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I know it's still 17 weeks till Christmas but...

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I shop early. It's because I have spent one too many Christmas Eve's (yes, that's right - the day before!) scrounging the malls for presents. So now I start early. :lol:


I read the thread about the $100 Christmas and that does seem wonderful but I don't know, I like to give.


Does this list seem reasonable?



My DH is making her a wooden chest and I am buying a bunch of dress up stuff to go in it. (all of her old dress ups are now too small).

A Bilibo

Toy Trumpet

Winnie-the-Pooh Audio Book



Cap Gun

First Aid Kit (believe me, this will be his favorite present! :lol:

Earth Ball

foam swords.

A real Power Screw Driver? I can't really see that he needs this but it is what he asked for. :confused: I'll check with dh but he has a tool box and he loves to build things. I might look for something else though.


They have toys already (obviously! :lol: ) DS has lego, slot cars, hot wheels, games, puzzles, marbles, a box of first aid supplies :confused::lol:, books. DD has many dolls, doll house, books, jacks, tea sets, play kitchen stuff, games.

They both have bikes/helmets, balls.


They will both get stockings with little toys and some candy.


Some other things I was thinking of was a magnetic dart board, hoola hoop, movies but do I have enough?


I have my list done for my nieces/nephews if anyone is interested.


So... my question is: Does this seem reasonable? Anyone think I should slash my list? Anyone think I should add?


My second question is this: Anyone else do their shopping early? If so, what do you have in mind?



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Enought is what you think is enough, not what the rest of us think. You know what you can afford.

However, I will add that the years that I set a goal to have all my shopping done by Thanksgving were awesome!

Both my DD birthdays are early December with one or both of living out of state from us, so I had to mail packages at different times. It's so much easier to just have it done by Thanksgiving..

so with that thought in mind, I bought 2 gifts today!

Stilll have to make my lists tho!

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Enought is what you think is enough, not what the rest of us think. You know what you can afford.

However, I will add that the years that I set a goal to have all my shopping done by Thanksgving were awesome!

Both my DD birthdays are early December with one or both of living out of state from us, so I had to mail packages at different times. It's so much easier to just have it done by Thanksgiving..

so with that thought in mind, I bought 2 gifts today!

Stilll have to make my lists tho!


Thanks, your right, I know it has to be what I'm comfortable with but for some reason I tend to over buy and I'm really trying to not disappoint my kids and yet not overwhelm them.


Glad to hear I'm not the only one who bought gifts already!

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Hmmmm.....17 weeks until Christmas, you say? Yikes! Normally I am so on the ball, but this year we're especially busy and didn't realize it's coming so soon!


Is your son talking about a real power drill? My son has one, but it's a black & decker from Toys 'R' Us. LOL. I could see him asking for a real one in a few years, though, so maybe!


I agree with another poster - whatever you and dh decide is what's right for your family. We have learned to splurge more on our kids than all the millions of extended family members. That's what works best for our family.


All the Starbucks holiday drink talk and now this....if only it wasn't 102 outside right now. In the evening. :D

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I shop early too. I've already purchased a few items. My kids are a little older so I buy fewer items because they all tend to be expensive:glare: I think your list is fine. Smaller kids usually have plenty of toys anyway. They don't need that much more for Christmas.


Ds8 is a special needs child. I usually buy him one large item for Christmas because equipment is expensive. I'm buying him a outdoor swing this Christmas. He won't get to use it until March/April though. It's $300. Done shopping for that kid:D


Ds11 & dd7 have a Wii. I will probably buy a game for that. I was thinking Dance, Dance Revolution. I'm actually buying it for me. They will be funny to watch and I need a good laugh.


I will buy ds11 & dd7 a few more items but that's it. They both asked for magazine subscriptions so ds will get another astronomy mag & dd a mag about animals. I usually put a few nice items in their stockings, too.


That's it. As kids get older, the presents get more expensive. I usually only buy each child 3 or 4 presents plus stockings stuffers.

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I've started. My girls LOVE to play dress up, so I've purchased each of them a party/flowergirl dress on ebay. VERY. CHEAP. They also always get matching outfits, I usually buy those at the end of the previous season. They will both get game cartridge for their games and whatever DH decides they need :glare:.


DD7 is starting to show a real interest in my activities, so I've found a couple of books from MarmeeDear & Co: this cookbook along with the cooking set, and this sewing set. I found a sewing book that makes simple things like pillowcases, sachet bags and such, but can't find the link for it right now.


For the younger dd, I have. NO. CLUE. She has all the toys from her Big Sister, heck, she doesn't even get new clothes! Yeah, she's a challenge. But I'm sure we'll figure something out. Always do!


I found the sewing book, here. Just in case anyone is interested

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I have all my Christmas shopping done by Thanksgiving, so I can enjoy the Christmas season. I'd rather be baking and singing carols than fighting for a parking place at the mall. I already have some presents for my kids hidden away in the basement. :D

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My oldest daughter's birthday is August 27th. I always start shopping right after her birthday and am done by Thanksgiving. You cannot pay me enough to go shopping between Thanksgiving and Christmas!! :lol:


I like Heather in NC's idea of 3 gifts each for my children. I talked to DH about it and that's what we are going to do.


So for my 8 yr old:

a vanity

probably a couple of things that involve horses (she loves horses)


5 yr old:

American Girl Nellie doll

a toy guitar

not sure what else


almost 3 yr old:

dress-up clothes

not sure what else--what do you get the youngest of 3 girls who also has a birthday 5 days after Christmas???? (if you have any ideas, please please share!!)


We are going to draw names with my brothers and their wives. That leaves my mom and dad, my father-in-law, and my 2 nephews. DH and I usually just buy something for the house.


Our Christmas list is short, and I like it that way. That way we can get several names off the gift trees and buy for other children.

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Most of our Christmas shopping is done for this year. I need to get something for dh and I believe he still has to shop for me ;) I knew that I needed to have everything done early (although I am normally done by Thanksgiving) this year because I am due on Thanksgiving day :D


Now my goal is to go ahead and wrap all of the gifts so that I'm not trying to do that with a newborn. I figure anything I can do ahead will be helpful.


For both of our boys' we got them playmobil sets and lego sets. We also got them a set of The Sugar Creek Gang on CD.


This year we got a 30% of coupon at Kohl's so when my Mom was here visiting dh and I went Christmas shopping at Kohl's for the rest of the family. That was a great motivator.

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:lol: see, now reading your replies makes me want to add MORE to the list!


my dd would love a toy guitar, and an American Girl Doll and I'm sure DS would love to have some kind of video game system.


Is your son talking about a real power drill? My son has one, but it's a black & decker from Toys 'R' Us. LOL. I could see him asking for a real one in a few years, though, so maybe!




That's right. This kid loves real tools. crazy, I know. :lol: The first aid stuff has to be real too.


I've started. My girls LOVE to play dress up, so I've purchased each of them a party/flowergirl dress on ebay. VERY. CHEAP.


Oh my, I'm going to have to check ebay!

The sewing and cooking stuff sounds great! I'll have to remember that in a few years. :)

It. is. so. hard. to buy for younger kids with older same sex siblings! I'm sure you'll figure it out but what could she possibly need? I hate buying for my youngest nephew for the same reason.

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Sharon, I got my niece & my nephew each a Billibo last year for Christmas & I hear they love it & still play w/ them all the time. (They live far away, but my mil has visted them a few times & always comes back talking about how much they play w/ Bilibos.) BTW, I'd love to see the list you have for your nieces/nephews.


Ack -- didn't realize that Christmas was sneaking up so quickly. I like to shop sort-of early & try to do most of it online. Dh has already bought our family present for Christmas -- tickets for all of us to go see the new Cirque du Soleil show (Kooza) in January. That will be our really big item.


Not sure what the kids will be getting. Definitely some books -- the new J.K. Rowling one for ds, the newest Eragon series one for dd. Dd would also like various horse-related items (grooming kit, saddle pad, ...). I'm sure my kids would love a Wii, but I don't know that we'll get that. In the past few years, Christmas has mostly been American Girl/Breyer Horse things for dd and Lego things for ds. All of those would still be great choices, but it's fun to find some neat/unexpected things too (that's why I think shopping for stocking stuffers is fun).


Ds has started a Christmas list already. It includes the Dragonology game, extra figure sets for his Heroscape game, Webkinz, and a dvd.


Hmmm, I'm going to have to start looking around.

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My second question is this: Anyone else do their shopping early? If so, what do you have in mind?



I'll take a stab at this one. I start early, but it's not really an intentional thing. I found a pop-up Wizard of Oz book at a great price on Amazon, so I bought it for Nathan. I also plan to buy him a map poster of Oz.


I found some clearance rubber stamps for my 7 year old at Michaels. He likes to make cards with me. One was of the Peanuts gang, the other of Snoopy doing a happy dance.


So, I usually end up finding books and special things throughout the year, and when Christmas morning comes, there's too much.


I have a hard time "counting" books and audio books since many of them are things I would buy for homeschooling anyway. We always buy Playmobil, but this year it may be Legos instead. Art supplies are a big hit too.

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I found the sewing book, here. Just in case anyone is interested


Neat sewing book. However, I have to say that I'm a bit irritated by the sexism. Girls are not the only kids interested in sewing. :glare: My ds wants to learn to sew and I'd love to find a book for him that doesn't assume the reader is a female.



Most of our Christmas shopping is done for this year. I need to get something for dh and I believe he still has to shop for me ;) I knew that I needed to have everything done early (although I am normally done by Thanksgiving) this year because I am due on Thanksgiving day :D


Now my goal is to go ahead and wrap all of the gifts so that I'm not trying to do that with a newborn. I figure anything I can do ahead will be helpful.




I'm due the week before Thanksgiving so I want to be done by then as well. I've put a few things away but just books/movies right now. I need to get on the ball but my budget won't allow me. I'm busy spending money on curriculum (yes...still and much to DH's dismay) and on cloth diapers/covers and other various baby items we need. Plus, the cost of the birth. Sigh. My Christmas list keeps getting shoved aside.


For my 7yr old ds I was thinking a bike with new helmet and a Brock magiscope. That's all I can think of at the moment.


For my 4 yr old I don't know. He loves his Playmobil Pirate Ship but I'm not sure I want more tiny little pieces scattered around.

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I picked up a lego set for ds and littliest pet shop set for dd I got very, very cheap at target clearance. That's about all for now.


DS 8 will get the lego set, a hotwheels racing set, don't wake the hulk (a game like don't wake daddy) and whatever else he decides to add.


DD 3 will get the littlest pet shop set, drs kit, flashlight, view master, FP doll house and a pink 4 wheeler


DS 13 and 15 I am not quite sure. possibley cell phones, they have not mentioned anything at all

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I think your list looks fine. I would definitely give your ds the power screwdriver, though. It isn't something he is likely to hurt himself with, and it will provide him with lots of fun. Ask him to help any time a screwdriver is needed. He'll be able to use it for years.


At those ages particularly, it doesn't matter what you spend. It only matters that they love the gifts. When my dd was that age, her favorite gift was a 12" pink ball that cost a big $0.99. She thought the other gifts were nice, but the pink ball was her favorite. Enjoy the cheap requests while they last! It changes as they get older!


Congrats on getting ready for Christmas early!

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Sharon, I got my niece & my nephew each a Billibo last year for Christmas & I hear they love it & still play w/ them all the time. (They live far away, but my mil has visted them a few times & always comes back talking about how much they play w/ Bilibos.) BTW, I'd love to see the list you have for your nieces/nephews.




Good to know about the Bilibo. I saw it mentioned on the boards here and it does look interesting.


Nephew10: Memoir '44

Nephew7: video game??

Nephew5: Baseball Pinball, Yankees Team Shirt


Niece6: Soft cover books: Blueberries for Sal, The Little House and one of the little Only Hearts Dolls

Niece2: Tin tea set


I'll take a stab at this one. I start early, but it's not really an intentional thing. I found a pop-up Wizard of Oz book at a great price on Amazon, so I bought it for Nathan. I also plan to buy him a map poster of Oz.




I bought my niece that book last year and it is AMAZING!


I picked up a lego set for ds and littliest pet shop set for dd I got very, very cheap at target clearance. That's about all for now.


DS 8 will get the lego set, a hotwheels racing set, don't wake the hulk (a game like don't wake daddy) and whatever else he decides to add.


DD 3 will get the littlest pet shop set, drs kit, flashlight, view master, FP doll house and a pink 4 wheeler


DS 13 and 15 I am not quite sure. possibley cell phones, they have not mentioned anything at all


nice lists!

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I think your list looks fine. I would definitely give your ds the power screwdriver, though. It isn't something he is likely to hurt himself with, and it will provide him with lots of fun. Ask him to help any time a screwdriver is needed. He'll be able to use it for years.


At those ages particularly, it doesn't matter what you spend. It only matters that they love the gifts. When my dd was that age, her favorite gift was a 12" pink ball that cost a big $0.99. She thought the other gifts were nice, but the pink ball was her favorite. Enjoy the cheap requests while they last! It changes as they get older!


Congrats on getting ready for Christmas early!


You are so right! Actually, a .99 pink ball might be right up my dd's alley!


Thanks for the advice on the screwdriver. My dh just told me that he would really like it too. :)

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Neat sewing book. However, I have to say that I'm a bit irritated by the sexism. Girls are not the only kids interested in sewing. :glare: My ds wants to learn to sew and I'd love to find a book for him that doesn't assume the reader is a female.




try this one!! ;)

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I would love to start early, but we always plan to pay for Christmas gifts with a special check we get every year in December, so we have to wait until we get it to go shopping. I do try to plan ahead and figure out what I want to purchase for each child so that it's easy to go do the shopping. The past few years, we have ordered many things over the internet earlier and then finished up the rest in stores in December, but typically we are quite last minute. This year I am going to try to plan ahead and be especially organized.


I agree with another poster who said that only you can decide what is enough for your family, because we don't know your finances or your values, but I can so relate to the wanting-to-get-enough-but-not overwhelm them feeling. We do tend to go a bit overboard sometimes. I think that kids have a lot more fun when they get a few things that are really meaningful than when they are overwhelmed with too many things at once and can't decide what to focus on first.


And being the one who helps them clean and organize their rooms, and gets rid of broken toys, etc., I know that our kids could do well with a lot less, but dh tends to really want to wow them at Christmas. This is a part of his generous nature, his desire to be a great provider, and his own very different childhood experiences, so it's hard for me to fight it too strongly, especially when I know that he is fiscally responsible and wouldn't outspend our resources.


We also don't exchange big gifts with extended family. We usually either draw names and only buy for one other adult on each side, just buy for the nephews and nieces, or do a very small family gift. Last year we did the movie night gift bag with a Blockbuster gift card, microwave popcorn, and movie candy for each family, and only bought individual gifts for the small children.


As for your list, I think it sounds great. The wooden chest with dress-up items is a great idea, and I'm sure your dd will love it. My ds has the saxophone made by the same company that makes the trumpet you linked. He got it for Christmas three years ago, when he was enthralled by musical instruments. He has loved it. I had never seen or heard of the other gift thing (the plastic bilbo thingy) but it looks as if it would be fascinating to young children.


The items for your ds sound terrific, too. I think it's neat that you are going to get him a real drill. Ds has the imitation ones, but gets frustrated that they don't really work. He would *love* to have a real one. I'm not sure about the safety aspect for my particular child, though. I could envision some pretty scary scenarios with real power tool in his hands!

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I found the sewing book, here. Just in case anyone is interested


I am planning on ordering this book for dd8:





I think the same company produces it. I've signed her up for 2 4-H classes: one in needlework and one in beginning sewing. I want to get some sewing books in here to help both of us!

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Neat sewing book. However, I have to say that I'm a bit irritated by the sexism. Girls are not the only kids interested in sewing. :glare: My ds wants to learn to sew and I'd love to find a book for him that doesn't assume the reader is a female.



There is this program. I don't think Mattie makes any assumptions.


I haven't started yet, but now I'm writing down ideas from your lists!;)

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I found the sewing book, here. Just in case anyone is interested




I tried to pm you, but your box is full! :)



Dd just uses my main sewing machine. My mom died almost 4 years ago, and I inherited her really nice Bernina sewing machine. I like it because I can set it to sew no faster than 1/2 speed. She is very careful with it, and has been sewing on it for a year or two. Your daughter might surprise you and do fine on yours. The hardest thing for dd to remember was to to put the pressure foot back down before she resumed sewing, but she is better about that now.


My mom was an amazing quilter, and taught quilting classes. I've done lots more quilting than garment sewing, so I need someone else to teach dd garment sewing--I can only take her so far in that arena. That is why we signed up for 4-H. I'm very excited to learn it right along with her!




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Enought is what you think is enough, not what the rest of us think. You know what you can afford.



:iagree: What are you concerned about? Spoiling your kids? I don't think it matters how much you buy, but what you expect from them. We were the only kids in our extended family who were encouraged/ expected to give presents, as good as we could make them considering our age and budget, and were the only ones who weren't spoilt. It's all in the giving!


I'm a year round shopper. I start Christmas shopping in January, sometimes :) I already have Mum's, half of my brother's, half of my sister's, Nan's, dh's, some of dd's and one for each of the two children in the extended family. I love to Christmas shop, I just don't like doing it in late December!



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A trumpet? You really want to get a play trumpet for your little one?




You are one.brave.mommy.




Well, these balls are not $0.99, but they sure are cute!


And, I agree w/ Keri on the trumpet...



I thought the same thing. :D



:lol::lol::lol: dh said the SAME THING!


She has been asking for a trumpet and she doesn't usually ask for anything. Except dolls. She asks for more babies but how many babies can one child have? :lol:

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Wow!! You guys are talking about Christmas already....whew! I am enjoying this thread though. I have gotten lots of ideas already.


dh wants to go all out this year for Christmas. Our last few years of Christmas was pretty slim on the giving for everybody from us. We were on the Dave Ramsey plan and had a goal to fulfill so now that we fulfilled our goal we will be going all out (with no Credit Cards to boot!! :D) then we will start working on our next goal on the list in January.



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And we'll be at Disney one of those, so it's really only 16 (because time will FLY when we're at Disney).


I made a vow this year not to shop until AFTER Thanksgiving. I have 4 teenagers and I missed SO many great deals last year because most of my shopping was finished before Thanksgiving.


I'm going to start the weekend after and get my girls each clothing/makeup and electronics that they want and ds games, electronics and more electronics. That's basically what everyone gets around here now, and the sales between Thanksgiving and Christmas are just TOO good to miss on stuff like that!

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I made a vow this year not to shop until AFTER Thanksgiving. I have 4 teenagers and I missed SO many great deals last year because most of my shopping was finished before Thanksgiving.


Oh, I know! Missing out on the sales does bug me and I do want to wait for that reason, but the satisfaction of being done may be worth the extra money.


I think you are right on! :)

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