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Comic: How will kids survive the real world


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After this week this comic made me laugh until I cried.  Sometimes I think I'm the only one with these kids, but it looks like many of us have the same kids.  I think what I like best about the comic is that the artist captures the exact expressions kids have.  


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Yeah, that last one is my DD... she went out with a friend and I said make sure you get something to eat. DD gets home...


"Did you eat dinner?"


"What did you eat?"




When left at home all day she still "forgets" to eat lunch on a regular basis.  She recently asked about a babysitting job, and I said, you can't feed yourself, how can you take care of another child?  That went over well..


Oh, and this morning's gem.... "I keep sending laundry down to be washed and nothing is coming back..."    FYI, I don't make her do her own laundry, but she does know HOW to do laundry and does it on occasion.  

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I have proof that my kids might not survive. Dd is living in a college owned house and the kitchen is literally right outside her door. Sunday night she called me to ask if her Ikea coffee mug is microwavable. Um, yeah, I guess so. Why? She wants to make hot chocolate.  I mentioned that she has a tea kettle and a stove Right Outside Her Room.  She doesn't want to go out there because her room is nice and cozy and maybe it's chilly out there.  So she wants to use the microwave that is in her room. Guys, it is truly like 10 steps from her microwave to the stove. 


100% positive that she didn't make that lonely walk to the kitchen to wash that dirty mug after she drank her hot chocolate. 

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OMG too funny.  I phoned home the other day to check on the kids while I was at work.  I asked youngest what she ate for breakfast she answers "peanut butter". SO I get dd15 on the hone and ask why on earth she didn't make her sister breakfast and left the poor dear to just eat peanut butter.  dd15 answers "That is what I gave her for breakfast" so I ask WHY she thought it would be a good idea to only feed her sister peanut butter for breakfast.  dd15 answers "that's what she asked for" *facepalm* yeah so glad I have left you in charge as the more responsible person sweet teen of mine, I expect meals to contain more than a sandwich spread lol

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I have proof that my kids might not survive. Dd is living in a college owned house and the kitchen is literally right outside her door. Sunday night she called me to ask if her Ikea coffee mug is microwavable. Um, yeah, I guess so. Why? She wants to make hot chocolate.  I mentioned that she has a tea kettle and a stove Right Outside Her Room.  She doesn't want to go out there because her room is nice and cozy and maybe it's chilly out there.  So she wants to use the microwave that is in her room. Guys, it is truly like 10 steps from her microwave to the stove. 


100% positive that she didn't make that lonely walk to the kitchen to wash that dirty mug after she drank her hot chocolate. 


I think you have my daughter.  ;)


She's living on campus for her second year at a school with 20,000+ undergrads.  She swore to me that the mail room did NOT have an outgoing mailbox, so therefore she was unable to mail thank you cards for birthday money.


I took her on a walk to the mail room. We walked past the counters, and she continued to insist there was no outgoing mailbox.  I pointed to the wall next to the counter and asked, "Do you mean those 12" high letters painted there that say 'Mail'?"


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That was hilarious. The late for school one is so my dd. Except instead of braiding doll's hair she'd be painting her plastic or ceramic animals' toenails or something like that. :001_rolleyes:


I forgot the pencil one too. She *has* to have a certain color (mechanical) pencil for each subject. Orange pencil = spelling, blue = math, etc. She can't seem to do any work if the correct pencil is not at hand.


Ack--breakfast! Me: Dd, did you have any breakfast?

Dd: Yes, I had pretzels.

Me: Is that it???

Dd: I had a couple pieces of chocolate too!



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