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Good morning - I have been scrambling to get my co-op class emails done before taking two of the girls to the dentist. We leave in 7 minutes - just enough time to finish my coffee and get dressed.


Oh fun.


I took oldest to the ER last night to get a giant abscess in her armpit lanced. Shaving issue, apparently.

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Thank you for asking about sleep, AL. It is okay.


Friends, I have a high school friend on my heart a lot this week.  She had Hodgkins disease and beat it at about 19, but the treatments damaged her heart.  About a month ago, she had two heart valve replacements and developed an infection.  She is now fighting for her life.

Edited by texasmama
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Korean dramas are like American soap operas, but way cheesier. Somewhere between Days of Our Lives and Telemundo. Sometimes with better budgets, and there's way more of them.

The only reason I really know this is that I enjoy Anime and a streaming service I use called Crunchy Roll (a sushi reference) also streams Korean Dramas.

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She's got the weirdest reactions to things. Too much Crohn's Disease, too many weird drugs, drugs that didn't work and gave her bad reactions themselves. Etc. She's now on a combo regimen of low dose steroids and low dose chemotherapy drugs. Normally she's fine but weird stuff happens like what would normally be a razor bump on somebody else becomes a golf-ball sized infection on her.



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If you're taking 5 kids 8 and under to CC it should definitely tire you out.  Getting everyone safely across the parking lot and buckled in the car was the best part of the day back then. 





I feel.....validated.  Thank you, Lynn!



We try to snag our favorite parking space each week... It's not the closest to the church, but as I holler, "Run!  You're already late for Assembly!" the bigger kids can cross the lawn (instead of the lot) to get to the front door, while I stay at the van finishing my hard-won (now cold) omelet and coffee before wrangling the babies out and taking them to nursery. 


Phew.  Tires me just typing it.  


Oh! and hey... I am pm-ing you a CC question.  

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Friends, I have a high school friend on my heart a lot this week.  She is 47, had Hodgkins disease and beat it at about 19, but the treatments damaged her heart.  About a month ago, she had two heart valve replacements and developed an infection.  She is now fighting for her life at Emory in Atlanta.  They did another open heart surgery to remove infection, her kidneys have shut down, her blood pressure meds (too low so these are to raise it) have caused her blood not to flow to her extremities, and she will lose her left hand and maybe her feet.  I am horrified and have been praying for her.  I woke up looking at my left hand.  I have much to be thankful for.  She has a husband and a 14 year old son, whom she homeschooled for awhile.  Really great lady and loved by many.  She is Christian.


:grouphug: Tex

:grouphug:  :grouphug: Tex's friend and family

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Friends, I have a high school friend on my heart a lot this week.  She is 47, had Hodgkins disease and beat it at about 19, but the treatments damaged her heart.  About a month ago, she had two heart valve replacements and developed an infection.  She is now fighting for her life at Emory in Atlanta.  They did another open heart surgery to remove infection, her kidneys have shut down, her blood pressure meds (too low so these are to raise it) have caused her blood not to flow to her extremities, and she will lose her left hand and maybe her feet.  I am horrified and have been praying for her.  I woke up looking at my left hand.  I have much to be thankful for.  She has a husband and a 14 year old son, whom she homeschooled for awhile.  Really great lady and loved by many.  She is Christian.


I will pray for her.

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Tex -praying for your friend!

Junie - glad to be of service

Mark - that's not good!


Everyone else, have a good and grateful Veteran's Day! DS has the day off school, so I'm giving the rest of the kids the day off and we're going to Costco. Not looking forward to that. Haven't been in over a month and am out of everything!

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Minou the kitten is busy attacking erasers on the ends of pencils. I think she's figured out what a cat is supposed to do for school. Disrupt wherever possible!

One boy has a terrible headache with the change in the weather, I think. I have one too. All the lights are off and we are doing spelling in the dark until medications kick in.

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Minou the kitten is busy attacking erasers on the ends of pencils. I think she's figured out what a cat is supposed to do for school. Disrupt wherever possible!

One boy has a terrible headache with the change in the weather, I think. I have one too. All the lights are off and we are doing spelling in the dark until medications kick in.


Obviously kitten related allergies. You should shave him.


I'd suggest waxing but waxing a cat can be problematic.

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Friends, I have a high school friend on my heart a lot this week.  She is 47, had Hodgkins disease and beat it at about 19, but the treatments damaged her heart.  About a month ago, she had two heart valve replacements and developed an infection.  She is now fighting for her life at Emory in Atlanta.  They did another open heart surgery to remove infection, her kidneys have shut down, her blood pressure meds (too low so these are to raise it) have caused her blood not to flow to her extremities, and she will lose her left hand and maybe her feet.  I am horrified and have been praying for her.  I woke up looking at my left hand.  I have much to be thankful for.  She has a husband and a 14 year old son, whom she homeschooled for awhile.  Really great lady and loved by many.  She is Christian.


Oh my! She is in our thoughts.

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We try to snag our favorite parking space each week... It's not the closest to the church,

We have a parking space for church like this - it's a spot on the street, and when dd6 was younger she used to yell, "No one stole our parking lot!" when we found it free on Sunday mornings. So it is now unofficially "our parking lot".


(I guess the humor comes through more if you know that we drive a 12-passenger van, which seems large enough to require an entire parking lot.) :D

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((Mark's dd))


((Tex)) and ((Tex's friend))  Praying for her. 


Krissi, happy shopping!


Ducklings, I answered you.  :seeya:


Tsuga, happy holiday!


((critterfixer and ds))


Junie, hope you're feeling better.  Jump on in.  The water's fine!


Renai, hope today is better.


JoJosmom, hope you're finished with freezing rain and poop for the day. 


Slache, you crack me up.  :D


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I'm concerned about school in a year. In your experience will a 3 year old keep an infant happy for long? Like maybe an hour? Will I need an hour? John will be 6. I'm a better late than early, but John's an I want to know everything now. I really don't see Mary getting reading and math instruction next year.

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I'm concerned about school in a year. In your experience will a 3 year old keep an infant happy for long? Like maybe an hour? Will I need an hour? John will be 6. I'm a better late than early, but John's an I want to know everything now. I really don't see Mary getting reading and math instruction next year.

Well, babies take naps, and six year olds don't do eight hours a day of school so I think it works out okay.  However, I did not actually homeschool with an infant.  

Edited by texasmama
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Please - a moment of silence for my laptop that appears to have finally bitten the dust.  It has been doing the "repair" for over an hour now with no signs of an actual repair.  Of course the fact that I've had to hard reboot it multiple times a day for the last month did give me a clue that this day was going to come.  Fortunately dd stole dh's laptop for me and knew the password so I could use it.  It was necessary because I need it for school - that's my story and I'm sticking to it!  

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I'm concerned about school in a year. In your experience will a 3 year old keep an infant happy for long? Like maybe an hour? Will I need an hour? John will be 6. I'm a better late than early, but John's an I want to know everything now. I really don't see Mary getting reading and math instruction next year.




I just had a baby and my toddler has been on a screen for approximately 80% of his waking hours. Does this screen time count?

Nope. You are allowed unlimited screen time for any existing kids for six months after a baby arrives. 1-2 years for multiples.


One of my kids is watching TV while I do something amazingly educational and hands on with the other kid.

This counts as 50% screen time.

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I just had a baby and my toddler has been on a screen for approximately 80% of his waking hours. Does this screen time count?

Nope. You are allowed unlimited screen time for any existing kids for six months after a baby arrives. 1-2 years for multiples.

One of my kids is watching TV while I do something amazingly educational and hands on with the other kid.

This counts as 50% screen time.

So many rules! My kids are currently watching Bolt. Because pregnant.

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Erin is asking for my birthday list. What would you add to this:


A guillotine. ($30)


A laminator. ($20)


A 20 CAP kettle bell, no other brands. ($20)


Art of Problem Solving PreAlgebra. ($60)

Things are not that dire.  Don't despair!  And that is cheap for a guillotine.  Make sure it's actually regulation before you use it.  You don't want a half done job.


ETA:  Sadly, on that bit of ridonculousness, BOOYA(H), Susan's song, etc.


I would like to thank all the little people who made this possible.

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Imma send my online banking information to Jean because she is trustworthy.  She can write it on the outside of her banking file folder.  I will text her when I need it.  


In fact, forget it!  I will just let Jean do my banking.

Amazingly many people have made that mistake.  At one point I had the keys to all the houses on my street on pegs in my kitchen.  And I have some other people's banking information.  If there is a string of robberies I am so the first suspect  

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