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If you stopped eating meat. . .TMI(sorry)

Miss Peregrine

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I guess so, but I haven't really been eating much of anything.


Going from 1 x /day to 3 seems strange. :blush:

Yeah, that's pretty normal. It's actually a good thing. Faster transit times are correlated with a decreased risk for cancers. It also reduces your risk for diverticulitis down the road.


Behold the power of fiber. :0)

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Yeah, that's pretty normal. It's actually a good thing. Faster transit times are correlated with a decreased risk for cancers. It also reduces your risk for diverticulitis down the road.


Behold the power of fiber. :0)


Yup.  I've been vegetarian for over 10 years now and the output is quite regular and frequent.  Very normal and healthy.

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Once you start thinking about being a super pooper, you'll never be able to listen to Abba's Supertrooper without replacing the lyrics in your mind.....


just a warning.


and possibly an earworm....

I used to sing it to my kids whenever I changed their nappies... Poor darlings probably don't know what the words are.

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I switched from the standard American diet (SAD indeed), to vegetarian at the end of summer. Not only did my output increase, but when we went to WDW and I "cheated" and tried to eat a meal with lean meat, I had terrible stomach cramps and diarrhea. Did this twice (not smart...especially while on vacation!) and had the same terrible results both times. Continued vacation for ten more days without meat and was okay again, so I don't think it was just eating different foods or having a different schedule.

Just a little warning so ya don't try to reintroduce meat during important holiday events ;)

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