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Hi Mark.


It's Critter doing NaNo, not Dawn. Her kid did state band.


Renai's about to graduate.


Lynn is hungry due to time changes.


Ellie needs a black outfit for choir.


I told Jean to shut up earlier because she called me picky.


ETA: booya(h), anonymous song, etc.


Also, Renai's husband was feeling sympathy pregnancy symptoms on Slash's behalf.


Tex sleeps better with drugs, voodoo, and no husband.


Everyone's children are being claimed by someone else, except mine. Because wild. Oh, wait. JoJosMom will take her. But will probably give her back quickly.


Some of us have been hating our lives, then liking them again.


I have homework due.


What's your BP?



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Dude, that's totally what I said. 


Did not. Totally channeling my children, by the way. I noticed nobody wants them either. Good call.  :laugh:

I wish to report that I am now 7,903 words into my novel. And I still like my main character so all is well. 

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I'M PREGNANT! And you changed your profile picture. None of this is my fault. 


I only changed it for NaNo. Once I've got my 50K the dirty little boys will be back.

And Mark is supposed to tell me that my artwork needs a major overhaul. :laugh:

I actually had this really cool idea for another scene from the story for the cover. Maybe if I have time I'll break out the watercolors again this weekend.

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Good Morning!


:grouphug: Susan. Go, Susan!!!!!


I guess I have totally not posted enough about marching band.:D

We are going to Indy, Lucas Oil Stadium to perform in the state finals this Saturday, November 7th. We perform at 6:01 p.m. We have only made it to the semi-State level twice before and never scored high enough to go to the state level until this year. So it is a big deal to us. Ds20 never made it to state as a student, but now his name will be announced as an instructor at the stadium. I am teary eyed already. Dd16 is so nervous, she don't want to talk about it.


I am so proud of all these kids. So much time, talent and dedication.


Anyways, I could go on and on and on......but I won't.:D I truly appreciate you all sharing my excitement.

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This morning was a running fail. I fed the dog so I could leave without him. He figured me out. He ate quickly and then went the back way and met me a few minutes later. Not worth the trouble. So, I turned around and went back home. From now on I'm back to putting him up first.

If I were you, I would make that my new plan so I didn't have to run.:D


But seriously, I truly admire your dedication. You have made me think I could do this someday, maybe.

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If I can do this, you definitely can!


I'm so excited for your dc and the Marching Band!!


I would love to run and get into a better physical condition. But. Every time I have ran any distance at all, I would get that terrible pain in my side. There is a word for it, side stitches. I looked it up. It is supposed to go away after running a bit, but mine never did. Therefore, I don't run. But after reading about your c25k, I would really like to.


I am so touched by your excitement for the band. All day Saturday, you kept crossing my mind. I couldn't wait to tell you we had made it. I hope you don't think I am weird or anything.:D

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First day back at work after two weeks away.

I'm covered in a badly itchy rash and my asthma is kicking my butt. And worse, I know it's all anxiety. Bleh.


In the fifteen minutes I've been here I've been approached by almost a dozen people, which is half of our staff, asking me to solve problems that the corporate Help Desk could have taken care of for them days ago but they don't like to be on hold for 3 minutes so instead they waited a week. This group includes the two lovely ladies who are always trashing me to the boss about the hours I keep in my salaried position.


I don't mind doing favors for folks, but around here doing favors just begets more silly requests and never stops the malicious gossip. It's not my job to be the "fix my icons" guy. That's way, way below my pay grade. If they were pleasant I wouldn't mind at all but they're not a bit pleasant.


Working on a migraine this morning. If I make it to the end of my shift without giving notice it'll be a miracle.


When I got back I found that my brother had ignored all of my instructions and fed the pets incorrectly. Mostly that's not a big deal except for the ones that he nearly killed. Also he broke my brand new frying pan and our bed and denied doing either. I spent my entire "cool down" day yesterday (which yes, granted, I was privileged to have in the first place) fixing my bed. Lucky for me I now have a pretty decent collection of power tools and (generally) a decent idea of how to use them correctly, so it wasn't as bad as it could have been. The bed is better than new, but I feel like a traffic accident.


Good morning!!

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Oh and this morning the major interstate that runs through our town was entirely shut down, causing absolute chaos on all of the secondary roads surrounding my house, because a milk tanker truck overturned and ruptured all over the road at 4 this morning.



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In lighter news, Izzy ate her breakfast bagel into the shape of the continental United States on a whim and then asked my wife if we were in "this part" while correctly pointing on her bitten bagel map to the spot where our state is.

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In lighter news, Izzy ate her breakfast bagel into the shape of the continental United States on a whim and then asked my wife if we were in "this part" while correctly pointing on her bitten bagel map to the spot where our state is.


Go Izzy!


Be glad that the bagel didn't accidentally form like a gun and she was in a school that would have kicked her out for it...

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Tell the lovely ladies that their request is really not your area, but since they appreciate you so much you'll be glad to do them a favor.  :D


Oh trust me I've done all the standard saccharine stuff. The people here are too dense to get the message. This place is literally making me sick. I feel like such a whiner. I mean, I'm not a coal miner or something. It's still true, though.

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I noticed that after I went to bed last night there was an attempt to lay claim to children THAT  WHO BELONG TO ME (well, if their rightful parents actually follow through and give them up, however doubtful that may be.)  John, Mooies, and Gymnast are MINE, people.  You didn't want them, I claimed them, TOO late for second thoughts.  :toetap05:



(Dontcha just hate having a rant and having to go back and fix an error.  Slash, you might want to rethink me as practice-Grandma/secondary instructor to John. [Oooo, but wait!  The short person's grammar is impeccable, if I do say so myself.  She could handle it. So never mind.  Box them chillins up and send 'em my way!])

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I would love to run and get into a better physical condition. But. Every time I have ran any distance at all, I would get that terrible pain in my side. There is a word for it, side stitches. I looked it up. It is supposed to go away after running a bit, but mine never did. Therefore, I don't run. But after reading about your c25k, I would really like to.


I am so touched by your excitement for the band. All day Saturday, you kept crossing my mind. I couldn't wait to tell you we had made it. I hope you don't think I am weird or anything. :D


If you can't run, walk!  Seriously, it's much more pleasant and very, very good for you.  (Said as a former runner who no longer can, because neck.)


(That doesn't give you a pass, though, Lynn.  Up and at 'em.  Keep up this slacking and SOMEONE is likely going to put you on the reminder list...)

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Good morning all. I slept well. Finally. Doctor appointment today at 3:45. Today is the last day ever that John will be 4.


Dawn, there are walk/run plans that should prevent that. I've never done that, but you basically walk faster and faster until you're running.


JoJosMom, chill. Thou art overprotective.


We have decided that after these babies we are going to wait a few years before we have more kids. I'm too sick. It's really not good for the kids. We want to wait until all 4 are self sufficient and more independent to try this again. When I was pregnant with Mary John was sleeping in until 10 and napping from 2 until Daddy got home. These 2 are up at 7 and only take an hour nap. We've decided that if the appointment goes well we are going to tell them. Then at least they'll understand why I'm so sick.

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I'M PREGNANT! And you changed your profile picture. None of this is my fault.

One of those things is at least partially your fault.


This morning was a running fail.  I fed the dog so I could leave without him.  He figured me out.  He ate quickly and then went the back way and met me a few minutes later.  Not worth the trouble.  So, I turned around and went back home.  From now on I'm back to putting him up first. 


The dog outsmarted you. :lol:

I would love to run and get into a better physical condition. But. Every time I have ran any distance at all, I would get that terrible pain in my side. There is a word for it, side stitches. I looked it up. It is supposed to go away after running a bit, but mine never did. Therefore, I don't run. But after reading about your c25k, I would really like to.


I am so touched by your excitement for the band. All day Saturday, you kept crossing my mind. I couldn't wait to tell you we had made it. I hope you don't think I am weird or anything. :D

I think you're weird.  But I'm weird.  This whole ITT thing is weird so I think we're on common ground here.  I prefer people who are weird, actually.  That's why I like Jean. :leaving:

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I like weird better than normal. It is what keeps me sane.:)


I didn't want Lynn to think I was being stalkerish or anything. But when we performed Saturday, it was just amazing how the weather cooperated and the wind settled. I said, "I've got people praying for this all over the country, and I can feel it". There was a 70% chance of rain. It didn't rain until we left. The wind was so bad. It blew the props over of the band that performed before us. They didn't make it. I am still amazed. God is good.


I am so thankful for the ITT weirdness. Please continue to pray, think good thoughts, send good vibes, etc. It works. Also we have several area bands besides us that will be traveling to Indy, and I hope we can all travel safely.

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The price of car remotes is insane. And frustrating because it's totally artificial. You're a captive market when you need one and they know it.

I know, right???


We had the actual key piece of the remote, but the remote had fallen off.  (keyless starter)  It is NOT easy to separate these two pieces, but little dd managed to do this.  In the middle of the yard.  (Our "yard" is acreage so it was a lot to search.)  She is not allowed to ever touch my keys again.  Ever.  

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I know, right???


We had the actual key piece of the remote, but the remote had fallen off.  (keyless starter)  It is NOT easy to separate these two pieces, but little dd managed to do this.  In the middle of the yard.  (Our "yard" is acreage so it was a lot to search.)  She is not allowed to ever touch my keys again.  Ever.  


Depends. We also had a key separate on my wife's car. Sometimes there's only a bit of molded plastic holding it together. Not great for a heavy object that has to be twisted multiple times a day as part of its function.


Jean, I slept great for my entire vacation and had more dreams in a week than I think I've had in the last five years. Last night though I slept about 90 minutes altogether, I think, which I assume had to do with knowing where I had to go in the morning. :P

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Good Morning All!

**Slept well!

**We got an inch of rain yesterday!

**Everyone is finishing breakfast. Doing a little bird identification as we eat! We identified a white-crown sparrow.

**There's a bunch of green tomatoes on my vines. Hopefully they'll ripen before it decides to freeze.

** kudos to all you runners and exercisers out there. I was going to walk last night. But it was raining.

**And that is all I know.

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Dawn, I AM really excited for your marching band.  Marching band was a big legacy in my family and one of the few "regrets" of homeschooling.  Although, honestly, I think I'm too lazy to be a band parent!  :D


Lynn, am I hallucinating, or did you describe yourself as "lazy"? :huh:

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Dawn, I AM really excited for your marching band. Marching band was a big legacy in my family and one of the few "regrets" of homeschooling. Although, honestly, I think I'm too lazy to be a band parent! :D


Lynn, this really means a lot to me. Thank you soooo much. I remember a few hundred pages back, you talking about band, and I could tell it was important to you.


I have thought about the homeschooling thing and band too. The older dc went to public school all the way. If the twins want to do band, which I think they will, we will find a way. Our drum major was homeschooled and he has 3 siblings in band. I think they just kinda show up for practice and competitions. However, their mom teaches them an instrument at home. I can't do that. I don't know how it will work out.


Band parents are dedicated too. Oh my goodness, what a job. Right now I am (with the help of a few other moms) trying to come up with a menu to feed 53 band members, instructors, helpers and chaperones 4 meals for Friday night and Saturday. But Lynn, you could never be lazy.

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