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So who is not voting for either Obama or McCain?

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I think I might just write my dh in on the ballot...he has a really really big family, and who knows what may happen if they all do the same:D


Seriously though, has anyone considered the American Independence Party? I haven't read the whole website, so I apologize in advance if there is anything deemed "hateful"...it certainly is not my intention! I just want to know what ya'll think about AIP.

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At this point, I'm definitely not voting Obama and I don't think I can vote McCain either. I don't know what I'm going to do as an alternative.


:iagree: This is me, as well. I voted for Hillary Clinton in the primary and, quite frankly, do not like Obama and I never have. I also don't like his choice of running mate, it feels like he isn't living up to his many speeches about change. I had some vague thoughts of voting for McCain instead and was waiting to see who he picked. But the more I find out about Palin, the less I feel I can vote for them either. I'm not looking forward to the next few months.

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After seeing Ron Paul in the Republican debates last year, listening to his interviews and speeches, and researching his personal and voting record ..... there is NO WAY way I could vote for either McCain or Obama.


Maybe a 3rd party candidate, if I bother going to the polls.



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Another Ron Paul voter here. I believe his views are as close to what the Constitution provides for as anyone out there.


If the people who are holding their noses and voting for one of the two major parties' candidates would vote for someone else, then we would see real change. I used to feel that my vote was wasted by voting outside of one of the major parties. Now I feel just the opposite - by voting for someone outside of the dems/reps, I'm making my voice heard. And if enough of us would do it, it would be like Horton Hears a Who:


We are here! We are here! We are here!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Nobama and No McPain here either.


I wish the Constitution Party was on our ballot in TX!! If they are on the ballot in your state, that's who i would suggest.


I wanted to write in Ron Paul, but he's not listed as an official write in candidate on the Texas ballot. The ballot would [literally] be thrown away.


Alan Keyes is on the ballot, as are a few others.

Alan Keyes doesn't have ballot access in enough states to get enough electoral votes, but I might vote for him anyway. i don't agree w/ some of his ideas, but i like his character.


I have some issues w/ the Libertarian Party, but i have a few RP guys trying to sway me to vote for Barr :D



do a google search for your state + ballot and see who's officially on. In TX, "write-in" only means those who are official candidates but didn't file in time to get their name printed on the ballots, so they will have to be written in. Writing in someone other than a candidate that has officially filed will NOT be counted.


happy decision making :)

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I am a Ron Paul fan, but for the reasons Peek mentioned that is a no go. I can't do Barr if what I read about his personal hypocrisies are true (Can anyone point me to a link that might clear this up for me if you know what issues I am referring to?) I will probably be holding my nose for McCain and hoping he only stays for one term. When my DH gets back in town he may convince me to vote Barr, but it will take some convincing.

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IS Ron Paul going to be on the ballot?


I mean, can he be, if he's still registered as a Republican? :confused:


How can you find out who's going to be on a ballot in one particular state? (Someone mentioned him not being on the Texas ballot and I'm wondering about Virginia? I see ALOT of Ron Paul signs in my area!)

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It seems that since i last looked at the ballot for Texas, Chuck Baldwin is now officially listed as a viable write in, so I guess I'll be voting for him :D



"On September 10, 2008, [Ron] Paul confirmed his open endorsement for Baldwin, Barr, McKinney, and Nader at a press conference in Washington D.C"

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I am a Ron Paul fan' date=' but for the reasons Peek mentioned that is a no go. I can't do Barr if what I read about his personal hypocrisies are true (Can anyone point me to a link that might clear this up for me if you know what issues I am referring to?) I will probably be holding my nose for McCain and hoping he only stays for one term. When my DH gets back in town he may convince me to vote Barr, but it will take some convincing.[/quote']


I'm simply not convinced of Barr's personal character, period.

He's flipped on almost every major issue of his so he could join the Libertarian party. His three marriages are fact, even if the rest of his personal life is just rumor. you can start w/ his page at wiki and check out their source documents at the bottom.


and hsmamainva--



but i'm not sure how they deal with write-ins --elections are a state-by-state issue :) I'd call your county Voter Deputy Registrar and ask them....

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Guest Virginia Dawn

I'm not voting for Obama or McCain. Possibly Constitution party, possibly write in Ron Paul. Right now the political situation is just depressing me, I've been ignoring it lately.

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Guest Virginia Dawn

Yeah, I don't get it. If all the people who say they don't like the two major candidates voted ,there could actually be a chance for a 3rd party to step in.


Not to mention the 65% of registered voters that don't vote. What a difference they could make.

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I will possibly only be voting for the other races. I think the Libertarians have made it on the ballot in NC, but I'm pretty sure the Constitution Party has not. We have some very strange strict rules about getting on the ballot.


McCain is not an option for me, and neither is Obama...although, of the two, I would prefer Obama to win. So I may just vote in the gubernatorial and senate races this time. We'll see.

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Yeah, I don't get it. If all the people who say they don't like the two major candidates voted ,there could actually be a chance for a 3rd party to step in.


Not to mention the 65% of registered voters that don't vote. What a difference they could make.


Ron Paul in a recent interview (I think with Wolf Blitzer) said from what he can tell only 16% of voters really are voting *for* a particular candidate...as opposed to just voting the party they usually do, or voting against another party/candidate, etc. This certainly describes how I've voted most of my adult life.

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Yeah, I don't get it. If all the people who say they don't like the two major candidates voted ,there could actually be a chance for a 3rd party to step in.


Not to mention the 65% of registered voters that don't vote. What a difference they could make.



we actually have 6 candidates w/ viable ballot access in the Presidential Election:











and here's a state-by-state compilation of wite-in requirements to make sure your write in vote actually counts

[if you really care... ;) ]



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