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Please help a creatively challenged gal make an impressive baby shower gift!

Shelly in IL

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My favorite to do is a white laundry basket. Inside is a clothesline with all white articles of clothing pinned to it with wooden clothespins. You could do obsies, washclothed, burp rags, etc.


The recipient pulls out one end and it just keeps coming. You just coil it up in there so it's not tangled.


Adorable! And lots of oohs and aahs

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My favorite to do is a white laundry basket. Inside us a clothesline with all white articles of clothing pinned to it with wooden clothespins. You could do obsies, washclothed, burp rags, etc.


The recipient pulls out one end and it just keeps coming. You just coil it up in there so it's not tangled.


Adorable! And lots of oohs and aahs

Oh, that sounds adorable!


With one of my babies, I tried to get "new to us" white clothes with bunnies. I liked looking at garage sales and consignment shops to find stuff that fit that criteria.

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My favorite to do is a white laundry basket. Inside us a clothesline with all white articles of clothing pinned to it with wooden clothespins. You could do obsies, washclothed, burp rags, etc.


The recipient pulls out one end and it just keeps coming. You just coil it up in there so it's not tangled.


Adorable! And lots of oohs and aahs


I was going to suggest this but you beat me to it.   We usually anchor one end with detergent and the other end has a tag that reads "pull me"  I don't do all white but I don't think that really matters.

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I think a basket of books, while not show-stopping, would be absolutely wonderful!

Maybe wrap each individually--


Oh--Maybe you could get 26 books, one for each letter of the alphabet, and put a wooden letter on each as a "tag" or decoration--she could hang up the alphabet in the room,too? ...Ideas churning here...Or maybe numbers 1-10? They don't have to all be hardbacks or baby/board books--you could do some classics for later in life, some baby books, --a mix.

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I was going to suggest this but you beat me to it. We usually anchor one end with detergent and the other end has a tag that reads "pull me" I don't do all white but I don't think that really matters.

It's cute, no matter what, that's for sure! And wow, I had a lot of typos! Need to quit trying to post on my phone.

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Pinterest has TONS of great ideas!

http://www.pinterest.com/pin/295830269246260411/ (+ a giftcard to Starbucks so she can drive through on days she needs a pick-me-up)

http://www.pinterest.com/pin/7318418119824304/ (+ giftcards to restaurants that deliver)



or you could do an assortment of your favorite things:

aden + anais bamboo blanket, hipster style pacifier (the mustache one for boys is hilarious), a kleankanteen sippy cup, burt's bees diaper ointment


or you could buy one very beautiful baby outfit....these dresses make me swoon! http://www.pinterest.com/pin/43065740156931032/  gap had something similar in a pale peach silk not too long ago....

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For my niece I got a large wicker basket, lined it with ladybug fabric, and filled it with Eric Carle books and toys. I made a quilt using Eric Carle inspired fabric. I bought onsies and stamped them with animals using rubber stamps and fabric paint. I made a couple of ladybug pillowcases for my SIL to use in the hospital. (Baby's nursery was ladybug themed.) I think I was under $200. Oh, and I made some ladybug print hooded towels. It was a gorgeous gift, if I do say so myself.

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For my niece I got a large wicker basket, lined it with ladybug fabric, and filled it with Eric Carle books and toys. I made a quilt using Eric Carle inspired fabric. I bought onsies and stamped them with animals using rubber stamps and fabric paint. I made a couple of ladybug pillowcases for my SIL to use in the hospital. (Baby's nursery was ladybug themed.) I think I was under $200. Oh, and I made some ladybug print hooded towels. It was a gorgeous gift, if I do say so myself.

This sounds darling!

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A basket of baby/toddler books is an AWESOME idea!


Also, I know people who make half a million a year combined and they would think it was misspending money to spend beyond $200. They're very careful w/ money. Rich people tend to be.


I love the book idea.


Also check out Pinterest for really cute ideas!



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The gift you have decided on sounds cute. I would just add that you shouldn't feel the need to give any particular kind of gift just because the recipients make a good income. I'm sure they will be thrilled with every tube of diaper cream and rattle that they receive, as well as the more expensive items. I'm sure they are just excited to share their happy time with their loved ones.


I went to a shower last weekend and gave a box of our favorite board books. I spent about $50 and individually wrapped each book in a different colored tissue paper tied with a coordinating ribbon. I put them all into one box, which I wrapped. It was very pretty when she lifted the lid. It's easy to spend any amount of money on books, and I love giving the gift of reading.

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$200 sounds like a gigantic amount to me. Just because the recipients could afford $$$ does not mean you should spend $$$, imho. Once these people are actual parents they may realize that the money supply shrinks pretty rapidly, lol.


That said, I would consider a spectacular piece of clothing, especially if you know boy or girl. I glanced at the Saks website and saw a velvet and tulle ballerina dress for an infant, $90.


I love the book basket ideas too, especially if Jim Trelease's Read Aloud Handbook is included.

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I give this advice to any and all who are going to have a new baby (often with a gift of said wipes):


Lanolin wipes should be in everyone's diaper bag and bathroom.  Often found with the breastfeeding supplies and not with the other baby wipes, these ARE baby bottom wipes, and the absolute best thing I've ever found for healing or preventing diaper rash.  Lansinoh is one commonly-found brand, but often there are store brand lanolin wipes available as well.  I have personally seen these things work miracles, healing red, raw diaper rash in just a day.  (I gave the daycare permission to use my baby's lanolin wipes on any child that came in with diaper rash, and to give the parents a few to take home and explanation of what the wipes were.  We had a LOT of converts.)  Once I discovered these wipes my eldest never suffered diaper rash again, and my youngest never had it at all, thanks to these wipes.


I don't care how spendy a parent might be on their baby, these wipes top all.  Relief from diaper rash is priceless.  If you want to impress them as valued aunts, give them great advice!


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I generally do the books in a basket thing.

My family averages 2-4 new babies a year.

This thread has inspired me to branch out a little from my go-to gift.

I don't know why I keep forgetting about Pinterest.

(Well, except that whole time suck thing.)


Some of my most treasured gifts were from my aunties.

They've always spoiled me and never more than my first pregnancy.

In their wisdom they included something practical.

And in their wisdom they included something totally impractical.

First time parents really need both!



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