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Who else is DYING that Sherlock is back on in the UK tonight???

Mom in High Heels

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I think we'll be downloading Tunnel Bear today.  I believe the first three hours are free, btw...at least they were when my friend and I used it at her house to watch some Downton Abbey that hadn't aired yet here...  3 hours only gets you the first two episodes of Sherlock, though... curses!!

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Tell me about tunnel bear because I'm pretty sure I can't wait until the 19th.

It's a VPN. You can switch it to UK and view location-restricted content. I used it to watch the BBC's Olympics coverage from London and have watched lots of shows on the iPlayer with it since then. If you don't have a fast connection, it might not work well, but I've been pleased with it.

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I am just on the floor with jealousy!  I'm hoping beyond hope that it will be up on stream-tv tomorrow.  How many UK people will be watching?  Think of all us poor US peeps who won't get Sherlock today.


Yahoo has an interview with Steven Moffatt (MOFFATT!!!!) on the new season.  You can read it here.


The free streaming websites are of equal illegality to the torrent websites, so if you're going to stream it, you might as well just download it tonight. ;)  Not that I would ever do anything like that.  :leaving:  ;)


ETA: Or is it this afternoon?  Is the 9pm thing the time overseas?  Wouldn't it be on this afternoon here then?  I'm horrible at figuring that stuff out.

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Ok, so my kid is not impressed that she may have to wait until the 19th.  I am not very excited about having her stream it (worried about viruses and the legalities)...does anyone know if Amazon will have it up for purchase tomorrow?  I told her that if they did, I would compromise and buy it. 

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The free streaming websites are of equal illegality to the torrent websites, so if you're going to stream it, you might as well just download it tonight. ;)  Not that I would ever do anything like that.  :leaving:  ;)


ETA: Or is it this afternoon?  Is the 9pm thing the time overseas?  Wouldn't it be on this afternoon here then?  I'm horrible at figuring that stuff out.


Ive heard its already hit the torrent sites, not that we do that here....

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Ok, so my kid is not impressed that she may have to wait until the 19th.  I am not very excited about having her stream it (worried about viruses and the legalities)...does anyone know if Amazon will have it up for purchase tomorrow?  I told her that if they did, I would compromise and buy it. 



Where is it going to be available on the 19th.  We generally watch it on Masterpiece when it airs on PBS.

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Ok, so my kid is not impressed that she may have to wait until the 19th.  I am not very excited about having her stream it (worried about viruses and the legalities)...does anyone know if Amazon will have it up for purchase tomorrow?  I told her that if they did, I would compromise and buy it. 


It hasn't even aired in the US yet, so I can't imagine it will be up for sale any time soon. It starts Jan 19th (?) on PBS and then, who knows when it will be released for sale.


Sometimes the BBC (and other networks) allow shows to be up for sale and rent fairly quickly. Other times it can take months. It all depends on what the lawyers decided.


BBC has been quick with some things.  Doctor Who was up for sale at midnight the day after it was broadcast. They had The Fall on Netflix USA before it had finished showing on BBC.


But, at the very least, she will have to wait to buy it until it has broadcast on PBS.


Tunnelbear is an option. You get some free viewing time, but I don't think it will cover the entire three episodes of Sherlock.

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OMG!!!!  I am on the floor!  It was flipping amazing!  Why, why, WHY are there only 3 episodes per season‽‽‽‽  



Because tumblr would explode with all the gifs if there were anymore episodes!


Plus, we need time to re-watch all the episodes about a bazillion times to catch all the references.  For example, dd had read The Empty House yesterday afternoon, so she was fresh on the ACD version, including the titles of the books Sherlock was carrying when he was dressed as an old bookseller.  I totally would've missed that joke. (Having said that, I DID think the new episode was slower, although the kids assured me that Gatiss episodes are like that.) 

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OMG!!!!  I am on the floor!  It was flipping amazing!  Why, why, WHY are there only 3 episodes per season‽‽‽‽  


Benedict Cumberbatch said to think of it as three movies. They are each 90 mins long with excellent production value and top talent. They make 3 movies in a few weeks. What other movie franchise does that?


And if they keep it to 3 a season there is a better chance they can keep making them. If these were 8 or 10 in a season (that is typical for BBC series) then they would have stopped them long ago due to other commitments. By keeping the commitment short it is more likely that everyone can stay with the project.


Everyone involved says s/he wants to keep making the series, so the easier it is for that to happen the better!  A happy Sherlock cast and crew is a productive Sherlock cast and crew.


But, I do want MORE!

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We watched it last night.  My husband is a computer genius, so there's nothing airing in the UK we can't watch. 

Americans, if you're not up to speed on Guy Fawkes and the English Civil War, you'll miss a few dimensions and parallels in the subtext which I found very interesting.  I am familiar with it so I had to pause it and give a brief explanation to my husband.  I found it very predictable because of it.  So, it's a little disappointing in that regard, but the explanation of how Sherlock did it (and other theories) is well worth it.  I still don't get how John didn't know it was a fake because in the last episode where Sherlock stages his own death he clearly says, "It just a magic trick..." on the phone with John in the conversation just before he jumps.

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We watched it last night.  My husband is a computer genius, so there's nothing airing in the UK we can't watch. 


Americans, if you're not up to speed on Guy Fawkes and the English Civil War, you'll miss a few dimensions and parallels in the subtext which I found very interesting.  I am familiar with it so I had to pause it and give a brief explanation to my husband.  I found it very predictable because of it.  So, it's a little disappointing in that regard, but the explanation of how Sherlock did it (and other theories) is well worth it.  I still don't get how John didn't know it was a fake because in the last episode where Sherlock stages his own death he clearly says, "It just a magic trick..." on the phone with John in the conversation just before he jumps.


I don't agree that John should've known it was fake all along just because Sherlock said it's a magic trick in a completely different context. Sherlock was trying to convince John that Moriarty was his invention and that it was all a con. The magic trick he was talking about was "reading" John and knowing so much about him when they first met. John had no reason to think it was referring to anything other than that.


Watson: Okay, shut up, Sherlock. Shut up. The first time we met—the first time we met—you knew all about my sister, right?

Sherlock: Nobody could be that clever.

Watson: You could.

Sherlock: I researched you. Before we met I discovered everything that I could to impress you. It's a trick. Its just a magic trick.

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Not sure what aspect of the plot you're referring to that was "very predictable," even being familiar with Guy Fawkes.


I don't agree that John should've known it was fake all along just because Sherlock said it's a magic trick in a completely different context. Sherlock was trying to convince John that Moriarty was right and Sherlock was all a hoax. The magic trick he was talking about was "reading" John and knowing so much about him when they first met. John had no reason to think it was referring to anything other than that.















The plotters had the gun powder underneath parliament to blow it up.  The subways run underneath the streets, so it was obvious the missing subway car and or rider was underneath parliament and that they were going to look at old maps to find some old, no longer used access point to get at it or him. They showed it as a possibility at the beginning of the show when they found the fake Jack the Ripper scene.  They had cars running overhead showing unused caverns like the one the Jack the Ripper fake was set up in.


Usually in this show, there's some sort of indication about how to solve the big case at the end by listening to the little cases at the beginning.  Like the one where there are dead bodies on the plane.  Everyone who came in at the beginning was trying to get Sherlock to solve the cases of the missing (dead) relatives.


Well, when people give each other clues and code, that make it look like it blends into one context when it's giving access to another. Sherlock really didn't die and giving people clues (like all those about John under the pile of wood sent to his phone) happen in Sherlock's world. John's familiar with that. Even his fiance understood skip code being sent, so it's not bizarre to John to hear things like that.  He's also been through Irene Adler faking her death. Yes, being emotionally upset at the time would've had him miss it, but anyone wanting Sherlock to still be alive might've, over 2 years, considered the possibility that Sherlock had left a clue or something...like in the phone call.

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We watched it last night.  My husband is a computer genius, so there's nothing airing in the UK we can't watch. 


Americans, if you're not up to speed on Guy Fawkes and the English Civil War, you'll miss a few dimensions and parallels in the subtext which I found very interesting.  I am familiar with it so I had to pause it and give a brief explanation to my husband.  I found it very predictable because of it.  So, it's a little disappointing in that regard, but the explanation of how Sherlock did it (and other theories) is well worth it.  I still don't get how John didn't know it was a fake because in the last episode where Sherlock stages his own death he clearly says, "It just a magic trick..." on the phone with John in the conversation just before he jumps.


We'd learned about Guy Fawkes in homeschool history, perhaps in SOTW (is it in there? I can't recall), so thank goodness for homeschool.


What I DIDN'T realize is that it's typical for people to be reminded to check for hedgehogs before lighting their bonfires.  So parts of fandom were exploding with that reference (John is often referred to as a hedgehog in the fandom world).


ETA:  John not realizing that Sherlock was dead was ACD's idea.  Yes, I realize that it happens differently in the original stories, but the plot line needed to go along with the originals, which sometimes seem a bit self-contradictory themselves.  For that matter, people are writing  essays about how the business with faking out John with the bomb was similar in spirit to The Dying Detective, so you can analyze the whole thing on several levels.

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What I DIDN'T realize is that it's typical for people to be reminded to check for hedgehogs before lighting their bonfires.  So parts of fandom were exploding with that reference (John is often referred to as a hedgehog in the fandom world).



You normally stack the wood in one place, then build the fire in one day in another location, so that no hedgehog gets hurt.



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My internet (which is really fast), wouldn't stream it correctly (it kept saying it was too slow!), so I downloaded the BBC iPlayer using tunnel bear, then started the download of the show.  After it downloaded a few MB (it's really high in MB!), I paused it, turned off tunnel bear and restarted the download, which went much faster without tunnel bear running.  I have the player for free for 30 days.

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My internet (which is really fast), wouldn't stream it correctly (it kept saying it was too slow!), so I downloaded the BBC iPlayer using tunnel bear, then started the download of the show.  After it downloaded a few MB (it's really high in MB!), I paused it, turned off tunnel bear and restarted the download, which went much faster without tunnel bear running.  I have the player for free for 30 days.


The exact same thing happened to us! The stream kept sticking, so we also downloaded iPlayer . Then the download of the show itself was soooo slow, so we paused the download and turned Tunnel Bear off, then restarted the download.  I didn't expect it to work, but it did, and the download then was really fast!  Yay!


If you tweet something for them, you also get a free extra GB for a month.  Dd made a twitter account. :) I'm not sure if we'll manage to get all three shows before we run out of free Tunnel Bear, but I figure worst case scenario I pay for a month of Big Tunnel Bear, which is only $4.99.

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You normally stack the wood in one place, then build the fire in one day in another location, so that no hedgehog gets hurt.




I am glad to see no hedgehogs were hurt in the making of the episode :lol:


I've had tunnelbear for a year but never had a reason to actually try it out. I LOVED it. I can see us paying for more access in the near future.


And, gosh, we loved it.

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AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I can't believe another episode is on tonight!  As excited as I am, that just means that there's one more episode left and then who KNOWS how long it will be before the next season‽‽‽‽





ETA:  I am excited for this episode, because I love British weddings and those amazing hats.

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Thank you. Still waiting for my extra 1G of TB since I tweeted. 

 Please tell me I will still have access to ep. 1!


Hurry up, Tunnel Bear. I need to try to get this!



I found that if I start the download on the BBC iPlayer and let it get at least 25MB downloaded, I can pause the download, turn off Tunnel Bear, then resume the download without using up my Tunnel Bear MB's.  It also downloads quicker once Tunnel Bear is turned off.  On the BBC iPlayer, the episodes are only available for a certain number of days.  :(

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I found that if I start the download on the BBC iPlayer and let it get at least 25MB downloaded, I can pause the download, turn off Tunnel Bear, then resume the download without using up my Tunnel Bear MB's.  It also downloads quicker once Tunnel Bear is turned off.  On the BBC iPlayer, the episodes are only available for a certain number of days.   :(


Well! DD wants to wait until it's on PBS here on the 19th. She wants to watch it and/or be able to talk about it w/ her friends. Here I thought I'd get Mother of the Year award. It's been hours since I tweeted about TB and still don't have my 1g credit.


Oh well. Thank you for your help! 


Edited for clarity. 

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Well! DD doesn't is going to wait until it's on PBS here on the 19th. She wants to watch it and/or be able to talk about it w/ her friends. Here I thought I'd get Mother of the Year award. It's been hours since I tweeted about TB and still don't have my 1g credit.


Oh well. Thank you for your help! 


Have you used up your free MB yet?  I've downloaded 2 episodes and still have over 300MB left.  

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