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Ugly Pie


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I am making two pies for an event at church tomorrow night.  One pumpkin, one pecan.


As I was taking the pumpkin pie out of the oven, I dropped one of my oven mitts on it.  There is a sort of gash across the top of the pie.  It is not pretty.  But, the pie is edible (it was a silicone mitt, clean, so nothing stayed on or in the pie). 


Would you shun a pie like that?  There are going to be a lot of women and a lot of pies. 


My kids said to just pile whipped cream on top but the organizers of the event are going to have bowls of whipped cream so people can take it or leave it. 


I will probably make another pie but I'm just trying to sit out my frustration by hanging out here for a few minutes.  I am a pretty experienced baker but I have never loved making pies and I think my pie-making days might be over today.



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Well, I think it is going to be OK.  I just checked email and what is in there but a note from the event organizer asking that we cut our pies in advance to facilitate quick serving.  I'll try to get in the pie line early and take the ugliest piece.  :lol: :lol:


Thanks for the encouraging words!   :hurray:

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Cutting ahead of time is great news for your pie!


If the pie had to go whole then my "ugly' pie would just have to stay home where it could be appreciated for its taste and not discriminated against because of a little cosmetic flaw... :lol:




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One time I made two cakes for a fall event. I decorated one with fondant to look like a pumpkin, and it turned out beautifully. Due to time restraints, I was making the second cake the day of the event. I went down to decorate (the location was a 1 min walk from our house), leaving the cake in the oven. My dh was supposed to take the cake out of the oven to cool while I was gone. I planned to go home, ice it really quickly, then go to the event. When I returned home, he had turned the oven off and not removed the cake. It was still very warm. I iced it anyway, then stuck Halloween candy all over it and hoped for the best. All of the icing started sliding off as I was walking down. Once it cooled a bit, I patched it up a little with a plastic knife, but it still looked crazy.


I was running the cake booth. Several people who walked up would ask in an impressed/delighted tone, "ooooh, who made that cake," while pointing at the first one I made. I would say, "I did." Then they would asked in a disgusted tone, "who made THAT one." While pointing at the second one I made. I just said, "I did," then told them the story. Everyone got a good laugh out of it. DH now follows instructions precisely, lol!


It will work out just fine! :)

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That's what I thought this thread was about, too! I have made ugly pie and it was yummy!


We have Enemy Pie, too, but I haven't tried the recipe. Have you?

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Nope but we should!  Glad to hear Ugly Pie was good. Maybe we will try that.


OP, how did your pies turn out?




The pumpkin pie was ugly but it went to the party. 


The pecan, though....   I had made a pecan pie 2 weeks ago to practice and try out the recipe as I'd never made one before.  It was fine, though a bit bland. The crust (homemade) was terrible, even though I'd made that recipe before.  So, I bought pie crusts and after a little facebook polling, decided to use half light and half dark corn syrup instead of all white as I'd done with the practice pie.


When I got the pie out of the oven... I saw that the filling had overflowed the crust and gone down around the outside (between the crust and the pan).  The crust was encased in a hard glaze.  I couldn't cut the pie or get it out of the pan.  It was welded in.


That pie did not go to the party.


It turned out there were way too many pies for the number of women so it was fine that my pecan pie stayed home.   Some of the pumpkin was eaten but when it was all said and done, only the chocolate pies were finished off.  Get a bunch of women together and they're going to clean out the chocolate, I guess.


The pecan pie was very popular at home, though it seemed a lot sweeter than the previous pie.  I am beginning to wonder if I had accidentally omitted the cup of sugar from the practice pie.  That would account for the extra sweetness and the extra volume.


I am not going to be in a hurry to make pie again.  Cakes and cookies are going to be it for a while! :lol:



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The pumpkin pie was ugly but it went to the party. 


The pecan, though....   I had made a pecan pie 2 weeks ago to practice and try out the recipe as I'd never made one before.  It was fine, though a bit bland. The crust (homemade) was terrible, even though I'd made that recipe before.  So, I bought pie crusts and after a little facebook polling, decided to use half light and half dark corn syrup instead of all white as I'd done with the practice pie.


When I got the pie out of the oven... I saw that the filling had overflowed the crust and gone down around the outside (between the crust and the pan).  The crust was encased in a hard glaze.  I couldn't cut the pie or get it out of the pan.  It was welded in.


That pie did not go to the party.


It turned out there were way too many pies for the number of women so it was fine that my pecan pie stayed home.   Some of the pumpkin was eaten but when it was all said and done, only the chocolate pies were finished off.  Get a bunch of women together and they're going to clean out the chocolate, I guess.


The pecan pie was very popular at home, though it seemed a lot sweeter than the previous pie.  I am beginning to wonder if I had accidentally omitted the cup of sugar from the practice pie.  That would account for the extra sweetness and the extra volume.


I am not going to be in a hurry to make pie again.  Cakes and cookies are going to be it for a while! :lol:



See? you all needed that pie at home!!  I love pecan pie!  


Makes sense about the chocolate  :lol:


Glad it was a success overall!

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