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camping question...


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we only really started camping about 2 years ago...we have 3 kids dd13, ds 12, ds 9.  we just graduated to a pop-up camper...and in a year or so, we might get my in-laws bigger camper.  That camper would have sleeping space for my husband and I, and our daughter. 


My husband, who has camped all of his life thinks that the boys could stay out in a tent (when and if we get that camper)...but, me, who has never camped until I met my husband, is very nervous about letting the boys stay outside in a strange campground all by themselves.  I think of animals, strange people and thunderstorms because they pop up out of nowhere and can get ugly fast....I don't know what to tell them to do..if they make a run for the camper, we would have no place from them...if they stay in the tent, will they get soaked? (I know sometimes that happens)....will they be scared (they don'tl ike thunderstorms when they are home)...


my husband thinks I am being silly....


am I? be honest...I can handle it....I think...:)

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I vote your Dh stay in the tent with one of the boys if you are worried.  My bet is that by the time the camper may come around your boys will be looking to stretch their independence and if they are on the same site as you, they are about an arms length away.

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They'll be fine.


In fact, at their age, facing the choice of crowding or soaking wet, in the middle of the night, with rain -- probably just the kind of confidence and esteem builder they need. A good tent keeps a thunderstorm out anyways. That's what they are for.


Although, I can't imagine a camper too small to share beds for 2 adults and 3 kids. Pull your daughter in with you and have the boys snuggle up in her sleeping space if nessisary during a tough night.

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At 9 and 12, if they were outside of my camper? Sure! I'd let them tent camp. But if they had to be in another part of the campground, perhaps not quite yet. 9 seems a little young to be across a campground.

Typically campgrounds will allow one or two tents in the same spot as a camper for just this purpose.


It rained on our last camping trip and none of our tents leaked. We stayed nice and dry.

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I did let my kids do that when they were that age - and we camp in bear country.    At 10 and 13 (or even at 9 and 12), they are plenty ready for that kind of independence (which is really pretty minimal - you'll be *right there*.)  


I am assuming that your kids will *want* to do this and that they are reasonably trustworthy.



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When our boys were (almost) 13, 11.5, and (almost) 9 we let them stay in a tent while my husband, daughter, and I slept in our conversion van.  They were about 10 feet from our van.  We stayed in the Grand Tetons, on the ocean shore, and in several state parks and really enjoyed the experience.

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why not? I am wondering if my worries are your worries??



We camp quite a bit and we all sleep in the tent.


I don't live in fear but I do have some things that stay on my mind. I would be sleepless in the camper. Not worth it. I'd rather sleep in the tent with them. Still fun.

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I'd say it's slightly silly to worry. But if you're worried, you're worried.


Is there any reason your daughter wouldn't sleep in a tent with the other kids? Do you consider tent camping a "boy thing"? For me that seems odd, to put the boys out there and keep the girl in.


We've tent camped through some pretty gnarly storms (hail! lightning! lots of rain!) and stayed dry inside. They'd be okay.

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Why would you trade a pop-up that fits everyone for a camper that holds fewer people?


our pop up has is having some issues and won't last forever....there are several large cracks in the roof, the storage box out front leaks when it rains...that sort of thing...the bigger camper will be a gift some day (probably) but it's not yet...so that is the story.

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If they were super close, I'd be fine with it, provided they were fine with it. The first time, I might be a little nervous, to be honest--but I was a little nervous the first time dd chose to have a sleep out in her treehouse in our yard...


Trying to think OOtB--


Could you get a screened porch extension and have the boys sleep there? Or even put a tent inside that? It'd have to be pretty big, I imagine.

Maybe it would seem safer if it were attached to the physical camper.

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Yes,  a 9 and 12 year old can sleep in a tent a few yards away from their parents.  It's kind of a silly question.

What do you think Boy Scouts do?


Camping in a campground is amazingly safe.  The bad things that can happen are really risks to backpackers only , and it's almost always weather that's a problem.  Not serial killers or bears or freak lightning strikes.

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If they were super close, I'd be fine with it, provided they were fine with it. The first time, I might be a little nervous, to be honest--but I was a little nervous the first time dd chose to have a sleep out in her treehouse in our yard...


Trying to think OOtB--


Could you get a screened porch extension and have the boys sleep there? Or even put a tent inside that? It'd have to be pretty big, I imagine.

Maybe it would seem safer if it were attached to the physical camper.

 I love the extension idea...I bet we could do that easy enough.

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Why would you trade a pop-up that fits everyone for a camper that holds fewer people?

Personally, I prefer something with hard sides in areas of known high bear activity. No doubt many of you aren't bothered by that but it's my personal heebie-jeebie maker. I don't mind daytime activities where there's lots of wildlife, but if mama's going to get any sleep on a camping trip...


FWIW, we rarely have the opportunity to camp in busy-bear areas and our actual option for that has been rental or cabins. Just tossing out that some sleep more securely knowing they're surrounded by hard sides.

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As long as the food is properly stored, and NOT in the tent, there shouldn't be an issue with wildlife bothering anyone.  I'd be fine with the boys in the tent.  And having just survived a bad weather camping trip, the tents (assembled properly, with tarp & fly) shouldn't leak.  :)

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I see more bears in my backyard than I do at the campgrounds we go to.


My kids are still young, although my oldest had a tent to herself (usually with a friend) at 12 or 13.  They were on the same site we were, just a different tent.  I'm sure my younger kids will be in their own tent (probably with the door of that tent facing the door of our tent and only a few feet away, maybe even connected tents) by the time they are 12 and 10.


Dh has been camping his whole life and he's 58.  I've gone quite a bit but not as extensively as he has.

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Hey! Now y'all think I'm skeered o'bears.


Let me clarify... I'm not talking about black bears. I'm talking big brown bear country. And I'm not talking odds of encountering one, I'm talking things-moms-dream-up-so-they-can't-sleep-at-night-in-some-places.


So, don't think I'm a chicken!

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