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Who else is DYING that Sherlock is back on in the UK tonight???

Mom in High Heels

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Have you used up your free MB yet?  I've downloaded 2 episodes and still have over 300MB left.  


Ack! You quoted my post before I edited it. I was hoping no one noticed how dumb that looked.  :sneaky2:


Um, I just hit "PLAY" and it buffered, but didn't download it. I'm doing all this on my iPad 2 if that matters. I am dumb. I shouldn't have edited my post.  :rofl:  I tried pausing it and turning off TB, but it wouldn't play. I have 375 left on TB.


Truth told, I just finished Hound of Baskervilles today. I have one ep left before I can watch the new season. I really wanted to score some great mom points, and enjoy S3E1 too. 


Thank you for all your help, High Heels. 

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Ack! You quoted my post before I edited it. I was hoping no one noticed how dumb that looked.  :sneaky2:


Um, I just hit "PLAY" and it buffered, but didn't download it. I'm doing all this on my iPad 2 if that matters. I am dumb. I shouldn't have edited my post.  :rofl:  I tried pausing it and turning off TB, but it wouldn't play. I have 375 left on TB.


Truth told, I just finished Hound of Baskervilles today. I have one ep left before I can watch the new season. I really wanted to score some great mom points, and enjoy S3E1 too. 


Thank you for all your help, High Heels. 


You need to download it to the BBC iPlayer.  Are you using that or are you trying to download it just to your computer?  If you're using BBC iPlayer, you have to wait for the full download before it will play.  Good luck!  S3E1 was FANTASTIC!

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Well! DD wants to wait until it's on PBS here on the 19th. She wants to watch it and/or be able to talk about it w/ her friends. Here I thought I'd get Mother of the Year award. It's been hours since I tweeted about TB and still don't have my 1g credit.


Oh well. Thank you for your help! 


Edited for clarity. 



From what I've heard, PBS cuts bits from the episode and shows it at a different, faster speed; this helps it fit into the time slot they have for it PLUS perhaps something or other about how BBC stuff runs at a different rate than US stuff.  For example, I've heard that PBS left out the bit about stealing the ashtray from Buckingham Palace.  No clue whether or not that's true.  I get most of my info from the Ravelry 221B group, plus my teenagers (one of whom incredibly picky and opinionated about pacing in shows).


I'd guess they'd cut the scene in S3E1 where John puts on the glove and instructs the patient to cough.  

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So second episode. Best episode this season or best episode EVAH :lol:


About half way through I blurted out "I can't decide if this is the best episode of Sherlock or the worst. I think that is a good thing"


I suspect some will have strong feelings against it, but I was well and truly impressed with the writing, acting, directing, heck, the set decorating! It was just amazing.



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I LOVED today's episode.  So good.  There were a few minutes early on where it seemed like it was going to be a montage of unsolved cases, and I thought it was going to turn out sort of meh, but then it really picked up and the last third was spectacular.


Definitely an episode for the fans though, with all the bromance and the dancing.  If anyone is starting the series with this episode, they might be somewhat underwhelmed.

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The bromance was a bit much for me - what with the last episode and this one, I could do with a bit less 'heart-warming', even though I've seen all the episodes up to now.  Well acted though. I like the 'Mary' character.


The main action took place in the venue that Husband and I had picked out for our wedding.  We ended up having to have our wedding under the Redwoods in California (visa reasons).  The orangery is owned by Bristol University.



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Oh. Em. GEEEEEE!  Why must they torture us so?  The trailer looks exciting.  WHAT IS GOING TO HAPPEN‽‽‽‽


I really liked the article too.  It was interesting and voiced a lot of the things I've been wondering, but in a more concise way.


BTW, I'm supposed to tell you all that James Bond figured out the murderer, how it was done and who the next victim was going to be long before Sherlock did. ;) The fact that he figured out the way it was done was impressive, because I wouldn't have thought of that.

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The main action took place in the venue that Husband and I had picked out for our wedding.  We ended up having to have our wedding under the Redwoods in California (visa reasons).  The orangery is owned by Bristol University.





What a gorgeous venue!


Do you all read John's blog?  It was fun to read about the cases we simply saw snippets of.  I wonder if bits of these are pointing to whatever is going to happen in episode 3.  John's blog:  http://johnwatsonblog.co.uk/

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Just saw the second one last night. We're not looking forward to withdrawal symptoms after the third. I read somewhere, (and I hope that it's not true), that it will be two years before Season 4 may come out. Say it isn't so! 
We only just got into Sherlock a few weeks ago and watched them all through Christmas, etc. Thought some of you might like my Pinterest board


For those of you who've seen the second episode  :lol: :



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But I have seen that there IS going to be a fourth season! :hurray:  So, take two years if need be (but don't!) but keep making them!


And now I am busting with theories about the last episode. I can't wait to find out how wrong I am.


And pretty soon it will air on PBS and I can talk about it with my friends and people will post here and squee! won't it be fun?

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This is a spoiler free review of the third (yet to be aired) episode.




I read it (couldn't resist) and agree that it is spoiler free. But, it did really ramp up the excitement! I am shivering in an....tici....


So I read it, and now my head is 'ploding with even more ideas and theories, but I am keeping my speculation to myself.


It's gonna be a long couple years

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This is a spoiler free review of the third (yet to be aired) episode.




I read it (couldn't resist) and agree that it is spoiler free. But, it did really ramp up the excitement! I am shivering in an....tici....


So I read it, and now my head is 'ploding with even more ideas and theories, but I am keeping my speculation to myself.


It's gonna be a long couple years


Ooo-oooh!  Intriguing! 

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This is a spoiler free review of the third (yet to be aired) episode.




I read it (couldn't resist) and agree that it is spoiler free. But, it did really ramp up the excitement! I am shivering in an....tici....


So I read it, and now my head is 'ploding with even more ideas and theories, but I am keeping my speculation to myself.


It's gonna be a long couple years



SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!  CAN.NOT.WAIT.  And then this will be followed by months and months of moping and Pinterest stalking.  If they don't bring Once Upon a Time back soon, I just might die of longing without Sherlock to fill the void.  

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No, that would be Elementary. ;) I've still refused to watch it.

Lol. Forgot about that. I have watched elementary some and don't mind it but it is more like a detective show whose main charater's (ugh, i cannot get that word right this early lol) parents were fans of sherlock and named their child after him.

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I'll be watching Sherlock tonight while sewing sparkly buttons onto one of Calvin's waistcoats.  C has to wear a business suit to school, but has recently started to accessorise with a colourful second-hand 'weskit'.  And I inherited a bag of excellent sparkly buttons when my MIL died, so the boring buttons are going.  Somehow, this all seems to go very well with Sherlock.



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Dd15 has let us all know that during certain hours today she will be unavailable due to "Sherlock".  She let me join her last week for the hysterical 2nd episode so I'm hoping she'll let me join her this week, too.  She's very picky about who can and who can not join her during the show.  One does not simply "watch" Sherlock, in her world.  One APPRECIATES Sherlock. :001_wub:

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Dd15 has let us all know that during certain hours today she will be unavailable due to "Sherlock".  She let me join her last week for the hysterical 2nd episode so I'm hoping she'll let me join her this week, too.  She's very picky about who can and who can not join her during the show.  One does not simply "watch" Sherlock, in her world.  One APPRECIATES Sherlock. :001_wub:


I totally get that. DS1 and I are not so sure dh properly appreciates Sherlock, but we let him watch with us, lol.  DH says he likes Sherlock just fine. I told him I don't see any bouncing up and down on the couch before a new episode, so he is suspect.


Tonight tunnelbear is my best friend!


I am going to be so sad tonight, I just know it. I hope it lasts.


As Steve Moffat said, "It's a TV show. Only the emotional damage is real."

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Wow.  Just ... WOW!



I know, right???? That was a roller coaster.. :svengo: .... and please tell me I was not the only one actually screaming out loud at the screen..... :o


It makes me think of this except substitute "episode of Sherlock" for book a tv show for paperback:


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