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Who's going to tackle Thursday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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I guess I have to join the real world again and start tackling.  Boo!



To do:


B'fast, lunch, dinner (Easy!  We're ordering pizza, because my mom has to watch the AL game and can't eat regular food while it's on, because she might throw it.  I swear this is the truth.)


Run a few errands with James Bond without the kids (this may sound silly, but it's a luxury to be able to do this)


1 load of laundry


Sweep, LR, DR, kitchen and entry


Take down outside decor   :(




Not watch the football game (my mother swears I cannot be her child because I have no interest in football)-I might take down the outside decor while they watch the game


Take my mom and step-dad to the airport!  They have a late flight, which is a good thing I suppose, since they can watch the game.


Get home from the airport quite late


Eat stuff I shouldn't before going to bed


Dream about something awesome, and by that, I mean Johnny Depp, Benedict Cumberbatch or 1999/2000 Richard Dean Anderson (that was when he was the hottest IMO).  I don't need to dream about James Bond, because I have him with me.   :001_wub:

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Good Morning....


Today I'm going to accomplish:

  • quick clean the house--30 minutes per floor--quick tidy, vacuum, empty trash and dust, wipe down bathrooms
  • work on lesson planning all afternoon
  • put meatballs and pasta sauce in crockpot for dinner
  • laundry- white, dark, and towels
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Lets see what I get done, I swear I'm getting more labor signs so we will see what happens, Juli might be a bit early

- dishes (must be done, if I do go into labor I don't want to come home to that)- done

- tidy kitchen- done for the day

- tidy up living room- done for the day

- one load of laundry- in the dryer

- take down tree- just have to get dh to put the stuff back in the shed

- 52 week declutter organization (I can start late because there are a lot of weeks that don't apply to my home (like basement, attic, garage...)- need to print a new calendar (right now I don't feel like printing one)

- decide on some books for the 52 challenge (trying for all free on nook or kindle iPhone app, will download what I find when I have Juli since the hospital has free wifi)- getting some ideas

- dinner- in the oven

- bedtime routine

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Turkeys and hams in ovens here and at Church as dh and ds are serving dinner to the homeless at Christ House this evening.


Ice pack still on my mouth........throbbing again from the stitches pulling but so thankful this has not been the nightmare I feared.


Go over homework with the twins before school starts on Monday. Dd14 has to get her new semester of materials organized and wrap her brain around her new courses.


Dh and I are meeting with builder's associate to make last minute changes to our contract that we missed on Monday.


Our agent is having an open house here on Sunday.........minimal tidying up needed.....tree is already down and decorations put away (all while I was in bed with ice on my mouth)


Figure out something for dinner tonight.......I must change my geographical location from the bed to the kitchen or I will not be able to hit the ground running on Monday.


Wishing everyone a wonderful Thursday!

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Good morning!


Today, I have driving for morning practice.

Take dd1 to climb

Lunch with sil and mil

Home for a bit, where I will do some laundry, wipe down bathrooms and put a few Christmas decorations away.

Afternoon practice: swimming only



dog for a walk

Write for 30 minutes

Art/Craft for 30 minutes

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We're still on break schedule :) Ds and dh are both at work. The girls haven't come downstairs yet, though I do hear noises from the bedrooms. I'm still in my jammies :lol:


Snow is expected to begin around drive time tonight and will continue until tomorrow noonish. 3-5" which means we can get anywhere from a dusting to 8"-----hoping for the higher side!


So today:

--make sure dd has her script memorized for FLL (prelim is a week from Saturday)

--exercise: Pilates back and butt according to the calendar (I follow the plan on Blogilates.com)

--make grocery list for this next cycle if the ads come in today's mail (holidays sometimes mess up the delivery)

--pull everything from my side of the closet

--try on all the clothes and shoes and explore outfit combinations (dd18 says I should take pictures)

--put back only what I love and what looks good on me (the girls will help, I'm sure)

--bag/box other clothes and shoes for donation, inventorying as I go for next year's taxes

--make dinner


--update Goodreads!

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cleaning up the mess from Xmas- putting away some decorations and things back where they belong.



Cleaning up cupboards- the severe cold has driven the mice despite our cats so we are putting everything in glass or plastic and cleaning up the crumbs!

Sketching out blog posts for next couple of months - I have 17 drafts done so far- woot!

Working on a review

Deciding what few curriculum add-on's to get for spring - we are in need of a few more audio/ visual things for when I'm at work.

Work early afternoon to mid-eve

Pray that the job interview I had just before xmas materializes into a real thing.

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laundry going
dinner in crock pot
grocery store trip done

I still haven't organized the pantry.  Maybe I'll do that today.
I downloaded several free books from Kindle. I want to start one of those.
House is still clean so nothing to do there
Enjoy my family


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Good morning all!

Ok, I know I have a sinus infection. &@$%#^!!! I don't want to call the doctor, I just don't want to deal with this, but I can't kick them without antibiotics and I don't want to go into next week feeling worse and worse and worse. This whole thing just stinks! I hate this weather, I hate this drought, I wish it would rain so it would clean the air (we live about 15 miles from the Sierras and we literally cannot see the mountains because of the bad air, besides the fact that we have no water, the rivers are almost dry, the water table is shrinking, and it is getting a little scary ). Ok, I've vented now. Sorry! I guess I'll call the doctor. We haven't gotten our flu shots anyhow, so might as well do that while we're there.


So, as far as tackling the day....

I worked on decluttering/ cleaning my bedroom closet. Filled up a trash bag, got about 5 pairs of shoes and other stuff in a box for charity.

Lesson planning.


Can't go anywhere today, my car is in the shop all day for routine maintenance.


Have a good day ladies!

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laundry going

dinner in crock pot

grocery store trip done


I still haven't organized the pantry.  Maybe I'll do that today.

I downloaded several free books from Kindle. I want to start one of those.

House is still clean so nothing to do there

Enjoy my family

Pantry organized and cupcakes in the oven per little one's request :)


Still haven't sat down and started reading yet.  The days not over with though!

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It's 3pm and I can finally saw, I'm in


To Do today:


work job #1 730am-2

staff meeting 2-230

teens at birthday party 1-5

finish off livingroom including shampoo small sofa and area rug


clean bathroom

change litter box

drop off library items and pick up holds

sew kuk sool won badges onto teens uniforms

clean kitchen

start setting up "science center" in livingroom


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--make sure dd has her script memorized for FLL (prelim is a week from Saturday)

--exercise: Pilates back and butt according to the calendar (I follow the plan on Blogilates.com)

--make grocery list for this next cycle if the ads come in today's mail (holidays sometimes mess up the delivery)

--pull everything from my side of the closet

--try on all the clothes and shoes and explore outfit combinations (dd18 says I should take pictures)

--put back only what I love and what looks good on me (the girls will help, I'm sure)

--bag/box other clothes and shoes for donation, inventorying as I go for next year's taxes

--make dinner


--update Goodreads!


The keeper clothes are all over our bed. I want dh or dd18 to double-check my choices since they're the ones who actually see me!


Off to drive dd14 to ballet and pick up ds (he doesn't like riding home on his bike in the dark in heavy snow), and then I'll make the quiche and roasted sweet potatoes for dinner :)

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