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I'm in denial. I have another rising senior. Sigh with me folks..

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I've graduated three so far. My oldest graduated, I had a one-year hiatus, then my next two graduated back to back. So now I'm coming off my one-year break to another graduating senior. I am NOT going to like it next year when the balance completely tips and I have three at home and four in college!  It seemed so fun when they were all little together.  But this all graduating together thing is not so fun. 


Anyone else with a rising senior?  Are you ready??



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I am not even there yet, and I feel this looming in the future!  I was just thinking today, I wish they were 7 and 3 again!  I think we will always look back at each stage, with nostalgia and sentiment, and feel an ache in our hearts.  I know I will at least!  My life has been so consumed by the nurturing of my children, and I am grateful for every minute of it! 

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Definitely freaking out even though he'll go to college locally.  But other than here-and-there, my part of his education will be done in less than a year.


Then less than three years from now my home education years will be over.   :crying:

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My oldest is a senior this year. I'm not ready. I'm just NOT. I just have a one year break and then my youngest will be a senior. I agree, when they were little together and growing up together, it was all cool. Graduating and leaving together, that is just not cool at all.

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Ayup, to what she said. All of you.


I have one college soph, about ready to leave home for the last time, I think. She'll be interning next year and hopes to spend junior year in spain. SPAIN.

I have a rising senior that wants to go somewhere for college next year, hopefully close. To her, close means within 6 hours.

I have a rising freshman that, for today, just wants to play accordion and lego in my basement forever. I can get on board with that at this point. Just don't leave me alone!!!


OK, I don't really mean that.


I don't think.



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I have a rising freshman that, for today, just wants to play accordion and lego in my basement forever. I can get on board with that at this point. Just don't leave me alone!!!


OK, I don't really mean that.


I don't think.


My oldest wants to be a writer. He used to always say after college he would probably end up living in our basement as a starving author. Dd plans to go to college about 5 hours away. Having ds move back home in 4 years really doesn't sound so bad at the moment. 


I will adjust. I will adjust.  :crying:

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I am so NOT listening to you all. My son is a junior and I'm not ready to admit he only has 2 years left, much less one. He's not sure where he's going to college. Part of me hopes he'd stay at home and go to my university, then we can go to school together each day - not that we'd have the same classes. The other part of me doesn't want him to go to my school because I'll be the one prying his butt out of bed in time to leave. 

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My son is graduating in 2015. He starts his dual enrollment college classes Monday. I'm not ready. I don't even know what I need to get ready for the common application process. I have no idea what I'll be doing this time next year. It's all very strange.

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My first is a rising senior, my second is a rising junior, and my third is a rising freshman.


I'm not ready for my house to start emptying! :crying:


Thank goodness for the 5- and 3-year olds!  You are just about where I was 4 years ago. The good news it that the next chapter really is just as full and enjoyable. And just wait until you are bridging 2 seasons at once -- adult children and young kids!  Those (these) are some hoppin' years!



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Thank goodness for the 5- and 3-year olds!  You are just about where I was 4 years ago. The good news it that the next chapter really is just as full and enjoyable. And just wait until you are bridging 2 seasons at once -- adult children and young kids!  Those (these) are some hoppin' years!




:hurray: I'm thrilled to hear the next chapter is just as full and enjoyable as this one. :party:


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And we officially start our empty nest tomorrow. :(   


It has been a wonderful, enjoyable life.  I hope the next stage with just the two of us is too.  We're trying to make it so.  It will just be...different.


To those of you still going through the process - even with the stress - take some time to stop and enjoy it all.  (A trip, a board game, a movie, more discussions, special meals, whatever.  They leave GREAT memories when memories are what you have left.)

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My oldest is a senior this year.  She is taking DE courses, and just a few subjects at home to wrap up her credits.  School hasn't always been easy with her, and the idea of growing up in general has been hard for her, so I'm actually ready for this next stage.  I see the adult peeking through, and she's a beautiful person.  I will be glad when I am no longer the one in charge of this struggle with her, and I can just be the mom of this lovely young woman!


The stranger thing to me is that my younger two are so close behind.  After this year, they will be taking DE classes too, and in three short years, I will be out of the homeschooling business altogether!

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I have my oldest entering his senior year, followed by a 10th grader and an 8th grader.  While I don't think the transition is going to be easy for me, I predict that my husband will have an even more difficult time with our oldest going off to college.  I am actually having a harder time wrapping my head around the fact that my youngest only has one more year before starting high school.  This reality makes me extremely sad.  

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And we officially start our empty nest tomorrow. :(   


It has been a wonderful, enjoyable life.  I hope the next stage with just the two of us is too.  We're trying to make it so.  It will just be...different.


To those of you still going through the process - even with the stress - take some time to stop and enjoy it all.  (A trip, a board game, a movie, more discussions, special meals, whatever.  They leave GREAT memories when memories are what you have left.)




I'm watching my friends and a sister and brother who now have empty nests.My observation so far: their lives are busy and full!  They are doing ministry, pursuing careers, and traveling with their husbands. Lots of time still with adult kids, just clustered into a weekend or week together. You should be really proud of your boys and all that you poured into them Creekland!  Prayers for this transition year. 



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My youngest is a rising junior this year. We've pretty much decided that senior will be entirely DE at the CC and then he'll start a local Bible college in fall 2016.  Even though he'll be living at home during college, I can't help but feel this is my last year to "get it right."

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There's an expression about "the days are long but the years are short" and this is so true when you have young children.  I think when you are in the thick of it, it just seems like it is stretching on forever, like this is your life, and this is how it will be.  And then one day, you wake up and realize that you can't distinguish your son's voice from your husband's on the phone, and you think, "Where did the time go?"

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