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Survey Questions # 1 through # 3


179 members have voted

  1. 1. Why Do You Homeschool

    • Academic Experience
    • Religious Beliefs
    • Both
    • Other (Please specify)
  2. 2. What Educational Philosophy Do You Utilize/Implement in Your Homeschool?

    • Classical
    • Charlotte Mason
    • Traditional Textbook
    • Unit Study
    • Un-Schooling
    • Other (Please specify)
  3. 3. What Resources/Materials Do You Utilize in Your Homeschool?

    • Pre-Planned/Packaged Curriculum
    • Work Books
    • Text Books
    • Online Curriculum
    • Other (Please specify)

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1) Answered

2) I chose Charlotte Mason, but that's because the boxed curriculum I've used for preschool and PreK seem to fit best in that philosophy, so it's what I've used so far. It is not necessarily what I intend to do going forward, as I plan to change curriculums for K. I'm not sure yet what I'm switching to or what philosophy(ies) will most influence me. I wouldn't be surprised if I turn out eclectic, as I'm definitely drawn toward classical a la TWTM but also kind of like CM, from what I've seen of it. And I agree with others who stated that a couple of what you listed are philosophies, but the others are methods that can fit with various philosophies.

3) I chose Other as a substitute for "all or most of the above." Real books, workbooks, videos, games for now, probably with the addition of textbooks in a year or so.

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1. Other- I homeschool for so many reasons that I couldn't list them here.  Pretty much everything but religion.

2. Other- I'm eclectic.  I like lots of different ways of doing HS.  From unschooling to textbook learning. As for a philosophy?  I've never really tried to pin it down.

3.  We use textbooks as a spine that I usually create a DIY schedule with activities and such, I love using videos (DS is Dyslexic).   

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1. Other. It suits us. Flexibility, individualized education, time together, time to pursue interests in music and nature.


2. Other. We pull from most educational philosophies to form a philosophy that suits us. I couldn't choose just one, or even two, from that list.


3. Other again, again a mix of most of the options presented. We also use outside classes and the library.

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1) We homeschool for academic and family life reasons. DH and I have a variable work schedule. Summers, in particular, are very busy for DH so vacation was difficult when DS was in ps. We've also moved quite a bit so having consistency in education is important.

2) Classical eclectic with a mix of styles. I have a broad view of where I want my children to be for a college-prep education. How we get there isn't as important so long as it works.

3) We use anything that works. I haven't used any online courses, but I'd expect as my children get older that may become necessary.

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We started homeschooling because the private school ds was enrolled in couldn't handle his special needs, and we knew he would have a harder time in the public school. Now it is as much of a lifestyle choice as it is a necessity. We use a mix of classical, CM, traditional textbook, unit studies, living books... We haven't tried any online classes yet, but will in the coming years. The same with outside classes, hopefully, although ds is very resistant to the idea at this time.

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1 - We started homeschooling because the public school schedule was taking over our lives.  On the bus at 7am, off the bus at 4 pm, then homework ... we felt like we never had enough quality time with any of our children.  While we definitely enjoy all the academic and religious advantages now that we're homeschooling, they weren't the reason we began to consider it and decided to do it.


2 - Classical is the main framework we use to organize our studies, but I wouldn't say it's my "philosophy".  And we don't do Latin lol


3 - We are eclectic in our choices of curriculum.  We use some workbooks, some textbooks, a few lessons on DVDs, and lots of good books.  Basically we use whatever works best for each child and for our family situation.

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philosophy-  I chose "other" I would have picked eclectic if it was there.  I use a mix of classical, Charlotte Mason, Unit studies


materials- a wide variety: whatever works- sometimes a bundled program (using MFW right now have used SL) workbooks and occasionally a textbook, lots of literature, art, and some online programs. We are using Aleks math online and Veritas press history online right now. Every year is a bit different. My highschoolers always take two classes outside the home, also.



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I voted other for all three questions. 


1) We homeschool partially for academic reasons but primarily for social reasons.  Dh and I both find that the pressure on children, particularly girls, to grow up way too fast was just something we did not want to be a part of.  Now, after doing it for 9 years, we continue because we love the lifestyle and whole experience. 


2) At one time or another, we have used all of the curriculum options listed.  We are very eclectic and I pick materials based on the needs of my children and what will get done.  


3) We use textbooks, workbooks, living books, etc.  Again, I use what will get done.  Both of my children read extensively and that is the primary basis of their education. 

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