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how in the world did I not know about...


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I don't know, it's my all-time favorite show!  And most of it is such a good influence on girls.


If you have littles, you might be wary of the college years, where (edited to remove spoiler) there is a huge focus on an extramarital affair. I wasn't thinking about it and had to answer a lot of questions I didn't want to answer that early. I got away with being vague, and explaining I'd tell them all about it when they turned 8, but I wasn't expecting that one.

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If you're like me, you missed a lot of shows while spending all of your time parenting. My kids are getting older now and more independent and I'm discovering many shows on Netflix that I've been hearing about for years, but never watched.


I only started watching Glee this year. It's hilarious, but in a low browish sort of way with some wit tossed in. I had seen Gilmore Girls a time or two, and I did like it, but not more than sleep or chasing after littles at that time in my life. I plan to start with season one soon.

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I love, love, love Gilmore Girls!!! My best friend watched it religiously and kept trying to get me to, but I refused. When it ended, she bought the box set and brought it to my house and begged me to watch. I finally did and I fell in love! This was back when ds was a preschooler and dd was an infant. I would stay up so late watching and I was exhausted all the time. But it was worth it. Lol


Now that Gilmore Girls is on Netflix, I couldn't be happier. Did I mention I love this show? :)

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I felt that way about Mad Men. Should I be embarrassed that I spent my summer watching seasons 1-6? Netflix doesn't have season 7 yet, so I might have to check out Gilmore Girls. Lauren Graham is great on Parenthood (this is the last season, sob!).

She plays the same character on both shows. I'm beginning to think she can't act and is just being herself.

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It's one of my all-time favorite shows, and my girls are hooked with me. We're up to season 5 at the moment, and every night it's torture to turn off the TV after just one or two episodes :lol:


I've seen bit and pieces over the years, never any real cohesion to my watching. I started on season 1 last week and was delighted to see Baby Moose (only Supernatural fans will get that). 


LOL! DD12 started watching Supernatural after we started Gilmore Girls, and her mind was blown when it turned out "Dean" was now "Sam," brother to "Dean." 




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Well rats. I've spent the past 2 days in bed with a 102+ fever and have gone through all of the House Hunters episodes available on Netflix. Now I'm too much recovered to start another series. Maybe I'll have a relapse and be able to put off this mountain of laundry a few more days. :D


On a different topic, why would my iPad change the word "more" to "meow"? Stupid thing.

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Absolutely loved that show! Here's an interesting link you might like...http://bookreviews.me.uk/rory-gilmore-reading-challenge/


I'm doing this!  So far I have read Sylvia Path's The Bell Jar (how did I miss that??) and The Divine Secrets of the Ya Ya Sisterhood (LOVED it!)  I've picked up a few more at the used bookstore.  There are over 300 books on the list!!

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Great show! The writing is amazing (but watch out when you get to the last season or so). One of my favorite shows, and I especially love watching it in the fall...New England is so beautiful this time of year, and Gilmore Girls really capitalizes on that!


do I want to know what happens in season 5...or not?  is it a bad thing...or a good thing???  Tell me....no, don't tell me....yea...give me a hint...just a little one...no..on second thought...don't....UGH....I hate that....now I don't know what to do? 


I absolutely hate it when a great show sucks you in....and then later just let's you down with a stupid character....or story line or something....


PLEASE don't tell me that is going to happen to my new favorite show....

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do I want to know what happens in season 5...or not? is it a bad thing...or a good thing??? Tell me....no, don't tell me....yea...give me a hint...just a little one...no..on second thought...don't....UGH....I hate that....now I don't know what to do?


I absolutely hate it when a great show sucks you in....and then later just let's you down with a stupid character....or story line or something....


PLEASE don't tell me that is going to happen to my new favorite show....

I'm not exactly sure what the pp is referring to, as I don't remember anything bad in season five. I do know that the creator left the show, or the writers changed, or something. Maybe that's what she's referring to? I watched the whole series on dvd shortly after it ended and I didn't notice anything different about the show.

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I just started gilmore girls! I remember seeing a few in high school but I couldn't have appreciated lorelai's love of coffee back then.


Also, someone mentioned drop dead diva. Let go of your pride and push play! I avoided it for a long time but now love it. I obsessively check for the newest season!

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I guess I'm the only one annoyed with Lorellei.


I don't think this gives anything away. I spent the entire trip to Harvard thinking she hadn't talked to Max. I don't think that would be out of character for her. I must have missed something.


i had the same thought! I told myself she had, we just did't see it. And actually that is not a scene I really wanted to see either.

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I guess I'm the only one annoyed with Lorellei.


I don't think this gives anything away. I spent the entire trip to Harvard thinking she hadn't talked to Max. I don't think that would be out of character for her. I must have missed something.

Yeah, I didn't like how they glossed over that. I assumed she talked to him but they just didn't show it. It bugged me too.

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