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Another reason I don't do the Konmari thing.  Because I am the house of things like rubber chickens.  And I don't mind it at all.  


It's not about getting rid of things with no purpose, it's about getting rid of things that don't spark joy. If it sparks joy you can keep it even if it's useless.

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We found rubber chickens.  At our local pharmacy.  (I'm not sure what that says about our local pharmacy which is more like a small general store but hey someone bought them, right?)


I am going to order that book!  It won't help with this year's camp but there is always next year.  


Hope you, the children and the chickens enjoy yourselves!!  :laugh:

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Dd informed me that she tried to speak again today about taking chemistry. Yesterday, she was completely dismissed. Today, it was back to the convincing mode. Dd told her that she didn't attend integrated science yesterday anyway - she went to chemistry. The special ed coordinator commented that she was treating this like a college, taking the classes she wanted. Another teacher had made a comment in another class as well about how high school wasn't college and they couldn't just take what they want (or something to that effect). Dd thought the conversations were interesting, because a couple of days ago, I was just reading a portion of Blake Boles aloud to her about why high schools should operate more like colleges.

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Texasmama, or anyone else who knows - is it the IEP or the evaluation that carries through college? If it's just the evaluation, I can pull her as of...now. If it's the IEP, We'll have to wait until Friday after the IEP meeting.

It's the evaluation.  Colleges don't use IEPs, nor do they care if your student had one in high school so much as they care about the dx.  The SAT and ACT folks could care about IEPs if you are asking for accommodations from them for testing, or so I hear, but for college accommodations, you need an evaluation that is (I believe) done within the past three years.  I actually think colleges are pretty liberal about giving accommodations of things like extra time for tests, preferred seating, taking tests in a testing center (and being given extra time).  As always, you should check with the most likely colleges that dd will attend (and in particular the local CC, as she may start there) to see what they require in terms of documentation for accommodations.

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It's the evaluation.  Colleges don't use IEPs, nor do they care if your student had one in high school so much as they care about the dx.  The SAT and ACT folks could care about IEPs if you are asking for accommodations from them for testing, or so I hear, but for college accommodations, you need an evaluation that is (I believe) done within the past three years.  I actually think colleges are pretty liberal about giving accommodations of things like extra time for tests, preferred seating, taking tests in a testing center (and being given extra time).  As always, you should check with the most likely colleges that dd will attend (and in particular the local CC, as she may start there) to see what they require in terms of documentation for accommodations.


Ok. I had started looking at college pages and the ones I saw said evaluation (within 5 years). I was in email contact with the woman who did the first part of Older's eval - the academic achievement part - asking the same question, and all she said was "we can discuss it at the meeting on Friday." IT's not even an IEP meeting, because the cognitive part hasn't been done. The upcoming meeting is to make class recommendations based on the achievement scores (especially chemistry).


They want to wait until she is 16 so the adult test can be used and carry to college. She doesn't turn 16 until the end of September, and we're not waiting that long. This is the email I'm about to send in answer to waiting until Friday, it's been sitting here for 30 minutes already: "How much is the other part of the evaluation, and can I do this as a private party? I'm withdrawing Older tomorrow. "

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Good Morning! 


I don't know yet if I'm running at  6:30 or leaving to take oldest ds to school (b&m) at 6:30.  Bummer.  (Dh normally does the morning school transport on his way to work, but he was out for work during the night, so it falls to me.)  And if I take ds to school, I should probably stop at the grocery on the way home.  Another bummer.  I'd rather run!

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It is 3 am my time.  I have to be up in 4 hours.  It will be an extremely busy day.  I'm super stressed and now I can't sleep.


In the morning I am going to do what I never do - pull the plug on plans that my teens have made to work on talent show stuff for camp.  I'm going to write this out so that hopefully I will get this out of my system and can go to sleep.


Fact:  I still have a lot of stuff to do before camp.  Not just camp lesson stuff, which is coming together, but stuff like laundry and getting the pets ready to be taken care of while we're gone.


Fact:  My teens are fine with not doing the talent show.  The other teen involved says that she is fine with not doing the talent show BUT she still pressured us into meeting two more times this week including having dd over for a sleepover.  And she has a bull-dozer personality.  Normally we all let her (to some degree) do her bull-dozer thing but here I am, up in the middle of the night with stress.  


Fear:  I'm afraid that my two kids and I are going to get sick before camp even starts.  We're all running ourselves ragged and camp itself is super busy all week.


Fact:  I've already squeezed an extra medical test and a doctor's appointment into this week when I was not expecting to and that is adding to my stress and time crunch.  At the very least I'm going to be put on yet another medicine tomorrow (or really this) morning.  I might be asked to set up even more testing and appointments though I will insist on those waiting until after camp.  


Fact:  The need's of the camp musicians (including my son) means that we spend part of tomorrow doing camp music stuff in addition to my camp lessons.  (This is separate from any talent show).  I wasn't planning on doing this at all since it is not my job, but because my ds doesn't drive yet, I have to be involved.   And of course the camp music thing is an hour away.


Fear:  I'm afraid that the other teen will have a big hissy tantrum and might make life miserable and might even decide to withdraw from camp.


Fact:  I am not the other teen's parent.  Also, I cannot control her reactions.  (And despite my fear which does have some basis in fact, I don't really know how she will react.)


Fear:  I am afraid that my dd will throw her own hissy fit even though yesterday she was fine with withdrawing because they planned a last minute sleepover as part of all of this and she loves sleepovers.


Fact:  We can have other sleepovers.



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So, I took oldest to school.  And I forgot to stop at the grocery on the way home because I was stewing over something stupid.  So now I'm home with a headache after being in the car over an hour.  Definitely not running.  Getting in the shower in a minute instead.  At least that will probably help my head and maybe my attitude.

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And... this is not the thing I was stewing over, but something different.  So, I've gotten emails from my youngest two dc's C C (Class. Conv.) tutors and just found out that my ds10 won't be in the same class with his friends.  (Classes are determined by closest birthdays and some years it falls one way and some years it falls the other way.)  There are typically 8 kids in each class.  His class has only one other boy, and not one that's easy to get along with.  I don't say a lot here about our involvement in C C because 1) it can be such a hot topic, 2) I'm not a huge C C proponent - we are there for the friendships which are great and 3) we do have a great group of people and I think it's best I don't share any of the negatives online.  But I know I can count on you guys for virtual hugs, chocolate, and mini pity-party. 


I think ds will get over the disappointment quicker than I will, but I am really bummed about it. 

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:grouphug: friends who need them.


We are back from our vacay, and I would give details but if you have seen Chevy Chase's original "Vacation", you already know the plot.


This morning, I will go to the chiro, finish the laundry I've started, and prepare for my class.  Co-op starts on Friday.

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Renai - That's a lot to navigate.  Sending you zero advice but tons of chocolate and coffee.  

Lynn- Stewing over here for you.  That stinks.  BTDT under other circumstances (not CC, but elsewhere)  and it's incredibly frustrating.  Especially since social interaction is such a big reason for your involvement.  No chance they can shuffle things up and trade one girl for one boy between the groups?  Especially if one group is predominantly boys?

Jean - You are overloaded.  Withdraw confidently and don't look back.  You need rest, my friend, and it sounds like the kiddos do, too.  So don't feel guilty... you are modeling moderation for them.  That's a great thing.   

Susan- Would a box of chocolate-covered Ticonderogas do the trick?

Ikslo and Tex - Hi!

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:grouphug: friends who need them.


We are back from our vacay, and I would give details but if you have seen Chevy Chase's original "Vacation", you already know the plot.


This morning, I will go to the chiro, finish the laundry I've started, and prepare for my class.  Co-op starts on Friday.


1) For the hugs - thanks


2) For the vacay - :lol:   (Does this mean you killed a dog and transported a dead relative over state lines?  :huh: )


3)  Yay for Chiro, Boo for laundry, and Strength for co-op!


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The temp is only in the upper 60's this morning, so the windows are open for a little while. Ds20 is doing some work on our computer which is throwing some fits this morning, so some of our computer based lessons will have to be put on hold.


Man, I hate computer problems.  Hope they are sorted out soon.  I intended to get Vertitas Press self-paced for my youngest to soothe my conscience when I don't have time to read aloud to her, but I do wonder if our limited usage can handle it ( #hughesnet  #middleofnowhere  #patheticinternetservice ). Hope your ds20 can work a miracle for you. 


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It's very Reggio. I want to set it up in my classroom (b&m). If I tried to set it up at home, Younger would destroy it within seconds!


If I tried to set up art shelves like this I'D be the one detroying it! ;)  There is far too much empty shelf space that could be filled with other junk. Empty surface space is my weakness - it just calls out to be filled.  :laugh:

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Now I'm wondering if I have enough supplies for camp.  I've prepared for 20 but I was told today that I have 14 firm and then there are a bunch of other maybes (but I have no number on how many).  If the maybes are only 6, then I'm cool.  If more, then I'm toast.  Hmmm.  


That's tough. Can you purchase extra raw materials, keep them in their original packages with receipts, and just use them if necessarly and return if not used?  Hopefully the actual activities can be done with slightly larger groups.  What makes me more annoyed is preparing materials and activities for 20 kids and only 6 show up. At least you have 14 firm.

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There are 44 kids at camp so far and we always have a couple of last minutes, some even deciding the day camp starts.  Dd reminded me that I actually have 16 firm because there are two younger-than-technically-allowed staff people kids who will be there and I can't leave them out.  So that leaves me 4 open slots.  So I will need to bring or prepare extra supplies.  It doesn't matter how many kids there are for half of the activities.  I'll just subdivide them into teams and it will work fine.  But for one or two things that require more advance preparation it matters a lot.  

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Renai - That's a lot to navigate.  Sending you zero advice but tons of chocolate and coffee.  

Lynn- Stewing over here for you.  That stinks.  BTDT under other circumstances (not CC, but elsewhere)  and it's incredibly frustrating.  Especially since social interaction is such a big reason for your involvement.  No chance they can shuffle things up and trade one girl for one boy between the groups?  Especially if one group is predominantly boys?

Jean - You are overloaded.  Withdraw confidently and don't look back.  You need rest, my friend, and it sounds like the kiddos do, too.  So don't feel guilty... you are modeling moderation for them.  That's a great thing.   

Susan- Would a box of chocolate-covered Ticonderogas do the trick?

Ikslo and Tex - Hi!


:seeya: back


(Okay, so apparently this emoticon is :see ya:, but I think of it as Hello!)

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1) For the hugs - thanks


2) For the vacay - :lol:   (Does this mean you killed a dog and transported a dead relative over state lines?  :huh: )


3)  Yay for Chiro, Boo for laundry, and Strength for co-op!


Almost but not quite.   ;)



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Also, one son left a note for the housekeeper apologizing for the huge stain left on the carpet by his sister's period (he used her full name in the note).  It was a joke.  There was no stain.   I also receive a lot of parenting advice from college girl about the siblings with issues.  (We have a lot of issues here.)  The upside of her spending so much time with the siblings in close quarters is that she got a full picture of their issues and probably will not say things like "Do you think you have contributed to this by coddling her?" and things of this nature in the future so that actually makes the entire trip worth it.

Edited by texasmama
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Oh.my.word.  ((Tex))  You need a mama-only vacation.  And dh needs to be banned from further vacation input.  I do not take it as bashing.  You cannot help it if the truth hurts.  (LOL) 


I agree. To some place cool, comfortable and drama and trauma free.

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