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Dumb question for runners with young children


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I am not a runner.  I walk.  I used to walk outdoors in CA.  I now am a complete weather wimp and walk on a treadmill indoors in NC.  I just started back to walking more intentionally.


Anyway, I am curious about those who run with younger kids.  Once they are out of a stroller (6 and up) but not big enough to run a few miles with you, what do you do?



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Well, as I had no one to leave my daughter with, I quit running when she got too heavy, around 4yo...  I hadn't been a really dedicated runner since I'd had her, anyways.


When she got to be about 6, I started running early,  leaving her home alone, but sleeping, and would be back before she knew I was gone.  I would leave a note, and I ran the same route, back and forth on our 1/2 mile long street.  Now I leave her home alone, and just go whenever.  I've tried to get her to go along (she's 10 now) but she hates it.



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I have walked a few half marathons. My first was when the kids were 6 and 7. Here's what I did....


Treadmill. Walk in boring loops in front of or around the house - with two way radios. Babysitter. Gym with childcare (I didn't do this, but it's an option). Walk during a kid's class - or trade off watching kids at a class (ours was story hour) and walk then. Laps around playground area at park so I never lost visual with them. Walk when DH was home. I walked laps at the local HS track and the kids ran and played. It was fenced and the kids loved it.

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My kids are older now, but when they were little I liked to go to a track and run while the kids played in the middle with bubbles and soccer balls, etc.  


Or I ran early or late.  


I also took advantage of soccer practice as the kids got older and jogged around the fields.  


And I had a great jogging stroller that I would use with big kids - usually there was a 3 year old in the seat and a 6 year old sitting backward on the foot rest...





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I have walked a few half marathons. My first was when the kids were 6 and 7. Here's what I did....


Treadmill. Walk in boring loops in front of or around the house - with two way radios. Babysitter. Gym with childcare (I didn't do this, but it's an option). Walk during a kid's class - or trade off watching kids at a class (ours was story hour) and walk then. Laps around playground area at park so I never lost visual with them. Walk when DH was home. I walked laps at the local HS track and the kids ran and played. It was fenced and the kids loved it.

All of this. I taught them to use the house phone preprogrammed with my cell phone number. I also put them on scooters, though they go faster than me and have to wait at the stop signs :lol


I'm not much of a runner, so they can keep up with me by around age 6.


Sagg is almost old enough to watch the little ones while I go around the block. We will start that soon.

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Thanks for answering.  I was just curious.


Thanks for asking! I'm sort of in this spot myself. I need to get out and start exercising, and I really need to get the kids out there with me too but I can't be held up by a nine-year-old walking pace (I'll never get to a decent speed for myself) or stopping every three minutes to look at another bug or leaf or rock. Those things are all wonderful, but not when I'm trying to get through a walking or jogging regimen. Bikes alongside never occurred to me! Then they could also head home when they were tired of keeping up, and I could swing around and walk back.

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I have seen bikes too, but it really depends on what kind of running/walking you do.....I used to walk hills.  The kids couldn't have gone up the steep hills. I also used to walk mountain trails, where it would have been difficult to bike.



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Scooters, bikes. We actually go to the high school track and mine run laps around me, talk my ears off for a solid hour while I'm dying. Are you sure they can't hang with you because mine are running beasts! Mine even run bleachers with me. Run up and wait on me to reach them before taking off again.. when bored they flip and cartwheel and tackle and play in the football field. They never wear out, though. Energizer bunnies!

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This isn't actually a question for me, I was just curious.

I have an acquaintance  who is a serious runner.  She has run the Boston Marathon.  I highly doubt her kids can keep up with her when they get out of the stroller.  She can go miles and miles. Her kids are currently 3 and 1.  She and her husband run together.  I am just curious what people do when their kids are around 5-6 if they are really good runners.

I also know my kids could not have kept up with me on my walks when I was a serious walker.  I walked steep hills, in the mountains, etc....they can now, but not at age 5-9 or so.  My 10 year old can keep up with me now because I am so out of shape, but when I was in better shape, I am not sure.





Scooters, bikes. We actually go to the high school track and mine run laps around me, talk my ears off for a solid hour while I'm dying. Are you sure they can't hang with you because mine are running beasts! Mine even run bleachers with me. Run up and wait on me to reach them before taking off again.. when bored they flip and cartwheel and tackle and play in the football field. They never wear out, though. Energizer bunnies!


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This isn't actually a question for me, I was just curious.

I have an acquaintance who is a serious runner. She has run the Boston Marathon. I highly doubt her kids can keep up with her when they get out of the stroller. She can go miles and miles. Her kids are currently 3 and 1. She and her husband run together. I am just curious what people do when their kids are around 5-6 if they are really good runners.

I also know my kids could not have kept up with me on my walks when I was a serious walker. I walked steep hills, in the mountains, etc....they can now, but not at age 5-9 or so. My 10 year old can keep up with me now because I am so out of shape, but when I was in better shape, I am not sure.



Well, I'm a slow runner. My kids don't keep up with DH and his 8min mile pace. They are fully active the entire time. I find it difficult to have kids on a public road and run so I prefer the high school track or paths in a park that loop. If the kids tire and play, we can still see them at all times. Mine are older as well. Younger kids would have to be left at home. Mine have been fine with me since age of 6. Any younger would be difficult. Also heat of the day is a no go. We prefer morning around 9am or evening around 7:30pm. We go for an hour and stop even if we could keep going.

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I run early in the mornings before DH goes to work. I sometimes run one evening a week with a group when DH is home to watch kids.  I do long runs on weekends.  We do own a treadmill, so if I absolutely can't get out of bed, I can sometimes sneak in a run later in the day and I put on a movie for the kids to watch.

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Yeah, my hikes/fast walks were in California, where it wasn't so hot and muggy.





Well, I'm a slow runner. My kids don't keep up with DH and his 8min mile pace. They are fully active the entire time. I find it difficult to have kids on a public road and run so I prefer the high school track or paths in a park that loop. If the kids tire and play, we can still see them at all times. Mine are older as well. Younger kids would have to be left at home. Mine have been fine with me since age of 6. Any younger would be difficult. Also heat of the day is a no go. We prefer morning around 9am or evening around 7:30pm. We go for an hour and stop even if we could keep going.


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Scooters, bikes. We actually go to the high school track and mine run laps around me, talk my ears off for a solid hour while I'm dying. Are you sure they can't hang with you because mine are running beasts! Mine even run bleachers with me. Run up and wait on me to reach them before taking off again.. when bored they flip and cartwheel and tackle and play in the football field. They never wear out, though. Energizer bunnies!


If you were asking me, my oldest could, but she wouldn't want to, so a bike would give her more flexibility. My youngest would want to but definitely couldn't (at least not right now--maybe after she gets in better shape). I'd have to match my pace to hers, and that would be too slow for me. Plus, she's more distractible. She wouldn't want to go with me if all we were doing was powering through a run or fast walk, so having her on a bike so she can toodle around, stop and then catch up quickly, go home if she wants, zoom around the block and then catch up with me, etc. will work really well.


ETA: Sorry, Dawn, if I'm derailing your thread! I was just excited to see the ideas here, since this is an issue that's been on my mind lately.

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Derail away!



If you were asking me, my oldest could, but she wouldn't want to, so a bike would give her more flexibility. My youngest would want to but definitely couldn't (at least not right now--maybe after she gets in better shape). I'd have to match my pace to hers, and that would be too slow for me. Plus, she's more distractible. She wouldn't want to go with me if all we were doing was powering through a run or fast walk, so having her on a bike so she can toodle around, stop and then catch up quickly, go home if she wants, zoom around the block and then catch up with me, etc. will work really well.


ETA: Sorry, Dawn, if I'm derailing your thread! I was just excited to see the ideas here, since this is an issue that's been on my mind lately.


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When I run, I enjoy doing it without any dc, because then I can just zone out and meditate while moving. When my dc were too young to leave at home alone, I had to run when dh was at home. He left for work way before I was able to get up in the morning (I am NOT a morning person). So running happened when he came home from work and on weekends. I hate running on treadmills, and don't have one so that was never an option.


There were a few times when I brought my dc with me on a run. It worked out alright when they played at a park right beside a track, and I just ran laps around the track and checked in on them every other lap. It was NEVER fun to bring the dc along on a road run, as they got way too bored. A run through the woods would work as they could jump over logs and rocks and stuff and keep running for longer distances.


I never had much success with my dc cycling while I ran. They just got bored with my speed, which is quite a bit slower than a bike. It also didn't work that well to take them biking while I ran when they were young enough for me to run at their biking speed. There's just too many factors to keep track of, and my run always ended up being the low-man on the priority list.


The great thing is that dc eventually grow up and can care for the youngers, and the mom can go out on her own. ;)

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Several things--


1) I go running really early before DH leaves for work, like 5:45;

2) Run on the treadmill (not my favorite);

3) Leave one or two older ones (11 and 10) in charge of the 5 year old and run very close to home--I can do a couple of 1-mile laps within our neighborhood and never be very far away from home.


My 10 and 11 year olds take turns running with me sometimes.  A neighbor that I run with sometimes told me that she has let her kids ride scooters or bikes along with her when she runs.




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