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Peaches Geldof Dies at 25


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OK, not being in the UK, I kind of only knew her for being a strangely named celebrity offspring, but the statement by her Dad is just heartbreaking.  I always admired him for taking in Michael Hutchence and Paula Yates' daughter after both of their deaths.


Very very sad for her poor babies she left behind.




"Peaches has died. We are beyond pain. She was the wildest, funniest, cleverest, wittiest and the most bonkers of all of us.

Writing "was" destroys me afresh. What a beautiful child. How is this possible that we will not see her again? How is that bearable? We loved her and will cherish her forever. How sad that sentence is.

Tom and her sons Astala and Phaedra will always belong in our family, fractured so often, but never broken.

Bob, Jeanne, Fifi, Pixie and Tiger Geldof."

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I cannot imagine what the family must be going through right now...and the two little ones.   They aren't old enough to have memories of mom to hold on to.  So incredibly tragic!  


I agree, Umsami, I was really impressed that her father took in and raised Tiger Lilly after his wife (ex-wife?) and her boyfriend died.

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It's so sad. Have they determined what happened? The last report I saw was still saying "sudden and unexplained."


I can't even imagine the shock and grief her family is going through. :(


No, they don't know.  It may sound strange but I hope that it turns out to be some weird heart defect or something. I really hope it's not drugs or anything.  Who knows, perhaps it's something inheritable that by dying, she will save her sisters or her kids from. (Because they'll know about it now.)  


That is so very sad.  How awful for the family.  Didn't she recently have a 2nd child? 


Yes…her second little boy is maybe a year old.  Both boys are too young to have memories of their Mom, and from what I've read, she was a very hands-on, loving Mom.  I really hope that paparazzi agencies which took photos of her with her kids, will put together a book of them for each of her kids. It's the least they could do.


That family sure has had a lot to deal with. :(

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No, they don't know. It may sound strange but I hope that it turns out to be some weird heart defect or something. I really hope it's not drugs or anything. Who knows, perhaps it's something inheritable that by dying, she will save her sisters or her kids from. (Because they'll know about it now.)



I am also wondering if there is any suspicion that it may have been a suicide, only because it was so sudden. Obviously, I am hoping that wasn't the case and it turns out to be some sort of natural cause, but that isn't something hereditary, so her children and sisters won't have to worry that they might have the same condition.


It's just awful. She was so young and her children are so little. :(

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I'd missed when Tiger Lily became Hutchence Geldof. I knew he was raising her, but apparently Bob adopted her in 2007.

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Isn't that basically what happened to Karen Carpenter? It was so many years ago that I may be remembering incorrectly.


She was underweight, week, had chronic problems associated with anorexia, but IIRC she ODed on ipecac syrup and had a heart attack.

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Yes it is what happened to Karen Carpenter. Very sad.

And I am sad about Peaches. Another reason to not like Mondays.


She was underweight, week, had chronic problems associated with anorexia, but IIRC she ODed on ipecac syrup and had a heart attack.

Thanks. :)

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She was underweight, week, had chronic problems associated with anorexia, but IIRC she ODed on ipecac syrup and had a heart attack.

The coroner stated that he believed ipecac had been used to induce vomiting.  No empty bottles were found, though, and the family questioned the findings.  But yes, Karen was extremely underweight and in a weakened condition and her divorce was to be finalized that day.  She had a heart attack.  The heart was determined to have been severely weakened by her long term battle with anorexia.  Richard Carpenter says she used stool softeners, maybe other things, to lose weight, not ipecac, because using ipecac to induce vomiting could have damaged her vocal chords, something she tried hard never to do even though she couldn't seem to see that damaging the rest of her body to stay thin was even more destructive.  He and her mother dispute the ipecac finding (but not the anorexia, just the method she was using).

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  • 4 weeks later...

Just bumping this thread because I saw a news report that said that the cause of death was a heroin overdose.


I was really hoping it was some sort of sudden health issue and that it wasn't drug-related. :(


Where did you hear that? I wasn't aware a cause had yet been released.   :(


ETA: Never mind. I see it all over now.

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Where did you hear that? I wasn't aware a cause had yet been released. :(


ETA: Never mind. I see it all over now.

It's so awful that she died exactly as her mother did. Have the reports said whether or not it was an accidental or an intentional overdose? I'm only wondering because a few news reports are saying she had become increasingly obsessed with her mother's heroin overdose, and now it turns out she died in the exact same way.


Whatever happened, I feel so sorry for her children. It seems even worse now that we know it was a heroin overdose and that she did it with her 11mo old child right there in the room with her. :(


She suffered so much as a result of what her mother did, and now she has done exactly the same thing to her own children, whom she apparently adored.


She must have had many emotional and psychological problems that she kept well-hidden from the public. It sounds like her family loved her very much, so I'm sure they tried to help her. I'm sure they are absolutely heartbroken.

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I just saw the news reports, though I had suspicions that it was a overdose all along, I hoped that it would turn out to be something else  :sad:  It looked similar to that Glee actor's passing - a young person with a heroin habit for a long time followed by a few years of sobriety and then a sudden death.


I just hope that  the health of her poor little kids did not get affected by the drugs in her house. The link that I read said that they suspect that someone did a "cleanup" and removed all the drug paraphernalia before calling the emergency services. They seem to think that the only reason they did not find anything suspicious onsite was because of the alleged "cleanup". Doubly sad.

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I just saw the news reports, though I had suspicions that it was a overdose all along, I hoped that it would turn out to be something else :sad: It looked similar to that Glee actor's passing - a young person with a heroin habit for a long time followed by a few years of sobriety and then a sudden death.


I just hope that the health of her poor little kids did not get affected by the drugs in her house. The link that I read said that they suspect that someone did a "cleanup" and removed all the drug paraphernalia before calling the emergency services. They seem to think that the only reason they did not find anything suspicious onsite was because of the alleged "cleanup". Doubly sad.

I hadn't read about the cleanup, but it makes sense that someone must have done that now that we know what actually happened to her.

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Just bumping this thread because I saw a news report that said that the cause of death was a heroin overdose.


I was really hoping it was some sort of sudden health issue and that it wasn't drug-related. :(


I felt the same way when I read that. I had so hoped it would turn out to have been something not under her control. It's awful for those kids to lose their mom, anyway, but this feels worse, somehow.

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Yes, I saw that was leaked last night and I was really hoping it wasn't true.  Her husband found her, along with his Mom, so I'm assuming he cleaned up anything….or….perhaps somebody else had been there and cleaned her up when things went wrong.  (The husband and their eldest son had been staying with his Mom for the weekend.)


I've never done heroin, so I guess I don't know it's appeal. I'd like to believe if my Mom died of it, though, I'd stay far away…but perhaps this was a way she thought she'd understand her Mom or whats he did.   I did read that she had OD'd at an earlier time, including having stopped breathing.  I have heard from some NDE people that the experience is so wonderful, that some long to go back to it.



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Yeah, there are plenty of people who choose not to go on the same path of addiction as their parents did before them. It may require a different lifestyle, though. If a parent is an alcoholic and you have a typical life, maybe it's easier to not go down the path than if your life is filled with clubs, parties, special events, the entertainment business, etc.


Its a shame she didn't make it even as far as her mother did.


I do believe some people have an unconscious (or not so unconscious) death wish. If so, what a burden to carry.

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I've never done heroin, so I guess I don't know it's appeal. I'd like to believe if my Mom died of it, though, I'd stay far away…


Especially more so, because she went about her life calling herself the victim of her mother's death due to heroin overdose and used words like "trauma" and "tragic" etc to describe the experience. And a logical person would like to break the vicious cycle rather than perpetuate it by putting their toddlers through what happened to themselves when they were in their preteens. 


I am feeling upset that a person can go about calling themselves a devoted and loving parent and then endager their baby with drugs in the home. Why can't rich and famous people like her get the help they need with all the money they have? She had so many influential/famous people at her funeral - any of them would have helped her out in a hearbeat if she had reached out :(

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She suffered so much as a result of what her mother did, and now she has done exactly the same thing to her own children, whom she apparently adored.




I saw the cause of death in the news. So very sad.


I don't understand the reasons, but a very close, life-long friend of mine had a mother who was an alcoholic.  The mom dumped her kids, moved away and the kids were raised by their father. Mom died of throat cancer in her late 40s.


My friend became an alcoholic. She left her kids to be raised by her ex-husband (divorced due to her drinking). And yes, she passed away a year ago at 49, due to her alcoholism.


I don't get it.


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I feel like I understand addiction as a disease and that it can kill. Honestly, I'm trying to figure out why people who have these problems have kids. If I were battling a major life-treatening illness that might cause me to leave my kids behind, I wouldn't consider myself in a position to have kids.


I know that probably sounds mean....


She may have been sober when she started a family and then relapsed.   We always need to have hope and kids bring hope.

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More and more scientific evidence is showing a difference in brain chemistry and possibly even a difference in brain structure for those that have truly addictive tendencies and this appears to have a genetic component.  And many in the field of psychology are thinking that an entirely new approach needs to be taken with regards to generational addiction.  Genetics may play a very strong role and the brain chemistry can be difficult to fight.  There is a growing body of evidence showing that, based on highly detailed brain scans over time, even after a person has gone through rehab to remove the physical substance from the system and has gone through counseling to help overcome the emotional dependency, the underlying addictive reaction to even the THOUGHT of the substance is still overwhelmingly strong and can be just as strong as before the interventions.  This is why rehab and short term psychological counseling frequently fail.  The brain chemistry has not truly altered and the triggers to the addiction still exist even without the actual substance in the system.  Trying to quit once you start may become a nearly insurmountable challenge without strong outside intervention extremely long-term.


I am truly saddened for this family.  I hope with all my heart that someone is able to stop this cycle from continuing on to the next generation.

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Just speaking from observation of family members, a person who is dependent and using is not usually going to make thoughtful, mature choices in life.



And may be frantically seeking something to fill the void inside them, through drugs, relationships, having children, whatever comes along, without being able to see long term consequences or plan anything ahead of time.  They are just honestly surviving from moment to moment.  I doubt she was planning any of it.  She was just existing and reacting.  At least that is what seems to have been what I have observed with the few people I have known personally that were either alcoholic or using.

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