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California peeps

Liz CA

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Any special prep you are making in anticipation of this "little" storm blowing in? We live in a "high wind" area.

Dh got generator gassed up, we have extra water and new flashlights with batteries. What am I forgetting? This house is all electric :( and when the power goes, everything goes with it. I miss the days of gas stoves that could be lit with a match and cozy wood stoves.

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No, we won't be getting snow (low elevation) but evidently tons of rain and high wind which can knock power out. While I miss my little mountain cabin, I am happy not to live in a snow area any longer. I would still like a wood stove, though. :)

We get the bad winds here, too. We lose power sometimes but not as much since the forest was thinned after the bark beetles.

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We covered up all skylights with plastic bags to prevent leeks. I have couple of camping lights in case we lose power (lots of fallen trees usually around here during the storm). As much as I want to go and watch the waves, we are going to avoid driving tomorrow and spend an afternoon eating hot soup and watching movies. Kids are so excited!

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Ha! With all the hoopla they made of that last storm, I was expecting an aquatic apocalypse. We got less than half an inch of rain here in the Central Valley. I know there were a lot of problems in other parts of the state, so I'm not discounting that storm, but around here it was a gentle rain. We're not doing much to prepare. Other than making sure gutters are cleaned of leaves, etc.

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 I miss the days of gas stoves that could be lit with a match and cozy wood stoves.


The Korean supermarket sells nice wood stove/grill that I am eyeing and my kids would toast marshmallows over if I buy.  My aunts had small charcoal burning stove.  Do you have a fire pit or a butane powered stove?


I'm not in a flood prone area and power outage is rare now.  I have enough dry rations, batteries and torchlights and a 24hrs Safeway across the street.  

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The last two times that we've made a big Costco run (that is, not just the usual milk/eggs/bread stuff, but actually stocking up on cheese, produce, and freezer stuff), we've come home to no power.  Luckily we've only had to toss a few things both times.  And of course we just made a big run on Monday.... :)


I'll probably put a few ice cubes in a ziploc in the freezer as a defrosting check, make sure the cell phones are charged tonight, and then hope for the best!

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We haven't done anything special.  Have plenty of everything except for a generator.  Probably will have hubby drop by store on way home tonight for more milk.  We are in Sacramento and the last big storm didn't affect us too much.  I'm sure there will be localized street flooding.  The county and city have been out the past few days clearing leaves and storm drains.  Last week we had a wind storm which blew down all the leaves, followed immediately by heavy rain. A precursor to come.  I plan on hunkering down.  Half the time the forecasters are wrong so it may pass quickly or sit on top of us for a while.    We'll see what happens.  

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We have a generator, but it isn't warm enough for anything to spoil if the power goes off for awhile, so I probably won't use it because the noise drives me nuts. During the Eiler fire I thought I would go insane with the generators going 24/7. I am making sure my phone and kindle are charged.

I am hopeful the power situation won't be bad because there was no snow last year so Cal Trans used their extra guys to take out trees that would normally fall over the road during storms. We will see.

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I'm not sure how bad it's supposed to be by the time it gets to us, but our street is lined with huge trees that the city doesn't trim nearly often enough (city trees on the parkways). We used to have two out on the side of the house, and one came down during a bad El Niño storm when I was little. We've had dangling branches before after rains. I'm a bit concerned about branches coming down. It's also a possibility on the trees that line our other street everything is so dry that cracking off large branches won't take too much wind, especially If they are heavy with rain (neither set of trees drop leaves in the fall).

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Ha! With all the hoopla they made of that last storm, I was expecting an aquatic apocalypse. We got less than half an inch of rain here in the Central Valley. I know there were a lot of problems in other parts of the state, so I'm not discounting that storm, but around here it was a gentle rain. We're not doing much to prepare. Other than making sure gutters are cleaned of leaves, etc.


I know. Around here the weathermen get excited when there is a cloud in the sky :)  But a nice amount of rain would help us all tremendously!

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Also, after two days of having activities canceled because of the protests in Berkeley, the storm seems more ominous. Not that I believe anything apocalyptic will happen, but it just makes me a bit more uneasy because of the coincidence of the two happening right after each other.

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Naw. Just made sure I've got extra charged batteries on hand for the kids nightlight.let the wind howl all it wants as long as long as that light turns on! I also made sure all the laundry was done, but that's a good idea anyway :-)


Yes to the laundry! I also need to get all the dishes done and buy some paper plates.


I froze big tupperware containers full of water, in order to have a few ice blocks that might slow down any food spoilage if the power goes out.


Also trying to figure out meals with no power... I certainly don't want to stock up on sandwich items that might perish, but I guess that tuna or peanut butter sandwiches will work.

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We are in an area known for mudslides so that is my main concern.


Not so much fun. For the first time in ages, we are in a flat area where flooding has occurred before (prior to our moving here). Before then, we lived on little mountain where water ran downhill....

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I am not sure what town my husband is in, but he is in California on business. Tomorrow he is supposed to visit a customer and then drive through mountains in Nevada. On Friday, he is supposed to be flying out of Reno. I am rather concerned. It is one thing to go through a big storm on familiar ground. It is another thing to manage as a traveler.

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I am not sure what town my husband is in, but he is in California on business. Tomorrow he is supposed to visit a customer and then drive through mountains in Nevada. On Friday, he is supposed to be flying out of Reno. I am rather concerned. It is one thing to go through a big storm on familiar ground. It is another thing to manage as a traveler.


Hope he has chains and / or AWD / Four wheel drive. It's supposed to dump some snow in the sierras.

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I bought a typewriter today :D

Made in the 1940s, so it doesn't need power :) ... I'll use it to address my packages and Christmas cards tomorrow!


(the timing - of getting the typewriter - just happens to coincide with the Big Storm, but hey - it could come in handy!)



We are in Berkeley and they have closed all the schools in sf, Oakland, everywhere. It has barely started raining. That is making me the most nervous, that they anticipate such a big storm! I really hope it is calmer than predicted.



Ours is one of the few school districts in the area that will be open as usual tomorrow ... the teachers are grumping a bit on Facebook!



Also, after two days of having activities canceled because of the protests in Berkeley, the storm seems more ominous. Not that I believe anything apocalyptic will happen, but it just makes me a bit more uneasy because of the coincidence of the two happening right after each other.


We're staying in Berkeley this weekend ... should be interesting ...

My son is a student there. At least it's dead week, so neither classes nor finals tomorrow.



Naw. Just made sure I've got extra charged batteries on hand for the kids nightlight.let the wind howl all it wants as long as long as that light turns on! I also made sure all the laundry was done, but that's a good idea anyway :-)


oh yes - I just am finishing up some laundry. It will be nice to have that done if the power goes out for a while.

We also cleaned the gutters this afternoon. I had planned to wrap presents, but the gutters were a more pressing need! :)



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I am not sure what town my husband is in, but he is in California on business. Tomorrow he is supposed to visit a customer and then drive through mountains in Nevada. On Friday, he is supposed to be flying out of Reno. I am rather concerned. It is one thing to go through a big storm on familiar ground. It is another thing to manage as a traveler.

He needs backup plans. They may well close the pass, and possibly the airport.

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What kind of backup plans could he make? All I can think of is staying put if things close or driving to another airport. But I suppose getting to another airport will be equally hard.

Stay put and fly out of Sacramento or SFO or Oakland, whichever is nearer to the city in California he is in. It's the highway/freeway to Reno/Lake Tahoe area that might be closed or need snow chains.



SFO is having delayed and cancelled flights. Not sure about other airports


From SF Chron

"There were outages throughout the Bay Area, with thousands of residents without power in cities including San Francisco, Petaluma, Novato, El Cerrito, Moraga, Santa Rosa and San Jose.


Eighty-nine departing flights and 101 arrivals were canceled at San Francisco International Airport. "

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What kind of backup plans could he make? All I can think of is staying put if things close or driving to another airport. But I suppose getting to another airport will be equally hard.

I think unless there is a real emergency staying put would be his best bet. If he tries to leave and gets stuck somewhere sitting in the airport or on the road somewhere it will be worse.

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We live in a rural part of Nor. Cal about an hour north of SF and all the schools are closed. Our back yard looks like a swamp. The storm stalled over our county and we are taking a beating. Half of our town has no power.


My best friend lives in Petaluma. I texted her but no answer yet. Are you near there or farther north?  PM me if you don't want to reveal here.


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Liz, I'm near Jenn121 but less rural, about 45 min. north of your friend. We have a lot of rain and a few puddles in the back, but the schools are closed (even the community college). On the other hand, dh took the freeway to work this morning and minimal flooding but very slow driving. I'm a bit worried about our retaining wall.

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On the north coast of Sonoma Co. it seems like a normal storm, it's just been a number of years since we've had a good storm like this. Phones are out. The roads? Culverts are overflowing. The winds were up at 4am, but now they are non existent. Just steady rain.


Had a response from my friend in Petaluma. They still have power but some sewage overflows. She would know that since she works at the district.  :)

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I've got the day off, as do my dds, and dh is working at home. The winds kept me up some last night. We still have power,  and Im making the chicken soup I've been craving. I hope we don't lose power, or if we do, I hope it's brief.   We don't have a generator. Quite a bit of nasty flooding, although we are currently fine.

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I had a feeling that it was going to end up less severe than predicted, and at least in our neighborhood, it was no big deal. I was mostly concerned about the wind, because we live Ina valley that gets high wind on a normal day, but the wind was really not bad. We've had way worse.


I just said this to dh and he said, it's supposed to pick up as the day goes on. Who knows? I am just happy about the little bit of rain.


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