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Anyone cheating and watching Downton Abbey already? (Spoilers!)


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I also watched at simplyjune - hope you can find it, Rosie!


And does anyone know how many episodes are left? I'm thinking just one then a Christmas special, but upthread someone said 3. Anyone know for sure?


And is the episode with George Clooney going to be just a brief internet thing, or a real episode?


One more episode plus the christmas special I believe.

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It does seem like they are wrapping up storylines pretty quickly.


Tom will go to Boston.

Daisy will continue her education and always have the house.

Edith has her baby back--she may never get to acknowledge her as her own, but even so, she's with her.

Rose will get married--maybe even run away to get married, who knows--the preview was maybe showing her parents being hard about it.


Now we just see about Isobel, Mary, the Bates...Really, it's coming to a close, isn't it?

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I agree, Chris, things seem to be winding down.


Anyone else wonder if the opening credits scene will be changed now that Isis is gone?


I hope not -- I've gotten quite attached to seeing that doggie butt trot away from me during the opening bars of music... :p



I *really* hope Tom does NOT go to America.  How can he take Sybbie away from "Donk" and the rest of  family?  When he was talking to her on the bridge and he mentioned going away, she said "Why?" and I agree.  Whyyyyyyyy?!?!?!

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I too feel the impending ending approaching, everything being tidied up. But I also know not to get too comfy with anything either. Annoyed that this Green thing may continue a little longer.


I sure hope Fellowes doesn't off people left and right or screw things up too badly.


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The Anna "twist" totally didn't surprise me. And if they announce during the Christmas special that she's also *pregnant* while sitting in jail, it'll be exactly the direction I figured the plot line was heading in.


How cute were the children in this episode? They were so adorable in the background when the family was packing up to go to London for the wedding. I watched that scene a few times just to see little George spinning around with his teddy bear. :lol:


Thomas actually seemed nice in this episode. It seemed a bit out of character, especially when he said he didn't like seeing people being used, like the lady's maid was using the temporary footman. Thomas uses people all the time!


I hope a legitimate love interest for Lady Edith appears. Maybe if she goes to America with Tom she'd have a better chance of finding someone?

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After the way Mary has been acting, I hope she goes to Poland with what's his name.

After watching the latest episode, I now picture Mary in twenty years as another Susan/Lady Flintshire. Old, bitter and lonely. I have never liked Mary.

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After watching the latest episode, I now picture Mary in twenty years as another Susan/Lady Flintshire. Old, bitter and lonely. I have never liked Mary.


I like Mary. She needs a man though. I usually don't say that about women, but she does need one. When she was with Matthew, he was able to soften her and make her likable. I really have started to dislike Mary this season though which makes me sad. She had such potential.

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Finally watched! 


Anna arrested- ugh.  Really, enough already.  Just let it go!  Honestly, I don't get these policemen.  They are trying to find out who mighr or might not have killed a serial rapist, who may just as easily have fallen by accident in front of a bus.  You'd think they'd be willing to just say, "good riddance" and chalk it up to an accident... 


I'm growing to accept the Marigold-with-Edith conclusion.  I'm trying to convince myself that Mrs. Drew was probably mean to her so as to feel better about the whole thing, because Edith and M are really sweet together.  Glad Robert figured it out and is ok with it all. 


The Dowager and the Prince- yay or nay???  I liked it better when Violette and Isabelle were the two old widows making pithy comments together, but if Isabelle is going to go through with her marriage, then I hope Violette goes through with hers as well.  I just realized I have no idea how to spell Violette or Isabelle.  I think I spell them differently every time I post.  lol.


Mary- hate that haircut, but feel like it fits her personality better- it makes her look harder and colder.  What if Mary goes with Tom to the US, and takes the Bates with her? 


Looking forward to the Christmas special and final (?) season. 

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I love that Robert guessed about Marigold, and I enjoyed his, somewhat grudging, acceptance of it.


I do not like that Anna was arrested. I agree that it seems petty to be so diligent about finding the killer (most likely a victim) of a serial rapist. Let it go, already!! I do wonder if the writers are gearing up toward a big Christmas finale of a release/charges dropped + a Bates baby on the way.


I'm glad that Robert buried the hatchet with Ms. Pattmore (sp?). That was a touching way to find closure.


I don't know how I feel about Daisy. She's always so discontent. I don't mind her improving herself...but don't just talk about it -- do it! Or not! But stop dickering about it.

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Just saw the latest episode.


Really liked this one--I like Atticus' mom, but Rose's mom? Wow. What a bitter, unhappy woman, all caught up in her position and $$.


I'm glad Daisy is staying, but I hope she finds a way to continue learning and growing. Maybe there will be a love interest for her, who knows.


I bet the two older servant people get married. Maybe they will get engaged at Christmas (I can't remember names, sorry). I like them both.


Loved the Pattmore and Grantham memorial solution--very respectful and touching.


Anna didn't do it. Her husband didn't do it. I'm so glad they didn't have Bates confess to stop Anna's arrest! I hope that doesn't happen at all.


I was glad Lord Grantham figured out Edith's baby.


Looking forward to the Christmas special.


Oh, and yeah, Mary needs a man.

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You'd think they'd be willing to just say, "good riddance" and chalk it up to an accident...

Exactly! The writers haven't done a good job with this story line. :-/



I just realized I have no idea how to spell Violette or Isabelle.  I think I spell them differently every time I post.  lol.

It's Violet and Isobel.



Mary- hate that haircut, but feel like it fits her personality better- it makes her look harder and colder.




What if Mary goes with Tom to the US, and takes the Bates with her?

No, I don't think Mary will leave. After all, Downton is going to belong to her (and baby George).



Looking forward to the Christmas special and final (?) season.

Me too! I am feeling so lost today on Monday morning. :(

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So I woke up this morning to see several notifications from WTM for posts on this thread and I thought, "MAYBE THERE WAS ANOTHER EPISODE LAST NIGHT THAT I DIDN'T KNOW ABOUT!!!" and then I came and read the posts and you all crushed my hopes.  Thanks a lot. 




See you all at Christmas!  (It doesn't actually air Christmas day, does it?)

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  • 1 month later...

I absolutely loved this Christmas episode.  Cried with tears of remembrance, reconciliation, reunion, and love proclaimed.  I will definitely watch it again, and look forward to next year.  Such a happy Christmas episode! I think we all needed that for a change.  

Yes! And this episode had so many good lines in it, too! "I thought you'd never ask, you booby!" :lol:


ETA: And something nice happened for Edith!

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I kept seeing notifications for this thread pop into my inbox, but I made myself wait until I'd watched in case there were any spoilers.  But now I'm here because I watched it last night! 




Carson and Mrs. Hugues!  Carson and Mrs. Hugues! 


I can die happy. 


I love how the whole show is sort of building up to it.  You see Carson trying to get a private word in with Mrs. Hugues all through the show, and they keep getting interrupted.  Adorable. 


Once again, loved Robert in this episode.  Great scene with Edith. 


So glad this show did NOT revolve around Mary's love life.  Ah.  Breath of fresh air. 


Carson and Mrs. Hugues!  Ahhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Now all we need is for "the agent" and Edith to hit it off, Mosley and Baxer to cement the deal, and everyone will be nicely tucked away.  Mary will just grow old like Violet and run the estate. 


I think Lord Cinderby's sudden character change was a bit of a stretch, but I am happy for Rose.  I loved Thomas in this episode.  He's really grown on me in the last 3-4 episodes. 


Still waiting for my moment of reconciliation between Edith and Mary, but maybe it's just never going to happen.  Maybe when Mary finally learns about Marigold she'll see they are both single mothers (Single as in without husbands, not as in cleaning, cooking, bathing, or paying the bills for their kids...) and be swept away in sympathy and compassion... HAHAHA!  Just kidding.


So is there for sure another season coming?  It'll be a bit weird with Carson and Mrs. Hugues engaged.  Will they just wait to be married until they are retired?  Wouldn't surprise me.


Maybe Daisy will become a school teacher?  Curious what will happen to her. 


I felt bad for poor Dicky.  LOL.  But Isobel and VIolet are so much better as old widows gosiping than they would be as married women.  I also loved learning the whole truth of the "Russia affair". 





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