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Just in case you need to teach your homeschooled kid how to wait in lines...


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You could get the line simulator:






I was talking to my 9 year old and he mentioned that he hopes he doesn't have to wait in line at choir again because waiting in line is so boring..he said almost as boring as Line Simulator.  I said wait..you have a line simulation game?  He said yep.  I said well who says homeschoolers can't teach their kids to wait in lines!  There's an app for that! 



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Talking about teaching your homeschoolers school like things....I did not teach my oldest how to use a combination lock. Why would? No lockers at home. Lol. He got his first job and he needed a lock for his locker. He didn't know how to use one. He figured it out after he was shown. He came home ripping mad. Wanting to know why didn't I teach him stuff like that. He's my perfectionist and was quite embarrassed at having to be shown how to use it. He proceeded immediately to show his younger siblings how to use one.

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Talking about teaching your homeschoolers school like things....I did not teach my oldest how to use a combination lock. Why would? No lockers at home. Lol. He got his first job and he needed a lock for his locker. He didn't know how to use one. He figured it out after he was shown. He came home ripping mad. Wanting to know why didn't I teach him stuff like that. He's my perfectionist and was quite embarrassed at having to be shown how to use it. He proceeded immediately to show his younger siblings how to use one.




This has come up because their bike locks are combination locks, and the lock at the community gardens is also a combination lock. 

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Talking about teaching your homeschoolers school like things....I did not teach my oldest how to use a combination lock. Why would? No lockers at home. Lol. He got his first job and he needed a lock for his locker. He didn't know how to use one. He figured it out after he was shown. He came home ripping mad. Wanting to know why didn't I teach him stuff like that. He's my perfectionist and was quite embarrassed at having to be shown how to use it. He proceeded immediately to show his younger siblings how to use one.

LOL! We have had this issue too as a couple of mine have gone to school for band only.

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The problem isn't, I find, that individual homeschooled kids can't line up, especially at a fair or a shop or an amusement park. It's that groups of homeschooled kids have no clue how to do it together. So basically we need to get random groups of homeschoolers to play some sort of social media version of this app. Maybe they can link it to Facebook. ;)

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The problem isn't, I find, that individual homeschooled kids can't line up, especially at a fair or a shop or an amusement park. It's that groups of homeschooled kids have no clue how to do it together. So basically we need to get random groups of homeschoolers to play some sort of social media version of this app. Maybe they can link it to Facebook. ;)




Yeah really.  It's interesting to me that although my kids have never really been in a real classroom situation they pick up the whole "raising your hand" and "waiting in line", etc. things instantly when in a group situation.  Because really, it's not that complicated!

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Last night at dinner DS was joking about an app that simulates buying an app.  For an extra $1.00 you can upgrade to the ad free version!


My kid once spent his own money on a soda drinking simulator.  And stupid me helped him do it.  He asked me to help him buy the game.  I thought it was a game.  It's this trippy sort of thing where a guy drinks soda.  That's about it.  :glare:

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Probably.  Something like Bully Simulator.  Maybe you could offer a co-op type class.  Everyone could practice pushing each other over and stealing each other's money.


Great idea! We'll have to offer an advanced class for name calling. Sticks and stones might break my bones, but words create emotional scars that last forever.

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You could get the line simulator:






I was talking to my 9 year old and he mentioned that he hopes he doesn't have to wait in line at choir again because waiting in line is so boring..he said almost as boring as Line Simulator.  I said wait..you have a line simulation game?  He said yep.  I said well who says homeschoolers can't teach their kids to wait in lines!  There's an app for that! 


Have any of you read through the linked page?  Hilarious!

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Talking about teaching your homeschoolers school like things....I did not teach my oldest how to use a combination lock. Why would? No lockers at home. Lol. He got his first job and he needed a lock for his locker. He didn't know how to use one. He figured it out after he was shown. He came home ripping mad. Wanting to know why didn't I teach him stuff like that. He's my perfectionist and was quite embarrassed at having to be shown how to use it. He proceeded immediately to show his younger siblings how to use one.


Oh, dear, there's something I hadn't thought of.  Might have to go buy a couple (bike lock and standard combo lock) just to show my kids how.  So they can then promptly forget we ever covered it, and be mad at me years from now for not ever covering it!


I really do see the point, now, of what my former workplace called "Just In Time" training.

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The problem isn't, I find, that individual homeschooled kids can't line up, especially at a fair or a shop or an amusement park. It's that groups of homeschooled kids have no clue how to do it together. So basically we need to get random groups of homeschoolers to play some sort of social media version of this app. Maybe they can link it to Facebook. ;)

And maybe while they've at it, we can teach that one person who always shouts out " We' re homeschoolers. We don't do lines. " to the peson who asks us to line up at venues. Seriously, we have this happen all of the time at events. Does anyone else run into this?

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Probably.  Something like Bully Simulator.  Maybe you could offer a co-op type class.  Everyone could practice pushing each other over and stealing each other's money.


You know, there's a Talking Tom app that will repeat back what you say in a higher voice, much like someone mocking you.  They even give the player ways to beat him up (also ways to be nice, but those aren't as eye-catching).  This is considered a young child's app.  :glare:

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And maybe while they've at it, we can teach that one person who always shouts out " We' re homeschoolers. We don't do lines. " to the peson who asks us to line up at venues. Seriously, we have this happen all of the time at events. Does anyone else run into this?


Yes. I've totally heard homeschoolers say that. But on the flip side, I've also seen docents yell at kids like, "What's wrong with you, you must do this together every day in school!" Um, didn't you see that we're a homeschool group? I also once had a docent berate my kids for not knowing the names of the other kids in the group. I was like, excuse me, we all signed up for this field trip and they met the kids in the lobby for the first time. Her examples all also revolved around school PE and cafeteria and things like that. All the kids in the group were quite confused and she clearly thought they were dimwitted.

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And maybe while they've at it, we can teach that one person who always shouts out " We' re homeschoolers. We don't do lines. " to the peson who asks us to line up at venues. Seriously, we have this happen all of the time at events. Does anyone else run into this?


Wow, you're serious?  I've never come across that!  "Well, then, if you'd rather not line up feel free to wait at the back until the line is gone!"

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Yes. I've totally heard homeschoolers say that. But on the flip side, I've also seen docents yell at kids like, "What's wrong with you, you must do this together every day in school!" Um, didn't you see that we're a homeschool group? I also once had a docent berate my kids for not knowing the names of the other kids in the group. I was like, excuse me, we all signed up for this field trip and they met the kids in the lobby for the first time. Her examples all also revolved around school PE and cafeteria and things like that. All the kids in the group were quite confused and she clearly thought they were dimwitted.


Sounds like the venue needs to be informed of the docent's assumptions and actions.  All of the venues here that we have visited are quite accustomed to seeing homeschoolers.


What was her reaction when you told her your kids were not previously acquainted with the others?

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Oh, I've forgotten.  :ack2:


We could hook it up to a 3D printer and they could have cafeteria food every day!


Great idea!  DH has one of those (and he's using it to print parts for a BIGGER 3D printer....).

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He certainly has a lot of fun with it.  And his CNC router (he and his Dad are playing with that right now, making Christmas presents for some of our nieces).  And his silk-screening kit.  And robots.  And computers.  And Calculus. And and and....


I married an engineer, can you tell?

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Yes. I've totally heard homeschoolers say that. But on the flip side, I've also seen docents yell at kids like, "What's wrong with you, you must do this together every day in school!" Um, didn't you see that we're a homeschool group? I also once had a docent berate my kids for not knowing the names of the other kids in the group. I was like, excuse me, we all signed up for this field trip and they met the kids in the lobby for the first time. Her examples all also revolved around school PE and cafeteria and things like that. All the kids in the group were quite confused and she clearly thought they were dimwitted.

Wow-- that is so not okay. We don't often run into the public school examples except at the art museum and local botanical gardens where many of the docents are elderly. They're wonderful folks, but they just don't seem to get the concept of homeschoolers showing up as a "school group". Now when we go one homeschool days the docents seem to handle it just fine.

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The possible implications are boggling my mind! Where will it end? Can he automate the replicating process?


Love it.


I hope he has no plans for building anything bigger than our plot of land.  Then again, his folks have 5 acres, so he could likely build out there, too....


I wonder, if you build the printer big enough, can you print an entire house with enough structural integrity?

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My kids learn to wait in lines from buying food at McDonalds. The queue can be crazy long because McDonalds is the cheapest choice at the food courts.

They learn combination locks from hubby's hard case luggage bag.


I wonder, if you build the printer big enough, can you print an entire house with enough structural integrity?

That depends on the soil conditions where the house sits on. Prefabricated houses are kind of the same concept but the foundation is all concrete and reinforced steel.
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You know, there's a Talking Tom app that will repeat back what you say in a higher voice, much like someone mocking you.  They even give the player ways to beat him up (also ways to be nice, but those aren't as eye-catching).  This is considered a young child's app.  :glare:

Yes, my SIL introduced that to my kids at Christmas one time (they were 4 and 6 at the time). And then the family wonders why I'm so "finicky" about the screen time we allow around them. 

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Apparently some people really don't have anything better to do than wait in line. You know how some people camp out to await the opportunity to buy something? Well, early voting starts today, and some folk decided to camp out so they can be first to cast their vote.




I guess if they just want to be first in something this is a relatively harmless way to go about it. But if they think it somehow gains them an advantage they need to think again. There isn't a 2 for 1 offer, they won't get a discount, and there's not a limited supply.


Or maybe it was just a way to be on the morning news....

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