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Immunity Boosters..remind me again

Tammi K

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...because this is all information I probably should ( and already do know) but at the moment my brain is rattled.


In less then two weeks, ds, dd, and I fly to the east coast so ds can compete in the Figure Skating National Championship. December was a misery of cold and cold type illness. Ds has only been sick a handful of times in his entire life and he was sick enough to miss skating for a week.


I've been sick since the beginning of December and I'm still coughing and sneezing. DD had been dealing with cold symptoms and swollen glands.  (It wasn't flu - just really miserable colds.)  At the moment everyone is closer to mending than to being sick and I would like to keep it that way. I don't think we can afford to have anyone come down with anything else at this point. 


So, bring on your best suggestions to keep some kids healthy for the next 3 weeks. We fly on the 13th. He competes on the 17/18th and then we fly home on the 20th. I think we could deal with some sniffles then. But, not before please. 



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Enough SLEEP!

Everyone wash hands frequently. Try to avoid touching nose, eyes, mouth, etc.

Your ds who is competing can't do this, but moderate exercise is very good for the immune system. He's training harder than moderate which taxes the system, but if you keep others in your family healthy, you're helping to protect him.


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Vitamin D, fresh air, sunshine.


Bonne Chance! What a great opportunity for him! :hurray:


Sunshine...this is Alaska. 5 hours of daylight and lots of it rainy....probably not going to happen. But, Vit D does come in bottles! Good reminder to actually take it.


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Natural route:

Garlic, parsley, cumin, turmeric. All have anti -bacterial and anti-viral properties.

Chicken soup/broth from great stock.

Lavender essential oil. Sniff it every now and again, take it on the plane with you.

OK, now a certified quack. lol Still, I have noticed these things really do work.

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I buy Rainbow Light vitamin D3 gummies (the raspberry flavor has 2,500 IU and we use this dose during the winter).


Vitamin C


Sambucus Elderberry syrup:  I buy the one with raspberry flavoring.  (My kids don't like the taste of the plain elderberry syrup but I use that one...you mix it with some water and I think it tastes a bit like prune juice, but I happen to like prunes!)  You can also get lozenges that also have some zinc.


Maybe try some Ayr Saline nasal gel to keep nostrils from drying out during the flight? 


Good luck and good health!


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Vitamin D

Multi vitamin

hand washing


don't touch your face when out

Wear gloves when out and about; I'm guessing in Alaska, gloves, and good outwear are a give.

Avoid sick people

Don't shake hands at services (if you attend) or keep your gloves on 

Wear a mask if necessary

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