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Positive threads  

214 members have voted

  1. 1. Would you like to see only positive threads on the chat board for a month?

    • Yes
    • No

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I voted No, as much as I enjoy the positive posts, some times people have no other place to air their grief. I don't think these are "negative" posts. They are posts about events happening to people. I think negative posts are posts that are not respectful of others. This poll is not respectful of those in grief.

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I voted no.  I want posters to remain real, and would hate for someone else having a struggle to feel they couldn't post about it just because it wasn't all happy happy joy joy.  The fact is reality seldom is, there is going to be sad posts, random rants, stupid posts, happy posts, poignant posts and everything else you can think of and that is good imo.  I would rather hear people's true rants, raves, questions, silliness, and whatnot than have anyone feeling censored and feeling they need to be disingenuous in order to keep things all happy.

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In all kindness, there are times for all of us when certain elements of boards like this can get to us. It is sometimes better for us to step away than to try to control everything else. I understand the sentiment, but we are all in different places and facing different struggles.

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IRL there are positive and negative things. This board is made up of more than 50K individuals who deal with reality every single day, and still find time to give generous time and support to the others. This is one place you don't have to look far for the good in people.

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I do understand the sentiment, I really do. I friend of mine lost his daughter to a genetic condition last year. He recently lashed out on FB, against all the parents complaining about their kids being on summer break, telling them to think before they speak because he would give everything to have his daughter home for summer break. It's okay to complain, it's okay to vent, but we should all make the effort to keep everything in perspective and count ourselves as fortunate that we still have the life/people/things to vent and complain about.

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I do understand the sentiment, I really do. I friend of mine lost his daughter to a genetic condition last year. He recently lashed out on FB, against all the parents complaining about their kids being on summer break, telling them to think before they speak because he would give everything to have his daughter home for summer break. It's okay to complain, it's okay to vent, but we should all make the effort to keep everything in perspective and count ourselves as fortunate that we still have the life/people/things to vent and complain about.


I don't want to speak for Awisha, but the bolded is what I think she was really trying to get at. I took her post as a reminder to be thankful for all the positive things, big and small. Regardless, I am certain that she was coming from a good place and her intent was positive.

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I understand what you're saying and I love you Awisha, but I had to vote no.


Still, you make a good point. We often complain about things that, in the big picture, don't really matter. I know I'm guilty, here and IRL. You made me think, and that's a good thing. :)

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I voted no. When my father died, I was desperate for anything that would get me back into the "normal life" mindset. You know, the day to day stuff, like potty training, kids who won't do their homework, repairmen who don't show up, silly movies, etc. It gave me reassurance to know that life would go on.


If the op wishes to post only good things and make only kind comments for a month, good for her. However it is not appropriate or reasonable for her to impose her will on the rest of the board. I do think it might have been much better received to encourage everyone to reflect on the blessings we have and to encourage everyone to appreciate their loved ones even more. But encouragement and restrictions are two very different things.

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No. I don't know what you even mean. There are many positive threads here. There are also posts where several members are dealing with BIg, serious issues. Who would decide that a person's post is not sufficiently positive?


Also, this is a HUGE community. It is the "world wide web," after all. *I* know the members who have had/are going through terrible personal tragedy, but a newbie or someone who has only recently joined may have no idea. They don't need a message from a Moderator saying, "Sorry. This is not a good month to post about your child's Cub Scout leader who embarrassed your son in public. Try back next month." I'm sorry. That would be too stupid.

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A precious child and a respected board member have recently passed away and there have been far too many inane, pointless, downright rude and disrespectful threads being made.


I think it would be a good idea to have a month of only positive, happy, fun and good threads made on the chat board out of respect of those who are dealing with the loss of a loved one.


If you agree with me (or not) please vote in the poll and if there's enough interest maybe we can get the mods to do something.

How would we know about these deaths if we only allowed positive threads? Rude and disrespectful people need to be put on notice. But people need to be able to talk to others.

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