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Who's going to tackle Thursday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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up at 5:30

bath twins then took them for a pram ride as they were being so noisy that they were starting to wake everyone up


hand milk 2 housecows


vacuum entire house


scrub both bathrooms


2 loads of laundry washed hung on line and dried, now sitting in basket in lounge room


feed twins and put them down for nap


mop floors


pick blueberries and freeze them


 catch ds17 just in time as he was about to go into the bathroom to wash grease off his hands. sent him back to the shed to use the grease cleaner stuff first


felt so tired that I had a short nap on the couch


tidy kitchen again


 collect some kinderling and small wood and start combustion stove to cook a roast venison for tea


spend some time on WTM board. start to wonder why twins are so quiet. Go look for them and find they are spreading chook food all over the veranda. give 2 little boys a dish each and strict instructions that tey are to pick up ALL the chook food


pick vegetables from garden


serve tea


process twins and put them to bed


 go for a 5 km walk


still to go


 hang up nappies that are washing in the machine


 make a batch of yoghurt


 fold washing










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Good morning

- dishes- done

- tidy house- round 1 done

- planning- done a little

- read/crochet- have done some of both

- dinner- done

- baths- done

- bedtime routine- done

- anything else I manage to get done- cleaned out the fridge, gathered all of dmil's Tupperware and put it all in a bag by the door, took a nap with dd2

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You are all much more diligent and ambitious than I am for today! Holiday here and we are slackers big time.


Kids are at my mom's since last night.

We got up at 9!



shower and dress


go to my mom's and have NY's day meal there.


come home, play with kids, possible snack, bedtime for kids

read or watch a movie

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Well, my house is quiet. The younger boys tried to stay up all night. The girls went to bed early as did Dh and I. Our stove and new microwave arrived yesterday, not without some hiccups. I thought we had agreed to have it installed, but turns out we didn't. So Dh did that.


They look lovely and as soon as the dishwasher finishes I will clean up the kitchen.


That is probably it for the day. We may head out later to watch the football games (sadly, they are on espn).


Happy New Year!

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Please pray for my family. My BIL committed suicide last night. He had dealt with depression, anxiety, and OCD for many years and despite treatment of many kinds couldn't see his way past doing this. Losing mother this year was hard enough, but this is beyond tragic.


He was my younger sister's husband and the father of my special needs nephew who requires 24 hour care.



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Plumbing job is scheduled to start on Tuesday, which mean we'll likely just pack up and stay at my parents' house Tuesday and Wednesday night.  


Youngest has been miserable most of the day with a bad cough and rolling fever. So dh and I have been taking turn cuddling him.


I'm feeling fine now.  I don't think I'm getting sick, just needed a little more rest this morning.


The kids and I build Legos all afternoon! They did all the work, I just made sure they didn't put things in the wrong spot on the rare occasion that they started to.


My wonderful dh did ALL the laundry!!! This was at least 2 weeks worth of laundry!


Once kids are in bed dh and I are watching The Hobbit

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Please pray for my family. My BIL committed suicide last night. He had dealt with depression, anxiety, and OCD for many years and despite treatment of many kinds couldn't see his way past doing this. Losing mother this year was hard enough, but this is beyond tragic.


He was my younger sister's husband and the father of my special needs nephew who requires 24 hour care.

:grouphug:  :grouphug: :grouphug:  

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