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There be dragons! Sherlock S3 discussions

Mom in High Heels

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Okay, since many, many, many of us have seen S3 and are now mourning the fact that it's over already, I thought we should have a full on spoiler thread.  Feel free to discuss each amazing episode.  Here are a few of my thoughts:


The Empty Hearse


I didn't like the way Sherlock revealed himself to John.  It seemed too campy and unSherlock like, IMO.  I did like that he thought John had no life since he'd been gone.  That is typical Sherlock.  I lol'd (as did James Bond) at the looks on John and Sherlock's faces when they met Molly's fiancé.  He looked so much like Sherlock.  I wonder if Molly bought him (Tom?) the coat and scarf.  The how theories of his survival happened cracked me up.  That kiss with Molly was HOT.  



Sign of Three


I loved it like crazy.  I would watch an entire show of drunk Sherlock and Drunk John.  He's cluing for looks!  Sitty thing!  And the fact that John spiked Sherlock's carefully measured drinks and took shots himself, so it only took 2 hours for them to get ripped.  "Hudders!"  Perfection.   Sherlock wrote a waltz for them and tested it out.  OMG!  I swear my ovaries quivered!  It seemed a bit out of character (again) for Sherlock to take such an interest in the wedding.  Or maybe it was just his way of dealing with the fact that John was moving out and into a different type of life.   I was sad we didn't get to see any of the wedding, but outside the church with the flower petals was lovely, and the reception as well.  I kept thinking, Wow, look at those flowers!  They shelled out some money!  There was so much goodness in this episode that I can't even think of it all!  I just loved it.  I was really hoping we'd get at least one Sherlock/Molly dance at the wedding.  I wanted her to follow him outside and have a dance with just the 2 of them.  Sigh.  Yes, I'm a Sherlock/Molly shipper.



His Last Vow


I can't even talk about this one yet.  It's all too much.   I need to watch it again to try to get my brain to wrap itself around everything that happened.



Okay, discuss!

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The Molly kiss - :svengo: 


The Moriarity kiss  - :svengo: 


Even Anderson has gained some redemption. 


His parents - I figured out before he said it, I like that is was his actual parents. However, I pictured them as more stuffy - more like Mycroft. 


The wedding - I figured out the victim before they said it. I knew it had to do with the belt, but couldn't figure out how. Loved the waltz, loved the speech. As far as his involvement, I see it as proper. Sherlock knows how to be proper, but he'll put his own twist on it. I wondered what their catering budget was! 


Episode 3 - I can barely talk about it yet. Mary, Mary, Mary...I choked when John told her that her future was his privilege. Can we discuss Moriarity? *fan girl spaz* While you all are chasing Mr. Cumberbatch, I'll be running after Andrew Scott - historically I have a thing for shorter Irish men *cough*. 


The dragon thing was cool, the smoking even funnier. 

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I agree MIHH  about how Sherlock revealed himself.... I was expecting more...I don't know, drama??? not a fake mustache and french waiter routine...


As far as the last episode, well, please tell me I am not the only one who as soon as they mentioned the perfume, thought, MARY???? I just knew that the politician lady (sorry her name has slipped my mind) wasn't the type to get her hands messy.....1st I thought maybe he kidnapped Mary or something, then that black figure holding a gun??? I SCREAMED at the tv: NO!! MARY??!!!


But it did not turn out to be as diabolical as I thought they were going to make it. I thought they might make Mary disappear or the like. And that would leave with a heartbroken John, and that is just toooooo........???


And please tell me I wasn't the only one who's jaw dropped when a woman walked out of Sherlock's bedroom, in his shirt it looked like.......I think I sat there for a few minutes just trying to process: Sherlock + girlfriend..... :ohmy: :eek:


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I think it's the best season yet and am going to watch all over again on PBS. I felt like the biggest fangirl while watching and couldn't stop grinning. I loved the red herrings about how he did it and the humor in the first episode of the season, including the reveal to John. There were definitely liberties taken with the literary Sherlock that I can't imagine ACD's character ever saying or even thinking in the second episode, but I don't care! I loved the speech. The allusions to Sherlock as a Jesus figure in The Empty Hearse were interesting. I'm still processing the last episode and need to watch it again. My first impression was that I didn't like it, but by the end I did.

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The Molly kiss - :svengo: Dear heavens, yes!  There are gifs all over the interwebs of that bit of hotness.




His parents - I figured out before he said it, I like that is was his actual parents. However, I pictured them as more stuffy - more like Mycroft. I figured it out too, and loved the look on John's face.  I really thought they'd be more like Mycroft too.  They were adorable.  I really liked them in Ep 3, but I can't talk about that right now!


The wedding - I figured out the victim before they said it. I knew it had to do with the belt, but couldn't figure out how. I figured out who the victim was too, but James Bond figured out the how, the who and the why, and even what the first victim had to do with it.  Smarty pants!  He was quite proud of himself.  

Loved the waltz, YES!  It was lovely, and such a Sherlock thing to do.  I think he plays music to express his feelings, because words don't work for him.  loved the speech. Oh, the speech.  He FOUND his words.  The flashback to when John asked him to be the best man was hilarious.  When he talked about how touched he was that he was someone's best friend, I nearly lost it.  As far as his involvement, I see it as proper. Sherlock knows how to be proper, but he'll put his own twist on it. I kind of get that, but he just seemed too happy about it.  It was weird.  I wondered what their catering budget was!  I know!  That whole wedding was fab.


Episode 3 - I can barely talk about it yet. Mary, Mary, Mary...I choked when John told her that her future was his privilege. I still can't go there.  Can we discuss Moriarity? *fan girl spaz* While you all are chasing Mr. Cumberbatch, I'll be running after Andrew Scott - historically I have a thing for shorter Irish men *cough*.  You're welcome to him, though I think you have loads of competition there too.  I personally have a type, and it's tall(ish), slim and dark haired.  Every guy I've ever dated has pretty much fit that type.  


The dragon thing was cool, the smoking even funnier.  The smoking!  OMG, that was hilarious!  "It was Mycroft!"



I still haven't gotten to the point where I can talk about it without fanning myself and mumbling incoherently.  LOL!  

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I think it's the best season yet and am going to watch all over again on PBS. I felt like the biggest fangirl while watching and couldn't stop grinning. Well, we could be fangirling together!  



. I'm still processing the last episode and need to watch it again. My first impression was that I didn't like it, but by the end I did.   I thought it was just me!!!  I was not really enjoying it at first, but thought it could be early onset Sherlock hiatus depression (That's a real thing, right?).  Of course by the end, I was all wha...uh...gah...but...huh...he...what?  WHAT?  MORE!  MORE!  MORE!


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The Empty Hearse


I enjoyed the humor in the reveal. "Surprise me." "I'm certainly endeavoring to, sir." Maybe it was out of character for Sherlock, but I reveled in seeing BC in that light.[i've only seen him in Sherlock and Amazing Grace. And that was before I was Sherlocked, so, you know. Got lots of watching to do.] And every time John assaulted Sherlock was hilarious. I love his facial expression after Sherlock told him he needed his help to thwart an attack on London, you know, after John had head butted him. ROFLOL! 


And Mrs. Hudson asking John, "What's his name?" when he told her he's getting married (or asking). John's reaction! Too funny! (I just had to stop typing b/c I was laughing so hard just recalling the scene.) Martin Freeman, has he done anything wrong on film? Ever? I think not!


Yes to the Molly kiss! Shake the glass off your coat and out of your hair, hold her face and plant one on her. YEAH!


Sign of Three


The stag night: hilarity. They were out for 2 hours and were on the steps outside their flat asleep! And falling asleep when the client was telling her story? "Rude, rude!" AND THE GUESSING GAME! King of England and Madonna. Stop it! My sides hurt!!!


The "cluing for looks" was priceless. Anyone else pause to read each word on the screen for Sherlock's reads? "Deaded?"  "sleeeeeep" "hi tech thing" "pipe/tube/wotsit" and "thingamebob"


Oh, my. But poor Molly. Wouldn't Sherlock be cross w/ her b/c he did indeed get ill? Never the wiser to John's supplementation. 


Best part, which my DH caught, but I initially missed: when Sherlock falls asleep while cluing for looks and the landlord gets him up. "Whoa, whoa, whoa! What are you doing? Don't compromise the integrity of the.... [ralphs}..." and then John comes up w/ "CRIME SCENE!" and goes to high five their client because he's proud he came up w/ the answer. Hilarious!


I love Mary and love that she and John are married IRL. Yes, I'd like to have seen some of the ceremony too. 


His Last Vow


I'm with y'all. I'm still processing it. I miss the humor of the first 2 episodes, but hey had to get down to business w/ the season finale. I'm heart-broken. Someone has bested my Sherlock. Not possible! Recalculate! Do over! I don't like it. And John is a prince, but we knew that. Never saw that coming with Mary.


I know it was only to get to Magnussen, but I hated with colors attached to it Sherlock's having a girlfriend! And kissing her! NO!!! Wait for Molly!!!


I am going back through all the episodes now to watch again. I'm in season 2 now. Maybe by the time I get to S3E3, I can better handle it. I doubt it, though. 





That's it for now, but I reserve the right to add more later. I mean, it's Sherlock!



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Sign of Three

I was sad we didn't get to see any of the wedding, but outside the church with the flower petals was lovely, and the reception as well.  I kept thinking, Wow, look at those flowers!  They shelled out some money!  There was so much goodness in this episode that I can't even think of it all!  I just loved it.  






I meant to write that it's so cool that Laura almost got married in the same hall! It's gorgeous. 

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Anyone else so appreciate Laura's input? Makes me feel closer to 221B Baker Street! Thanks, Laura.


Applying your offer to "Ask a Brit", are telegrams (regrets) really read at weddings? Do tell! Please?

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Anyone else so appreciate Laura's input? Makes me feel closer to 221B Baker Street! Thanks, Laura.


Applying your offer to "Ask a Brit", are telegrams (regrets) really read at weddings? Do tell! Please?



Aaah - you're sweet.


Yes, telegrams are read at weddings.



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Martin Freeman is an amazing actor. He managed to portray the joy, hate, anger, hurt and other competing emotions John was feeling when Sherlock revealed he was alive. Even though it was otherwise a comical scene, I got a little choked up because I felt so bad for him. I wanted to punch Sherlock too.

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EH-Oh, I too loved John hitting Sherlock.  If you notice (I didn't, James Bond did), that they were in a different restaurant each time.  He was guessing they kept getting thrown out.  How funny was Mary in that scene?  And no, I don't think Martin Freeman has ever done anything worn on film.  I don't think he gets quite enough credit for the sheer genius of his acting in Sherlock.  He can convey an awful lot in one look.  



So3-So many things!

I thought the guessing game was Madonna and Sherlock Holmes, not the King of England.  

The dance!  Sherlock loves to dance!  Who knew?  

Oh, and did you catch that the guard is Dean Thomas in Harry Potter?  When we first saw him, I said "Why does he look so familiar?"  

I thought is was crazy funny that Sherlock bribed the little boy (who looked like a junior Sherlock!) by showing him pictures of dead bodies.  Ha!  

When LeStrade came rushing in to Sherlock's apt and had called for backup, only to find that Sherlock just needed stories about John for his speech.   I feel badly for poor LeStrade.  I thought for sure John would at least ask him to join them on the stag night.  He's not a bad guy.  He just wants to be loved!   :D



HLV-I still can't talk about it!  I can say though that Sherlock having a girlfriend (other than Molly, of course) was just WRONG.  I knew something was up when he shut the door and the smile fell off his face and he looked relieved that she was gone.  Also the fact that he didn't have anything to say about it to John until John badgered him.

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EH-Oh, I too loved John hitting Sherlock.  If you notice (I didn't, James Bond did), that they were in a different restaurant each time.  He was guessing they kept getting thrown out.  How funny was Mary in that scene?  And no, I don't think Martin Freeman has ever done anything worn on film.  I don't think he gets quite enough credit for the sheer genius of his acting in Sherlock.  He can convey an awful lot in one look.  


Yes about the bold above!!! I knew they were in at least 2 different restaurants, didn't catch that every assault was in a new place. Good observation, James Bond!


So3-So many things!

I thought the guessing game was Madonna and Sherlock Holmes, not the King of England.  


You slay me! Go back and watch it again. YOu're right. It's Madonna and Sherlock, but Sherlock guessed "the current king of England."  :lol: 



When LeStrade came rushing in to Sherlock's apt and had called for backup, only to find that Sherlock just needed stories about John for his speech.   I feel badly for poor LeStrade.  I thought for sure John would at least ask him to join them on the stag night.  He's not a bad guy.  He just wants to be loved!   :D


It cracks me up that Sherlock *never* knows Lestrade's first name!


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I knew they were in at least 2 different restaurants, didn't catch that every assault was in a new place. Good observation, James Bond!  Yep.  Each time.  I had to rewind it to see.


So3-So many things!

I thought the guessing game was Madonna and Sherlock Holmes, not the King of England.  


You slay me! Go back and watch it again. YOu're right. It's Madonna and Sherlock, but Sherlock guessed "the current king of England."   :lol:  Oh, you're right.  I remember laughing at the fact that it was his own name, and the fact that he guessed the current king.  JB asked why I was laughing, and I said "Because there is no current king of England."  JB looked at me with an eye roll and said "Nerd."


It cracks me up that Sherlock *never* knows Lestrade's first name!  â€‹I know, poor, poor GREG!  I thought it was telling though that he got Molly's fiancé's name right.  He acted like he didn't quite know it, but he totally did.  


Eventually I'm going to have to start talking about HLV.  I need to rewatch it first.  JB hasn't seen it, so I'll watch it with him.  He always has interesting observations.  Maybe then I can talk about it.

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​I know, poor, poor GREG!  I thought it was telling though that he got Molly's fiancé's name right.  He acted like he didn't quite know it, but he totally did.  


Eventually I'm going to have to start talking about HLV.  I need to rewatch it first.  JB hasn't seen it, so I'll watch it with him.  He always has interesting observations.  Maybe then I can talk about it.


Exactly! Priceless. I thought he'd do what Joey from Friends says a guy does, getting the name sort of close, but not quite. As if he doesn't know the exact name of the man who stole his girl! Funny how long he took to get it out. Molly just let him (fake) fish for it too. Go, Molly!


Listen to me talking about one tv show and comparing it to another one. I know they are not real! But I am a vidiot. I can't help it. It's cheaper than therapy. 



James Bond hasn't seen the last one? Inconceivable!

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Exactly! Priceless. I thought he'd do what Joey from Friends says a guy does, getting the name sort of close, but not quite. As if he doesn't know the exact name of the man who stole his girl! Funny how long he took to get it out. Molly just let him (fake) fish for it too. Go, Molly!  Molly is genius.  I want more of her character in S4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10....(that's possible, right?).  She's brave, loyal and a bit of a badass under that timid exterior.  She SLAPPED Sherlock!  She's not afraid or intimidated by him anymore.  Team Molly!


Listen to me talking about one tv show and comparing it to another one. I know they are not real! But I am a vidiot. I can't help it. It's cheaper than therapy.  Preach that!



James Bond hasn't seen the last one? Inconceivable!  I know!  He has a 4 day weekend (I wish I got 4 day weekends) so we're watching it tomorrow or Sat.  I need his support to get through it again, knowing what happens.



And every restaurant was a lower quality restaurant than the previous one so that by the last one there wasn't even a place to sit down. Sherlock is so well done with so many layers upon layers that it becomes a painting masterpiece.  You are so correct!  Fortunately, it's a real masterpiece, unlike the fake one in S2!  The layering though has caused me to go back and rewatch S1 and 2 looking for the layers and reading something into every word, look, glance, smile, etc.  It's kind of making me nutty and obsessive.


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I big fat puffy heart loved the kiss with Molly. And I loved the change in Anderson's character. Perfect.


And the big hug Lestradt gave Sherlock when he saw him alive. 


And when Mary said, "I like him" speaking of Sherlock to John.


And the whole thing with the mustache. So funny.


And at the end of episode 3 when Sherlock said there was something he has wanted to say to John for a while and then says "Sherlock is actually a girl's name." :)


And I actually liked that Sherlock shot Magnussen. I was actually screaming "John, just shoot him!" to the TV. Does that make me a bad person? So I was even more glad that Sherlock did it.


And I really hope that Moriarty is back because I love him as a villain. I never really "felt" it with Magnussen. He was just sort of ho-hum to me.



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Tomorrow they're launching an app in which the player is a part of Sherlock's homeless network. There will be some exclusive video clips too! 
ETA: Rats! Looks like it's out tomorrow only in the UK.
Sherlock: The Network is released on the UK App Store on January 20 2014, priced at £2.99.
International releases dates and an Android version are set to be announced in the future.

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So, I don't have a tv that is hooked up to an antenna or cable etc. So I will not see the PBS debut, but that is ok. It was so yummy as was that I don't think I want to see the "Americanized" version.

But I am kind of having withdraw symptoms. It just hit me that there is no new episode tonight...... what'll I do with my Sunday evening??? No seriously, What will I do??????

Stalk Watch pinterest for some new fan funnies??? Anybody......???

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Do they change things?  What things?  Why would they bother?


There's little editing done from what I've seen of the previous seasons. 


From the Masterpiece FAQs:

Are MASTERPIECE programs edited for broadcast?

All of our programs originate in the UK and are produced to fit UK television standard slot lengths. Many are edited to fit our PBS time slot, which is different from those in the UK.

Editing to fit television's time slots is a fact of life for almost all programming.

When faced with the need to edit, we take it very seriously and approach our editing decisions with great care. Almost always, it is the UK producers who determine and edit the scenes to be trimmed from the U.S. broadcast. Our goal is to deliver to you the film that is closest to the original intent of the producers.

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I am not an expert, but my undertanding was for time. Here is one blogger who discusses the differences in the episode of "A Scandal in Belgravia": http://calverosdepot.com/2012/05/11/sherlock-bbc-vs-pbs-versions-a-scandal-in-belgravia/


Hm.  I'm realizing that I watched all of series 2 on DVDs I bought from the UK (and series 3 on Tunnelbear), so I've never watched the PBS ones except for series 1, but since I've rewatched all of the 1st on Netflix and DVD (before it was on Netflix)...


it's cruddy that they cut so much!!  Yeah, it's not a lot, but it's some fun bits. :)


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it's cruddy that they cut so much!!  Yeah, it's not a lot, but it's some fun bits. :)



Yeah, it is little things, but those little things are what make it extra yummy! :lol: Kind of like the croutons in the salad or the maraschino cherries in the fruit salad! :laugh:


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People who watch it repeatedly claim to be able to tell that the pace is quicker on the PBS version.


I don't think that would bother me so much for season 3, since the pace of the episodes isn't quite so zippy.


ETA;  I sort of want to watch the PBS version simply to see if they cut John putting on his glove and saying "cough".  I don't know why I'm so obsessed with knowing whether they cut that bit.

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Fingers in ears lalalala for the last two episodes.


We just finished watching The Empty Hearse, and I didn't like it at all. Why not? I thought it was less about Holmes being clever and solving mysteries and all about Moffatt being clever. I'm getting pretty tired of Moffatt and am not sure how much longer I can put up with his "Look at me. Look at how clever I am." BS.  Doctor Who is included in this. Please Mr. Moffatt, just tell a good story and stop trying to show off and see how many tricks you can play in one episode of one show. 



It makes me sad, because I once loved both of those shows. He's pushing me away. Sigh.

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But they did cut Sherlock's "F" right before. That was the only change I noticed.


Really?  Darn PBS!  Benedict Cumberbatch makes every word sound elegant.  


I'm constantly amused by the the editing done on shows.  I record JAG every day on INSP (Inspiration) and they bleep out damn, hell, and ass (as in, you bet your ass), but the other day, they bleeped the word Viagra.  That one left me scratching my head.

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People who watch it repeatedly claim to be able to tell that the pace is quicker on the PBS version.


I don't think that would bother me so much for season 3, since the pace of the episodes isn't quite so zippy.


ETA;  I sort of want to watch the PBS version simply to see if they cut John putting on his glove and saying "cough".  I don't know why I'm so obsessed with knowing whether they cut that bit.

They did not cut that bit!  


Just so you know. :D

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See what you think after the last two. I loved them.


It's really going to depend on whether or not they're solving a mystery. That's what I like about the original Sherlock Holmes, and every adaptation of it I've ever seen or read. I loved the first season of Sherlock because they were doing just that - solving mysteries. The second season started to wander away from mystery solving, and the first episode of this season is completely off the rails. I'll give the other episodes a chance, but I'm not holding out much hope.

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Fingers in ears lalalala for the last two episodes.


We just finished watching The Empty Hearse, and I didn't like it at all. Why not? I thought it was less about Holmes being clever and solving mysteries and all about Moffatt being clever. I'm getting pretty tired of Moffatt and am not sure how much longer I can put up with his "Look at me. Look at how clever I am." BS.  Doctor Who is included in this. Please Mr. Moffatt, just tell a good story and stop trying to show off and see how many tricks you can play in one episode of one show. 



It makes me sad, because I once loved both of those shows. He's pushing me away. Sigh.


Actually, Mark Gatiss wrote that (brilliant, IMHO) episode. 

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It's really going to depend on whether or not they're solving a mystery. That's what I like about the original Sherlock Holmes, and every adaptation of it I've ever seen or read. I loved the first season of Sherlock because they were doing just that - solving mysteries. The second season started to wander away from mystery solving, and the first episode of this season is completely off the rails. I'll give the other episodes a chance, but I'm not holding out much hope.

I agree. I didn't stream it early, and have only seen the first episode, but I was also disappointed. I sort of want to watch it again and count how much time was actually spent on the terrorist plot. Sure, it's probably just one piece of a larger puzzle, but so were most of the cases in the Moriarty arc and still managed to stay the focus of the episode.


I'm used to Gatiss-penned episodes being solid, but slightly less clever, however this episode was patently neither. It was a bit out-of-character, too. Sherlock acted hyped up on sugar or something, like he pulled a Poirot and dumped chocolate in his tea.

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The "cluing for looks" was priceless. Anyone else pause to read each word on the screen for Sherlock's reads? "Deaded?"  "sleeeeeep" "hi tech thing" "pipe/tube/wotsit" and "thingamebob"




I always pause those. That was why I wasn't shocked when Mary started shooting people. When the words are first flying around her one of them is "Liar."


"Sitty thing?!?!" :lol:

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It's really going to depend on whether or not they're solving a mystery. That's what I like about the original Sherlock Holmes, and every adaptation of it I've ever seen or read. I loved the first season of Sherlock because they were doing just that - solving mysteries. The second season started to wander away from mystery solving, and the first episode of this season is completely off the rails. I'll give the other episodes a chance, but I'm not holding out much hope.


You probably won't enjoy the second episode - solving the mystery is a small part of it - but the third episode will be up your street.



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I agree. I didn't stream it early, and have only seen the first episode, but I was also disappointed. I sort of want to watch it again and count how much time was actually spent on the terrorist plot. Sure, it's probably just one piece of a larger puzzle, but so were most of the cases in the Moriarty arc and still managed to stay the focus of the episode.


I'm used to Gatiss-penned episodes being solid, but slightly less clever, however this episode was patently neither. It was a bit out-of-character, too. Sherlock acted hyped up on sugar or something, like he pulled a Poirot and dumped chocolate in his tea.


Huh. Some folks watch this show for the plot. Interesting. 

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