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I'm like this, too. I hate small talk. Usually in a group I'm the one smiling, nodding, making "I'm listening" noises, but generally not contributing in any way to the conversation.

Some people will genuinely ask me how my week has been, and I go completely blank. Can't remember my own name, much less what I did two days ago! :D


We just watched Mary Poppins as a family - the first time ANY of us has seen the movie. Dd17 said some of it was disturbing. That laughing song should have been cut.


I remember reading the book aloud a few years ago but I can't remember a bit of it.

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Some people will genuinely ask me how my week has been, and I go completely blank. Can't remember my own name, much less what I did two days ago! :D

This is what happens to me!


We have had a hard day here so I am currently watching Aunt Boo videos on FB with little dd to distract ourselves.

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We just watched Mary Poppins as a family - the first time ANY of us has seen the movie. Dd17 said some of it was disturbing. That laughing song should have been cut.


I remember reading the book aloud a few years ago but I can't remember a bit of it.

I enjoyed the movie. Loved the music. Loved Dick Van Dyck! The book.... Now the book was disturbing.
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Good morning, lovely ITT peeps.


Today is supposed to be our first day of school, but I am not ready. I would be ready if I wouldn't keep finding more stuff that we "need".:D So today will probably be "orientation". We will organize, laminate and prepare.  All of which are good skills to learn, and will totally count as a school day. Right?

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Good morning, lovely ITT peeps.


Today is supposed to be our first day of school, but I am not ready. I would be ready if I wouldn't keep finding more stuff that we "need". :D So today will probably be "orientation". We will organize, laminate and prepare.  All of which are good skills to learn, and will totally count as a school day. Right?

We're moving to a state that requires a certain amount of days a year. I think we'll hit that amount with academics anyway but just to be sure I've decided that cooking, cleaning, gardening, and road trips all count as school activities. I'll just cover more life skills than the public schools. :D

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We're moving to a state that requires a certain amount of days a year. I think we'll hit that amount with academics anyway but just to be sure I've decided that cooking, cleaning, gardening, and road trips all count as school activities. I'll just cover more life skills than the public schools. :D

Where are you moving?

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My co-op class parents are pelting me with questions on the homework.  This will be a steep learning curve for all of us.


Stand firm!  And if it is high school level, it should be the kids asking the questions.  Parents need to butt out.  I can't remember ever having my mom ask my teacher a question about homework in high school.  ?????

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DD had her first day of classes at her university model school (I suppose that's the more proper name since it's not really a co-op).  She has history, science and art there.  She had a good day.  I drove her and 13yo ds to Class. Conv. for his day and then came home, did school with the younger two, and did a couple house-cleaning chores (wow, I did not know I could do those.)  I was really tired from driving when I got home and immediately jumped into snacking to get going again.  Oh well.  Now, I'm tired again.  (#pathetic)


(Hope camp is going well for Jean!)


Tex, if your house is clean after the 1st day of school you are amazing!  Really, award-winning.

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This is an old conversation but if anyone still in this thread cares I've decided not to get the right start card games. I love the idea but I just don't think he will. I'm having a hard time wrapping my brain around the fact that he's going to be one place in reading and another place in math because they're two different skills. I don't care if he's ahead or behind but for some reason my brain just wants him to be the same with both skills.

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Indiana. Matt wants to live closer to his parents, but I refuse to live that close.

I am in Indiana, the southern part. If you don't mind me asking, will you be moving to the north, south, or central? I am sure you have already checked, but the homeschool laws are pretty relaxed, in my opinion. Basically, we just have to prove 180 days an register as a homeschool through the department of education. I did it online.


I hope your move goes smoothly. :)

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Stand firm!  And if it is high school level, it should be the kids asking the questions.  Parents need to butt out.  I can't remember ever having my mom ask my teacher a question about homework in high school.  ?????


:iagree: :iagree: :iagree:

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I am in Indiana, the southern part. If you don't mind me asking, will you be moving to the north, south, or central? I am sure you have already checked, but the homeschool laws are pretty relaxed, in my opinion. Basically, we just have to prove 180 days an register as a homeschool through the department of education. I did it online.


I hope your move goes smoothly. :)

Central, on the western outskirts of Indianapolis probably. We used to live in Cincinnati and moved out to Oregon to pay off debt because we can make more money here. We're about halfway finished. Once we are debt free we will move back to the Midwest. I'm guessing 3 years.

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Good morning, lovely ITT peeps.


Today is supposed to be our first day of school, but I am not ready. I would be ready if I wouldn't keep finding more stuff that we "need".:D So today will probably be "orientation". We will organize, laminate and prepare. All of which are good skills to learn, and will totally count as a school day. Right?

Our day went well.....we organized our books, got our new pencils and crayons, etc. ready, laminated art cards, and even done some reading and math. So it went better than I expected.


Glad to hear Jean is texting some pics. She worked so hard planning and prepping, I hope it all goes perfectly for her.


Slache, I had been wondering about Rightstart games....I am still thinking about the abacus. Ds6 is a visual, hands-on learner so I think it might be good for him.


Hope everyone else is having a good day.:)

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Our day went well.....we organized our books, got our new pencils and crayons, etc. ready, laminated art cards, and even done some reading and math. So it went better than I expected.


Glad to hear Jean is texting some pics. She worked so hard planning and prepping, I hope it all goes perfectly for her.


Slache, I had been wondering about Rightstart games....I am still thinking about the abacus. Ds6 is a visual, hands-on learner so I think it might be good for him.


Hope everyone else is having a good day.:)

I have the abacus and activities guide. I like them. I think we will use them at some point. I'm positive the games are awesome. I'm just also positive he doesn't want them. :(


Glad your day went well. :)

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No one is taking this thread seriously.  Seriously.







For all of you (and I know this applies to ALL of you) who have been on the edges of your seats waiting anxiously to hear about my dear mother's unwashed left side:

She sits in the shower on a stool, and sponge bathes her left side because shower water on it hurts her ever since her stroke about 6 years ago.  The things I did not know!  



We had a lovely weekend.  36 hours was just perfect... low on drama, high on laughter and relaxation.  And margaritas.  And Family Feud and chocolate.  And I went for the massage. I would be such a great teacher if I had one of those each morning.     :wub:  

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Oh!  And the best part was walking the beach by myself before breakfast.  The rising sun, and nothing but the sound of the crashing surf.  Bliss.




I recorded it on my phone, and while it mostly sounds like static in replay, it still takes me back.  Which is good, because in the 36 hours I was gone, my house was trashed.  As in, it will take me a week to dig out from the mess, especially since I have in-laws visiting now too!   How did they accomplish all THAT in just 36 hours without me?  Really.  I am woefully underpaid and underappreciated.  

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Ducklings, so glad you had such a refreshing trip with your Mom and sisters.  I'm sorry to read about your mom's discomfort with shower water on her left side.  Who would have thought?  What a trooper she is! Glad to read you got the massage, although I have to say that if I had one every morning I don't think I could teach afterwards.  I think I would need to go back to bed.  :D   Best wishes trying to recover your house.



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I think I'm caught up on posts.  A beach vacation without the dc sounds amazing! Glad you had a wonderful time, ducklings.


Our black lab returned from the vet (after his surgery removing the pine cone from his belly), and is doing very well. The poodle is tormented because he can't lick the lab all day. He's the biggest pain in the butt these days.


The flooring project is halfway done and looking great. I've put on two pounds of muscle, and am getting used to daily physical labour. It's very different than physical activity; not as fun and much more painful, IMO. We're all loving the laminate floors, though. The dc have been excellent assistants throughout.

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Morning, all you out there in ITT land! It's our last day of vacation. Tomorrow my 12 year old boy gets to experience life in a "real" classroom. There's a bit of anxiety all the way around in this house, but homeschooling was just not working for either of us!


Duckie, glad you had a good beach vacation. We used to take beach vacations until the people we rented from sold their beach house last fall. We were not happy about that turn of events. I also feel badly for your mom!


Winters, glad your dog is doing better and I'm envious about your flooring. I'm working in DH regarding matters such as those in our bedroom. The carpet must go!

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Hi, everyone.  I'm sorry I have been gone so long.  We've had a bit of upheaval (all to the good and instigated by ourselves) of late, and I have been thrown so far off of anything remotely like a familiar routine I'm constantly trying to remember whatever it is I'm forgetting.  The work isn't done, either.  We assembled new desks for the kids (adjustable things that put their typing surfaces at their proper ergonomic level), but now we have to empty, rip the guts out of, and spackle and paint the master closet so we can erect the new closet organizer stuff we bought.


My birthday is approaching, and I don't know if this will be done by then.  DH also had to reschedule his Labor Day week vacation and one vacation day in December due to conflicts at work, so that is now rescheduled for later in October.  Of course, I was so "clever" this year and mapped out most of our school year's studies in a teacher planner.  Not as big a deal as it might be -- I'll just start our fall semester one week early and by DH's vacation week in Oct. it should all even out.  And I have ANOTHER planner in which I planned to write down whatever we did each day as it occurred, just in case we went off plan.  Turns out we will be STARTING off plan.


I tried -- I really TRIED -- Whole30 but after completing Day 18 I gave it up.  It was messing me up.  Somehow I was missing some stuff I really needed, and other stuff I was eating a lot more of I really shouldn't eat frequently, it turns out.  My system never adjusted and I was miserable.  I also didn't see ANY of the beneficial changes that were supposed to occur.  As a result I have gone back to my "normal" diet for a bit, regained being ME, and after my birthday and Labor Day weekend I will take stock and see what needs to be adjusted.  I already knew soy, fresh dairy, and added sugars/artificial sweeteners were problem foods I need to limit.  Now I also know that cabbages, broccoli, and the like I also need to limit as well.  Go figure.


My dryer is dinging, so I will go now.  I'll check back later to see just how far behind I am now.  Returning to ITT will, hopefully, help me rebuild a daily routine and start getting life back into some semblance of order again.


Hugs to everyone!   :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:

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Here is a funny image for you all:  one black lab in a huge "cone of shame" to keep him from licking his stiches trying to sniff the back end of our other dog; other dog jumping out of the way of getting hammered with a giant cone and at the same time trying to lick and sniff the injured dog.  Needless to say, we have to keep the silly buggers separated.  :laugh:

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 MIL is coming in town to get her car (over 3 hours away from where she currently lives). Also, she has decided to take a Greyhound bus into town to pick up her car today and wanted dh to pick her up in downtown and drive her to the mechanic. Today. With no notice. She is coming in on a Greyhound bus with no one to pick her up. 

Edited by texasmama
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So DH just told me that a long conversation with DS today revealed his throat "swallowing issues" are really just anxiety he's been carrying around since he swallowed pool water down the wrong way a few weeks back.  After I told DH late last night that I suspected he was partially faking it, I guess he caught him eating something that's hard to swallow without any issues and called him on it.  He's been avoiding liquids, so it was becoming an issue.  #toldyouso


Good thing that came of it was we got him to start taking season allergy medicine for his congestion due to season allergies and dust.


So maybe things can start to get back to normal around here.  :hurray:






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That's what I told dh.  These things are tests.  If he comes to her rescue when she paints herself into a corner, it means he loves her.  If he doesn't, it means he does not love her and that she has done so much for us but we won't do this one little thing for her.  Either way she wins, and he loses.


I've only met my MIL once, when DH and I were first dating.  It used to bother me that they didn't have a relationship, but now I just feel relieved not to have to deal with drama.

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I would like to put myself in the running for homeschool mom of the year due to  not paying attention to the time zone of the boys' Landry Academy Spanish class.  They missed the first hour of the first class.  Nice. :hat:


Time zones can be tricky like that.

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I've only met my MIL once, when DH and I were first dating.  It used to bother me that they didn't have a relationship, but now I just feel relieved not to have to deal with drama.


Be relieved.  I used to push dh to have a relationship with his dad (parents are divorced).  When I met his dad, I no longer pushed.

Time zones can be tricky like that.

I forget that anything but Texas time exists. :laugh:  In my defense, I received so many emails from Landry Academy and the procedure to sign in for their classes was so involved that I was completely overwhelmed just with all of that.

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I am wiped out.  Two trips into town - one on each side of rush hour - since dh was unavailable (on surveillance).  But, I did do C25K this morning.  However I backed up to repeat week 6 because I didn't feel ready for a 25 minute run.  :svengo:


I've made a big pile of stuff for Goodwill.  (I'm 14th or more on the list for the kon mari book at the library, but Slache's thread on the chat board is quite inspiring!)

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Forgot to add that I listened to SWB on Read Aloud Revival podcast while I ran.  She was so good!  Some things I have heard her say before, and some things were new.  Definitely worth listening to! 

I started this podcast but was interrupted.  Every time I hear her speak, I want to kiss her on the mouth.  She is so refreshingly honest and real and approachable.  That is why we are BFF's, I think.

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Got an email with a heads up that I should be expecting a call from a mom who plans to have her dd to start violin lessons with me. Tomorrow. Uh, really? That's the plan?


Why don't some homeschooling parents reallize that homeschooling moms already have full-time teaching jobs and are not inclined to drop everything to accommodate someone else's schedule?


I do have one time slot open on Thursdays at 2pm.

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Three weeks left of summer vacation. Labour Day weekend is late this year (yay!).  I'm not stressed about school start because I'm distracting myself with flooring.


And I think I managed to convince dh to paint the master bedroom at the same as we do the flooring!!!  I'm SO EXCITED to get rid of the flower wallpaper border that's been there since we bought the house 13 years ago.   :hurray:



Oh, and HOOYAH!!!


This is the thread that never ends.... 

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