Too uncomfortable. :( I'm not even adorably fat yet. What gives?


Ok, time to get moving. Quitters make excuses, winners make coffee.

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Good morning. Sorry to hear about the meteor and it definitely probably wasn't another Navy/USAF ICBM test like the one last week that everybody thought was a UFO. We're definitely not getting ready for another expensive war nope.


Oh wait politics.


So anyway I hope everybody's doing well this morning. Yesterday one of my "coworkers" who's as old as my mom called the Help Desk for something or other and for once, didn't ask me to come fix it for her to save her 3 minutes on hold. (In all seriousness, I never say no to these requests from the team and don't mind at all fixing stuff if I have access to whatever it is. Most often I don't have the passwords/authority/etc to get what they need because I'm not in IT and I'm not in Infrastructure IT most of all. Unfortunately this seems to have created an expectation that this is actually my job. It's not. This is a long parenthetical.)


Anyway, so one of the Field Techs comes out to our department a bit later and fixes her pink rhinestone mouse that she brought from home, or whatever. She then turns her head, and in this dramatic stage whisper goes "Thanks Bill, I'm so glad you're here because when you're not we don't even have a real IT guy in this place."


Uh, OK. 


This is the same lady who I'm sure has been sending my boss nasty emails complaining about the hours I keep, even though my job responsibilities and hers don't overlap one bit. 


Let me be arrogant for one tiny second: I am paid way too much to fix your mouse. I'm sorry but I am. IT is a big world and I'm not a desktop support guy. The desktop support guy specializes in fixing the stuff that goes wrong at your desk and he's really good at it. I'm not. I specialize in the really crazily expensive back end systems that ensure that you continue to have a job to come to so you can complain every day. I handle all of the data for your department and I correct it when you screw it up (which is always) and prevent us from getting fined or sanctioned by the federal government. OK done being arrogant.


Rant over. AUGH!


Good morning/Happy Friday! :D

Edited by MarkW
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For funzies, I woke up at 4:15 after going to bed at midnight.  Yay! :gnorsi:


What is ridiculous about this is that I need to go have blood drawn, then go to co-op where I will teach two classes with no help (my co teacher for drama is out and this is our blocking and run through prior to our play performance).  I am just the assistant, but the teacher has been out a lot so I have essentially blocked it all and done the on stage rehearsals.  This is a rockin' crazy group, too.  I will need to give them a stern talking to.  After co-op, I will come home, feed the kids, and then it's off to meet a friend with her grandkids and little dd to watch the Peanuts movie at 2 pm, then rushing back so some friends can pick me up for dinner out.  College girl arrives about the time I return from dinner for a weekend visit.  At some point today i need to hand off three boxes of candy to the AHG lady for sales tomorrow in front of a grocery store because I am second shift, and I have the candy.


I am sitting her laughing at how ridiculous it is and realizing that since I can no way meet everyone's expectations, I am relieved of even trying, which is a slice of awesomeness. :lol:


God or Secular Equivalent bless you, because there's no way I'd put up with a chaotic group of drama students for an hour let alone a production. LOL.


I love going and seeing the result but not the drama behind the drama. ;)

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Good Morning! 


When you wake up, y'all need to unpack your bags and clean the trash out of Susan's stealth jet-copter.  I hope you brushed your teeth when you got home last night.


I was out of likes and then I wasn't.  So, although I'm caught up on our party pages, I don't feel that I've liked them properly.  Consider them liked.   


Same here.  Out of likes, but I'm liking them mentally.


:hurray:  :hurray:  :hurray:

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I hand out lots of likes and never run out. Maybe I'm stingy or maybe y'all just don't know how to like properly.

I've definitely noticed that the mobile version of the forum makes liking things difficult and gives weird errors when it shouldn't because of buggy AJAX requests that fire off when you click the little like checky.


Also, the forum forces the mobile version on iPhone even when you set your browser to request the Desktop site, which is just.. ugh.. it's 2015.

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At my house, a mildly shaking boom means they are blasting at the quarry. Though they don't blast in the middle of the night...


Tex, I hope you can get in a nap.


Mark, I have never run out of likes before and I have been around since the beginning. However, I think I used up my quota last night during the celebration page. It was a wild night!

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Missed out on the party last night because I was at choir practice. This year is my parish's 75th anniversary, and so tomorrow the bishop is coming to celebrate Mass, and we're having an orchestra instead of just organ/piano, so we had the whole gang practicing. Sorry. I was looking forward to the 500th page. And Jean's birthday. My bad.


Also, Mr. Ellie had surgery on his nose yesterday to remove some skin cancer. He's a mess today--his nose hurts, and it's all runny, and he's sneezing (did allergies kick in? or his is nose runny and sneezey because it's been injured???). He's home from work today, bless his heart.

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Sorry I missed the party last night.  Dh needed his computer back. ;)


Tomorrow is Thanksgiving at our house, so my day will be spent cleaning.


And watching the ITT thread.   :lurk5:


It's 2015. You need your own computer. Shared computers are so 1980s/1990s.

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It's 2015. You need your own computer. Shared computers are so 1980s/1990s.


Until a few weeks ago, dh had a laptop that he used while I used his desktop.  Said laptop died, so we will be shopping for a new one on Cyber Monday.  So, only a few days of sharing.

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I tried to get everybody using laptops in our house because space is at a premium, but they're just not convenient for... most things. The internet, maybe writing, which is probably fine for 90% of the world but my daughter and I do visual art and my wife hates laptops so instead half of our living room is computer desks that we cobbled together from IKEA parts. Sigh.

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Good morning!!!!


There was a loud, boom and our house shook around 10:50 last night. I didn't know what to think. Earthquake? No, earthquakes don't go boom. Ds20's fire radio went wild. There were several 911 calls and members of the fire department heard it too. So now I knew I wasn't going crazy. :D So it turns out they think it was a meteor entering the atmosphere and breaking up. There are no reports of damage or injury according to the local news. But wow, it was loud. I have never experienced anything like that.



Just Jean's party.  I told Susan a lighter and a hair spray can was not a wise way to make fireworks, but oh well.  Her jet. Her party. 

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Earthquakes do go boom actually. It's not very common, but it does happen. If it was an earthquake they would have figured it out though.


Yes, how are the sick kids?


I can't sleep on my tummy anymore. Too uncomfortable. :( I'm not even adorably fat yet. What gives?


Ok, time to get moving. Quitters make excuses, winners make coffee.


Apparently I am adorably fat.


Someone asked this week if I was expecting again.   :huh:   I politely laughed it off then ran out and got a preggers test, half-hoping that I did in fact have a good excuse for it. 


Nope.  Just fat.   :laugh:

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Sorry I missed the party last night. Dh needed his computer back. ;)


Tomorrow is Thanksgiving at our house, so my day will be spent cleaning.


And watching the ITT thread. :lurk5:

Today I have to print out my Thanksgiving Dinner document which contains the dinner menu, recipies, grocery list, daily food prep and household tasks, and the Thankgiving Day Schedule of Cooking.


It is a wonder to behold.

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Likety to everyone else, too, now that I've caught up.


Except Mr. Ellie.  


My kidlets are feeling better this morning!  Thanks for asking Lynn and Slache.  Still runny noses, and dd6 woke up coughing which had me concerned she'd caught it, but so far she seems good.


Short vacation trip coming up, so I'm doing  Lite Version School today and trying to catch up on laundry, bills, etc.  Big kids are playing legos.  Littles are "reorganizing" the pantry.  




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Today I have to print out my Thanksgiving Dinner document which contains the dinner menu, recipies, grocery list, daily food prep and household tasks, and the Thankgiving Day Schedule of Cooking.


It is a wonder to behold.


I want this!  


(Even though I don't do Thanksgiving at my house.  It sounds great for Christmas!)

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I am not caught up yet.


I decree that the upper level of serious talk on this thread has been exceeded. Please halt all discussion on politics, religion, and any other topic typically reserved for a potentially locked thread. We all will need the funny farm if this thread were ever to be locked. - The Management




Prairie, I am doing the same with our cards this year. We usually do a photo card/letter combo that I work very hard on. I told dh I need a year off. So I just ordered some cards with our family name (I get them customized so I don't cramp up writing our names 200 times. (We have a very large Christmas list.) They should be here next week. I will address, stamp, write a note in most of them and call it a day.


Having in laws live with us means we host pretty much every holiday. It gets tiring, even though it is worth it because it makes them happy. I have been trying to streamline though, and the cards are a chunk of time I just got back:-)


Susan got to sing her song, :clapping:


Tex is naughty and that editing thing is weird.


((Dawn)) I hope the little ones are better.


Awesome day in Chicago. Went with a dear friend and kids had dear friends. Everyone got along. Museum is always terrific. Even had lunch with other people from our homeschool group that were there, which was a nice little break in the middle of the day. Traffic wasn't too bad. Took Lake Shore so the kids could see the city better and the Drake hotel where Grandpa worked when he was a teenager. Four teenish boys and lots of enthusiasm. All in all, a day that made me smile.


Now I feel like someone hit me with a truck :lol:


So I am going to sit in a cozy robe and have tea. The goal today is to get schoolwork done so we can enjoy a much needed week off next week. And I am going to clean my kitchen thoroughly. The cabinet doors should be back on today, so I get to putter in there getting everything back in its rightful place. Delightful.

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Good Morning, Everyone!


When major gas lines go, they go KABLOOEY too.


:grouphug: , Mr. Ellie.


Yay, Jean!


Go, Tex!


You're just right for a Quackers, Quackers!


You're preggers, Slash; you look MAHVELOUS.


Hurry up with that menu, Susan.  You still have mine to do.


My race (since I know you all were wondering):  human


It is now 16 degrees outside, and I can no longer delay the inevitable.  Off for morning poopaerobics.  (Besides, I'll bet the ponies REALLY want their hot cereal this morning.)


kiss.gif  Have a good day, all!

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More serious stuff from the grumpy dude on a Friday:


While I understand that people want to preserve their friendly social spaces, this whole cultural thing we do in this country (and I'm sure other countries as well) where politics are considered impolite conversation really contributes to the fact that we're more polarized than we've ever been since the Civil War, because bringing up any of the important issues is "rude" and therefore people only discuss it in purpose-built places, away from the mainstream, and then only when they get angry enough to shout at each other about everything and agree on nothing. SO nobody ever reconciles. Like ever. That's bad for us.




OK I'm done.


I would like a cozy robe, please. I haven't worn a robe in about 10 years because Crohns makes me feel like I'm burning up even when everybody else has a sweater on. It's been 40 in the afternoons this past week and I've been wearing shorts.

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Up to page 500. I missed Jean's party :crying:


:party: for you, chickey poo!


I LOVED the birthday cat song. Hilarious!


We do a lot of Galadriel in this house because blonde. I can do the scary eyes just as well as the wise and knowing face:-)


Off to keep reading. I am especially interested to see whether there is an update on Tsuga's housing situation.

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Likety to everyone else, too, now that I've caught up.


Except Mr. Ellie.


My kidlets are feeling better this morning! Thanks for asking Lynn and Slache. Still runny noses, and dd6 woke up coughing which had me concerned she'd caught it, but so far she seems good.


Short vacation trip coming up, so I'm doing Lite Version School today and trying to catch up on laundry, bills, etc. Big kids are playing legos. Littles are "reorganizing" the pantry.

I'm glad your littles are feeling better. :)

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Yeah.  When the kids were really young (like toddlers or preschoolers) we were at the park and this woman came up to me and said "What are they?" while pointing to my kids.  I knew she meant ethnicity but I was a bit snarky when I said "Human".  


Oh good answer. I would also have accepted "Children" but then I would have followed it with a pause and a rude name. :-P

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Today I have to print out my Thanksgiving Dinner document which contains the dinner menu, recipies, grocery list, daily food prep and household tasks, and the Thankgiving Day Schedule of Cooking.


It is a wonder to behold.


Our menu:


my mom:  dinner rolls


my brother and my new sister-in-law:  fudge or Rice Krispies or whatever


They are traveling from out of state.


me:  rotisserie chickens cooked by the grocery store; instant mashed potatoes with gravy from a jar; Stove-top stuffing (hopefully dh will make it); microwave-steamed green beans and/or peas; canned cranberry sauce; pies baked by the grocery store.



ETA:  I forgot the whipped cream and Booyah!

Edited by Junie
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Grumpy Dude:


I am wearing dh's robe from Restoration Hardware, which I bought for him at least 8 years ago.  I love it so much that it is now effectively mine, though I still call it his. Looks as good as new, and still luxuriously soft in spite of 5 children throwing up on it and thousands of washings.  When I'm hot (because perimenopause), I take it off. Problem solved.  


Put it on your Christmas wish list.  And be no longer grumpy.

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