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Oh good grief

Night Elf

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Today my DH asked me if I remembered that our wedding anniversary was this month. To be honest, I never even gave it a thought. I wonder if he hadn't of said anything, if I would have remembered on the day. At least his feelings weren't hurt, or at least that is what he told me.

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I always forget.


Dh never forgets. But to put that in context, he also always remembers weird things like the day that he was 33 and a third or the day that the kids were exactly a quarter of his age or the anniversary of the day Nixon resigned or completely wacko stuff like that.


He doesn't mind that I forget, so I hope your dh was being honest about that too.

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DH and I forgot our Anniversary one year.  We didn't remember for a few weeks.  We ended up celebrating a bit late.  :)


Mom and Dad were at a party to celebrate a couple's 20th Anniversary.  While they were there, another couple suddenly looked startled and realized they had forgotten their Anniversary.  Then Mom and Dad realized they had forgotten theirs, as well.  Oops!

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We forget all the time, or if we do remember it's just a casual ,"Happy Anniversary".  Occasionally we get each other a candy bar to celebrate. 


What really means something to me is this, for instance: yesterday dh and I tackled a project that neither of us wanted to do. We got it done, together, and when we were done, he gave me a hug and said,'We make a great team. I'm so glad we're in this together."   To me, that's what it's all about...not a yearly card/flowers/dinner out, but the everyday appreciation for each other. 





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Dh and I never remember our anniversary.  We are usually reminded when MIL calls to wish us a happy anniversary.  This year I out did myself.  On May 4th I called to wish dh happy Star Wars day and left a voice mail message because he is a big fan.  Later that day he called me back and asked if I knew what that day was to which I testily replied that I knew it was Star Wars day and I had already left him a message about it and that perhaps he needed to listen to his voice messages.  He asked me if I was forgetting anything.  Getting more testy I told him I had to get back to work.  He sent me a text message wishing me a happy anniversary.  :blushing:  Dh thought the whole thing was hilarious. 

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We don't celebrate any of our special days with gifts, like birthdays or Christmas. We do go out to eat, but we do that regularly so it's not really something special. Of course we're happy that we're still happily married. I'll remember next year I'm sure. I've been looking forward to our 20th because it's such a nice number. This year is our 19th, so I guess that's why it slipped my mind. I think I'll buy him some roses though. That would be a nice surprise.

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I'm really bad with remembering dates and such. My hubby is really good at it.

One day I panicked. He was due home in about an hour, and  I suddenly remembered it was his birthday. I ran out and bought a cake, had the boys make cards, etc. He came in, we yelled happy birthday, and he said, "Um, it's not my birthday." I was a full month early. He wasn't offended/he knows me. I imagine your hubby feels the same.

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Today my DH asked me if I remembered that our wedding anniversary was this month. To be honest, I never even gave it a thought. I wonder if he hadn't of said anything, if I would have remembered on the day. At least his feelings weren't hurt, or at least that is what he told me.



Im glad I read this- mine is the 11th and I totally forgot lol We never do anything to celebrate so not a biggie. Last year I didn't remember until facebook told me :)

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I don't think we've ever forgotten, but it falls close to my birthday, and the day after St. Patrick's Day, so it's hard to forget.  The priest who was originally supposed to marry us was from Ireland, and told us he couldn't do the rehearsal the night before, as it was St. Pat's day, and he had to go out and drink some green beer.  Unfortunately, the week before the wedding, his mother died, and he had to fly to Ireland.  The other priest that ended up marrying us had a stutter, couldn't say my name correctly, and fudged up the vows when it was James Bond's turn.  JB looked up at the priest and said "Can you repeat that?"  Everyone laughed, but Fr. Jow leaned in quietly and said, "No, just put the ring on her finger."  It's a great memory though.  It will be 20 years in March.

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DH rarely remembers, I never forget. But, that's just him. He forgets his own birthday, the kids' ages, etc. so it's nothing personal. I remember all such trivial details; that's how we complement each other.


We actually have fun waiting to see how long it takes him to figure out it's a special occasion. So much easier to surprise someone who doesn't even remember he's supposed to be expecting anything :).

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I remember all kinds of dates, family and friends birthdays, including the cat's and dogs' birthdays. For some reason, the past 3 years we've both forgotten our anniversary. I'll remember the anniversary until the day of. Then I'll remember again the day after. I have no idea why. I have it on the calendar now.

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We came up with a surefire way to remember ours from the beginning.  Every single year we take a trip on our Anniversary.  We've never missed and figuring out where we want to go plus what we want to do has been a fun part of our lives together.  Some of the trips have been day trips - others have been 2 - 3 days - and a couple have been big trips with the boys.  The rest have just been the two of us with the boys usually with grandma.


Now that the boys are gone, we're continuing the tradition.


We also hang a picture we take on the wall from each year, so can reminisce our years together at any time we want.


On top of that we decided we'd go out to eat each month on our anniversary day.  Granted, to begin with that was an excuse to eat out, but over the years we've come to appreciate that time too - even though we have a 50/50 chance of choosing fast food rather than something "better."  We've been married 26+ years and have only missed this monthly one twice.  Once we were both puking sick - going out didn't appeal to either of us!  The other time he was ending a business trip and I was feeling awful due to radiation.  It was worth a rain check then too.


No cards, gifts, or flowers are ever part of the picture - just our time reminiscing together and enjoying whatever we are doing.  Both have become such a tradition that it would be impossible to forget.  Even our boys know the dates... though I've no idea if they plan to do similarly or not.  Different strokes for different folks.


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