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So, what's new??


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I hopped over to check a PM and thought I'd check in since it's been awhile :)

We've had some sore throat, high fever inducing mutant virus passing through the last 10 days or so, so that's been fun.  Kid #3 is just starting to bounce back.  Thankfully, DH, the teen, and myself have been spared so far!

We're also having some freakish weather with highs in the 60's the last few days.  Feels like October.  So weird.

Oh, and......we're expecting #5.  *faint*  THAT was unexpected to say the least.  I'm 13wk 3d and finally starting to get used to the idea, I think.  Thankfully, the HG did not make a repeat appearance and I've been getting by okay with daily Zofran, though it does cause killer headaches every day around 3-4pm. 

So....what's new with you??  :)

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DH was never really fully on board with #4, so this was a MAJOR shock. I still have days where I mourn the loss of what I thought the next few years of my life would hold. I'm also terrified to have 2 so close together while schooling two little ones (K & 2nd) at the same time for the first time, but I guess you just figure it out because you have to, right??

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Congratulations! Soooo happy the HG is not a problem this time! Funny how new kidlets just fit right in!

Me too!! I was PETRIFIED of what was to come when I first found out, but with early treatment via Prilosec and Zofran, I seemed to have kept things to a manageable level. Now, if the nausea would just let up so that I can lay off the Zofran and avoid these horrid headaches, I'd be in good shape.

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I hopped over to check a PM and thought I'd check in since it's been awhile :)


We've had some sore throat, high fever inducing mutant virus passing through the last 10 days or so, so that's been fun. Kid #3 is just starting to bounce back. Thankfully, DH, the teen, and myself have been spared so far!


We're also having some freakish weather with highs in the 60's the last few days. Feels like October. So weird.


Oh, and......we're expecting #5. *faint* THAT was unexpected to say the least. I'm 13wk 3d and finally starting to get used to the idea, I think. Thankfully, the HG did not make a repeat appearance and I've been getting by okay with daily Zofran, though it does cause killer headaches every day around 3-4pm.


So....what's new with you?? :)

Holy wow! Nice to see you. I was just wondering about you. Congrats! I hope you remain non-throw-uppy!
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Wow that is just awesome!!! Hope your headaches go away soon

I'm almost positive they are rebound headaches from the Zofran. I'm going to try going without when I hit 14wk (this weekend) and hopefully the nausea has subsided so I can get rid of the headaches too!

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