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I can't believe I re-bought a toy


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I went on eBay and bought a Little People circus set to replace the one I got rid of in a toy purge nearly 2 years ago (I had no idea at the time that it would matter, she never played with it). Dd6 is ecstatic. She thinks her "lost" set has been found.


Maybe I'm a sucker, but she has been having a really hard time lately with anxiety, emotions, confidence, behavior, everything. She often says she wishes she could be 3 again. When I ask her why, she always says it's because that's when she got her circus. So I bought her the stupid circus again. It's a little thing in the grand scheme of things.


Has anyone ever re-bought a toy?

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I haven't rebought, but I do store toys for years in the attic before they go away. The kids always get a last hoo-rah with them before they go.


I had a friend who rebought a doll house 3 times for her daughter with aspergers. Not a cheap one either, it was either a large Plan or Ryans Room with all the accessories. The daughter would play with it for a year, and then stop for a year so the mom would sell it. Another year later she bought it again after her daughter started begging for it again. The last time she bought it was when the girl was 12yo.

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I went on eBay and bought a Little People circus set to replace the one I got rid of in a toy purge nearly 2 years ago (I had no idea at the time that it would matter, she never played with it). Dd6 is ecstatic. She thinks her "lost" set has been found.


Maybe I'm a sucker, but she has been having a really hard time lately with anxiety, emotions, confidence, behavior, everything. She often says she wishes she could be 3 again. When I ask her why, she always says it's because that's when she got her circus. So I bought her the stupid circus again. It's a little thing in the grand scheme of things.


Has anyone ever re-bought a toy?

I had to buy a doll that got lost.


But I have all our Fisher Price toys saved...for the grand kids. :lol:

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I'm rebuying toys for my youngest, all in the name of therapy. People give him things, but usually those toys aren't useful for therapy. If he didn't have a diagnosis, he'd be stuck with Duplos until he grew big enough for Legos, bc Duplos were the only baby toys I had left. Oh wait, I did save the Little People Noah's ark and Nativity for grand kids, so he has that.


Now that I think of it, I did re-purchase that Noah's ark for my second son. I'd gotten rid of it when the older two outgrew it.


Don't ask how many Buzz Lightyear figures I bought my second son the first six years of his life.

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I've had to rebuy a lot of toys that I wish I could have saved for little ds and grandbabies. I'm not a homeowner and paying monthly rent on a storage unit doesn't make as much sense as just letting go and getting a new one for the next kid.

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I spent some time searching ebay (and the rest of the internet) trying to replace dd's Daffy Duck that she lost when she was 3-4. I could not find the exact one. Thankfully, we found him several days later. She had stuffed him into a small metal toy mailbox. We were in her room. She decided to play with it, opened it and said "Oh, hi Daffy!" like it was no big thing. 

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I have never rebought a toy that I purged (but I don't purge much either,) but I HAVE just bought my third Lamaze House Playmat in preperation for baby. My babies and toddlers love it so much that I have had to buy a new one for each child because the old one won't stand up or is considerably damaged before it can be passed down. Thankfully I only bought the first one new, the next two were both second hand from kids who apparently loved theirs a lot less than my kiddos!

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The Noah's ark little people set. Dd got the first set for her birthday one year (ark and several animal pairs) and we let her take it into the tub. You can't get all the water out of those animals so naturally, they all ended up moldy. I had to throw the whole set away. She was very upset and we figured it was our fault for allowing them in the tub in the first place, so we replaced it all.

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We have that circus. I will definitely have to think long and hard about purging it :)


I re-bought one of my younger sister's childhood dolls off Ebay when I was 20. The doll was a special memory for me but she neglected/abused it as a teen (shoved it in a small drawer, spilled make-up on it, tangled its hair etc.). I bought a gently used replacement for myself because it was something I thought I would want to share with my kids, even if it didn't mean that much to her anymore!

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I haven't re-bought any, but I have had purge regret.  My kids will occasionally look through scrapbooks, notice a past toy, and ask me why I got rid of it.  A toddler toy, mind you.  I have kept the favorites, like many of the Little People toys, Thomas trains, etc.  My middle one has always been a huge toy fan, going through phases of favorites.  If I kept every toy he ever loved, there would be no room to sleep in his room.  But there are some that I know I will regret being quite so quick to purge, like his extensive Buzz Lightyear collection.  We still have the very favorites from that phase, but it would be kinda fun to still have them all.


It's not just the kids--I have special memories attached to those toys!

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No, but my sister in law found a Christmas stocking that was the exact match to those my brothers and I had as kids. I had asked for it after my eldest brother died, and she said they had buried it with him. So she searched and found the same kind (hard to find) and sent it to me.


Wasn't that sweet?


I agree with Lizzie--you did good.

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My father did for me, once.

For my 3rd birthday, my parents gave me some sort of chunky plastic clock toy and I loved it (as you do) and played with it all day. My father decided to play with it that night with me and somehow broke it. I was so heartbroken, he went out that very night and bought another. :D

I don't remember this, but I've heard the story from my mother and it's one of my favorite "memories" of my father.

I think you did right! 



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I have not had to rebuy and I have never had purge regret.  However, my kids had a 6th sense for when I was targeting a toy for purging.  I would think to myself "that has not been played with in at least a year. Next cleanup it will go." The next day my kids would pull that toy out and play with it non-stop for weeks.


Although my 16 year old just bought himself a new light saber to replace one the dog chewed up when we got him 4 years ago.  A light saber that he had not had anything to do with for at least 2 years prior to the incident.  And he is still quite miffed at me for giving a mini stuffed geoffrey the giraffe toy to the dog.  A mini plush that no one ever played with and was sadly ignored by my children in favor of other toys.


I think it was sweet that you replaced the circus set.  I would have done the same.

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No but I've only gotten rid of their toys with their knowledge. They are actually pretty good about giving up toys right before they know more are going like before Christmas or birthdays.


I remember as a kid my older sister getting rid of toys she thought the younger ones were done with and being pissed. The younger half still mention how she threw out fireball island and this awesome g.I. Joe base without asking. I actually bought the fireball island game off eBay for my brother as an adult one Christmas

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Well, we had ten years between kids, stuff got lost/ thrown away, so we basically started from scratch each time. I had even given the old crib away!


So, between the two kids, I have purchased the same ot wheels car wash about five times, several slip and slides, two complete sets of Dr. Seuss and Curious George books, and about 25 soccer balls. :o

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