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Popping buttons over here. (Mama-brag warning: run away fast if you are not interested.)

Halftime Hope

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It's been a couple of years since I posted a brag post, and I keep a pretty low profile IRL--although I might have to do a modest Facebrag post when dd graduates  :D ,  but here's my all encompassing, doozy of a "happy mama brag" here amongst colleagues. 


Dd is graduating on Saturday with a double major, and although I'm not that thrilled with the philosophical bent of several schools she chose as possibilities for grad school, she has been offered full fellowships + a stipend at two of them.  (Not quite sure that's the right way to word it, but someone can correct me, I'm sure. ;-)  )  One of them is a Famous Name School in her field, but the other is her favorite, and I think she'll be happy there, although she will be in for some culture shock given the region it is in.   I'm happy for her!!  :hurray:


She/we are still waiting on financial aid for the school I'd prefer (it will be HER choice to make though), but she has been accepted. She is on track to graduate Summa Cum Laude   :w00t: , so I'm hopeful they will come through with something, too.


Yaay, homeschooling!  At the beginning of the school year she said she was over being identified as a former homeschooler since "no one asks about high school anymore," but if she took away no other advantage from homeschooling (I know better), she wouldn't have been able to have done the double major + a completely separate minor in four years w/out the dual credit earned during her homeschool years.  (See, I told you it was an all-encompassing brag...)


Woo, hoo!  It's nice to see both her hard work and her accomplishments!


Thank you, and I'll go get a pin...



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What great news!  Congratulations to you both.


May I ask what her graduate studies will be?





Well, that's a difficult one to answer.  LOL!  She has three possible career interests:  1) chaplaincy (as near as I can tell it's at least a 4 - 4.5 year career path by the time she gets an MDiv and the necessary CPEs,) 2) missions/intercultural ministry, or 3) work within the social justice/non-profit/advocacy arena.  Four out of five of her schools had reasonable options for all three, with each school having a bit different combo.  An MDiv with a specific track seems certain.


One could argue that taking a year off now to narrow the career options would be wise, but girlfrend is not interested.  Go figure.



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Very cool :)  It is not hard to get a lot of college credit if you're in PS too, just thought I'd add for any non-homeschoolers.  I got a bit more than a year, and paid nothing for it.


This is definitely one of those YMMV things.  Even locally, some kids have access to dual credit (my nieces had dual credit classes offered on their public school campus by profs from the local CC), but many do not. 


But it goes far beyond credits--her experience with the university would not have been possible under other circumstances.  (You'd have to know the details, and it doesn't bear going into.) 

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