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Let's play today was going so nicely until......


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I'll play!  Today was going so nicely, and then I woke up.  It seems like I either have very bad allergies or a sinus infection.  Not sure which, but my voice sounds awful and I feel exhausted.


ETA: I am glad I didn't have to clean up berry smoothie!

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I hadn't even set my purse down at work before my boss started acting, well all 'bossy'.  LOL  She was stressed and started barking orders right as I walked in the door.  Usually no big deal, but she had me doing extra projects that could have been later, instead of the work I really should have been doing.  Unfortunately, that means I had to leave my work for someone else. OH well.  I'm home now.


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A cat. A #2 bathroom issue. Everywhere.




I think I have a headache now.

Was this your new cat? We had a #1 bathroom issue this morning with our new guy that got me out of bed. So, luckily for me, my day got better!

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The baby decided to shorten her 2 hour nap to 30 minutes. This wouldn't have been too bad except that I tried to rock her back to sleep and she cried and screamed until she puked (sensitive gag reflex). She drenched her bed, clothes, and legs. Then she screamed more as I changed her clothes because she hates clothing and especially the changing process. She did enjoy splashing her legs in the sink. Then she fussed and whined all afternoon as I tried to make a more-involved-than-usual new recipe for dinner. The gyros were tasty, however!

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Had a lovely day at the beach, even brought the dog. Discovered if we load the ancient, decrepit old dog up with Tramadol (in addition to her other arthritis medication) we can take her to the beach and she isnt hobbling the next day, so that is nice. Even missed traffic coming home- a perfect day!


...until I sat down to stay up late and watch Breaking Bad (spring break, woo hoo) and realized there is NO BEER. I really wanted a beer while watching late night tv. This is terrible. Totally unsat.


(I realize how blessed I am the worst part of my day is no beer, but darn, I really wanted beer!)

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Was this your new cat? We had a #1 bathroom issue this morning with our new guy that got me out of bed. So, luckily for me, my day got better!

No, this is my 15yo kitty. I think the younger, newer one may have been terrorizing him in the litter box, though...


Sorry you had a kitty issue too!



You win in my book. Sorry!

I feel so honored to win this award...





(But your comment did make me rofl.)

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Had a lovely day at the beach, even brought the dog. Discovered if we load the ancient, decrepit old dog up with Tramadol (in addition to her other arthritis medication) we can take her to the beach and she isnt hobbling the next day, so that is nice. Even missed traffic coming home- a perfect day!


...until I sat down to stay up late and watch Breaking Bad (spring break, woo hoo) and realized there is NO BEER. I really wanted a beer while watching late night tv. This is terrible. Totally unsat.


(I realize how blessed I am the worst part of my day is no beer, but darn, I really wanted beer!)


Im drinking a Widmere Bros Hefe right now.....want me to have another for you?  I would do that for a friend you know, because that is just the kind of gal I am.  :cheers2:

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Today was going so nicely until . . . I foolishly decided that I was feeling so well and my blood pressure had come down enough that I would take the kids out to run some much needed errands, then get my midwife's ordered "rest" while balancing the budget in the afternoon during nap time--and my toddler fell asleep in the car during the errands--then woke up after 20 minutes and wouldn't go back to sleep--and proceeded to turn into a Tasmanian devil as the afternoon went on and he became more and more tired and ornery. He was biting sisters, throwing tantrums, making huge messes every which way--then he managed to knock over a bedstead on himself (our house is halfway packed to move). He is okay, thankfully. By the time dh came home from work, I had a sharp pressure headache and was shaking all over. And I'm still awake now because I've got the contractions going again every few minutes.

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I went into the main part of my house and found the upstairs toilet had overflowed all through the ceiling and knocked the Sheetrock onto the floor....in many pieces....with poop dispersed throughout. Yep, happy morning to me!!!

Yikes. I think you're already today's winner & it's still early in the a.m.


Hope your day improves!

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Until I woke up. My 7 week old woke up after 3 hours last night and had a hard time getting back to sleep. When she finally went back to sleep my husband got up for work and proceeded to yell and cuss obscenities because he couldn't find his keys. He woke up the kids and sent my blood pressure through the roof. I gave him my keys, which he could have just taken and he left for work.


I check on my kids and my dd asks for a bucked and before I get back has puked all over the bed. My ds is hacking in bed with a bad cold. I am taking care of dd and changing her sheets when I step on something and cut my foot open. As soon as I get everyone settled....cue the baby, awake to eat again.


Ugh, my kiddos would have slept until 10... What a morning :(

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