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Climbing Parnassus


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Who else on here has read this book?  I checked it out from the library and liked it so much that, even before I finished reading it, I chose to buy it.  It came today.  I know I will want to read it more than once and that is why I purchased it.

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I've read it a couple of times, but it's been a while.



Reading CP is honestly what threw me completely into the Charlotte Mason deep end. CP puts educational philosophy into perspective like no other book.  I understand CM b/c I read CP, iykwim.



I think this should be required reading for every aspiring teacher in America, not b/c America needs to adapt a Latin/Greek centric curriculum but b/c American teachers need to THINK about educational philosophy deeply, widely, and before and after every other subject they learn...and certainly ed phil. should trump crowd control...but I digress onto soap boxes....



It's a great book.  Read it all the way through fast even if it's painful.  Then go back and read it again slowly, very slowly.  

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It was one of my two failures as a homeschool parent!  I'd heard so many great things about it here on the boards.  I got it from the library and could not follow it at all.  I was terribly disappointed. It's been years, maybe 10, but the impression I am left with now is that it could have been written much more simply.


The other failure was Henty. That still makes me shudder.

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It was one of my two failures as a homeschool parent!  I'd heard so many great things about it here on the boards.  I got it from the library and could not follow it at all.  I was terribly disappointed. It's been years, maybe 10, but the impression I am left with now is that it could have been written much more simply.




Consider This by Karen Glass

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I read it a few years ago. It would have been too much early in our homeschool journey, I just wasn't there. I enjoyed it, certain sections resonated more with me 


Another few books along those lines are: The Intellectual Life  I only made it through part of this


And Quintilian On the teaching of Speaking and Writing I found a highly annotated version at a book sale. 


How to Read a Book  is something else you might enjoy if you haven't read it already. 

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It sounds interesting.


I can't remember the name of the homeschooling book I couldn't get into even though quite a few hsers I knew gushed about it and said it was a must-read. It was something about nature study. Sometimes books just don't grab you for whatever reason.


ETA: It was Pocketful of Pinecones.

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I read it a few years ago. It would have been too much early in our homeschool journey, I just wasn't there. I enjoyed it, certain sections resonated more with me 


Another few books along those lines are: The Intellectual Life  I only made it through part of this


And Quintilian On the teaching of Speaking and Writing I found a highly annotated version at a book sale. 


How to Read a Book  is something else you might enjoy if you haven't read it already. 


I love The Intellectual Life.  I had to buy a new copy because I wore the other one out from reading it so much.  :lol:

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It spurred me on to reading more educational theory. That is what lead me to Neil Postman. Actually, now that I think of it, I would much rather reread some Postman than CP, lol.


I *LOVE* Neil Postman's writing and highly recommend The End of Education and Amusing Ourselves to Death. Fantastic books!


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I *LOVE* Neil Postman's writing and highly recommend The End of Education and Amusing Ourselves to Death. Fantastic books!



I loved both of those.  I also enjoyed "Building a bridge to the 18th century."  I also really learned a lot from "Teaching as a Subversive Activity" and its companion "Teaching as a Conserving Activity."  The latter is harder to find for some reason.

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