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S/O can you have the flu with no fever?


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I have been sick since Thursday night. Horrible horrible cough. Extremely painful cough. All over body ache but not severe. Worst part is the severe fatigue. I can't stand up for more than a minute or two and then I have to lie down. I have not had a fever at any point but it did start with a dry not quite painful throat. I really expected to have my energy back today but I don't. Not at all. In fact the cough is probably a bit worse as in more painful and the phlegm is thicker(sorry TMI). The cough was better Saturday and Sunday but is worse this AM. Breathing is uncomfortable and shallow. Hard to get a deep breath. Does this sound like flu? I'm mostly curious. I'm treating this with rest and fluids etc and don't see a need to go the dr at this point. Just wish I knew when it would be over. I've been in bed for 3 full days, this is the fourth.

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The stomach virus (not food poisoning) that went around here didn't have any noticeable fever -- but did have achey/fatigue with it.  I had a HORRIBLE cough with aches/fatigue last winter.  I was certain I had *something* (and I have had pneumonia without fevers, too), Most days I didn't feel like I had a fever -- even the day I went to the doctor (finally) after 3 weeks, I didn't think I had a fever -- but I did.  Just a very small one.  I coughed up a lung for nearly 2 months.  I was so sore and tired...and thankful when the virus had finally run its course.

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No it doesn't really sound like the flu. Could be something like bronchitis (there are viral and bacterial types). The flu is typically something that knocks you on your @$$. Where you are so sick you can't get out of bed.

I keep seeing this and similar sentiments, but my kids and I have all had confirmed flu that wasn't really that bad. My kids have definitely been sicker with non-flu viruses. Perhaps your experience is more typical, but I don't want anyone to assume that they don't have flu if they can get out of bed. On the other hand, unless you can take Tamiflu, it probably doesn't matter whether you have influenza or something that just feels like it.

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I keep seeing this and similar sentiments, but my kids and I have all had confirmed flu that wasn't really that bad. My kids have definitely been sicker with non-flu viruses. Perhaps your experience is more typical, but I don't want anyone to assume that they don't have flu if they can get out of bed. On the other hand, unless you can take Tamiflu, it probably doesn't matter whether you have influenza or something that just feels like it.


I'm sure it depends on the strain and the individual.  I just remember my mother once had the flu and it was so awful I never forgot it and I was very young.  I don't remember much from that time, but I remember that.


I don't think I've ever had the flu. 

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I'm seconding Walking Pneumonia.  My dd walked around with pneumonia, mostly feeling like crap and not being able to breathe very well.  She never ran a fever.  She had a cold for a week or so.  She wasn't feeling absolutely horrid, so we went hiking...she never made it to the end.  She started having chest and back pain and shortness of breath...a trip to the doc confirmed pneumonia.  

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I have had walking pneumonia once but can't remember exactly what it was like. I was holding out for the fact that I didn't have a fever being a good sign. As far as bronchitis I thought most cases were viral. I despise nothing more than going to the dr and being told it's just a virus and go home and rest :/ I hold off going as long as possible because of this and we generally just fight off the virus just fine.


I am going to try to move around a bit more today and see if I get better or worse. I have a 3 month old and I'm really hoping she doesn't get this :(

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I have had walking pneumonia once but can't remember exactly what it was like. I was holding out for the fact that I didn't have a fever being a good sign. As far as bronchitis I thought most cases were viral. I despise nothing more than going to the dr and being told it's just a virus and go home and rest :/ I hold off going as long as possible because of this and we generally just fight off the virus just fine.


I am going to try to move around a bit more today and see if I get better or worse. I have a 3 month old and I'm really hoping she doesn't get this :(


I hate that as well. I get it. I really do.  The last time I had bronchitis that got me to a doctor is when I had a very high fever. I do tend to run a high fever but when it hits 106 I go see the doctor. He told me that most bronchitis is viral, but it is sometimes bacterial. He gave me a script but told me not to fill it for a few days. He said if I got worse then it was bacterial and time for an antibiotic. Or, it was bacterial and I got rid of it myself, lol. He was very specific about what 'getting worse' meant and all I remember is that it didn't happen. I started to get better in about 2 days after seeing him.


When my sister had pneumonia (viral) the thing that got her to the doctor was that on about day 4 she took a turn for the worse. She had what seemed to be a fairly standard respiratory virus but then on day 4 she started to vomit and feel much worse, instead of better. She got to the doctor who have her some pretty strong anti-viral meds. I actually talked to the doctor and she told me my sister had been the 5 case she had seen that day, it was going around like mad. She also told me very specifically what to look for in case we needed to bring her to the hospital. It didn't happen and she got better but it took a while.


Have you tried sitting in the bathroom while a hot shower runs? does that make it easier to breath? Or taking a hot shower and staying in there a good long time?

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it sounds like something else, and I would probably get checked out.


I had pneumonia (diagnosed via x-ray) - and never hit 101.  one thing, when I had pneumonia - I had to be upright at all times.  If I was even slightly reclined, I felt like I was drowning.

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I have been sick since Thursday night. Horrible horrible cough. Extremely painful cough. All over body ache but not severe. Worst part is the severe fatigue. I can't stand up for more than a minute or two and then I have to lie down. I have not had a fever at any point but it did start with a dry not quite painful throat. I really expected to have my energy back today but I don't. Not at all. In fact the cough is probably a bit worse as in more painful and the phlegm is thicker(sorry TMI). The cough was better Saturday and Sunday but is worse this AM. Breathing is uncomfortable and shallow. Hard to get a deep breath. Does this sound like flu? I'm mostly curious. I'm treating this with rest and fluids etc and don't see a need to go the dr at this point. Just wish I knew when it would be over. I've been in bed for 3 full days, this is the fourth.

This reminds me painfully of the H1N1 flu that I had. One of the reasons I resisted going to the

doctor was a lack of fever. I finally went because of my difficulty in breathing. Whatever you may have, it sounds like a trip to the doctor is warranted. Best wishes as you recuperate.


eta: Mucinex can help thin the phlegm.

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it sounds like something else, and I would probably get checked out.


I had pneumonia (diagnosed via x-ray) - and never hit 101. one thing, when I had pneumonia - I had to be upright at all times. If I was even slightly reclined, I felt like I was drowning.

That's good to know. I'm sleeping fine and spending most of my time laying flat in bed.

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This reminds me painfully of the H1N1 flu that I had. One of the reasons I resisted going to the

doctor was a lack of fever. I finally went because of my difficulty in breathing. Whatever you may have, it sounds like a trip to the doctor is warranted. Best wishes as you recuperate.


eta: Mucinex can help thin the phlegm.

I am breastfeeding and have a shaky supply so I'm trying to avoid all meds. My husband thinks the reason it didn't go into his chest was the liberal use of decongestants but I didn't dare. Not sure about mucinex but Ive used it before and will look it up. Thanks.

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Bronchitis but not looking like there are many options for meds to help as I am allergic to codeine and also breastfeeding. Waiting for dr to come back in.


I'm glad you went in, I hope the dr. is able to figure out a good treatment course for you; many medications are OK to take when breastfeeding.

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N-acetyl cysteine is a great OTC for bronchitis.  It is available as "NAC" from GNC and similar stores.  I have a distance swimmer who needs her lungs more than most (if that is possible), and this is has been a huge help to getting her back into fightin' shape.  I don't know about BF'ing, though.  

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Did someone suggest bronchitis? I've only had it once, and I don't remember a fever, but I just was not getting better. I even lost my voice. I was on the couch for days. Sometimes I'd rally, think I was improving, do stuff, them crash again the next day. I finally hauled in to the doctor and got fixed up.

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Did someone suggest bronchitis? I've only had it once, and I don't remember a fever, but I just was not getting better. I even lost my voice. I was on the couch for days. Sometimes I'd rally, think I was improving, do stuff, them crash again the next day. I finally hauled in to the doctor and got fixed up.

Yes see up thread. I do have bronchitis but no antibiotics. He said it was viral. I'm feeling a bit stronger today.

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My kids once had confirmed cases of the flu and I was sick at the same time as them, but never ran a fever and was really only mildly ill. They were terribly sick. The doctor told me that it was likely I had been exposed to that flu strain before, thus it only made me mildly sick. Not totally sure if that's true, but it seemed to make sense.


Ah, looking above, I see you solved it. I hope you feel better soon and figure out a good treatment.

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Just FYI for others, my nephew had the flu without a fever. It is unusual but the dr. said he has seen more of that this year than with other strands.


I am glad you are feeling a little better; I had a nasty cold last week. It turned into a sinus infection so take care of yourself. 

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